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Thresh Build Guide by Arraverii

Support Arraveri's Advanced Thresh Guide ♡

Support Arraveri's Advanced Thresh Guide ♡

Updated on July 18, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Arraverii Build Guide By Arraverii 40 1 7,852 Views 0 Comments
40 1 7,852 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Arraverii Thresh Build Guide By Arraverii Updated on July 18, 2024
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Champion Build Guide

Arraveri's Advanced Thresh Guide ♡

By Arraverii
About me
Why I love Thresh
Before the game
Items rundown
Counters and synergies
During game
All about abilities/combos
Warding & roaming
About me
Hi everyone!

I'm Arra, a Thresh OTP from EUW! I peaked at rank 90 Thresh Worldwide, while being D1. You can usually find me playing in d3-master elo. I stream 2-3 times a week on my twitch!

I love Thresh, because he's a mix between enchanters and engage supports. I love engage supports but I'm not a fan of melee ranged champions. He fits my needs perfectly and is complicated enough, to never make me bored of him!

Thresh is easy to play, but extremaly hard to master. He has 3 skillshots and 1 AOE ability. All of his abilities can be used in more than 1 way. There's so many posibilities, mastering the champion could take a while, but it so pays off!

I love making Thresh guides and educating people, so I decided to put everything I know in one place!

I hope you'll find my guide helpful!
My favorite skins (best animations)
Items overview
Solstice Sleigh
Solstice Sleigh is my favorite Thresh support upgrade. It's a great choice overall and compliments his playstyle really well.

Celestial Opposition
Celestial Opposition is another great support upgrade choice for Thresh, however can't be ran every game. Its passive procs upon taking damage, so don't run it into poke champions, to avoid it activating for no reason. Great in full melee teamcomps

Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Ionian Boots of Lucidity are great boots for Thresh. They grant big CDR boost to land more hooks. I recommend going it with Warmog's Armor, to make up for its lack of CDR.

Boots of Swiftness
Boots of Swiftness are always a good choice for Thresh. They give you really big movement speed boost and slow reduction. Amazing into Ashe. Make sure to utalize the movement speed by roaming lots!

Plated Steelcaps
Plated Steelcaps should be bought into heavy AD/autoattack based teamcomps. If enemies have 2 or more AD champs, it will help you a lot. Always buy into Draven!!

Mercury's Treads
Mercury's Treads are a great purchase into teams with 2 or more AP champions, and/or teams with a lot of crowd control. These boots grant you Magic Resist and Tenacity

Warmog's Armor
Warmog's Armor is an incredible item on Thresh. This is a new playstyle, first invented on melee supports, but works really well on Thresh as well. Makes him super tanky. You can engage, tank the initial damage, back off for 6 seconds and heal your entire HP bar back up in seconds before you re-engage. Makes you really fast too, especially paired with Boots of Swiftness. I know the item has been nerfed recently, but you can still buy it on Thresh. You may wanna consider getting it as a 3rd or 4th item though.

Knight's Vow
Knight's Vow should always be bought on Thresh. This item is great for peeling your carries, as it moves some of the damage they receive to you. Can be purchased first into high DPS champions such as Lucian and Draven.

Locket of the Iron Solari
Locket of the Iron Solari should also always be purchased on Thresh. It's just a really good support item overall, giving you armor, magic resist and granting you a team-wide shield. Great first item choice into fed mages.

Frozen Heart
Frozen Heart is one of my favorite last item options for Thresh. It gives you armor, CDR, and helps against heavy AD champions, by lowering their attack speed. Great into fed Jinx, Samira, Yasuo or Draven.

Redemption is a great last item option, when you have multiple, longlasting teamfights. It's not helpful into burst damage, because your allies will die before it casts. That's why it's best into tanks. Also helpful, when your teammates constantly start fights without you. Always gives you a chance to help them.

Abyssal Mask
Abyssal Mask is an amazing item into 2 or mode fed AP champions. Works especially well if you have 1 or 2 AP champions on your team, as it decreases enemies' magic resist, if they're near you.

Randuin's Omen
Randuin's Omen is a great buy into Yasuo, Yone or Tryndamere. It reduces damage you take from crit and slows everyone around you after using it, which works especially well against melee champions.

Zeke's Convergence
Zeke's Convergence should usually be purchased when you're ahead. After you use your ult, it creates an AOE sphere around you that slows and deals damage to everyone in your range. Really great item to snowball the game, with not much peel power.

Thornmail is not an every game item. Best to buy if you play against 2 or more champions, that heal themselves upon attacking, such as Irelia, Tryndamere, Samira or Yone.

Mikael's Blessing
Mikael's Blessing is not my favorite item on Thresh as it doesn't benefit him at all. It's only purchased to help your carries in extreme cases, when you play against single target stuns and your ADC doesnt have cleanse. I usually buy it into Ashe or Twisted Fate. Doesn't work into Leona!!
Thresh Counters (worst to easiest)
Poppy is one of the hardest matchups for Thresh. Not only does she have an extremally quick engage (hard to Flay her away), but her W can interrupt someone taking the lantern.

Zyra is another hard matchup for Thresh. She can activate a plant right in front of you almost instantly, denying any attempts to hook. Walking up to her for Flay is almost impossible, due to her e + plant combo.

Shaco is similar to Zyra. Can place boxes right in front of your hooks and denies any chance to walk up for a Flay.

Hwei makes laning as Thresh impossible, with the amount of utility he brings to the lane. He has long range poke, stripping you of your valuable HP and has an instant fear he can throw, whenever you're trying to get in range of your Flay or Death Sentence.

Karma similarly to Hwei, pokes you to death every chance she gets. One of the best Thresh counters. Extremally hard to catch and will almost always outdamage you during trades.

Alistar is hard to play against, if the person playing it is really good. Otherwise this matchups turns into an EVEN one. You can still counter his WQ engage, by flaying him away at just the right time. However, a good Alistar will most likely choose not to lane against you and make impact elsewhere on the map.

Braum is super annoying to play against, because Thresh wants to constantly force fights in the botlane, and Braum is the best at denying it. You won't be able to fo anything in this lane. I recommend just roaming all game long. If you can - don't pick Thresh into Braum.

Janna is another annoying champion to play against. Unless you can kill her a lot in lane, she will keep scaling for free and eventually outscale you. A really good Janna will buy Boots of Swiftness first back and start roamin to get early Dark Seal stacks. It's really hard to stop her once she starts snowballing.

Taric was made to deny any engages. That's all. You try to engage early game - he will use his stun and heal to stop you. You try to engage past lvl 6, you will never kill him. Will deny any teamfight you initiate. Another game where you're best off just roaming.

Tahm kench
Tahm Kench is going to eat anyone you try to hook. You should probably try to focus him and get him very low, before planning an All-in. Thresh becomes better in teamfights than Tahm Kench.

Neeko is just annoying to play against. Deals extreme amounts of damage, starting lvl 1. If you can avoid losing your HP to her abilities and can land a hook on her, you will probably win the lane. Beware of her turning into minion and ulting you in lane. It's very strong.

Blitzcrank is a skill matchup. If the Blitz player is bad and misses his hooks - you can use this as your engage window. However, if the player is really good on Blitz and lands all his hooks on your carry, the game will be a difficult one. Playing from behind against Blitz is really hard, because he has more preasure than Thresh, being able to grab your teammates over the wall. You can try to save the lane by instantly throwing your Dark Passage near Blitz, hoping youd ADC will get out of there before dying.

Vel'Koz can be an easy lane to win, if you manage to hook him. However, chances are he will poke you down, before you can even engage. Every fight has to be started with Death Sentence, because he will deny any attempt at walking up and using Flay.

Nautilus is more tanky and deals more damage than Thresh. If you tank his hooks and let your ADC do their job, you will be able to win the lane. Beware of roaming Nautilus players. If he starts roaming you have to match him, otherwise you'll lose.

Senna is a 50/50 match-up. She's annoying to catch, due to her being able to stay far away from you, and her E than makes her invulnerable. But if you manage to kill her a few times in lane you should be fine. However, if you let her play the game, she will massively outscale you.

Pantheon has a deadly engage with lots of damage. You can Flay him away, but have to time it well. You need to stay near your ADC and be ready. Watch out for his roams after lvl 6.

Xerath same as Vel'Koz. Will try his best to strip you off your HP. If you can hook him you will win the lane, but make sure you don't get poked down in lane.

