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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Flawless Victory (sort of)

I don't see everyone on a team get S's too often.

My route:

Leash at Red > Raptors > Wolves > Blue > Gromp (the last two camps done together)

Kayn's route:

Blue > Wolves > Raptors > Red > Krugs > Gank and get a kill on Teemo Top

I didn't try to contest Top scuttle since my Top laner was dead so I headed to Bot scuttle and pinged where Kayn was and started to go to Bot scuttle but thought better of it and went back to wait in the Bot side river bush at Mid lane. It was a good thing I did because this setup a sequence of plays that put the game in the bag at the 5:20 mark.

Is your plan working?

As jungler, just mute people as needed. You will get all kinds of aggressive and passive aggressive **** in chat, but if things are going according to plan (AKA) you are getting your farm and being useful where you can be useful DO NOT let the **** get to you.

E.g. (Laner) I've been ganked 5 times now.

And, I have a huge CS lead on the enemy jungler. Thx for absorbing the pressure as I've got all the items I need to carry this game. (note that I didn't type any of that out. It wouldn't help. I just continued with my plan).

What Laner doesn't say is that they died to a gank with no ward out despite me pinging that the gank was potentially coming, then they immediately Teleported back into lane with the lane still in enemy territory and died to a re-gank ( Xin Zhao skipped the

About my break

Hello Mobafire.

So I just wanted to quickly give a little update about why I just suddenly dropped out of the community for several months. Yeah it was quite a while hey? Anyways, I just wanted everybody to know that I'll be continuing to post new stuff and update old things from time to time, and that I'm not dead. Alright, that's all, have a great day.

Soooo I archived 99% of my guides

As some of you might have noticed, I have archived basically all my guides except for Total Eclipse of the Heart. The reason for that is pretty simple. Some of the guides where focused at real meta playstyles which is a field I don't want to participate in anymore. Some guides where "too badly coded" and I just didn't want to see them anymore. And some guides where focused at playstyles that Riot stopped supporting (for example when they removed Karma's interaction with attack speed items). And well, rather then see them rot and wither, I just took em all down in one go. The only survivor of this massive genocide I just commited was my AP MF guide. The only guide that actually doesn't pain me when I open it :D

I Just Found Out

Ah yes, I played a couple rounds of league yesterday and I'll explain how my first one went. I haven't played League in like a month and when I went into my game yesterday with Gwen so in the prelobby, I asked "Did they nerf Gwen yet?" One person said no and I believed him because I didn't think Riot would nerf my favorite champion or at least think of a way to nerf her. I started just laning like normal against the enemy top laner. As soon as I hit level two, I dashed in and started auto attacking. Something was wrong though, my attack speed was way too low. I then died because better auto attacker wins. WHEN I LOOKED AT GWEN's E ( Skip 'n Slash) I REALIZED IT WAS 20% ATTACK SPEED INSTEAD OF 40% ATTACK SPEED. I then proceeded to type to my teammate, "I THOUGHT YOU SAID THEY DIDN'T NERF GWEN." They then explained that she was nerfed a patch ago and not the most recent patch. After the game ended, I looked at the patch where Gwen was nerfed. Her E attack speed is scaling from 20% to 80%…


Eat, munch, gobble 'em all up until you can fill that belly!
But your appetite can never be satisfied
You ended up wanting more and more
And you're ready to sacrifice anything to achieve it
Until there's nothing left from you to give

Ah, poor fellow,
Having no more thing to give?
Giving everything to get nothing in return but vain?
You must be so desperate
Besides, I'm also hungry
So let me save you from this cruel world. And let me save myself too, because you will be...

...severely delicious

Sizes & Headers

It's me! Back with another blog post on another facet of BBCode. During the process of editing my guide I stumbled on something by accident. And that is... double sizes. On MFN you can change the size of your text by adding [size=x]Text[/size] where x can be the numbers 1 to 7. 3 is the standard size of text (and it is fine, please don't change the size of your regular text). Buut perhaps you want to put text below images/make headers and whatnot. So you'll need one of the different sizes!

Overview: classic sizes

Ok ok, so what's up with the double size thing I mentioned? It turns out that if you put multiple size tags around text, you can get even more possible sizes! So let's say, you think size 1 isn't quite small enough, you can put [size=1][size=2][/size][/size] around the text to make it readable for ants.

Surely ants can read

You can use this to get sizes that a…

About Me

Hello! I'm Looking and I've played League under various usernames circa 2015. I might not have the most time in League, but I can't help but study this game. After a while, I knew so much about the game that I became something of a coach to my friends. Since players not knowing what they're doing frustrates me, I've decided to take my knowledge to the internet.

How to improve / quit?

Hey, so I am trash at league of legends, which normally is fine
But there is one person I often duo-queue with and I feel/know I'm always dragging them down, which makes me feel somewhat sad I guess. The person in question says it's fine, but I feel like it is not fun, It can't be fun to play with someone who is way worse than you.

I do/done everything I can, look at macro/micro guides, play games as much as I can (I can't play everyday, unfortunately, so I only play when I can) I constantly watch/read guides on champions I enjoy.
I constantly read up on patch-notes and such when it's relevant to the lane/champs I like to play on. I honestly just feel completely lost.

Do you people have any tips/ideas on what to do to improve? I'm honestly debating quitting LoL until I get my own pc so I can play whenever I feel like playing, but then I don't know if the person I play with is fine with me just stopping for a while. I don't know

Top Lane Is The Best Role Change My Mind

Top lane is easiest lane in the game, which is why its the greatest. Bot lane is a duo lane and one will usually end up blaming the other and screwing the whole lane. Bot lane is too luck dependent on hoping you get a good ADC or Support that doesn't run it down. Mid lane is usually filled with everyone at 15 minutes which reduces your XP and gold you get from CSing. Not only that, you have to worry about two sides the enemy jungler can come from. You are also expected to roam/rotate and you'll usually be the first one getting flamed if you don't. Jungle takes a lot of practice and you'll need more knowledge than a laner would which takes a lot of time. Top lane though, its easy. Everyone isn't up there at 15 minutes, you can live in your own world with your enemy laner, you'll be brawling a lot which is fun, and you have your braindead champions like Garen. No skill is why its the easist. Change my mind.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide