Her W cancels your W making it pretty difficult to play dodge E and avoid Q poke as much as you can Once you're 6 and you hit her with ult her W is useless
Avoid Stun and avoid her one shot combo at 6 DO NOT ENGAGE UNLESS SHE HAS PASSIVE DOWN
DO NOT get hit by E and your fine engage on her if she whiffs her E
Do not over chase if she ulted
Very cringe champ to lane against rush tabi and cuck his dmg if he engages on you engage back if AND REMEMBER TO PING THE LIVING HELL TO YOUR TEAMMATES IF HE'S MISSING
Aurelion Sol
Boring laner that scales for free can't really "punish" him unless he oversteps and your jungle is there when he gets rylais its joever unless you hit him with ult
Just dodge Q and you should be fine ig
This is the most annoying matchup ever a lot of range and poke disengage with ult your only hope is to get your jungler to help you
agaisnt the bird farm for six and go help your other lanes
Turbo kiting champ and if your frenzied towards her she has ez ult on you Before six wait for her to use W and dodge q's and you should be fine if she builds rylais and hits you with q start praying
xd matchup but still don't get hit with to many q's and you're fine don't get chomped and engage whenever he uses Q if he goes tank rather than ap its even easier to kill him care for jungle ganks since he has great setup/kill range after six
Lots of sustain and bullying you can kill him if he wastes all of his abilities mainly his W Rush tabi and hope to get a gank
Simple melee champion don't get poked with Q and care for all ins at level 6
Just wait for him to use E and you can kill him easily care lvl 6 if he has ignite
use W after he uses E if he's near you
Goodluck trying to kill him dont be to near his turret when his 6 and hope to get a gank win by ganking with your ult
don't get hit by his stun and you can out heal his burst don't get hit by both parts of the Q in lane
Have fun trying to kill his turrets as a melee champion pray for jungler ganks if not play for six and go to other lanes
Lots of poke damage
his wave clear is great and you cant engage on him ever if he has E up
your best bet is once again a jungle gank or roaming the map
DO NOT FIGHT HER IF SHE HAS HER PASSIVE dodge stun and its pretty simple to kill her if you hit her with ult shes done since you can W her damage and still be frenzied
Don't get hit by his q+w ranged and you should be fine pretty squishy on ranged form his only disengage its on melee
Lots of mobility hope to get gank
best choice is to play around the map than to be in your lane
Wait for her to use Q and she can't escape you don't get hit by E
Have fun no good o reliable way to break his passive and he has insane wave clear and it gets funnier after six your jungler needs to camp you for you to do anything against this champion and and if you roam prepare yourself to see that he has taken your entire turret
You can cancel her ult with your Q if if she tries to engage on you use W and heal the damage if you get six and hit her she's dead save your q for her ult and if not use E instead to tank it
Count minions after six and careful of he e+q combo DO NOT get poked out of this lane because she's one of the shorter range mages you can kill if you hit her with ult her W wont save her
Melee assassin dodge her q's and you're fine if she W's you just E and if you hit her with ult shes dead this matchup can go wrong if you get hit by one to many q's and she all ins you
lots of range and safe laning if she has phase rush play for six and run around the map eating the botlane or toplane hope for ganks
Melee champ that you can abuse wait for him to engage on you and then fight back if he steals your ult its ok avoid the Q explosion if he tries to poke you or tank it with E
He can block your E and ult with W but you have more stats than him you win rush tabis to make his life hell and you're fine dont get poked before lvl 3
Yasuo but harder His E allows him to avoid your Q and his W can block decent damage remember to avoid Q's early and buy tabis
cant do shit is the best way to define this match up lots of damage great gank setup poke and roam ban if possible
you can kill him if he wastes his E rush mercs so you dont suffer as much pretty easy matchup dont let him scale for free and roam with your ult
Long range poke and a good disengage with his W wait for a gank and try to roam with ult and avoid bushes in mid game since Viks like to camp them and oneshot you
If he has ignite he wins lvl one and 2 if not try and contest him a little bit DO NOT GET HIT BY BOTH SIDES OF W if you hit him with you its pretty ez to kill him dont overchase
dodge Q and bait E hard as rocks to play into this champion hope for ganks and roam
Lots of poke if you try to roam expect to hear "YOUR TURRET HAS BEEN DESTROYED" if you bait his W its pretty simple to kill him but you will get poked out after you trade with him
Avoid his Q's and you can tank his ult damage with E and steraks bait his W and ganking him should be easy if you hit him with ult and he ults you just use the W dash to avoid Q's
DO NOT GET HIT BY BUBBLE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD if she uses bubble you can try and engage on her but when she gets ult its pretty difficult to kill her roam with your ult if possible and if you don't see her in lane wait for her to appear most of the time she's trying to cheese you behind walls so she can hit her E
She literally cancels 2 important abilities with her W if you try to roam she can follow you either ban or hope to get carried xd
He cant approach you even when he's six if you hit him with ult he's dead at eleven his damage goes a little but you can most likely tank him
dodge her Q damage and engage when she uses her fear
Annoying control mage that can wave clear and has GA in passive if she Q's and misses you can engage on her pretty easily bu
Short range mage that has good wave clear pretty simple to kill him once his phase rush is out but remember his point and click root
Its even if he goes ap becuase he's squishier but if he goest tank have fun avoid Q damage and dont get baited under turret
Turns you into a demigod that cant die with shields and and polymorph its the most broken shit ever
His ult can save your ass and him giving you MS is op
good ult and and shields
Great cc and shields
His R can save you from inting going in 1v5 but it requires you hitting your ult and him having his ult
Free stun and the silly combo with your E and her W
Turns you into a demigod that cant die with shields and and polymorph its the most broken shit ever
His ult can save your ass and him giving you MS is op
good ult and and shields
Great cc and shields
His R can save you from inting going in 1v5 but it requires you hitting your ult and him having his ult
Free stun and the silly combo with your E and her W
NEVER thats the short answer all of her matchups are bad and she struggles vs ranged
and the ones she "Wins" can go very wrong if you int a little too much as the guide says its a 4fun pick to show off to your friends not really a good ranked pick the strength of this pick comes out of your ulti and roams (the main reason why rushin eclipse since its a cheap ad item that can allow you to fight champs pretty easily)
Sidenote do not take this very seriusly and as very usefull guide most of the "knowledge" i have is based around normal games and trolling my friends with it
Use this guide more as a What to do into this champion and general tips
Briar simple short trade combo
take this as your standar combo when you are 3 you W Q (Just like sylas E+W) and auto W pta proc and Then E this works best into melee champions than ranged Use this combo as a way to sustain in lane/get damage
Another comobo but more situational is Q into E this one works better in toplane but you can still do it in mid you can use this level 2 to try and get some cheesy dmg if they're near a wall
General Tips for Briar
If you hit your ult DO NOT instanly W your W is a dash and bite the Dash part can save you out of important spells or allow you to chase better
YOU CAN WARD HOP it seems a lot of people forgot or dont remember this you can place a ward and hop into it its not like lee's or jax hop but still pretty useful to remember
And as a final tip play with your jungler you can heal of objectives and take them pretty fast
Silly Goose briar
This is the ultimate Trolling experience you can give your friends DO NOT PLAY SILY GOOSE BRIAR UNLESS YOUR INTENT IS MAKING YOUR FRIENDS MAD
Ap briar requires a lot of things to go right your trades can go very bad and your damage is dependant in terrain inconsitent and very int but funny as all hell your best bet is to play this botlane with an anivia adc and you as a cc bot
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