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{"title":"Pantheon Mid - Mobafire guide by Dustyacer","associatedMaps":[],"associatedChampions":[80],"blocks":[{"items":[{"id":"1036","count":1},{"id":"2031","count":1},{"id":"2003","count":1},{"id":"2003","count":1},{"id":"2003","count":1},{"id":"3340","count":1},{"id":"3340","count":1},{"id":"1055","count":1},{"id":"2003","count":1},{"id":"3340","count":1},{"id":"3340","count":1},{"id":"2033","count":1}],"type":"Starting items"},{"items":[{"id":"1036","count":1},{"id":"3134","count":1},{"id":"1001","count":1},{"id":"3070","count":1},{"id":"1053","count":1}],"type":"Possible Early items"},{"items":[{"id":"6692","count":1},{"id":"6630","count":1},{"id":"6632","count":1},{"id":"6691","count":1}],"type":"Mythics."},{"items":[{"id":"3111","count":1},{"id":"3047","count":1},{"id":"3158","count":1}],"type":"Boots"},{"items":[{"id":"3071","count":1}],"type":"Must Build"},{"items":[{"id":"3179","count":1},{"id":"3142","count":1},{"id":"3156","count":1},{"id":"6333","count":1},{"id":"3026","count":1}],"type":"Main/Core items"},{"items":[{"id":"3004","count":1},{"id":"6695","count":1},{"id":"3153","count":1},{"id":"6609","count":1},{"id":"3053","count":1},{"id":"3814","count":1}],"type":"Depending on game"},{"items":[{"id":"3181","count":1},{"id":"3075","count":1},{"id":"3065","count":1},{"id":"4401","count":1},{"id":"3083","count":1},{"id":"3143","count":1},{"id":"8001","count":1},{"id":"3109","count":1},{"id":"6035","count":1},{"id":"6694","count":1}],"type":"VERY NICHE"}]} Just copy and paste the above code into the textbox. (Last updated 12.15)
Before I go into depth about each item, I want to first talk about the theory of Pantheon's itemization, which stats Pantheon is looking for and when to buy it.
Itemization based on game time |
| In the early game, my interpretation of Pantheon's identity focuses on buying raw AD and lethality. Depending on the matchup, movement speed is also crucial, though less so for roaming since we already have our ultimate.
CDR/Ability Early on, haste isn't all that great. While it enables us to potentially finish an opponent with a second Comet Spear, it doesn't help with shorter trades, which is what Pantheon is typically pursuing.
Mana is nice to have (from Corrupting Potion or Tear of the Goddess), but can make you lose too much damage.Getting one of these is acceptable if you have to stay in your lane for an extended period of time or are up against opponents who require constant usage of your abilities (the enemy is healing, for example, thus more trades are required). Reminder: Only purchase Cpot as your starting item; don't buy tear as your starting item.
Early on, defensive stats aren't all that crucial because we can use Aegis Assault to tank the damage. Early on, I won't invest in anything more than a Cloth Armor and a Null-Magic Mantle (which I use to complete my T2 boots). Additionally, you typically need more damage while utilising an ult early on in the game because you are ganking or saving allies.
In the mid to late-game, I start looking for more CDR. Fights are now skirmishes, teamfights or side lane fights vs top-lane bruisers. These fights are much longer and you no longer have the option of short trades. I prefer CDR more when I know I need my W/E up more in a fight. Typically this happens when opponents have a few champions that I really need to stun (ie. Fed mid and jungle assassins), then I buy more CDR to hopefully have my stun up when I need it (obviously best solution is to hold W for when they go in).
Defensive stats are also much more important. We can't take advantage of our CDR if we die. When late game comes, our damage will start to fall off because the majority of our damage is in our Comet Spear, which is on a low CD, but still not enough DPS compared to most bruisers. I start playing mid as more of a utility champion, based our his W/E usage. Although, this heavily changes depending on the game (ie. We are the only AD dmg or if the team has lots of frontline/cc already).
I prefer to start with 1-2 Assassin items and then start buying bruiser items and maybe even tank items.
Can you build full damage? You could... But many bruiser items synergy with Pantheon so well that we don't actually lose much damage compared to buying lethality items. If you want to go full damage, I still recommend buying Black Cleaver and maybe even a Death's Dance, Maw of Malmortius and/or Spear of Shojin later on. I personally think it's not worth building lethality items past 2nd item, if you want more damage, go for Muramana, Blade of the Ruined King or Serylda's Grudge.
