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Recommended Items
Runes: Conq+Sorce
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard (PASSIVE)
Kled Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Can easily counter your Q with parry. Vitals are harsh and can easily get your skaarl away. Way to counter go in early (lvl 1) and try to get a kill. Bait her Parry and when she doesnt have it use the small window to kill her.
Champion Build Guide
Im a Kled Player from EUW and i love making guides because it makes me feel like i know a bit more about the champion
Pros and Cons
Mastering Kled: A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding Kled's Strengths and Weaknesses
The highest base HP in the game.
Exceptional sticking power with Q, E, and R.
W ability provides one of the best steroids in the game.
Can bait enemies by strategically transitioning between mini and mounted forms.
Global ultimate (R) offers a significant MS boost for engaging.
Memorable and entertaining voice lines.
Vulnerable in mini-form if remounting is on cooldown.
Lower than average base attack speed outside of W
Q is a relatively easy-to-miss skillshot and a crucial ability.
Can be deleted quickly if not sticking to a target due to reliance on building HP.
Passive playstyles can be detrimental, but overly aggressive play without understanding can be worse.
Pocket Pistol (Q) can be challenging to use with a small delay and potential direction issues.
Automatic activation of W when hitting a minion can be exploited by enemy laners.
Understanding Kled's Strengths and Weaknesses
The highest base HP in the game.
Exceptional sticking power with Q, E, and R.
W ability provides one of the best steroids in the game.
Can bait enemies by strategically transitioning between mini and mounted forms.
Global ultimate (R) offers a significant MS boost for engaging.
Memorable and entertaining voice lines.
Vulnerable in mini-form if remounting is on cooldown.
Lower than average base attack speed outside of W
Q is a relatively easy-to-miss skillshot and a crucial ability.
Can be deleted quickly if not sticking to a target due to reliance on building HP.
Passive playstyles can be detrimental, but overly aggressive play without understanding can be worse.
Pocket Pistol (Q) can be challenging to use with a small delay and potential direction issues.
Automatic activation of W when hitting a minion can be exploited by enemy laners.
Passive - Skaarl, the Cowardly Lizard:
Kled rides Skaarl, sharing a combined health pool.
When reduced to 0 health, Skaarl flees, leaving Kled dismounted. By hitting Champions gain 15 courage (the bar under your health)until you get 100 then Skaarl will return
Q - Bear Trap on a Rope:
Throws a bear trap, damaging and pulling in the first enemy hit.
Forms a tether, pulling the target if not broken, dealing damage and applying Grievous Wounds.
Q (Dismounted) - Pocket Pistol
Shoot bullets in a cone, for each hitting gain 5 Courage for Skaarl
W - Violent Tendencies:
Periodically gains bonus attack speed and deals bonus max health physical damage on the fourth attack.
E - Jousting:
Skaarl dashes, damaging and gaining movement speed for 1 sec.
Can be recast to dash through a marked target.
R - Chaaaaaaaarge!!!:
Charges towards a location, gaining movement speed and a shield based on how long you charge.
Allies following the charge gain bonus movement speed.
Passive - Skaarl, the Cowardly Lizard:
Kled rides Skaarl, sharing a combined health pool.
When reduced to 0 health, Skaarl flees, leaving Kled dismounted. By hitting Champions gain 15 courage (the bar under your health)until you get 100 then Skaarl will return
Q - Bear Trap on a Rope:
Throws a bear trap, damaging and pulling in the first enemy hit.
Forms a tether, pulling the target if not broken, dealing damage and applying Grievous Wounds.
Q (Dismounted) - Pocket Pistol
Shoot bullets in a cone, for each hitting gain 5 Courage for Skaarl
W - Violent Tendencies:
Periodically gains bonus attack speed and deals bonus max health physical damage on the fourth attack.
E - Jousting:
Skaarl dashes, damaging and gaining movement speed for 1 sec.
Can be recast to dash through a marked target.
R - Chaaaaaaaarge!!!:
Charges towards a location, gaining movement speed and a shield based on how long you charge.
Allies following the charge gain bonus movement speed.
Summoner spells and Runes
Summoner Spells
Flash: Essential for hard engages and escaping sticky situations.
Teleport: Ideal for impactful plays both in lane and around the map. Provides move speed after teleporting after 10 min.
Ignite: Aggressive early-game summoner for rapid snowballing. Riskier than Teleport in the late game.
Best Rune Page
Conqueror: Grants adaptive force, healing, and is effective for prolonged trades.
