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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Blade of the Ruined King

Blade of the Ruined King
Total Price: 3200 | Recipe Price: 725 | Sell Price: 2240

LoL Item: Blade of the Ruined King
  • 40 Attack Damage
  • 25% Attack Speed
  • 8% Life Steal

UNIQUE Passive: Attacks apply an additional [12% for Melee | 9% for Ranged] enemy current health physical damage on-hit.

UNIQUE Passive: Your first basic attack against an enemy champion slows them by 30% for 1 second (15 second cooldown).
  • 40 Attack Damage
  • 25% Attack Speed
  • 8% Life Steal

UNIQUE Passive: Attacks apply an additional [12% for Melee | 9% for Ranged] enemy current health physical damage on-hit.

UNIQUE Passive: Your first basic attack against an enemy champion slows them by 30% for 1 second (15 second cooldown).

Blade of the Ruined King builds into these items:

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Vapora Dark (624) | September 19, 2016 8:57pm
this item is amazing!!!!!!!!! i have loved it and used it so much over the years. i remember when it was first made into an attack speed item i would use it on irelia, and as soon as i completed the item i would be in god mode and just destroy lane!! even vs her strongest counter renekton i would just annihalate him even if i was down 0/4 even though irelia loses to him because renekton is irelias strongest counter, even more than teemo. in season 4 and 5 i also used to build this item quite a lot on adc, even on adc's such as lucian and graves who were generally not considered very good botrk users because botrk doesnt give a lot of ad like the bloodthirster does, and they were not usually build side by side but rather you used one or the other, however i didnt like building defensive items so i would actually build them side by side quite often, however even when not building both i would often build it on adc's such as lucian and graves because it was such a strong item vs tanks, and tanks are champions that graves and lucian had a lot of trouble dealing with. nowadays its not as good an item but its still pretty good and underrated vs tanks imo, i did some calculations and it out-dps's bt even when you dont put fervor of battle or the botrk passive into the equation, because the as is so good for dps, and then when you take those things into account then botrk out-dps's bt by quite a lot, especially vs tanks because of the botrk passive but also not vs tanks. i tried building botrk on talon once too but it didnt seem very good, it didnt do enough burst damage. also ive seen it recommended on renekton before but whenever ive tried it seems **** dont use botkr on renekton also on lee sin dont use it on lee sin also it used to be really good on master yi jungle but recently i dont think i see it quite as much which is weird i guess yi just builds crit lol anyway. its still very core on vayne and kalista, but you dont build it on corki anymore. also graves got reworked which makes me sad, so now he doesnt ever build botrk anymore either. lol anyways i
Embracing (353) | September 19, 2016 9:20pm
holy **** vapora
Vapora Dark (624) | September 22, 2016 9:37am
Skarlyn | December 27, 2014 2:59am
Vayne Love it
Caravan13 | January 18, 2014 12:51am
Janitsu (569) | November 29, 2013 10:32pm
then again, Bloodthirster gives 100 ad which is quite a lot on some people
KillerNeko (13) | November 29, 2013 10:20pm
Many people don't understand the true art of dealing 5% of target current health.

With this item, you may counter many tanky champion, even if they have full health, because Blade of the Ruined King do that for you.
hadoblado (3) | August 10, 2013 4:04pm
This item is still crazy. Outclasses BT on most champs. D
Vauxhan | March 9, 2013 12:52pm
why so many ppl called this item "OP" i dont understand....waste of money
it deals 5% of CURRENT hp = only works well vs tanks, pre-rework this item was more useful
LiLStormcloaK (72) | March 5, 2013 2:50am
Well this is broken....
LocCatPowersDog (1) | March 2, 2013 5:39am
I don't understand changing this item, I was falling in love with this as my damage go-to on Vi. Not that the attack speed is bad because of proccing her W; heck maybe it will be even better. But where that many people complaining/abusing/underusing this item that it had to be reworked? And as I keep hearing about how attack speed is more expensive with S3 I'd like to know if the total cost has changed. I can't remember the original cost...
oFrostio (2) | March 1, 2013 4:13pm
Finally a really good item for those Bruisers that rely on dmg+ls+as which is included in the item ,like irelia,jax (possibly darius) :)
But they nerfed the Dmg too much and the AS is as well too much,they should have tried 35Dmg and 30AS,and then see what needed more balancing.
j1465 (1) | March 1, 2013 2:01am
Yes the passive is good and useful agaisnt baron but it's all about the active. It's a lifesaver and a movement speed steal.
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