Brand is more annoying than hard. His abilities are short ranged for a mage, so he's easy to engage on. His scaling is extremally annoying, because no matter how many times you kill him in lane, he will always be useful in teamfights with his R.

Leona has a super easy engage to deny as Thresh. It's an even matchup, because neither of you will get any kills in this lane. You will deny her engage and she will deny yours. If you have an immobile ADC - don't leave them alone against this lane. But if you have an ADC with escape ability, you can try to roam.

Pyke is very squishy and can be killed in lane. Make sure to lock him down with cc, before he uses his W and heals up. Avoid getting engaged on, especially after lvl 6. His roams are much faster so you need to watch out for that and try to match him.

Rakan is probably the most even matchup for Thresh. If both of you play well, neither of you will get kills in this lane. I recommend either only engaging on the ADC (no way u can ever kill Rakan with his tripple dash), or roaming.

Maokai is an easy matchup, in early levels you can kill him a few times, before he becomes tanky. If he tries to engage on your ADC you can just lantern them away. Try roaming a lot, your ADC should be fine, because Maokai's engage range is very short, especially pre lvl 6.

Swain is easy to kill early, hard to deal with late. Try only engaging after he misses his stun. Avoid getting hit by his stun and you should win the lane. You want to close the game fast, before he gets all his items.

Morgana is considered hardest counter by many people, but she really isn't. Ignoring the fact she's just a really bad champion and you should win game by picking a better champ, she doesn't even counter Thresh all that well. You can put 3 points into Flay early game and use it on the shield to break it. Or simply hook on the shield and still follow it, lanterning your ADC in. You will win through higher damage. Just avoid getting hit by her binds.

Rell is crazy easy to win lane against, you can hook her or her ADC, it doesn't matter. As long as you hold your Flay for her W, you will always win this lane. Her engage is super slow and she isn't as much of a roaming threat either. I always always win this lane.

Bard can be annoying if he's good. He can't win lane against Thresh, he has to roam. If he stays in lane, you get a free game. If he starts roaming, you need to match him.

Lulu is very squishy and should die with every hook you land on her. She can be annoying when she's paired with Twitch or Kog'Maw. Otherwise you should always win this lane.

Soraka has to be focused first in every fight, otherwise she will heal back whatever damage you've put out. Try to punish her in lane as much as possible.If her healing gets too bad in late game, opt for Thornmail.

Zilean is a free kill, every time you land your hook on him before lvl 6. After he gets his ult, you need to keep it in mind and hold your hook/box for the revived person to kill them again. You can time your hook perfectly to hit them right after the ult, practice it.

Milio is a little annoying to play against, due to his high range. He can stay very far away from you, so try engaging on the ADC instead. I don't recommend picking Thresh into him, if he's paired with Lucian, Ashe or Jinx.

Seraphine is easy to kill in lane, as long as she's picked support. ADC Sera is much harder to play against, due to her high damage. Especially if she's paired with another healing enchanter such as Sona or Soraka.

Sona has to be the absolute easiest matchup for Thresh. Super squishy and practically useless until lvl 11. You have to punish her during laning phase and delay her items as much as possible, because she's the best scaling support in the game. Try to close the game fast to avoid her getting to lvl 16.

Nami , same as Lulu, very easy to kill and lane against. Avoid picking Thresh into her only, if she's paired with Lucian or Ashe.

Renata Glasc
Renata Glasc is just a really bad champion in general. Very easy to win against her, because she's squishy and her abilities are fairly short ranged. Keep an eye for her W to not accidentally revive her ally.

Lux , eventhough she's a mage support, is crazy easy to win against. Her abilities are very slow and easy to dodge. She can be pushined hard in lane and requires many items to deal good damage, so she's not a threat in mid-game either.

Yuumi makes your job very easy, because you only have 1 target to hook. Until lvl 6 she's completely useless and every hook should turn into 1 or 2 kills.
Death Sentence (Q) tips
1. Predicting movement :

One of the key aspects of landing a successful hook is predicting your opponent's movement. Watch your enemy's patterns and tendencies. Most players have a rhythm to their movement - learn it, and use it to your advantage. If you see that your enemies don't try to dodge at all, just throw it straight at them. If they tend to dodge, try predicting which way they'll move.

