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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Advice on using Maokais ultimate?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Maokai 6,893

  • androsynth

    Advice on using Maokais ultimate?

    I've been jungling a lot with Maokai lately. I love his ganking, but I still haven't figured out how to use Vengeful Maelstrom effectively.

    The problems I have:
    • It is hard to figure out the best place to place it. Should I try to mitigate or inflict damage?
    • When I get multiple people in it, they usually walk out before I can finish it.
    • If I leave it on during a teamfight, it drains a lot of mana. Leaving me unable to use my other (more effective) abilities.

      So can anyone give me any advice on how to use Vengeful Maelstrom effectively?
  • Answers (5)

    Dothackver2 (2) | February 2, 2013 11:18pm
    Maokais ult is best used for the damage mitigation honestly the actually dmg is a nice bonus as the fight is wrapping up it can help net that last kill or two, before mid game however i find it not all that useful then again i haven't played much maokai as of late
    sirell (400) | February 2, 2013 7:08pm
    Lay it after you've used Twisted Advance and Arcane smash in the area either immediately on top of them or towards their turrets/teammates, where you want to be able to punish them for walking in Vengeful Maelstrom. If they choose to walk around it, then that gives you more time to deal damage.

    If you feel you need to conserve mana, just switch it off when people begin to disengage, or you feel you can get a kill.

    Either way, just put your ultimate where the action is occurring.
    Teyso (70) | May 20, 2013 11:35pm
    It depends on how you think the fight is going to go; if your team is doing really well and you think you and your team are going to mop up the fight easily, place it in the enemies' path of retreat. If the fight is more even then place it so it protects as much of your team as it can, and if you can, leave some space in it for your carries to reposition. If your team is trying to escape and/or is definitely not going to do well in the fight, place the AoE with it's nearest edge on your carries and the AoE on your team's path of retreat.
    Pluckin Penguin (117) | February 2, 2013 6:49pm
    If the enemy team has a lot of AoE damage like Amummu, Graves, Morgana, and what not you should definitely try to place it on your teammates. If the enemy team is lacking a lot of AoE damage you're better off just trying to place it in between the front line of your team and the enemy team.
    Embracing (353) | February 3, 2013 2:04am
    It depends on the situation.

    When a teamfight is occuring you have to look closely and think to yourself "Are we disengaging or pushing through?"

    If you're disengaging place it in an area around your team that's relatively behind.
    If you're initiating (W + Q) or charging through their front line then place it in front.

    Maokai's ult is primarily used for mitigating damage. Only in situations where enemies are running with low health will you use it for doing damage.
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