What about bruiser from the start?
This is completely fine. If you wanted to start with a Goredrinker and then go into something like Black Cleaver. Especially if you don't feel like you can exploit the enemy laner, even with extra damage. This is highly preference based as well as teamcomp dependent.
No. If you wanted to build tank items, the earliest I recommend is as a 3rd item. Building it earlier just gives you no damage. I very often go a pure tank item 4th and/or 5th item.
I'll admit that I haven't dont too much testing on crit panth. I personally don't think IE is worth thinking about but navori could be good as we love the cdr/abt reset, along with the other stats being ok. Then this just leaves on what other items. You could do something like Essence Reaver into Navori Flickerblade but you end up so squishy. But this is mostly theorycrafting right now. I recommend going to for Legend: Alacrity and maybe scaling defensive runes like Conditioning and Overgrowth. Ghost could get a lot of value instead of Ignite. |
Green means the optimal times to build them (if you are going to build them). The time we want to buy the item most
Yellow is when it's either 1. suboptimal 2. you are forced to build into this as you or your team needs this (ie. anti-heal, etc.)
Bold are just higher priority and/or core items.
If it doesn't have any colour, it doesn't mean it can't be built as that item, it's just that it rarely should be. Ofc every game is different, this is just meant as a guideline.
Click on the item name to see my indepth discussion on the item. |
Corrupting Potion
Recommended Item for beginning Pantheon players as well when against ranged champions (for the heal against poke). After 12.14, it only gives 100hp more than Dblade + Pot. Take this mostly for the mana and so you don't need to buy pots later on. Most of your mana problems comes from using E in lane, if you don't need to use it often, then you generally don' need the mana as much.
Before 12.14, you could take Time Warp Tonic to get more movement speed to chase enemies down/run away but now it is not even worth it.
Long Sword + Refillable/3 Potions
For Easy MUs and you don't need the extra mana (ie. won't be trading too much or spamming too many Comet Spears). Allows you to get an early Serrated Dirk (which is an amazing item).
Typically against melees such as Yasuo.
Be careful as if you get caught up in lane with no mana, it can throw the lane for you.
Can swap Refillable Potion with 3X Health Potion. You do this when you want a stronger early game but don't need the Refillable later on (Although you can buy Refillable Potion later). Or when you need the extra Health to survive early but don't want to go Corrupting Potion as it delays our Serrated Dirk
Eg. I like to Take Triple Pots vs. Yasuo as I'm incompetent at dodging his 3rd Steel Tempest. This is just to make sure I don't throw the early lane (which is the only time that Yasuo Can win this lane.), and I never need potions late on as Yasuo is never going to have the opportunity to step up to the wave
Doran's Blade + 1 Health Potion
For when you need the increased max Health and early pressure. Good for enemies that can all-in you before you get to heal with potions (Eg. Irelia). As of patch 13.20, best item against non-free melee/short ranged match ups.
As of 12.14, the other options got nerfed a lot. You want to take this if want as much strength before 1st base. (This only gives 100hp less than corrupting pot start, 160hp less than lsword + 3 pots and the same health as Lsword + refill)
Stealth Ward
Start with this in lane. Starting with Oracle Lens is not worth it as Pantheon is not that great at escaping ganks. (Unless you have a very specific game plan for the Oracle Lens).
Typically swapped out after laning phase, but you can keep it if you wish to.
Farsight Alteration
I typically swap to this after laning phase. Helps with a safer split push. Also because we don't need Oracle Lens when flanking team fights after splitting because we can engage far away with Grand Starfall. Also, this gives us more information for a better Ultimate. (Eg. You see an alone support/ADC, but you think there might be people hovering behind them, you can trinket around them to see. Do note, this informs the enemy and they'll play accordingly)
This item works best against high-melee enemy team comps. Ie. If the enemy team is an Ornn, Lee Sin, Galio, Samira, Rell, this item would get insane value, as the more people you hit (ranged champs usually will be too far to be hit and will want to kite away/not clump, thus why good against high amounts of melee.)