2. Predicting a dash/flash :

Pay attention to when enemies use their movement abilities. A dash or a flash might seem like an escape, but it can also give you a predictable path to aim your hook. Try to preassure your enemies first by getting close to them, they will be more likely to use their jump or flash. Never try predicting a dash from long range, chances of enemies using it while being far away from you are very low, and you'll just waste your hook. Unless you're throwing your hook from outside of vision, try to first walk up a little.

3. Utilize vision :

Use bushes and the fog of war to your advantage. Thresh's hook can be more effective when the enemy doesn't see it coming. Always try to play around bushes or areas of the map covered by the fog of war to surprise your opponents and make landing your hooks easier. Ward key locations to maintain vision while staying hidden yourself. Use your sweeper to deny enemy vision.

4. Changing trajectory of your Death Sentence :

The Hook and Flash combo. This advanced technique allows you to reposition mid-hook. Start by casting your q, and as the hook is traveling, flash to a new position. This can catch your enemies completely off guard and change the trajectory of your hook. You can land your hook, then flash towards the tower, pulling your target under the tower with you. It's also extremaly helpful when you need to dodge an ability. This mechanic is exceptionally useful in the hook flash lantern combo for when your ally is too far for regular lantern.(Combo shown later in Combos section).

5. Hook enemies, when theyre distracted :

Enemies hiding behind a minion wave can be annoying, but you can learn to use it to your advantage. If an enemy is hiding behind minions, try to position yourself to hook through the gaps, or wait for the minions to clear. Try throwing your hook right before the wave is supposed to pass your hitbox. Chances are your target won't expect it. Pay attention to enemy adc, you can also try hooking them while they're busy last hitting. Works best if u do it from bushes.

6. Coordinate your cc with your team :

Thresh’s hook is a powerful initiation tool, but it’s even more effective when followed up by your teammates utility. Works best with allied champions such as Sejuani, Zac or Skarner. You can also use it the other way round, use your hook on a champion after one of your allies lands their cc to guarantee a kill.

7. Directional hook :

Thresh will only look into the direction of his hook, once ability has been cast. Meaning you can actually trick your enemies into thinking you're going to throw it in another direction. Try looking at enemy suport while casting hook, but really throwing it towards the ADC. This trick is exceptionally important to learn in order to stay unpredictable and land more hooks. It also works really well against a Morgana or Sivir matchup to bait her shield out.

8. Hook animation cancel :

You can actually cancel your hook's animation if you use both your Q and E at the same time. It takes some practice and is definitely something you shouldn't be doing all the time, but every once in a while it can definitely get you a kill or two. It's especially effective against a single target, when you know you won't be needing your flay to secure the kill.

9. Hook cooldown reset :

Your hook will reset 2 seconds off its cooldown every time you land it on something. It can be an enemy, it can also be a minion. In a teamfight, don't hold onto your hook, trying to always catch the carry. You might as well try hooking anyone that gets close to your carries, the cooldown will be reset by 2 seconds anyway. It's better than throwing it into the air and missing. Getting these resets is super important to land as many hooks during a teamfight as possible.

10. You don't always have to throw your hook to have impact :

Enemies can easily punish you for missing your Q, so sometimes you can just hold on to it and pressure enemies, by walking up and then and backing off. That way it will be harder for them to predict your next move.

11.You don't always have to LAND your hook to make a play :

If an enemy is standing very close to the minion wave or a jungle camp, you can use your hook to pull yourself closer to them and flay them in. This works exceptionally well during a gank. Make sure to lantern your ally in as well. Usually enemies will not expect you to follow that hook.

12. Interrupting enemy abilities with Death Sentence :

Both Death Sentence and Flay can interrupt channeling abilities. Try using them at Pyke casting his hook, Tristana preparing to jump or Jhin casting his ult.
Dark Passage (W) tips
1.Saving allies :

Thresh’s lantern is best known for its ability to save allies. Position yourself smartly to save your overextended ally. Make sure you throw it in front of them and away from minions or other things that can be clicked on. Always keep an eye on your teammates’ positioning. You can also flash as soon as they take the lantern to extend the travel range.

2.Extending Engage Range :

The lantern isn’t just for saving; it’s also a powerful engage tool. Throw your lantern behind you, to bring your ally close to the enemy. Utilize it to help your jungler gank more effectively. You can also use it to pull an engage champion such as Malphite or Sejuani closer to the teamfight to surprise enemies.

