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MOBAFire's third Mini Guide Contest of Season 14 is here! Create or update guides for the 30 featured champions and compete for up to $200 in prizes! 🏆

MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Ranked Day 4

Haven't kept up well with this, so going back two days remembering games so the summaries are gonna be kinda short.

Game 14: Jungle Jarvan IV

Bot lane got demolished. They had a Twisted Fate/Shen mid/top and they used it quite well. We still should have won the game, gave them an easy Baron because our team wasn't ready to contest. Our Master Yi got a Quadra even with them having Baron, but the next fight he went in first and got insta killed. Game was over from there.

End Result: Defeat -21 LP 82->61 1/5/17 197/172

Game 15: Top Wukong (Purple Side)

Bot lane get railed again by a Miss Fortune. I lane against a Garen who grabs two kills on me at lvls 6 and 8. Garen counters Wukong really hard with his silence, but thats no excuse. However, I outfarm him, and everyone in the first 20 minutes. But unfortunately while I am still defending my outer turret, the other two lanes are pushed to their inhibitors, forcing me to go help out, giving Garen two free towers. We probably c…

Hitting a road bump or nearing a plateau?

Hmm, Silver III has been a frustrating experience for me. For one, it seems like nothing is under control. It's like everyone just dies left and right for no rhyme or reason. Everybody just wants to kill each other, but not focus on doing things that win the game. Teammates' are very inconsistent; they're either ridiculously good or horrendously bad.

For me, the result has been a series of up and down streaks. win 2, lose 2, win 3, lose 3. I've made it to two promotion series, only to lose both of them in straight games, but then I get right back into one. I'm currently on my third try to get promoted from Silver III. Hope I don't lose it AGAIN.

I wonder if this has been just a bump in the road and I could possibly climb further, or whether I'm actually nearing the end of the road. I'm not even really sure if I've been playing that well. Maybe I'm just getting used to the pace of the game at this higher elo and I'll take off on another streak again. Or maybe I'm nearing the end and s…


I've been experimenting with my Support Morgana build in bot games.

And god, the WORST thing for someone who specializes in supports is an incompetent carry. My friends who normally play with me were asleep/doing homework, so I enter queue by myself.

I get set up with a solotop Irelia (Aviator skin btw...really like it!), jungler

Throatslasher's S3 *DIAMOND* SOLO QUEUE Tier List...

Hello. Here is my tier list, broken down by roles. Certain champions in a favorable lane matchup are better than they are depicted on this list. For example, J4 top would be heavily favorited against a higher tier character if he has a better matchup than they do.

When I write my tier lists, champions in a tier are considered of relatively equal power, unlike elementz's. So, a champion who is #1 in tier 3 is not necessarily stronger than the last champion in tier 3. That's just how I choose to do things. If your champion is not mentioned, it probably means they suck so hard I forgot to include them. If I DO forget a champion, please mention it and I will add them. If I don't mention a champion for a role, IE jayce in jungle tier list, it probably means I don't consider them 'competent' enough for that role, or maybe I just forgot them.

This tier list includes the BOTRK nerf
(^) - next to name = gone up a tier
(v) - next to name = gone down a tier
(^^) - up multiple tie…

Community Question #2

Hi again, MOBAfire.
Today we're going to discuss art. Who doesn't love a awesome piece of art that sits in your siggy? Well I sure like 'em. Off to question: Do you make art? Like really good art or do you just like to play around in Paint? Do you want to learn how? Or are you chill with your current skills? Answah meh nao!

SoloQ Success Videos - Update#5

SoloQ Success aims to educate new and experienced League of Legends players and guide them towards a successful, enjoyable gaming experience through brief and in-depth analyses of game mechanics, player psychology, and current meta-game.


SoloQ Success #3.1 - ADC's 2nd Summoner Spell

Good ol' Wukong

It's been a while since i last played Wukong, im usually forced to use other champions becouse of ******ed team comp =/

But today i could play him and carried the team pretty much...

Miss Fort Noob


I am pretty new to League of Legends, after hearing how great it is I thought I'd better have a look & see what all the rave was about. After playing for a couple of weeks I must say that I'm pretty much hooked & loving it!

I used to play WOW & for about 6 months or so I enjoyed it but soon became bored with having to roam around for what felt like an eternity killing beasts to level up. What I did enjoy was the battle grounds & the whole teams aspect of dungeoning with other players.

I think that Lol has brought these 2 aspects together to make a really compelling game which for me is breathe of fresh air!

I'm currently playing with Miss fortune & prefer ranged characters, I started with Ashe, tried Varus but enjoy using Miss atm... as I progress through more gameplay I'm sure I'll find other characters that I'll take a shine to.

I know I have a lot to learn about the game & look forward to meeting some cool people here too, I'm somewhat more of a team orientated player & not…

Ranked Day 3

Game 10: Jarvan IV Jungle (Blue Side)

Bad game from every lane. Started well (3/1/4) but bot gave up two early double kills. I came to gank, would have killed both, but their jungle/mid were there 3/0 exchange. GG from there on not enough damage output from Pantheon and Annie couldn't one shot carries.

End Result: Defeat -18 LP 80->62 4/5/6 195/169

Game 11: Vi Jungle (Purple Side)

Another bad game from me on Vi, guess I'm going to have to try different builds on her in normals before bringing her to ranked. Couldn't get good ganks, felt too squishy again, made some decent plays at beginning but all lanes got smoked. Oh well another learning experience back to normals with Vi.

End Result: Defeat -19 LP 62->43 3/7/7 195/170

Game 12: Jarvan IV Jungle (Purple Side)

Got my mojo back with this game, big confidence booster. Decent team but our mid Lux was kind of a derp. We were taking dragon, she decides to go bot and farm and we lose it. Another baron fight idk what she was d…


So while I wait on my friends to reach level 30 (I've been there a little while now) I'm trying out for some other ranked teams. A few of my other friends I met online are starting one and I'm trying out for it today. For the position of ADC and I'm still stuck trying to choose between Draven, Caitlyn,

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide