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Quinn Ability (LoL): Behind Enemy Lines

Behind Enemy Lines Quinn

Quinn Ability: Behind Enemy Lines
Cost: 100 / 50 / 0
Quinn calls to Valor, pairing up after channeling for 2 seconds gaining 70 / 100 / 130% movement speed and allowing her to recast this ability. Attacking or using Blinding Assault or Vault automatically recasts this ability.

Recast: Quinn and Valor perform an aerial maneuver, dealing 70% of her attack damage as physical damage, marking champions as Vulnerable, and ending this ability.

Quinn's Abilities

Quinn Ability: Behind Enemy Lines Quinn Ability: Behind Enemy Lines Quinn Ability: Behind Enemy Lines Quinn Ability: Behind Enemy Lines
Behind Enemy Lines is used by Quinn

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Satella (177) | May 22, 2013 11:54pm
Note that the alternate abilities share the same cooldowns as the normal ones, so you won't be able to double cast any skill by ulting.
Newer Player | March 2, 2013 3:02am
Don't forget to include Skystrike stats. ;)

Wish you the best in completing this guide haha.

She is lots of fun!
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