3. Vision Control :

Thresh’s lantern grants vision in a small area around it. Use it to check bushes, over walls, and in other areas where placing a ward might be too risky. You can also use it at an objective such as baron or dragon to help your jungler steal it.

4. Timing with Shields :

The lantern provides a shield to Thresh and the first ally it hits. Time your lantern throws to shield allies from incoming damage, especially against high burst champions. Pay attention to your allies during a fight in case someone needs a shield. This small shield can make the difference between life and death in close encounters.

5. Baiting and Outplays :

Use your lantern to bait enemies. Throw it towards the jungle entrance, then engage like normally. They will think a jungler is coming and most likely panic. This mechanic is great for when you have to hold a wave for your ADC and don't want enemy bot to stop you. If you see them approaching you, throw it behind you making them think a jungler is coming to help you freeze it. Your ADC will love the frozen wave.

6. Lantern Ganks :

Coordinate with your jungler for lantern ganks. Position yourself ahead of the wave and have your jungler ready to take the lantern for a surprise gank. Works best if your jungler is hiding behind a wall.

7. Lantern bodyblock :

Lantern is treated as an entity in game, same as monsters and minions. You can use your lantern in tight walkways to force an enemy to path, where your want them to path. Works especially great in this small gap between tower and a wall. Deny access to this small gap and throw your hook to the other side of the tower where they'll likely autopath next.

8. Lantern as TP target :

Since Dark Passage is treated like an entity in game, it can also be used to be teleported to. You can communicate with an ally and make a use of this in a fight, when there are no wards to TP to.

9. Easy souls :

Use your lantern to pick up souls, so you don't have to walk up and waste time. Make sure you're not in any immediate danger and won't be needing this lantern for a while before doing it.
Flay (E) tips
1. Always prioritize Flay over [death sentence]] :

Flay makes landing your hook much easier, therefore should always be used first if possible. If you see that enemies allow you to walk up to them in close range, don't bother trying to land a long range hook. Just walk up, flay and then hook.

2. Flaying minions out of your way :

You can walk up to a minion wave and push the minions out of your way, to have a clear path for your Death Sentence. It's super useful in lanes, where enemy ADC plays very passively and will not leave their wave.

3. Directional Control :

Flay’s versatility comes from its directional knockback. You can use it to pull enemies towards you or push them away. Understand the situation - are you trying to set up for a hook, peel for your carry, or disrupt an enemy’s engage? You can't always pull them to you or always push them away. You always need to have a plan in your mind and act accordingly.

4. Timing is Everything :

Flay can interrupt dashes and channels. Watch for champions like Lee Sin, Zac, or Katarina. A well-timed Flay can completely stop their momentum and turn the fight in your favor.

5. Don’t forget Flay’s passive :

Every auto-attack is empowered, dealing bonus damage based on how long it’s been since your last attack. Use this to harass enemies in lane. Stay in bush while charging your empowered auto and walk out to deal damage.

6. Use it to push waves :

Flay is Thresh's only AOE damage dealing ability. Use it on the minion wave to help your ADC, whenever you need to shove it under enemy tower. Usually before recall.
Box (R) tips
1. Understand The Box mechanics :

The Box creates a pentagon of walls around Thresh, each wall slowing and dealing massive damage to the first one that breaks it.

2. Combo with crowd control :

The Box works best when enemies are already immobilized. Use Death Sentence or Flay to lock enemies in place, then follow up with The Box to ensure they hit the walls and take maximum damage.

3. Zoning and area control :

The Box is a powerful tool for controlling zones. You can use it while being chased, to stop whoever is chasing to from passing through the ult. They will either have to walk in it or walk around it. Works great when you're getting dived too, pop it in place and chances are you'll win the dive with the slow.

4. Make sure your ult was properly utilized :

Your ult will not hit anyone, unless they walk through one of the 5 walls. Make sure to always either use Death Sentence or Flay to push/pull them into one of the walls. Otherwise it's really easy to flash/jusmp our of it.

5. Use it early in the teamfight :

If you are the one initiating the teamfight and have at least 2 enemies around you - press R. Trap multiple enemies within your ult to make the fight easier. If you're not the one engaging, I recommend holding on to it until you either hook someone important or need to peel your carries with it.

