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Ryze Ability (LoL): Arcane Mastery

Arcane Mastery Ryze

Ryze Ability: Arcane Mastery
Ryze's spells deal extra damage depending on his bonus mana, and his maximum mana is increased by 10% per 100 ability power.

Ryze's Abilities

Ryze Ability: Arcane Mastery Ryze Ability: Arcane Mastery Ryze Ability: Arcane Mastery Ryze Ability: Arcane Mastery
Arcane Mastery is used by Ryze

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Vengenator (61) | December 1, 2014 4:54pm
Thanks for your help =D
I got stuck on that while trying to write a guide.
emoriam (287) | November 28, 2014 9:43am
Vengenator wrote:

Anyone know how to get the arcane mastery in the masteries inside the bbc code?
everytime I do Arcane Mastery i get ryze's passive.

same with Feast

[[arcane mastery mastery]] and [[mastery feast]]

Arcane Mastery and Feast
Vengenator (61) | November 28, 2014 9:41am
Anyone know how to get the arcane mastery in the masteries inside the bbc code?
everytime I do Arcane Mastery i get ryze's passive.

same with Feast
BadassCoke (1) | June 26, 2013 7:37am
Very good passive in team fights.I like it.
StarsAndBars (1) | October 3, 2011 5:03pm
This passive comes in very handy. With it, you can Q -> W -> E then be able to Q again. This also applies to your ultimate's CD, so if you spam your abilities, you can ulti again within 15-20 seconds.
brianhyang (1) | November 6, 2010 9:09pm
This spell is kinda pointless... helps sometimes tho
ExamplePrime (33) | October 6, 2010 8:26am
A nice passive that lets Ryze keep up his spell casting for longer
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