Triumph: Provides healing and bonus gold on takedowns.
Legend: Alacrity: Increases attack speed with each takedown.
Last Stand: Enhances damage when low on health.
Transcendence: Grants CDR, synergizing well with Kled's cooldown-dependent kit.
Gathering Storm: Offers scaling AD for late-game power.
Other Options
Electrocute: Decent into squishy matchups but falls off post-laning phase. Also not recommended unless you are up for some fun and trolling
Biscuit Delivery: Useful for sustain in difficult lanes. Though it's not recommended
Bone Plating: Effective against all-in champs for added survivability.
Second Wind: Useful against poke-heavy matchups. The extra healing is really good
Flash: Essential for hard engages and escaping sticky situations.
Teleport: Ideal for impactful plays both in lane and around the map. Provides move speed after teleporting after 10 min.
Ignite: Aggressive early-game summoner for rapid snowballing. Riskier than Teleport in the late game.
Best Rune Page
Conqueror: Grants adaptive force, healing, and is effective for prolonged trades.
Triumph: Provides healing and bonus gold on takedowns.
Legend: Alacrity: Increases attack speed with each takedown.
Last Stand: Enhances damage when low on health.
Transcendence: Grants CDR, synergizing well with Kled's cooldown-dependent kit.
Gathering Storm: Offers scaling AD for late-game power.
Other Options
Electrocute: Decent into squishy matchups but falls off post-laning phase. Also not recommended unless you are up for some fun and trolling
Biscuit Delivery: Useful for sustain in difficult lanes. Though it's not recommended
Bone Plating: Effective against all-in champs for added survivability.
Second Wind: Useful against poke-heavy matchups. The extra healing is really good
Best Items Options (in my opinion)
Eclipse: Eclipse is a strong choice due to its nice shield, cost-effectiveness, and high base damage. The shield enhances Kled's survivability, and the bonus damage synergizes well with Kled's kit. It provides a good mix of offense and defense.
Ravenous Hydra: This item offers strong stats, wave clear, and sustain, making it suitable as a first or second item. The lifesteal helps Kled sustain in fights, and the active can be utilized for burst damage or quick wave clear.
Black Cleaver: Black Cleaver is essential for armor penetration and bonus health. The armor shred helps Kled and his team deal more damage to tankier opponents, while the bonus health complements his survivability.
Mortal Reminder: Mortal Reminder becomes essential when facing tankier compositions. The armor penetration and grievous wounds provide more burst damage and help cut down healing effects.
Sterak's Gage: Sterak's Gage grants attack damage, health, and a shield, making it useful for remounting and overall survivability. The shield can be crucial in team fights and allows Kled to withstand bursts.
Titanic Hydra: Ideal against health-stacking teams, Titanic Hydra provides bonus damage based on maximum health. This makes it a good choice when facing opponents with high health pools.
"Assassin items"
Voltaic Cyclosword: The slow effect from Voltaic Cyclosword synergizes well with Kled's empowered auto-attack, making it easier for him to stick to targets. This is particularly useful for catching opponents or setting up engages.
Profane Hydra: Profane Hydra offers wave clear and AoE attacks, enhancing Kled's burst potential with extra lethality. The additional damage can be impactful in team fights or skirmishes.
The Collector: The Collector provides a better one-shot potential and additional burst. The extra damage can be significant when aiming to eliminate a target quickly, making it a strong choice for an assassin playstyle.
Oppertunity:Rationale: Opportunity provides movement speed and burst lethality, enhancing Kled's ability to roam and catch opponents. The added burst makes it a good choice for assassinations or catching opponents off guard.
Situational Items
Death's Dance: Effective against heavy AD compositions, Death's Dance provides sustain and delay against burst damage. This item can be crucial in surviving extended fights against physical damage threats.
Maw of Malmortius: Can be really useful into heavy Ap comps. The shield helps with not beong bursted
Chempunk chainsword: Useful for grievous wounds against healing compositions. Chempunk Chainsword can be essential when facing champions with strong healing abilities, reducing their impact in fight
Plated Steelcaps: Ideal against heavy AD or auto-attack based comps due to the passive that reduces basic attack damage. This provides additional survivability against physical damage threats.
Mercury's Treads: Effective against heavy magic damage or crowd control comps. The tenacity and magic resist from Mercury's Treads help Kled resist crowd control effects and magic damage.