6. You can start fights with it! :

If you're super close to your enemy, you can literally start by putting your box down and then flaying them in it. Works especially well when you know your enemy doesn't have their flash. Sometimes you can also flash on your enemy and put the box down, but that's in extreme cases when they're too far and you dont have any other abilities up yet.
Souls (P) tips
1. Understanding Damnation :

Thresh's passive allows him to collect souls from fallen minions, monsters, and champions. Each soul grants him bonus ability power and armor. Understanding how this mechanic works is crucial.

2. Prioritizing Soul Collection :

Make it a priority to collect souls, but don’t compromise your position. Use your movement and positioning to safely gather souls while still zoning enemies and protecting your carry. Don't ever die for the souls.

3. Using Lantern for Soul Collection :

Thresh’s Dark Passage can be used to collect souls from a distance, especially when it’s too risky to walk up and grab them yourself. This also helps maintain tempo, when you don't have to walk back for the souls.

4. Timing and Map Awareness :

Souls drop from minions, jungle monsters and champions, so during mid to late game, you can walk around with your jungler and pick up souls left from jungle camps, when there aren't any minion waves to farm.

5. Scaling :

The number of souls you can pick up during a game is unlimited, meaning Thresh is actually one of very few champions with infinite scaling. Use it to your advantage and farm up before mid-late game. Remember that 1 soul = 1 armor & 1 AP. 65 souls are equal to having a Frozen Heart.
Thresh combos
1. Hook + Flay + AA

This is the most basic Thresh combo. Don't forget about the autoattack at the end. Your Flay empowers your auto every few seconds, dealing extra damage. Works best if used from bushes/fog of war, this ensures they don't have time to react and dodge.

2. Flay + Hook + AA

Another beginner combo, it's stronger than the first one, because landing Flay first makes it much easier to land Death Sentence. If you're able to walk up to your enemies and use Flay first - always go for it.

3. Hook + Box + Flay

The classic killer combo, use your ult right after landing your Death Sentence, then use your Flay to push the enemy into The Box. Your hook won't pull them close enough to reach the ult usually. If you can catch someone in this combo, it's always going to be either a kill or a flash.

4. Hook + lantern + flay

Should always use it during a gank, works well if you have an engage window but your ally is too far. You can catch the enemy with your Death Sentence, throw a Dark Passage towards your ally and follow your hook after they had taken the lantern for a long range engage.

5. Flash + flay + hook

Used when you're not in range for regular Flay + Death Sentence combo. You can also use it to catch enemies off-guard when they least expect it.

6. Flash + hook

Used when you're very far away from your target. Can be a little tricky to land the hook, but if u manage to pull it off its very strong. Try using fog of war so enemy doesn't expect it.

7. Hook + flash + Lantern + Flay

Bunny hop combo, used in extreme cases when you're ally is suuuuper far away but u see a free kill. I recommend using it with a duo who will pay attention to you. It's easy to mess up, so make sure you practice it!

8. Lantern + Flay

It's a defensive combo used to peel your ally, works best against melee champions. After your ally takes the lantern, flay the enemy away from you for spacing.

9. Lantern + hook

Another defensive combo, if your ally is fighting solo, throw both lantern and hook at the same time. That allows your ally to reposition while enemy is hooked.

10. Lantern + Flash

This combo extends your [[dark passage] range by a lot. Very helpful when you get surprised by a gank and regular lantern won't cut it.

Laning as Thresh
1. LVL 2 All In

Lvl 2 all in is one of the most important aspects of Thresh. His lvl2 is extremely powerful and, if played properly, should always lead to a first blood. You get lvl 2 after killing first wave + 3 melee minions of the 2nd wave. Learn the level up timing so u can start walking up to enemies right before hitting it, to catch them off-guard.

2. Gain bush control

As Thresh you always want to play around bushes. It allows you to preasure enemy botlane and land your abilities easier. If you're playing against enchanters, they will usually just give up bushes in fear of getting engaged on. Playing against other engage supports, you will need to put a little bit more effort. Try to poke them down with your adc lvl 1. That gives you health advantage, which is usually enough for them to give up fighting for the bush.

