if he ever freezes into you, gg. there are many scenarios where he 1v2s you and your jungle if played poorly so be careful if you get a gank. You can either play purely for late game (where your split is better than his) taking phase rush and playing the lane very far back, or you can go conq and coinflip a first blood as a lot of darius's underestimate garen's early with conq. Generally if you do this you want to look for a kill at lvl 2 with ignite all-in. The matchup is generally just whoever fb's the other shits on the other for the rest of the game
he has the complete edge in lane but he is completely hopeless against your split later on. Phase rush helps greatly for running out of his w. Rush executioners. Just focus on staying in xp range and healing with passive. I don't think you win early even with conq so don't take
ranged champ and you have no way to cancel his hookshot thing so he is ungankable as well. Perma split against him
(aurora top) another akshan type ranged top laner fleet sustain cancer poke ungankable perma under your tower champ. if she steps up once you have stride you can easily run her down though. Keep in mind she doesn't actually have any cc
probably tied for worst melee matchup with darius. It's less that she counters you and more that you have nothing to stop camille from doing her thing. Beg for ganks if you get an early lead you can shit on her
(cassio top) rougn matchup. The main thing you have going for you is that to poke she has to poison you, which if you stand in your wave will also make her push. There you can somewhat farm under tower or ask for a gank since she gets obliterated by a gank if she is too far up
be mindful of the burst from ult once he's 6. make an effort to dodge his q's. Pretty easy try to zone from farm since cs'ing heals him abunch
either hold ult for after she has parried or ult while she is silenced. If the vital is in a bad spot you can walk away from her for a few seconds and it'll reset. Playing against fiora is just a massive spacing minigame
Dr. Mundo
rush executioners, dodge cleavers or stand behind wave. He can poke you out fairly quickly if you arent paying attention but his poke is very easily deniable.
w his barrels. Try to break them. Don't stand in his q range if you don't need to. Don't get auto'd by his fire passive its very strong -- keep in mind its cooldown resets when he breaks a barrel. He is incredibly easy to run down as soon as you have stridebreaker
lane's rough, keep in mind he hard outcombats you in mega gnar form. You just have to generally stay away from him. After lane you can destroy him though with the standard stuff
lane's kind of annoying. Try to stay at the edge of his q range, you can walk out of the barrel if he throws it before it explodes. Once you bait it out you have a couple seconds to deny farm. W his bomba. After lane you can just run at him, in lane he doesn't really have kill pressure. Very rarely are you able to hit tower though be very careful, his ult one shots the wave and he can cc you for 10 seconds under turret
gwen's actual combat is INCREDIBLY strong. You have two options, either turtle in lane with phase rush and outscale the split or go conqueror and coinflip first blood. She's pretty much darius with less zoning potential. If you want to build specifically to counter her, don't go MR there just isn't a way to tank her you go full damage to be able to kill her in one rotation
currently a level 1 or 2 threat if you actually see him purely because heimerdinger is complete ass right now. But assuming he is in a healthy state, you will never be able to break his turrets or walk up but he will auto push the wave. So just farm under tower, you completely outscale in a split where you can run up and kill his turrets and run away and regen Faster than his turret cd and you outtempo. A decent donger knows this and will try to punish lane. He will set up shop in front of your turret and try to get every plate. You still win 2v1, don't worry, so just spam ask for ganks. Generally heimer players chill out and put turrets farther back in lane after dying once. Keep in mind if you misstep heimer can 100-0 you when he has ult up. If he doesn't play aggro just farm under tower and outscale -- heimer is more a counter to lane bullies like renekton who need to push a lead in lane, you have no pressure to do that
do not try to do a conq build she outcombats you. Just farm in lane, her engage is very poor, and she cant do her signature 'under your own tower' bullying because your wave clear is incredibly strong. After lane run up, do your combo which will leave her at like half health and phase rush out. Immediately just run away if she ults. Illaoi is one of the few champs you can force teamfights against because her teamfight is actually worse than yours, but there is no need to since your split is also better
If you get past level 3 without being shit on the lane is over. If she ever all ins you with ult just phase rush away. Your stride + zerks to her bork + tabis you can win with ignite. You HEAVILY outscale her, late game you can braindead run at her and win
try to w his e stun. If he ults just phase rush away. If you want you can go conq but there's no reason to coinflip it since you outscale him fairly quickly (once you both have ult your ult is much better). if you run at him later on, don't actually auto with q just hold it since he will probably intuitively try to e it, just use q for ms and then activate e once ur near him
hard outscale him but lane is a nightmare, just try to dodge his q's and survive. If he has phase rush don't waste your junglers time calling for ganks, if he has conq you need to be MORE scared because his all-in becomes very very strong but he is actually gankable
your ult completely counters his. His lane is still stronger though so just farm and occasionally poke with q
unless you tank conq, which you probably shouldn't, she wins level 1. Level 2 onward try to bully her, 6 onward just farm. You don't have that much pressure to bully her since you can force her to perma match your split, and in a sidelane you just run at her til she ults and then phase rush away. Still annoying though and she has ways to force teamfights (which if it comes down to that just try to win through splitting, a 5v5 against kayle is doomed)
easier kayle
dont fight him his actual combat is disgusting. Your ult counters his thing though so later on its easy
intuitively you'd think it would be bad but he cant really bully you in lane enough and you can completely out-tempo him in a split push. Just don't try to all-in him early. BC is the obvious choice but honestly I think just going phase rush full split mortal reminder is still better, you are never gonna teamfight into a malphite and he doesn't have enough damage to kill you anyway
morde is a lot harder to just phase rush away from since he can ult you. Although you win the 1v1 if you dodge a q in his r and have ignite. I don't think you win with conq just go phase rush, its slightly easier darius
your q cleanses wither, and phase rush counters wither. With that being said it is pretty hard to actually bully the guy in lane and his sustain is really strong. Freezing on garen is nearly impossible due to your e auto pushing the wave. Instead I would out-tempo lane by proxying and then transitioning to late game assume you can still 1v1 him. You just do your standard stuff and phase rush out by baiting ult.
