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Recommended Items
Runes: Quick Burst
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Standard (95% of all games)
Ability Order
Shurima's Legacy (PASSIVE)
Azir Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Show All
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Dont die early, farm up and scale. You can be aggresive early and try to build an advantage. Game will get harder for you the longer he can scale tho. At lvl 16 you cant win.
Champion Build Guide
Hey, I'm FFrostbite and this guide is about my Azir ! Im a high elo EUW streamer and player, often chilling in mid/high master since I dont play alot of soloq. I've played hundreds of games as Azir and always perform well! In this guide I'm gonna show you how to play him to climb easily in SoloQ! |
Pro and Con
| Passive - Shurima's Legacy | Azir can resurrect a turret every 180 seconds. The turret deals an additional 15% ability power as physical damage but disintegrates over 60 seconds. |
| Q - Conquering Sands | Azir orders all Sand Soldiers to an area, dealing magic damage to enemies they pass through and slowing them by 25% for 1 second. |
| W - Arise! | Passive: Azir gains attack speed. Upon having 3 or more Sand Soldiers, he gains additional attack speed for 5 seconds. Active: Azir summons a Sand Soldier for 10 seconds. When Azir attacks an enemy near a Sand Soldier, he instead orders the soldiers to stab, dealing magic damage in their direction. This ability has 2 charges. |
| E - Shifting Sands | Azir grants himself a shield for 1.5 seconds and dashes to one of his Sand Soldiers, dealing magic damage to enemies he passes through. If Azir hits an enemy champion, he stops and gains a Sand Soldier charge. |
| R - Emperor's Divide | Azir summons a wall of armored soldiers that charges forward, knocking back enemies and dealing magic damage. The soldiers remain, blocking enemy paths for 5 seconds. |
Ability Sequence
The most common levelling sequence for Azir is the one I am using in this guide which follow W>Q>E>R.
Flash You need flash. Thats all :) No discussion |
Teleport Teleport is my standard Summoner at the moment. It helps you get back to your lane after your first back, which is helpful since youre often being pushed in early. Afterwards you can use it to help your team when they get ganked. I really like it because I love to split on the sidelane to build a CS and XP lead and with Teleport I can join fights whenever I want. |
Ignite Exhaust is a good defensive summoner spell. Its good against assasins which want to oneshot you. Use it if they want to jump on you and burst you. This way you wont die and its way more likely for you to kill them. |
Barrier Barrier is also a good defensive summoner spell vs assasins. Take it vs champs like Zed, Qiyana or Talon. It helps you survive their burst combo. |
Cleanse Cleanse is a good defensive summoner spell vs heavy CC. I dont really like going it, but it can be useful in lane vs champs like Zoe. |
Keystone Rune
You have several different rune choices with Azir. Each one is good in different szenarios. Heres the list:
Hail of Blades is my go to Keystone atm. It provides quick burst, which can be helpful in lane and out of it. Your soldier attacks trigger it. Just summon them, Q on the enemy and do 3 quick attacks. Its really hard for them to trade back in that short time. With it you can snowball your lane and build a lead. |
Fleet Footwork is a more defensive summoner spell. It provides free sustain in your lane, which can be helpful against lane bullies and otherwise hard matchups. |
Conqueror is another good choice. Its strengths is in teamfights, but not in lane since its hard to fully stack. If you think you dont need more burst or sustain in your lane and you wanna focus on teamfights then this is your pick. |
Arcane Comet is another poke keystone for your lane. Just Q your enemy and it will trigger. Its good if you just poke with Q in your lane, but if you could lane some attacks after I would recommend going Hail of Blades. |
Starting Items
To start of the item section, let's dive into the starting items. You always start with Doran's Ring and Health Potion. After that your next major buy next to boots is: |
General Items
Season 14 brought a huge mage item overhaul. The old mythic items got removed and new items got added. Theres several new ones which can be useful, such as: Malignance, Luden’s Companion, Stormsurge or Cryptbloom. Some old items also got slightly changed. In this chapter I will talk about some important items. |
There are some items which didnt change and which are still insane on Azir. These are Void Staff, Rabadon's Deathcap and Shadowflame. The only new thing is that Shadowflame now makes your spells crit if the enemy target is below 35%. Your "crit" deals 20% bonus damage. I highly recommend building these items in most games after your core items. These core items are (order matters): |
Nashor's Tooth Nashor's Tooth is the perfect item for Azir. It provides AP, Attack Speed, Ability Haste and Bonus Damage on your soldiers attacks. Finish it as first item. |