Also consider this when you are the frontline on your team (your team is filled with mages, ADCs, assassins, etc.). And/Or if the enemy doesn't have anyone you can assassinate reliably or your team already has other people who can deal with them (ie. you have an assassin jungle). I also like taking this against a team with only one damage type. Building this and then buying a bunch of armour (DD, GA, etc.)/MR (Maw, etc.) makes you hard to kill while still having good damage
I generally don't like taking this item 1st due to not having Serrated Dirk. And let me tell you, that item is OP, so I typically build something like Umbral Glaive first. Although, Ironspike Whip is about equally as good as Dirk, but I honestly just keep on forgetting to use it so...
The best way to combo it is in between your abilities. You can also use it while holding E, this allows you to theoretically stand in front of 5 people holding E after you get low, blocking all the damage while using Goredrinker to heal a ton. |
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Divine Sunderer
A standard anti-tank item. Typically built more on top pantheon, but viable mid. I don't like Spellblade items on Pantheon. He only gets to proc it once, maybe you can get it twice but that's it. If you look at common Sheen users (Camille, Jax, trundle, etc.) they have abilities with very low CDs (like 4sec or less) that they weave into a combo (usually an AA-reset)
Decent if you need to match a bruiser (usually the top-laner) in the side-lane as it provides more sustained DPS, abt-Haste as well as tankiness.
Scales better than Eclipse
Good if you want to build tankier but suck at using actives.
Duskblade of Draktharr
This item generally allows pantheon to scale better into the late-game team fights due to the untargetability. However, your 1v1 is weaker.
When you take this item, either you are going full damage and hoping the untargetability will save you, or you will buy a bit more tanky items afterwards.
Mercury's Treads
Take into high ap and/or high cc (that is affected by tenacity (Note: many "knock-ups" are actually just a small knock-up with a longer stun duration allowing for it to be affected by tenacity)) team comps.
Spear of Shojin
Spear of Shojin was practically made for us (Pantheon uses a spear and this is the only spear item we can buy). The Stats are great with us, the only downside is W not getting the full effect of the CD reduction since its CC.
The Speed when low is pretty good, most other AD spellcasters has ways to leave the fight (IE Zed shadows, Talon E, Qiyana Grass), but after going in we have trouble leaving. Usually without this item I just get blown up after my E ends, but this gives me to kite away, waiting for my CDs to re-engage. Due to the speed + CD, this allows pantheon to carry a lot better in the late game.
This item is quite expensive at 3.4k, along with giving limited defensive stats (300hp). I recommend you only buy when you are ahead or even. Buying this while behind will make you too squishy, much better as a snowballing item. (Also, the high price means you won't get it for a long time if behind).
The CD effect scales off of bonus AD, which is great for us as all of our items we build have around 40-60AD per item. You can also tech into Gathering Storm and Eyeball Collection if you want to exploit this and get even more CD late game (although I wouldn't get Absolute Focus).
Edge of Night
If you need to dodge that one ability then this is your item. I typically don't like building this as many times we can just reaction speed our Aegis Assault to block. Although, this item gives us a good mix of AD, lethality and Hp, something no other item gives.
Chempunk Chainsword
This item now has insane stats for its cheap cost. If you want to 1v1 healing top-laners, this could be a good buy as it gives cdr for more ability rotations and makes your damage stick due to the anti-heal. You can buy this as a 4-6th item as well just for the stats it gives. If the enemy are 4-5AD damage, I recommend you to consider Thornmail instead if you want the anti-heal.
Guardian Angel
A standard late-game item on many bruisers/assassins/ADCs. Try not to buy it before 4th item. Great item to buy if you want to stack armour against an AD-heavy team.
Great for when you know you going to die (ie. assassinating high priority target in a team fight and you know you are going to die afterward). Good when you are hard-carrying since enemies first focus you down. Good if you plan on using Grand Starfall to engage the enemy team (as you'll probably die, but you did dmg and baited lots of important CDs).
Good to use if you have a bounty that you don't want to give up.
A great item if the enemy is hard AD damage and you need the anti-heal and armour. Don't take it if you still need more damage to blow someone, but you can take it if you are very far behind and have given up and are just going to tank for the team.
If you plan on splitting a lot this is a good pick, but only do it when you think you'll be hard splitting and not ulting in as often or trying to get picks with the team.
Example 1: Enemy team comp has strong teamfighters and no one can 1v1 you.