Ionian boots of Lucidity: Suitable for snowballing and early game aggressiveness. The cooldown reduction from Ionian Boots of Lucidity allows Kled to use his abilities more frequently, which can be advantageous in the early game and for maintaining pressure on opponents.
Best Items Options (in my opinion)
Eclipse: Eclipse is a strong choice due to its nice shield, cost-effectiveness, and high base damage. The shield enhances Kled's survivability, and the bonus damage synergizes well with Kled's kit. It provides a good mix of offense and defense.
Ravenous Hydra: This item offers strong stats, wave clear, and sustain, making it suitable as a first or second item. The lifesteal helps Kled sustain in fights, and the active can be utilized for burst damage or quick wave clear.
Black Cleaver: Black Cleaver is essential for armor penetration and bonus health. The armor shred helps Kled and his team deal more damage to tankier opponents, while the bonus health complements his survivability.
Mortal Reminder: Mortal Reminder becomes essential when facing tankier compositions. The armor penetration and grievous wounds provide more burst damage and help cut down healing effects.
Sterak's Gage: Sterak's Gage grants attack damage, health, and a shield, making it useful for remounting and overall survivability. The shield can be crucial in team fights and allows Kled to withstand bursts.
Titanic Hydra: Ideal against health-stacking teams, Titanic Hydra provides bonus damage based on maximum health. This makes it a good choice when facing opponents with high health pools.
"Assassin items"
Voltaic Cyclosword: The slow effect from Voltaic Cyclosword synergizes well with Kled's empowered auto-attack, making it easier for him to stick to targets. This is particularly useful for catching opponents or setting up engages.
Profane Hydra: Profane Hydra offers wave clear and AoE attacks, enhancing Kled's burst potential with extra lethality. The additional damage can be impactful in team fights or skirmishes.
The Collector: The Collector provides a better one-shot potential and additional burst. The extra damage can be significant when aiming to eliminate a target quickly, making it a strong choice for an assassin playstyle.
Oppertunity:Rationale: Opportunity provides movement speed and burst lethality, enhancing Kled's ability to roam and catch opponents. The added burst makes it a good choice for assassinations or catching opponents off guard.
Situational Items
Death's Dance: Effective against heavy AD compositions, Death's Dance provides sustain and delay against burst damage. This item can be crucial in surviving extended fights against physical damage threats.
Maw of Malmortius: Can be really useful into heavy Ap comps. The shield helps with not beong bursted
Chempunk chainsword: Useful for grievous wounds against healing compositions. Chempunk Chainsword can be essential when facing champions with strong healing abilities, reducing their impact in fight
Plated Steelcaps: Ideal against heavy AD or auto-attack based comps due to the passive that reduces basic attack damage. This provides additional survivability against physical damage threats.
Mercury's Treads: Effective against heavy magic damage or crowd control comps. The tenacity and magic resist from Mercury's Treads help Kled resist crowd control effects and magic damage.
Ionian boots of Lucidity: Suitable for snowballing and early game aggressiveness. The cooldown reduction from Ionian Boots of Lucidity allows Kled to use his abilities more frequently, which can be advantageous in the early game and for maintaining pressure on opponents.
Roaming Opportunities: Seize opportunities to roam when the wave is pushed or the enemy is absent, and if you cant roam go for reset or herald/void grubs.
Engaging in Dismounted State: When dismounted, commit to all-ins for remounting rather than attempting escapes.
Play around your W itโs your main source of damage
You can animation cancel your W autos by immediately after an auto use Tiamat, Ravenous or Profane to get better burst
Engaging in Dismounted State: When dismounted, commit to all-ins for remounting rather than attempting escapes.
Play around your W itโs your main source of damage
You can animation cancel your W autos by immediately after an auto use Tiamat, Ravenous or Profane to get better burst
Game States
Early Game:
Play aggressively, exploiting Kled's early power.
Poke with Q and all-in with E+Q for kills.
Adapt playstyle based on matchups especially ranged.
Mid Game:
Decide between splitpushing and team fighting based on strength.
Teamfight with a focus on engaging or following up on initiations.
In splitpushing scenarios, maintain rotational awareness and vision control.
Late Game:
Continue adapting your playstyle based on the evolving dynamics of the match.
Prioritize objectives and map control.
Be a frontliner in team fights, utilizing your engage potential.
Play aggressively, exploiting Kled's early power.
Poke with Q and all-in with E+Q for kills.
Adapt playstyle based on matchups especially ranged.
Mid Game:
Decide between splitpushing and team fighting based on strength.
