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Recommended Items
Runes: Vs Most champs
+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Always max like this
Living Forge (PASSIVE)
Ornn Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Lvl 1 trades arent worth it unless in minion wave walk away to reset her vital rush bramble 1st back use your w and pretend to auto to bait her parry then sidestep and now combo the shit out of her. Hug walls when she ults she will outscale you in the split but youre a teamfighting tank machine so just shove the waves and wait for a tp teamfight.
Champion Build Guide
x Why Should I Play Ornn? x Overview of Ornn's Abilities
x Itemization x Trading Patterns |
x Combos
x Conclusions x Update Log USE THE MATCHUP SHEET ITS AWESOME Matchup Sheet For More Info My Stream |
Introduction & Credentials
Im Makkro. I have peaked at 1057 LP on EUW and Challenger in the Korean Server by playing only Ornn with about 3 Milion Mastery Points and have achieved Challenger Rank and am propably the best Tank Player in the Server.I have mastered and know everything there is to know about Ornn. I also stream Exteremly High Elo Ornn gameplay on my Twitch consistenly where you can learn more about laning and mid game macro on the champion. I've been playing League since Season 3 so I know all about this game since Im a veteran at this. I've focus on improving on Ornn on every aspect I could and am sharing everything I've learned from trial and error with a LOT of error in this guide from basic things like items all the way to the tiniest details of micro trade, spacing, and tricks that this champion has.
I have won vs the best top laners that EUW has to offer in challenger by playing an off-meta champion that isn't known as a solo-killer so this guide will help you do just that. Kill and win lane and stomp teamfights and gain that sweet +20 LP.
Ornn can create masterwork items for himself and for his allies. Ornn can spend gold to forge non-consumable items anywhere. Additionally, Ornn gains an additional bonus HP, armor and magic resistance from all sources and with each masterwork upgrade. You can use Living Forge to bait your opponent into trading with you. Always use Living Forge when youre higher hp because it gives more stats the higher hp you are so use a Health Potion to the fullest and THEN craft a Ruby Crystal in laning phase. Ornn's Passive refresh mythic item cooldowns like Galeforce Immortal Shieldbow, Turbo Chemtank, Crown of the Shattered Queen, Shurelya's Battlesong (Masterwork).
| Range: 800 | Cooldown: 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 | Cost: 45 |
Ornn slams the ground, sending out a fissure dealing damage and slowing enemies hit. After a small delay, a magma pillar forms at the end location. Scales with your attack damage and deals physical damage. This ability is your main poking device and It's also a great zoning tool make sure to use this like an Anivia wall in chokepoints like this in baron nashor and dragon fights.
Examples of Ornn Q being used as anivia wall in chokepoints
| Range: 500 | Cooldown: 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 | Cost: 45/50/55/60/65 |
Ornn advances, breathing fire. Enemies hit by the final gout of flame become Brittle. Fire and Brittle deal %HP of target's as magic damage. Ornn's basic attacks against Brittle enemies briefly knocks them back. This is your biggest damage ability and it interrupts a lot of cc like Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab, Thresh's Death Sentence and knockups like Unstoppable Force, Rupture, Apprehend and so on. You can also use Bellows Breath to avoid knockups from baron nashor and Dragon.
| Range: 800 | Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12 | Cost: 35/40/45/50/55 |
Ornn charges, dealing damage to enemies he passes through. If Ornn collides with terrain while charging, the impact creates a shockwave around him which deals damage and knocks up enemies. Scales with your armor, magic resistance and deals physical damage. This is your main cc tool for peeling and combos. In laning phase you can use it as a dash onto your opponent and just run them down. It can be interrupted so be careful how you use it and when you use it. Make sure no random hooks or cc is thrown at you so the ability actually goes through. Same goes for his ultimate Call of the Forge God.
| Range: 2500 | Cooldown: 140/120/100 | Cost: 100 |
Ornn summons a massive elemental at a location which travels toward him with increasing speed. Enemies run over by the elemental take damage, are slowed and are made Brittle. Ornn can recast the ability to charge into the elemental, redirecting it in the direction he hits it, causing the elemental to affect any enemies it runs over to be knocked up, dealing the same damage and re-applying Brittle. Scales with your ability power and deals magic damage. This is your big engage but be careful for Braum, Samira, Yasuo as they all can make your ult dissappear and when against those champions your main engage tool is Searing Charge. Your ult should only be used in a defensive manner into those champions.
Exhaust |
or Dr. Mundo because you will be perma-nuking waves and your mana pool will get destroyed and Manaflow Band really has a lot of value. Nullifying Orb can work only into full 4 ap enemy comps but you shouldn't really use it because full ap enemy team is the ideal scenario that doesn't happen that much. Nimbus Cloakcan work if youre being very very aggressive and have Ignite but Manaflow Band is still the superior rune choice |
In this chapter I'll introduce you to my recommended build path for Ornn which will be the most optimal into most teamcomps but you will have to think on your own and adapt. Ornn's upgrade priority goes like this Lethality Items, Magic Penetration Items, Bruise r Items, AP Enchanter Supp Items, Adc Items, Tank Supp items. Infinty Edge uprade on Jhin gives him 30 ad because he converts attack speed to ad which is really strong.
This build path is the most universal one on Ornn |
This build path is the highest dps on Ornn vs range comps |
Core Items
This combo gets easier and easier to do the higher attack speed you have it lets you weave in an extra grasp proc and auto which is about 100-200 damage extra you can only do this if you start in melee range
The key is holding your spells especially if they can be interrupted by enemy CC.
Like if you have Searing Charge but have no knockups nearby just hold it until you get near a wall or terrain for knockup.
If you brittle somebody but dont need the damage on them just wait for your teammates to proc the brittle with a cc of their own. Because if youre all 5v5 and really close you don't need to proc brittles because a Jhin or Morgana or Lux or Syndra will one shot if they proc a brittle on their won. You just burn them with immolate passive and wait until your allies proc brittle.
Poking Comps
Assassin Comps
Your goal against these types of comps is build in a defensive way so your ad carries can survive and you have to stick really close to them and be ready to Searing Charge into a knockup at any time because if your adc dies your comp falls appart. Knight's Vow helps a lot vs these kinds of comps. Your role is basically that of a Braum. Protect your carry at all costs and peel.
Dive Comps
Against these types of comps like Hecarim, Yone, Riven, Camille,
Irelia you want to make sure they do not reach your backline and if they do CC them to the best of your ability. Focus on always kiting backwards and never forwards and ulting defensively so your carries don't get oneshot.
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