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Tryndamere Ability (LoL): Battle Fury

Battle Fury Tryndamere

Tryndamere Ability: Battle Fury
Tryndamere gains 5 Fury for striking a unit or 10 Fury for a critical strike, and 10 extra Fury for killing a unit. When out of combat for 8 seconds, Tryndamere loses 5 fury every second.

Tryndamere gains 0-50% critical strike chance (depending on Fury).

Tryndamere's Abilities

Tryndamere Ability: Battle Fury Tryndamere Ability: Battle Fury Tryndamere Ability: Battle Fury Tryndamere Ability: Battle Fury
Battle Fury is used by Tryndamere

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LuCiFeR_24 | February 19, 2012 2:37am
please invite me: DescentBen

if i'm online in lol or add as a friend
Simaie | August 13, 2011 7:01pm
Yeah and how you get your build ? With kills with your passive on early :D
Marshall Mathers | December 22, 2010 7:34pm
This is only very nice early and mid game, but if you build him right you won't even need his passive late game, cuz ur items cross off almost all the rest of the crit. besides ur not running around at full health the whole time...It is very bad *** though
brianhyang (1) | November 6, 2010 9:10pm
**** YEAH!!!
ExamplePrime (33) | October 6, 2010 9:31am
Combine this skill with his ultimate and Tryndamere is criting every hit
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