Teamfight with a focus on engaging or following up on initiations.
In splitpushing scenarios, maintain rotational awareness and vision control.
Late Game:
Continue adapting your playstyle based on the evolving dynamics of the match.
Prioritize objectives and map control.
Be a frontliner in team fights, utilizing your engage potential.
Self Improvement
Continuous Improvement
Cultivate mental resilience for challenging games.
Regularly refine mechanics through practice.
Stay informed about patch changes and adapt playstyle accordingly.
Experiment with new items introduced in patches for optimal synergy.
Cultivate mental resilience for challenging games.
Regularly refine mechanics through practice.
Stay informed about patch changes and adapt playstyle accordingly.
Experiment with new items introduced in patches for optimal synergy.
Advanced Strategies
Advanced Strategies for Kled
1. Map Awareness and Roaming
Kled's ability to roam is crucial for influencing other lanes and securing objectives. Keep an eye on the minimap and take advantage of opportunities to roam when your lane is pushed or the enemy laner is absent. Coordinate with your team, especially the jungler, to execute successful ganks in other lanes. Utilize your ultimate (R) to quickly join fights across the map, turning the tide in your team's favor.
2. Vision Control and Invades
Establishing vision control is essential for Kled players. Ward key areas such as river entrances, enemy jungle buffs, and objectives to gather information about the enemy team's movements. When ahead, consider invading the enemy jungle with your jungler to disrupt the opponent's farm and potentially catch them off guard. This proactive approach can provide valuable advantages for both you and your team.
3. Split-Pushing Tactics
Kled excels at split-pushing, thanks to his dueling power and ability to escape with E. When opting for split-push, communicate with your team about your intentions and ensure they have proper vision and awareness of the map. Apply pressure in one lane, forcing the enemy team to respond. Keep an eye on the minimap, and if multiple enemies collapse on you, use your mobility to escape and create opportunities for your team elsewhere on the map.
4. Teleport Plays
Teleport is a versatile summoner spell on Kled, providing opportunities for impactful plays. Use Teleport to join fights across the map, turning skirmishes into advantageous teamfights. Coordinate with your team for well-timed Teleport plays, especially when objectives like Dragon or Baron are contested. Remember that Teleport can also be used to return to lane quickly, minimizing the impact of potential early recalls.
5. Psychological Warfare and Emote Usage
Mental disruption is a subtle yet powerful tool in Kled's arsenal. Strategically use emotes to tilt opponents, create distractions, or feign intentions. Mimic a recall, then surprise enemies with an unexpected engage. Combine emote spam with unpredictable movements to make it challenging for opponents to read your plays. However, always prioritize focusing on the game, as excessive emote usage can lead to misplays.
6. Adaptive Build Paths
While there are core items for Kled, be adaptable in your build based on the enemy team composition and game dynamics. If facing a heavy AD composition, consider prioritizing items like Thornmail or Randuin's Omen. Against magic damage threats, items like Spirit Visage or Kaenic Rookern can enhance your survivability. Always assess the enemy team's strengths and weaknesses to optimize your itemization for each match.
7. Coordinated Team Engages
Kled's ultimate, Chaaaaaaaarge!!!, can serve as a powerful tool for initiating teamfights. Coordinate with your team to maximize its impact. Communicate your intentions, ensure your allies are in a position to follow up, and use the bonus movement speed to catch opponents off guard. A well-timed ultimate can lead to a successful engage, turning the tide of the game in your favor.
8. Efficient Use of Pocket Pistol (Q)
Mastering the use of Pocket Pistol is crucial for maximizing Kled's damage output. Practice aiming to minimize the potential direction issues, and use it strategically in trades and all-ins. The delayed nature of Pocket Pistol can be used to bait opponents into committing to unfavorable engagements. Additionally, be mindful of the reload mechanic and use it strategically to stack Skaarl's return when dismounted.
9. Lane Control and Wave Management
Understanding wave control is vital for success in the laning phase. Learn to freeze the wave near your turret to deny the enemy laner farm and set up gank opportunities for your jungler. Conversely, know when to push the wave and apply pressure. Use your Q and E abilities to manipulate the wave, ensuring you are in a favorable position to harass or all-in when needed.
10. Continuous Learning and Adaptation
The League of Legends landscape is ever-evolving, with frequent patches and changes. Stay informed about updates, balance changes, and new items. Adapt your playstyle, item builds, and strategies based on the current meta and the evolving nature of the game. Joining communities, watching high-level Kled players, and participating in discussions can provide valuable insights and contribute to your continuous improvement as a Kled main.
