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League of Legends Baron Nashor

Baron Nashor


This is a very powerful hostile monster, approach with caution! Killing this monster will yield great monetary and magical rewards to the team, but it should not be confronted alone. Baron Nashor is a neutral monster that appears on the map Summoner's Rift and is currently the most powerful neutral monster.

Baron Nashor is a highly coveted objective that is difficult to fight without proper strength and personnel. A tank to endure the damage is almost always recommended, otherwise there are few champions that can battle the monster self-sufficiently, mainly utilizing immense sustainability and DPS.

Securing Baron Nashor is a high-risk investment with the resistance-shred debuff and the confined pit providing an advantage to an intervening counterattack. Sight control of the pit is also essential to securing the kill, obscuring the opportune moment to intervene and steal the objective. With these risks, fighting Baron Nashor is preferably conducted while the enemy is indisposed.

Killing Baron Nashor grants Hand of Baron to all living teammates for 180 seconds, which grants bonus attack damage, bonus ability power, Empowered Recall, and an aura that greatly increases the power of nearby minions.
Game-dependent & Shared Drop Statistics
CS Count: 4
Gold: 300 (to each member) / +25 (to slayer)
Experience: 600 (to each member) / +800 (to everyone in 2000 radius)
Health: 9000 (+180 per minute from match start)
Health Regen: 15 (+0.375 per minute from match start)
Attack damage; Click to see

Info from LoLWiki
Attack Speed: 0.625
Range: 955
Armor: 120
Magic Resistance: 70
Spawn Time: 20:00
Respawn Time: 6:00

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r3duffus | December 30, 2014 8:40am
lulu cannot solo baron
LeeSinDra (1) | May 25, 2013 11:30am
Zyra can plant 9000 seeds to solo baron in 2 sec.
TwitcherBrain (37) | September 1, 2012 9:21am
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