3. Don't force random fights

As Thresh you don't want to go in every chance you get. You still need to know when to engage to not get punished too hard. Engaging at the wrong time could cost you lane. Always engage when:

- you know enemy jungler is topside
- the wave is either neutral or slowpushing towards enemy
- you have item/health advantage

Never engage when:
- they have more minions than you (especially if they have a cannon)
- when you havent seen enemy jungler or mid for a while
- when enemies recalled to buy items and you haven't

4. Keep your match-up in mind

Thresh is one of the supports that gets impacted the most if counterpicked. If enemy team picks Zyra or Karma, you quite literally won't be able to lane. You need to know what to do in these scenarios, because sitting bot doing nothing won't win you a game. Usually roaming is the answer to every counter match-up. Unless your ADC can get dived easily.
Basic support wave management
Support Wave Management Basics

Even though supports are not the ones to kill the minions, they still should know how the waves work and how to play around them.

Most important things to remember:

- always push the wave into enemy tower, when you plan to leave lane. Whether it's recalling, going for dragon, roaming, warding deep, etc. Always help your mid push their wave after a successful roam.

- try your best to not let enemies push the wave to your tower. You can hide near your tower and walk up to the wave right before it gets in tower range. By holding that wave you will create a slowpush for your ADC. Holding the wave also means your ADC won't lose any EXP or gold from minions dying to tower. You can do it on every lane. If you're near and can prevent a mid wave from crashing - do it.

- having a slowpush on your side is super beneficial. You can use bushes to zone enemies out and make them lose EXP/gold. By stacking a big wave you're also less prone to ganks. Minions deal a lot of damage which can help you

- you also need to pay attention to the wave when choosing to roam, but that's explained in the next chapter

- don't mindlessly hit minions during laning phase. Always try to pay attention to number of minions alive. Thresh wants the wave to be either in the middle of the lane or on his side, but not right under the tower. This allows him to look for hooks and leaves enough lane space to chase enemies down. Only hit minion when you need to trim the wave down or shove it. If you see enemies trying to hard push the wave, you should try to match it by hitting minions. Usually when they do that, they want to recall. You can stall that back timer for them by not allowing them to shove the wave. They'll either have to stay or have a bad recall timing.
Roaming Basics

Roaming is an essential thing on Thresh. Creating preasure all over the map is a crucial part of solo carrying games as support. However, you can't just mindlessly leave your lane. There are some rules to it and let me explain them:

1. Why roam?

There are many reasons why you SHOULD roam as Thresh. The most important part is getting all of your allies ahead, to maximize your chance of winning. By roaming you give your ADC solo exp, putting them ahead of enemy ADC, as long as they don't die. This puts enemy support in a lose/lose scenario, because by roaming you're putting a lot of preasure on them. They either have to try to match your roams, which they can't, because you have tempo advantage, or they have to make a play bot, which can also bite them back. You can come back bot with your jungler at any point and deny them this opportunity very easily.

2. When to roam?

Roaming requires proper timing to be effective. Here are great roam timings you should abuse:

- When you shove wave under enemy tower and are healthy enough to roam. You can choose to go mid instead of recalling. Do it, unless you have more than 1100 gold in your pocket (enough for kindlegem and boots). Make sure your ADC is not left alone near shoved wave, they should recall at that time.

- After recalling, instead of walking straight back bot, you can walk through the jungle instead. You can still decide whether to go mid or back bot, without losing much tempo.

- After taking dragon. You can look to gank mid quickly and come back bot right after.

- When your jungler wants to take grabs/herald/dragon. You should try your best to roam for these objectives to help your jungler secure them. Don't worry if your ADC dies while your taking topside objectives, it's gonna pay off in the long run.

- When you're playing against counterpicks on botlane and have absolutely 0 kill potential. This is an extreme scenario, where you just leave your ADC and don't return to botlane, unless you absolutely have to. You should not be doing this every game. Do it only when you can't get anything done bot, you roam and get everyone else ahead. It's recommended your ADC plays extremaly safe, farming whatever they can, gives up the tower and then proceeds to farm safely under tier 2 tower, while you're getting work done elsewhere. Great option while playing against Braum or Tahm Kench.

3. When NOT to roam.

Don't leave bot if:

- Enemy wave is shoved under your tower. You will lose way too much exp and risk your ADC getting dove by enemy botlane.

