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Jarvan IV Build Guide by Navn

Support [14.3] SUPPORT Jarvan + TIER LIST + WARDING VIDEO Part 1+2

Support [14.3] SUPPORT Jarvan + TIER LIST + WARDING VIDEO Part 1+2

Updated on February 12, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Navn Build Guide By Navn 22 5 173,580 Views 0 Comments
22 5 173,580 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Navn Jarvan IV Build Guide By Navn Updated on February 12, 2024
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Navn's Featured Video

Runes: Standard

Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Absolute Focus

Future's Market
Cosmic Insight

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[14.3] SUPPORT Jarvan + TIER LIST + WARDING VIDEO Part 1+2

By Navn
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Hi there! I've been experimenting with Jarvan IV a bunch and these are the results I've come up with! Thank you for reading!

If you're interested in my other guides:


Lulu -> Support Lulu
Nami -> Support Nami
Karma -> Support Karma
Sona -> Support Sona
Yuumi -> Support Yuumi
Milio -> Support Milio
Soraka -> Support Soraka


Zyra -> Support Zyra
Ashe -> Support Ashe
Amumu -> Support Amumu
Heimerdinger -> Support Heimerdinger
Lissandra -> Support Lissandra

Off-Meta/Fun stuff

Miss Fortune -> Support Miss Fortune
Veigar -> Support Veigar
Trundle -> Support Trundle
Jarvan IV -> Support Jarvan
Pantheon -> Support Pantheon

Why Jarvan? Pros/Cons

- Benefits attack-speed champions greatly, like Diana Tryndamere etc, on top of your ADCs.
- Hard to deal with poke in laning phase.
- Punishes immobile champions very well.
- Mixes up the draft.

- Very squishy
- Limited build options
- Hard to play optimally.
- Very few good lane partners.
TLDR: Rush Zhonya's Hourglass. Then buff your team.

Boots Choices:

Ionian Boots of Lucidity
- More uptime on everything you want to do.

Support Quest Item Choice:

Celestial Opposition
- The only choice here as we're just looking to trap people with Cataclysm and get out afterwards before exploding.


Zhonya's Hourglass
- Rush this. The AP build path lets you have potent poke in lane, then builds into a core item.
- Stalls for a very long time along side Celestial Opposition

Ardent Censer
- Only works because of Summon Aery, but if you have Redemption or Moonstone Renewer, you can proc the shielding to chain onto others.

- Overall a good all around item.
- Build this with Moonstone Renewer

Moonstone Renewer
- Build this after you have Ardent Censer or Redemption

Umbral Glaive
- Helps setup flanks so you can disable vision.
- Fantastic if you're ahead

Knight's Vow
- You have a fed carry that you can keep alive for a bit longer.
- Just a good item.
How to use your abilities
TLDR: Poke people with Demacian Standard. Trap people with Cataclysm.

Martial Cadence
- The bonus damage is on CURRENT health, so attacking higher hp targets to push would be your priority when pushing a minion wave, and only needing to attack each one once for maximum efficiency.
- Outside of laning phase and pushing waves, this won't do too much as you'll be too squishy to use it often.

Dragon Strike
- Try not to use this too much during laning phase before your first recall as you will run out of mana, and this will not do as much damage as Demacian Standard since you have AP for adaptive force from your runes and Doran's Ring
- But if you have ample mana, then you can use this as an additional poke tool, but you'll likely sacrafice some hp for it too so you can get into range to hit them.
- At max rank, you can actually use Dragon Strike twice on the same Demacian Standard cast. This allows you to E-Q-R-Zhonyas-Q. So you can start a fight from a very long distance, but since you'll also be pretty deep, only do this when you know you can get back out after using Zhonya's Hourglass

Golden Aegis
- This is a very mediocre ability, and you only put 1 point into it at either level 3 or level 4.
- The shield is small and the slow is very weak. Use it when you have a lot of mana, otherwise you're likely better to hold your mana to keep using Dragon Strike or Demacian Standard

Demacian Standard
- This is your main poke tool in lane phase, and it actually has high base damage, on top of a high ap ratio. Pick your target in laning phase, and keep using it on that target.
- Since you've likely taken Summon Aery, the AoE of the attack speed boost is actually massive, and Summon Aery procs every 2 seconds for your laning partner. So even if you only use Demacian Standard in lane and do nothing else, you're still shielding your lane partner AND giving them attack speed to trade.
- This is a very good scouting tool as well, and grants quite a lot of vision from a fairly safe range.
- Using this to get attack speed and clearing wards is nice too, but be careful if there's nearby enemies who could jump you. In this case, putting Demacian Standard towards your escape path is a safe option, incase someone does suddenly appear, you can dash away with Dragon Strike.
- This effect lasts a solid 8 seconds and is very handy in providing a strong leash, and even speed up objective/tower taking. You can always throw it into your direction of escape, while still providing everyone around you the attack speed incase you get engaged on.
- There's also a lot of hidden power, in that, constantly using Demacian Standard to poke makes it hard to tell for your enemies, if YOUR jungler is nearby ready to gank.