Example 2: One fed enemy member that is hard carrying them, you lose in a 1v1 to them but you beat everyone else on their team in a 1v1. When you split and they send their carry (bc you are too strong for everyone else, and u push fast with hullbreaker), your team can 4v4. You can often join the fight with Grand Starfall (but don't get cancelled!). This item also allows u to survive better vs the fed member while slowing their push because of our empowered cannon minions.
Serylda's Grudge
While in theory, this item sounds great bc the stats and effects are things Pantheon wants. But with Grand Starfall % armor penetration, Black Cleaver, Eclipse/ Divine Sunderer, we get a ton of % armor pen already. And since armor penetration in LOL is multiplicative (ie. 20% armor pen * 8% armor pen * 30% = 48% armor penetration instead of 58%). It makes it so if you have more armour penetration, the less effective the additional armour pen is.
You could still pick if they are hard stacking armour (but I'd prioritize Black Cleaver over it and probably Blade of the Ruined King) or if you want to go full assassin pantheon. Because it is often picked up later on in the build, it often has an inflated WR on many sites.
Can I buy Grudge over BC?/Why BC is better than Grudge.
Well let us take a look at the stats of both items.
Cost - BC is 3100. Grudge is 3200.
AD - BC is 50. Grudge is 45.
ABT Haste - BC has 30. Grudge has 20.
Health - BC has 400. Grudge has 0.
Armor pen effects - Grudge is good in that it is something that you don't need to proc onto enemies. Technically this gives it slightly more burst as BC needs to apply the armor shred first. But our emp w applies 4-stacks (5-stacks if you have Eclipse) causing an instant 20/25% armor shred. Now you might be saying that the emp doesn't get amplified from armor shred which is true, but our W and the empowered AAs really don't do much damage so its not a big loss. Also another major thing is that this is armor shred instead of armor pen, so your allies also benefit from it. As for which is better, it is hard to say, in a 1v1 the armor shredding capabilities of BC is weaker than the flat % armor pen of Grudge, but in teamfights it provides so much more value while also being super easy to stack on pantheon.
Slow on Grudge? - I do think the slow on grudge is a bit underrated, but i don't need we need it that much. Slowing the whole enemy team with a R engage sounds tempting, along with an AOE slow from E (but BC gives AOE shred) and convient slow on Q but don't think its worth the lose in HP/Abt-Haste etc..
Summary - BC is 100 gold less. 10 abt, 5AD, 400 Hp more. Stacking armor shred vs armor pen. Grudge has a slow. |
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Why not __ item?
Any Crit item (Collector, ER, Lord Dom, IE, etc.) - We don't use Crit very well, none of our abilities scale off of crit other than our emp W AAs. We barely AA outside of that as our AA-speed is quite low, and it isn't worth it to build ATK spd as we are an ability focused champ.
The Collector. Crit item. Our Q does massive extra damage when they are lower than 20% health, usually, it kills them already so there is no need for the execute effect. Also, we often don't want to be taking the kill, as we do have some trouble carrying.
Essence Reaver. Crit item. We barely AA outside of that.
Not a bad item other than that, but usually there are better items. The best thing about this item is the extra mana/CDR.
Lord Dominik's Regards. Crit item. Troll item when we have Black Cleaver. We get so much % armor pen from our R passive, Eclipse/ Divine Sunderer, Black Cleaver already. We build a decent amount of health so the effect is pretty suboptimal.
Axiom Arc. Just not a good item rn. Very few champs take it. It allows us to snowball harder around the map, but it falls off hard mid-late game. It isn't like we need more ults all the time.
Ravenous Hydra. The cleave effect isn't that good on us. Our wave clear is fine and in teamfights it rarely does dmg to nearby enemies. This item is lifesteal and not omnivamp as of 13.1b so its kinda even worse now.
This item is also usually used on auto-attackers, which is not us. The champions that usually take this are splitpushers with low wave clear (due to vamp and cleave), junglers with terrible aoe to clear camps or single target champs. This item is also pretty expensive, and only gives us offensive stats (other than vamp), i'd rather get muramana/bork if i wanted full dmg
Titanic Hydra. We don't aa that much, we don't stack HP or health scaling. Not a terrible item but if you want a team fighting item with AD + HP, I'd rather go Sterak's Gage or Black Cleaver.
Evenshroud. We aren't a tank or support. We don't even have that much CC. Maybe there is a 1/500 game for this, but frankly not worth it. |
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