After you finish boots and Nashor's Tooth I recommend building the items I mentioned earlier in this chapter ( Shadowflame, Rabadon's Deathcap and Void Staff). I also recommend this order. Other good item choices are: |
Stormsurge Stormsurge is new mage item. It provides AP, Magic Pen and Movement Speed. The passive is also super good. If you deal 35% of a champs health within 3secs you get a movement speed buff and after 2sec you deal bonus damage on the enemy. Against squishy champs that shouldnt be a problem with your full combo. Against tankier enemys it wont work, which is why you shouldnt build it against them. Otherwise it is a super good item and can be built. I recommend building it after Luden’s Companion. |
Liandry's Torment Liandry's Torment is another super good item. It provides AP and Health, which is good. It's passive provides you a %Health damage DoT + a 2-6% damage increase. Its super easy for you to stack and use, since your spells have low CD. Its useful in almost every game, especially in games vs tanks tho. |
Cosmic Drive Cosmic Drive is a good item. It provides AP, Health, Ability Haste and Movement Speed. If you damage an enemy you get bonus movement speed, which can be super useful in teamfights. I recommend going it if the enemy team has a lot of CC and you need to dodge alot of spells. |
Banshee's Veil Banshee's Veil is a good item. It provides AP and MR. The bonus effect is a spell shield. Its super good against a few champs which want to open their burst combo with one spell. Examples are Annie (you would block her stun spell), Evelynn (you block her charm engage) or Karthus (you could block his ult). |
Zhonya's Hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass is really useful in games with assasins or hard CC. If the enemy team has alot of engage / lockdown I recommend building it 100%. This way it gets way harder to kill you. Its also really useful against assasins like Zed. I only recommend not building it if the enemys cant reach you and if you rather built more aggresive. |
Azir is a decent lane bully who scales extremly well, until he becomes unkillable later. You have really good trade options in lane with your Q - W poke. You also have good escape with your E and good gank setup with your R. If you feel comfortable you can be aggresive in lane, but you can also chill, play safe and just outscale your opponent. |
Basic Poke Combo
Arise! > Conquering Sands > Autoattacks
Basic Poke Combo, you will use this as often as possible in lane to harass the enemy laner or to clear minions.
Arise! > Conquering Sands > Autoattacks
Basic Poke Combo, you will use this as often as possible in lane to harass the enemy laner or to clear minions.
Gap Close Poke
Arise! > Shifting Sands > Pause > Conquering Sands > Autoattacks
Is used to gap close and trade with the enemy laner. The shield helps you while trading.
Arise! > Shifting Sands > Pause > Conquering Sands > Autoattacks
Is used to gap close and trade with the enemy laner. The shield helps you while trading.
Slow Drift (for noobs)
Arise! > Conquering Sands > Shifting Sands
Slow Drift, not really a useful combo - only use it if you cant use the fast drift combo yet.
Arise! > Conquering Sands > Shifting Sands
Slow Drift, not really a useful combo - only use it if you cant use the fast drift combo yet.
Fast Drift
Arise! > Shifting Sands > Conquering Sands
Fast Drift. Is one of your most used combos since its the fastest way for you to move. It is used to escape through walls, engage with ulti or to reposition.
Most efficient way is if you use your Q as late as possible before connecting to your soldier.
Arise! > Shifting Sands > Conquering Sands
Fast Drift. Is one of your most used combos since its the fastest way for you to move. It is used to escape through walls, engage with ulti or to reposition.
Most efficient way is if you use your Q as late as possible before connecting to your soldier.
Shurima Shuffle
Arise! > Shifting Sands > Conquering Sands > Emperor's Divide
Iconic Azir Engage/Playmaking tool. Use it when your jungler ganks, to start teamfights or end teamfights.
Be careful when using it since enemys can flash the ult and you will be left standing alone in the enemy team - best way to use it is when you have Zhonya's Hourglass.
Arise! > Shifting Sands > Conquering Sands > Emperor's Divide
Iconic Azir Engage/Playmaking tool. Use it when your jungler ganks, to start teamfights or end teamfights.
Be careful when using it since enemys can flash the ult and you will be left standing alone in the enemy team - best way to use it is when you have Zhonya's Hourglass.
Shurima Shuffle + Flash
Arise! > Shifting Sands > Conquering Sands > Flash > Emperor's Divide
Big Engage Tool. Use it to make sure that you will hit enemys with your R (predicting their flashes) or if they are just out of range.
Only go for this if youre sure to hit 3+ people though or if you hit major carries, since blowing your Flash for only 1 or 2 enemys isnt worth.
Arise! > Shifting Sands > Conquering Sands > Flash > Emperor's Divide
Big Engage Tool. Use it to make sure that you will hit enemys with your R (predicting their flashes) or if they are just out of range.