- Keep track of Flash on immobile champs and you're going to ruin their day. The cast range of this is actually quite far, so you can just Cataclysm a flash-less target, and E-Q out, and let your team kill them.
- Most of the time, after your target dies, it's best to get rid of the cage so that your team can get through, or allowing yourself to escape.
TLDR: You have one rune page. Everything else doesn't fit what you want to do.


Summon Aery
- For each time you cast Demacian Standard, Summon Aery will activate 3 times.
- Adds additional poke, on top of shielding your lane partner twice, for each Demacian Standard cast.

Manaflow Band
- Easy to stack and lets you have a mana pool to scout and get around the map quicker.

- Can't go wrong with more ability haste

Absolute Focus
- More potent poke, but falls off after laning phase.

- More potent poke and add a nice amount of damage with Summon Aery


Cosmic Insight
- You'll end up with a lot of actives, such as Zhonya's Hourglass Redemption Celestial Opposition as well as your trinkets, so this will help a lot, as well as being able to Flash Cataclysm someone and then E-Q out.

Future's Market
- This is to make it so you can buy World Atlas on your first recall.
Early/Mid/Late game
TLDR: Demacian Standard placement is very important. Cataclysm people who can't escape it.

Laning Phase/Early game

- Start Doran's Ring otherwise you won't have any AP from your adaptive force, which means your Demacian Standard will do way less damage.
- The mana regen is also very nice to keep up with the poke.
- Average case scenario, you'll be behind 150-250 gold on your support item, but it'll be well worth the amount of poke you'll have in lane.
- Pick your target (usually the adc), and keep using Demacian Standard on them, on cooldown. If that target completely runs away from you, then aim at the other guy. Preferably the enemy that has less potions/sustain so you can shove them out of lane or put them into kill threat range.

Mid/Late game

- Cataclysm range is quite far, so try to use this from brush or a flank so that when you do start the fight, you have an extra moment to E-Q and hopefully not die.
- If you have Zhonya's Hourglass, you can E-Q, then Cataclysm, use Zhonya's Hourglass and then Q back to your Demacian Standard since it lasts 8 seconds.
- This is where keeping track of Flash timers becomes extremely beneficial. Using Cataclysm on targets that can't get out of the ult, essentially lock them there for 3.5 seconds so that your team can clean up.
- In the middle of team fights, it may be better to just Cataclysm whoever's in front then E-Q out. Just be very careful of the enemy follow up when you go in, because you'll be under-leveled with a relatively squishy build.
- Almost always try to come from a flank so that your enemies have a harder time to position. Use Oracle Lens while looking for good angles.




14.3 Tier List
Grading Explanation below the lists! Check the RANK too!

- J4 has some interesting use cases, especially in draft, and ends up being pretty funny in the way he's played the whole game.

14.3 Emerald and Below

14.3 Diamond+

Tier List Grading Points

- Winrates
- Champion Difficulty (more relevant in Emerald and below)
- Counter-play (more relevant in Emerald and below)
- Flex pick for draft (more relevant in diamond+)
- Early game (more relevant in diamond+)
- Late game/scaling (more relevant in Emerald and below)
- Anything in the (_Letter_+) row, means it's better the higher in elo you go. Anything in (_Letter_-) row, means it's better the lower in elo you go.

Overall Points:

- Games last longer the lower in elo you go. Therefore, mage supports tend to do much better since you can buy your items, and you basically become another carry threat. This leads to enchanters/engage being weaker in lower level play since you would rely on your teammtes more often.

- Champions that are fundamentally easier to execute on will have higher win rates. Since it is more unlikely players are pilot-ing their champion runes/builds/kit efficiently, the easier the champion, the more likely to maximize their kits. This is especially apparent in Platinum and below.

- I would recommend playing any of the champs in S+, S, or A. However you can climb on almost anything, provided you always look to maximize your champion kit, mechanics, and impact on the game. Winning is the result of improving.
Want to know more?
If you have any questions, leave a comment below! I'll be editing this as I go and be sure to let you know once I have more updates. Or if you'd like to ask me a question directly, you can go to my twitch stream!

There's also my tiktok
And my youtube!

Cheers and thank you for reading! Good luck on the rift
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