By incorporating these advanced strategies into your gameplay, you elevate your Kled proficiency beyond mechanical skill, becoming a strategic force capable of influencing the outcomes of matches at the highest level of play. The path to mastering Kled is an ongoing journey that demands a commitment to excellence and a relentless pursuit of improvement in all facets of the game.
1. Map Awareness and Roaming
Kled's ability to roam is crucial for influencing other lanes and securing objectives. Keep an eye on the minimap and take advantage of opportunities to roam when your lane is pushed or the enemy laner is absent. Coordinate with your team, especially the jungler, to execute successful ganks in other lanes. Utilize your ultimate (R) to quickly join fights across the map, turning the tide in your team's favor.
2. Vision Control and Invades
Establishing vision control is essential for Kled players. Ward key areas such as river entrances, enemy jungle buffs, and objectives to gather information about the enemy team's movements. When ahead, consider invading the enemy jungle with your jungler to disrupt the opponent's farm and potentially catch them off guard. This proactive approach can provide valuable advantages for both you and your team.
3. Split-Pushing Tactics
Kled excels at split-pushing, thanks to his dueling power and ability to escape with E. When opting for split-push, communicate with your team about your intentions and ensure they have proper vision and awareness of the map. Apply pressure in one lane, forcing the enemy team to respond. Keep an eye on the minimap, and if multiple enemies collapse on you, use your mobility to escape and create opportunities for your team elsewhere on the map.
4. Teleport Plays
Teleport is a versatile summoner spell on Kled, providing opportunities for impactful plays. Use Teleport to join fights across the map, turning skirmishes into advantageous teamfights. Coordinate with your team for well-timed Teleport plays, especially when objectives like Dragon or Baron are contested. Remember that Teleport can also be used to return to lane quickly, minimizing the impact of potential early recalls.
5. Psychological Warfare and Emote Usage
Mental disruption is a subtle yet powerful tool in Kled's arsenal. Strategically use emotes to tilt opponents, create distractions, or feign intentions. Mimic a recall, then surprise enemies with an unexpected engage. Combine emote spam with unpredictable movements to make it challenging for opponents to read your plays. However, always prioritize focusing on the game, as excessive emote usage can lead to misplays.
6. Adaptive Build Paths
While there are core items for Kled, be adaptable in your build based on the enemy team composition and game dynamics. If facing a heavy AD composition, consider prioritizing items like Thornmail or Randuin's Omen. Against magic damage threats, items like Spirit Visage or Kaenic Rookern can enhance your survivability. Always assess the enemy team's strengths and weaknesses to optimize your itemization for each match.
7. Coordinated Team Engages
Kled's ultimate, Chaaaaaaaarge!!!, can serve as a powerful tool for initiating teamfights. Coordinate with your team to maximize its impact. Communicate your intentions, ensure your allies are in a position to follow up, and use the bonus movement speed to catch opponents off guard. A well-timed ultimate can lead to a successful engage, turning the tide of the game in your favor.
8. Efficient Use of Pocket Pistol (Q)
Mastering the use of Pocket Pistol is crucial for maximizing Kled's damage output. Practice aiming to minimize the potential direction issues, and use it strategically in trades and all-ins. The delayed nature of Pocket Pistol can be used to bait opponents into committing to unfavorable engagements. Additionally, be mindful of the reload mechanic and use it strategically to stack Skaarl's return when dismounted.
9. Lane Control and Wave Management
Understanding wave control is vital for success in the laning phase. Learn to freeze the wave near your turret to deny the enemy laner farm and set up gank opportunities for your jungler. Conversely, know when to push the wave and apply pressure. Use your Q and E abilities to manipulate the wave, ensuring you are in a favorable position to harass or all-in when needed.
10. Continuous Learning and Adaptation
The League of Legends landscape is ever-evolving, with frequent patches and changes. Stay informed about updates, balance changes, and new items. Adapt your playstyle, item builds, and strategies based on the current meta and the evolving nature of the game. Joining communities, watching high-level Kled players, and participating in discussions can provide valuable insights and contribute to your continuous improvement as a Kled main.
By incorporating these advanced strategies into your gameplay, you elevate your Kled proficiency beyond mechanical skill, becoming a strategic force capable of influencing the outcomes of matches at the highest level of play. The path to mastering Kled is an ongoing journey that demands a commitment to excellence and a relentless pursuit of improvement in all facets of the game.
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