conq wont let you 1v1 just take phase rush. He is THE champ where you can bait his ult out and just run away its pretty funny. Lane is still hard though and if he sets up a freeze you need your jungle to break it
ornn does more damage than half the top laners despite being full tank, so don't think its a maokai lane you have full dominion over. Your split still beats his and if you respect him he can't really bully you in lane, although keep in mind if you both split you need to do your out-tempo QUICKLY because his teams 4v4 is gonna be stronger due to the upgraded items
dogshit top laner and he cant bully you. Keep in mind though if you go anywhere near his tower he has tahm kench levels of cancer So don't unless you have a full wave with cannon. Also into matchups like this make sure your auto auto-attack is disabled as it means when he roots you with w, your champion will automatically auto him which makes tower aggro you. Im certain this is like half the reason he has a high win rate top in low elo
broken pos champ, if you get out of lane you outscale very hard in a side lane but good luck doing that. You can either coinflip first blood with conq level 1 e or proxy with phase rush, but taking phase rush and standing under your tower wont work he will either freeze or tower dive you
she has a deceptive amount of damage like ornn, except unlike ornn she cant upgrade her teams items. So just respect her in lane and she cant really bully you hard enough to stop your late game split
probably the easiest ranged matchup, but regardless its still ranged. Late game in a split you can braindead run at her with stride and win, in lane just farm her stuff auto pushes the wave. You need to spam ping whenever she roams though, and at least I also literally type "quinn gone! Care *lane*" as some people mute pings 24/7
just farm, if he proxies set up your own proxy
just farm she has a gross amount of sustain but doesn't really have tools to bully
you win the 1v1 early if he doesn't have ignite and you have conq. he wins if he has ignite though so I would just phase rush as honestly its a 50/50 whether renekton players go tp or ignite. With phase rush its just your standard farm under tower outscale stuff, he has a very hard time tower diving you due to the silence + w, and his stuff auto pushes the wave
FUCK this champ. He has probably the best farm zoning in top lane, do not engage with him he heals his entire health bar in trades. You outscale. The only consistent way to play this is begging your jungle to early gank him since he just gets obliterated in 2v1s and 2v2s. In low elo though if he hasn't mastered rengar mechanics you can just farm til 6 and then destroy him cos his ult is dogshit. Rush an executioners
smack her around, she does out-trade you if literally let her do her full combo but on garen that shouldn't be possible because of the silence. Dont all in though make sure you use phase rush to run away til late game
easier rengar, better tower dives than him though and his 2v2 is obnoxiously strong so don't call for ganks unless enemy jg is shown bot
Hasn't been good top since like 2019 just freeze and then run him down
way easier poppy/ornn just farm and split
he can bully in lane pretty hard but it isn't darius/camille levels of lane bullying, he should never be able to land true damage w because of phase rush and your split is slightly better. If you want to all-in him and he hasn't used w yet, make sure to save silence so that you can ult him while silenced to deny the massive shield. To even poke he has to use e on the wave so he will always be pushing which is good for you
demacia on his ass, force split contests. Your q silence cancels his ult. Keep in mind, while not blatantly stronger than yours, his lane IS pretty good, definitely a lot stronger than you'd think if you never faced him before
just farm, if he proxies do your own proxy don't chase him
your q silence cancels his q. This is a very vanilla lane just play normally and you'll be on top. If he proxies and doesn't have ult you can chase him. Recent changes made "good deaths" a lot harder to do so unless you are literally into the baus don't worry about that
your split completely destroys him but holy shit his lane is so broken. Dodge his q's they are pretty slow, don't stand near your wave since the aoe on q impact his pretty big. If he is doing the Korean comet w max thing though its just fucked try to proxy
conq demacia on his dumbass
Tahm Kench
past 6 you pretty much cant go on his side of the lane cos if he lands a q you die. Beyond that tahm kench just sucks ass, he is a lane bully with no real way to force trades. he is more an illaoi type champ that is supposed to counter divers like wukong and renekton
proxy or lose. Phase rush REQUIRED. One of like two matchups where you can go swifties if needed. If it gets to late game you can run him down in a split. Make sure to pick up an oracles
dont engage in his antics, your split is better just bait his ult and run out. With lethal tempo gone his lane is also a lot worse than it used to be
The only top laner who can actually match your split tempo, although luckily you win in combat you just force his ult out and then run away. Lane is a nightmare though just call for ganks and try to clear waves
Twisted Fate
as of right now twisted fate top is broken and very unhealthy for the game I'm certain they are gonna gut it soon. By the time you are reading this he may be a level 1 threat. But right now there isn't really counterplay beyond maybe proxying but his ult punishes proxy very hard
conq still doesnt win the 1v1, pretty vanilla matchup just farm
juke his e when he whips it out. Every urgot loves the e flash cheese early game so look out for that if you are low
varus top was gutted but it does counter you pretty hard. Treat it like a kennen matchup
if you get out of lane your split is way stronger just run at her with stridebreaker. Laning phase against vayne you want to stand in lane bushes and farm in those until she inevitably wards a lane bush to stop you from doing that, where you then spam call for your jungle to gank. If your jungle ganks and she dies due to lack of river vision, she will I guarantee only use her future wards on river in which case you can just farm in lane bushes. If she actually tries to fight you in one you can win the 1v1 melee range. although keep in mind if she does this she will probably try to immediately condemn stun you so position accordingly or w the stun
farm lane, your split is way better than his and his teamfight is way better than yours. Its a pretty vanilla matchup its just whoever outmacros the other wins. Force him to match your split, gg. He forces you to teamfight, gg.
just farm, he wins 1v1 if u take conq still
your ult counters his entire identity. Rush an executioners. Until you have executioners + 6, don't fight him AT ALL
broken ass monkey champ, try to farm. You can take conq and look for an early kill or out-trade level 1 since every wukong player is gonna e into you. Generally the safer play is just standard phase rush farm under tower though since you do outscale him
lethal tempo removed, champs a dumpster fire top now
he definitely has the upper edge in lane but he cant really bully if he misses q3's which are easy to dodge. Late game you can really easily 1v1 him
you need to juke the wall or you're dead
rush executioners, your ult counters his identity. Keep in mind he can cc you for like 6 seconds straight so don't go under his tower
Thank you for taking the time to check out my guide! I am a masters/GM NA 1.3mil Darius main who also plays a lot of mundo, garen and illaoi: https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/BiliBiliBD-Alpha For the last two seasons/splits I have shifted pretty much completely from only playing darius to only playing mundo/garen/illaoi. I'll probably return to darius at some point but as of right now he is unplayable in high elo with all the indirect nerfs he keeps getting. Ghost nerf was the nail in the coffin
this screenshot is from August 13 2024
I initially fell in love with garen because his champion specific mechanics are incredibly braindead which lets you focus on being faker at dodging stuff and spacing. But overtime I have come to find he has a very nice niche of being a pure split pusher that focuses on out-tempoing, rather than just trying to 2v1 like illaoi or mundo. That's pretty rare to come across, and afaik garen is the only champion that plays this way and is somewhat tanky. If you like a character with more depth than people give him credit for, but still doesnt take itself too seriously (aatrox/kayn mains WILL have 20 e-girls on standby, if that's what you want garen is not for you) with really strong stats instead of flashy plays and the potential to completely carry a game if played well, Garen is a great choice. I am a 19 y/old in university, It's been an adjustment from highschool so I haven't had much time to stream for a while, but I'm starting to stream again, so if you could check that out and give me a follow if this all sounds interesting to you, I'd definitely appreciate it: https://www.twitch.tv/bilibilibd
I've also made a Darius & Mundo guide (the mundo guide is incredibly detailed) on here and will probably make more in the future as they are a lot of fun so check that out if that sounds interesting.
Lastly, if anything seems wrong, you disagree or there's something I should improve upon, I'd love to hear about it! I'm still learning, and want to put out the best guide possible. If you could quickly rate it as well so I know just in general how the guides looking, it'd mean a lot to me.
FYI IMO the best perma-ban if you plan on purely playing garen is camille, every other extreme counter to garen is usually only played as a counter-champ and therefore people generally don't have that much experience on them or will even counter you with them (besides darius but A) he's never played in high elo and B) darius is more of a coinflip lane where he gets to flip twice, camille is a "get a gank or lose" situation). Actually it's quite the opposite for camille, she is a very popular champion and is very strong most of the time
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