A good janna will be tough to kill, youll need to bait out her q, once its gone shes toast.
Thresh has 2 abilities that can disrupt your all in (his e and q) plus a nifty escape for his adc. This matchup sucks.
This matchup sucks. Look for Alistar to seperate from his adc or use his headbutt.
Pyke plays similar to support camille except you are stronger than him. His Q can interupt your e. Play around spacing mistakes.
Not too bad if leona goes on your adc you can go on theirs, you will win.
Not horrible, look for spacing mistakes where braum is too far to w to his adc.
Need to time your all in on her e. Also very annoying to get close to, her auto range is 650 and your e is 800.
there is a slight delay on his e so you can still land a stun, but the added distance will make it hard for your ADC to follow up on your damage.
The dash could dodge your e and he has the burst damage to punish you.
Her spell shield can make you irrelevant pretty quickly. You need to be cautious of cooldowns
Easy matchup.
At lvl 6 naut can be annoying but before that his adc is free.
This is a lump rating for all mage supports like zyra, velkoz, xerath and lux. Dont get his by the one cc they have, which is very easy to dodge and hard to land on your. They are free.
Kind of annoying, just time the knockback.
His stun can interrupt your all in if hes good.
Easy matchup, all he can do is try to disengage
Shes lunch
This is probably the easiest matchup you can hope for.
He is stuck in lane, if he leaves you kill his adc. Pretty much negates the threat of bard.
You need to play carefull, the poke is annoying and he will w away and disrupt your all in, but his w is on a big cooldown so you can exploit that and finish him off.
Renata Glasc
renata can be pretty annoying to deal with and will require some close coordination with your adc. Her W extends out fights and cause you to take a lot more damage than you expected.
Miss Fortune
Aggressive ADCs that are strong early go great with camille. Camilles ultimate and MFs ultimate synergize really well.
Same benefits as MF
We like early game bullies and Draven is the king of those. Just ping your all ins so your draven can follow up.
Early game this is pretty good, kalista can stack javelins on the enemy locked down adc. This build really becomes OP once you both hit lvl 6.
This is interesting because twitch isnt too great early, but his ability to use his q and ambush people with your e is an excellent way to score some kills early.
he can follow your all in well
she has the range to follow up on your all in
Jinx is too low impact early game and lacks the ability to adequately follow up on your all ins.
Same as jinx.
Ziggs is ok to lane with because he will poke people down allowing you to finish them off. But, for this matchup I would be careful on pre lvl 3 all ins.
True ADC Senna is not great to play with, starving Senna is pretty good though.
Pre lvl 6 ashe does nothing for you. Post lvl 6 you get free kills.
This is slightly better than playing with a ziggs. Seraphine provides a lot of utility that can really help you both runaway with the lane.
Not great to play with.
Same as MF
early she is ok to play with but mid game you two will dominate lane.
early game is kind of annoying post 6 it gets a lot more playable.
doesnt do a lot for you early or mid game.
bad synergy
tristana can follow up nicely to your e and can secure the kills you set up nicely.
Miss Fortune
Aggressive ADCs that are strong early go great with camille. Camilles ultimate and MFs ultimate synergize really well.
Same benefits as MF
We like early game bullies and Draven is the king of those. Just ping your all ins so your draven can follow up.
Early game this is pretty good, kalista can stack javelins on the enemy locked down adc. This build really becomes OP once you both hit lvl 6.
This is interesting because twitch isnt too great early, but his ability to use his q and ambush people with your e is an excellent way to score some kills early.
he can follow your all in well
she has the range to follow up on your all in
Jinx is too low impact early game and lacks the ability to adequately follow up on your all ins.
Same as jinx.
Ziggs is ok to lane with because he will poke people down allowing you to finish them off. But, for this matchup I would be careful on pre lvl 3 all ins.
True ADC Senna is not great to play with, starving Senna is pretty good though.
Pre lvl 6 ashe does nothing for you. Post lvl 6 you get free kills.
This is slightly better than playing with a ziggs. Seraphine provides a lot of utility that can really help you both runaway with the lane.
Not great to play with.
Same as MF
early she is ok to play with but mid game you two will dominate lane.
early game is kind of annoying post 6 it gets a lot more playable.
doesnt do a lot for you early or mid game.
bad synergy
tristana can follow up nicely to your e and can secure the kills you set up nicely.
Hey everyone I am Asumopel (KR), this is my first guide and I am relatively new to playing camille support, but not new to league of legends. I was previously playing on the Korean server after living there for a year and finished the second split of S13 at Master rank primarily maining Vel'koz. After the season 14 changes destroyed Vel'koz as a champ, I started playing camille support and recognized how powerful she is in the role. I have taken this build back with me to NA and am happy to share it with you all.
Camille has a great tool kit for a support and is very fun and engaging to play with. Her all is probably one of the best in the game for supports. The biggest thing that Camille provides is very high agency, you will be a threat and cause the enemy team to play around your abilities. Camilles ability to help secure objectives, pick off enemies and deal insane early damage is why I have picked her up for this season. Her Q also allows you to deal some serious damage to turrets, allowing you a lot of flexibility for how you want to play her. You will be hard pressed to find matchups that she doesn't flat out win in the bot lane. I would however, recommend using your ban on Thresh. It is important to play very aggressive with her and ensure that your adc understands that or else you will be at a disadvantage early (remember we went doran's blade so our gold generation will be slow without kills/assists).
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