Only go for this if youre sure to hit 3+ people though or if you hit major carries, since blowing your Flash for only 1 or 2 enemys isnt worth.
Revenant Shuffle
Arise! > Shifting Sands > Emperor's Divide > Conquering Sands
The hardest Azir Combo to pull off. Try it in practice tool, hitting it in a real game is still rough tho. It is super risky since its hard to pull off and can fail easily but if it works its the best way to engage and it just looks insane.[/cente
Arise! > Shifting Sands > Emperor's Divide > Conquering Sands
The hardest Azir Combo to pull off. Try it in practice tool, hitting it in a real game is still rough tho. It is super risky since its hard to pull off and can fail easily but if it works its the best way to engage and it just looks insane.[/cente
Level 1
Ward the enemy raptor camp at 1:20. This way you can track the enemy jungler early and avoid ganks.
In Lane
Ward at the Enemy's river entrance. This way you can see a part of the enemy jungle and a part of the river.
Control Wards
You want to either ward the brush in the river or next to your lane. This way your team can gank you easier.
General Playstyle
In super early lane you want to match the push speed of your enemy. Dont use your abilities too much since you can run out of mana quickly. Try to chill in early game and farm.
Poke the enemy in lane since you outrange most champions. Use your basic poke combo to harass him.
Try to back at around 1300g for Lost Chapter, also dont forget to buy control wards.
If your jungler ganks try to dash into and hit the enemy with your E Shifting Sands since it will slow them. - Often its best to just farm early game though since its when youre the weakest.
After laning phase you can go to the sidelane and continue farming while your botlane/jgl stays midlane. If you have Teleport you can always join your team for teamfights - if you dont have it always be rdy to join them!
Azir is super good in the sidelane since he is hard to face 1v1. Continue gaining experience and farm there to get even stronger. When pushing try to make use of your passive near dead turrets when you are about to be ganked 2v1.
In teamfights you want to stay safe and fight front to back. Your main goal is to survive and slowly kill anything thats infront of you.
The biggest mistake alot of Azir players do is overforce some big Shurima Shuffle play at the start of the fight which kills them - this is not ideal.
The best way to use your ulti is mid-teamfight when alot of enemys are low already, a good ulti can decide teamfights here.
In late game you can be the gamechanger. Azir is one of the best lategame champions since you have constant DPS and low spell CD while also having an escape and peel.
Try to stay grouped with your team and go for 5v5 teamfights since thats your strength.
As usual fight front to back and dont go for not needed Shurima Shuffle plays! If the enemys decide to collapse on you try to use your Ultimate in a defensive way to protect you by just ulting them away.
If you really see an opportunity to go in and start a fight with Shurima Shuffle please only do so if you have Stopwatch or Zhonya's Hourglass.
In super early lane you want to match the push speed of your enemy. Dont use your abilities too much since you can run out of mana quickly. Try to chill in early game and farm.
Poke the enemy in lane since you outrange most champions. Use your basic poke combo to harass him.
Try to back at around 1300g for Lost Chapter, also dont forget to buy control wards.
If your jungler ganks try to dash into and hit the enemy with your E Shifting Sands since it will slow them. - Often its best to just farm early game though since its when youre the weakest.
After laning phase you can go to the sidelane and continue farming while your botlane/jgl stays midlane. If you have Teleport you can always join your team for teamfights - if you dont have it always be rdy to join them!
Azir is super good in the sidelane since he is hard to face 1v1. Continue gaining experience and farm there to get even stronger. When pushing try to make use of your passive near dead turrets when you are about to be ganked 2v1.
In teamfights you want to stay safe and fight front to back. Your main goal is to survive and slowly kill anything thats infront of you.
The biggest mistake alot of Azir players do is overforce some big Shurima Shuffle play at the start of the fight which kills them - this is not ideal.
The best way to use your ulti is mid-teamfight when alot of enemys are low already, a good ulti can decide teamfights here.
In late game you can be the gamechanger. Azir is one of the best lategame champions since you have constant DPS and low spell CD while also having an escape and peel.
Try to stay grouped with your team and go for 5v5 teamfights since thats your strength.
As usual fight front to back and dont go for not needed Shurima Shuffle plays! If the enemys decide to collapse on you try to use your Ultimate in a defensive way to protect you by just ulting them away.
If you really see an opportunity to go in and start a fight with Shurima Shuffle please only do so if you have Stopwatch or Zhonya's Hourglass.
Play safe early game!
Fight front to back in teamfights!
Only go in for a Shurima Shuffle when its safe!
Be a backbone and major carry in teamfights!
Fight front to back in teamfights!
Only go in for a Shurima Shuffle when its safe!
Be a backbone and major carry in teamfights!
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