- Wave is slowpushing towards enemies (there are more of your minions than enemies') and is on the enemy side of lane. Your ADC is prone to getting engaged on or ganked, because they're far from your bot tower. They can also get zoned off the wave and lose exp/gold. You need to be there with your ADC to help them push this wave out so it resets and bounces back to you. Ideally roam when wave is slowpushing towards you or is frozen in middle of the lane.

4. Extra tips:

- Make sure you buy boots first recall and finish them first. Movement speed is crucial for effective roaming.

- Don't go top until lvl 6, you will lose way too much (not counting going for herald/grabs, you can do that earlier).

- Always keep a control ward on you to clear any vision before ganking/taking objective.

- Make sure to use lots of pings so your allies know what your plan is.

- Try to plan your strategy before the game starts.

- Make sure to always try and leave a deep ward in enemy jungle after a roam, if you have one available. Your mid and jungler will be very happy (wraiths ward is great).
Warding basics

- Make sure to use your support item stacks on enemies and towers, rather than minions. It helps you stack it faster.

- Don't forget to buy sweeper after your warding item upgrades.

- Always keep at least 1 control ward on you. You should buy one every recall, as long as you have extra gold and available slot, and if you have already placed the one you had bought last back. If you have to buy a small side item such as Faerie Charm, Rejuvenation Bead or Cloth Armor, it's always better to buy a control ward instead for more value. Don't be scared to buy 5-8 thoughout the game.

- Be sure to ward around the area you plan to play in. If you want to take dragon: you ward botside. If you plan to take baron: ward topside.

Blue side wards (mid-late game) - playing from red side.

Red side wards (mid-late game) - playing from blue side.

Teamfighting as Thresh

Thresh, unlike other engage supports such as Leona or Nautilus, doesn't have a self-peeling ability that makes him tanky during an engage.

When playing Thresh you want to play around your health and cooldowns. Engage with your combo, tank a little bit of damage, back off for a second, while waiting for your abilities to come back up, then re-engage. You're only useful as long as you're alive, so disengaging when you momentarily can't bring any impact to the fight is very important. You can still stay near your carries and peel them if necessary. Tanking is important, just make sure to not be frontlaning throughout the whole fight, at least until you have 3 full items. This playstyle is best executed if you play with Warmog's Armor, because you can heal your entire HP back within seconds.

Don't mindlessly autoattack enemies in teamfights. You should play around your cooldowns and only AA when you know you can't die (ex. when your target is separated from the team).

Keep in mind what champions you're playing against. If you're playing vs assasins such as Rengar, Talon or Kha'Zix, willing to jump on your ADC, you will probably want to keep your ult to deny their engage. Thresh's The Box slow is one of the best counters to melee assasins.

Best tip to win 90% of teamfights: create a numbers advantage before the fight even starts. Getting picks is super important to make sure you win all your teamfights.
Shotcalling and mindset

Your mindset is very important. If you're tilted, chances are you won't play your best. If you start flaming your allies, they won't start playing better either. Keep your head clear and focus on the game. Play with the idgaf mindset.

If you feel like you can't focus anymore, because you're too tilted - take a break or swap account. If you want to climb you need to make sure you always perform at your best.

Try to limit amount of games you surrender, and try your best til the nexus falls.

Always keep the 40-40-20 rule in mind: ''40% of the games you'll win no matter what. 40% of the games you'll lose no matter what. 20% of them are in your control''.
So don't tilt when you lose, just keep playing good and you will eventually climb.
Read more about the rule here: 40-40-20 RULE


Shotcalling is super important on support. As someone who doesn't have to kill minions , you have a little bit more time to look at the minimap and plan your strategy, than the rest of your team.

Most of the time, especially in lower elos, your teammates will be runnign around like headless chickens, not knowing what to do next. It becomes your job to lead them. If you see opportunity to take dragon/baron/tower - PING IT. Ping it until they follow you. Look at the map, see what can be taken and call it.

If you see that enemy top t1 tower is still standing - take it. Take everything that gets you closer to enemy base. Same goes for jungle camps. Ping your allies to steal them, when they're nearby.

Look out for overextending allies. When you see someone's clearly in danger but they're unaware - ping them back. Ping them 20 times if you have to, don't be scared.

You're the boss and you have to act accordingly. That's how you carry soloQ as support.
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