[MID]Aatrox gets kited like a little bitch. conqueror full damage and smoke him. [TOP] Run phase rush, kite him HARD. should be easy.
[MID] ahri is difficult, she outranges with her abilities and since her update her passive and ulti are very difficult to counter, start corrupting pots and go phase rush, if she missplays her charm, land q and run her down.
[MID] dumb champion, very hard to play against, i have always struggled, mostly my own problem as i dont think its too hard a matchup for higher tier casio players. dodge her e and stay under tower and you should be gucci. [TOP] unplayable, dodge.
[MID] This champ makes laning phase impossible for you with vayne passive, shield and huge dash, just sit under tower farm and wait for teamfight stage. start tear and farm up. [BOTLANE] Useless, doesnt wok with most supports.
[BOTLANE] Not really an issue for cass, as she shreds tanks, although he can cc her in a teamfight, so keep your distance.
[JUNGLER] this champ is a big ball of cancer. endless amounts of cc, true damage and high damage output for a tank, not to mention his tiny hitbox to land Qs on, this champ is my absolute hell as a mage, ever since they gave him 2 Q charges.
[MID] anviva is fairly easy matchup, her range is slightly lower than yours on her e ability so if you see her waste stun, land q and all in.
[MIDLANE] annie is a unique champ, shes easy to lane against, but her flash stun has zero counterplay, if the enemy jungler is just sitti ng there waiting you are also fucked, barring an absolutely insane reaction flash [SUPPORT] shes useless as supp, no threat.
[BOTLANE] Not enough data, i presume he kites the shit out of you with his range but noone plays this champ.
[MID] annoying if going any of her w spam build (full lethality w spam, liandries+demonic, imperial mandate + manamune etc) [BOTLANE] but if shes going full adc you far out dps her, as long as she doesnt have a lulu. if you see this lock + lulu and you botlane has no hard engage shutdown like nautilus, i recommend dodging this one
Aurelion Sol
[MID]very easy for casio, punish him for farming, make him misposition and request jungle help, unlosable lane.
[MID] He outdamages you very hard, if hes experienced, Extreme threat, any less than 50k points and he is a minor threat.
[JUNGLER] shes strong, probably going to get a nerf but not played enough for me to comment.
[BOTLANE] casio doesnt usually reside in the botlane but when she does this is a nightmare matchup, along with nautilus and pyke one hook will pop you until you are 2 or 3 items in, which b y then lane phase will be over. [MID] on the rare occasion some idiot runs full ap blitz mid, shove him into tower and back off. easy lane
[MID] you outrange brand but he outdamages you until late game. thoroughly a skill matchup. good luck [BOTLANE] hes annoying as fuck. extreme threat
[BOTLANE] when paired with a jinx? dodge when paired with a sivir? freelo. mixed reports from me.
[MID]outranges you heavily, try to farm at absolute max range, as for jungle help and hope to god she doesnt get fed before teamfight phase.
[TOP] absolute nightmare matchup in the toplane. she can throw herself and you and lock you down past 6, but before then if she jumps on you throw a W down on her and trade as much as possible, her passive shield is annoying as hell.
should be easy since youve read this guide and ur opponent (why are you playing blind pick) most likely has not.
[TOP AND MID]cho is hard, hes a complete cc machine with many slows and hard cc's available to him in his kit and items he builds. this along with nomming you for 60% of your health makes it a volatile matchup. his lane sustain is superb, so if you are to do anything to him go for an all in. if he lands 1 Q you are fucked, he slows with e, stops you from flashing with his w silence and you are fried snake. use this as kiting practice.
[MID] pokey little bitch, annoying but you outscale, he outranges unfortunately, make it your job to kill the frontline instead. laning phase kinda sucks, he just jumps away if you are aggro and post 6 pokes you down
[TOP] run phase rush, kite him and never get too close. i recommend running nimbus cloak with flash + ghost in this lane, if he cant reach you, he cant kill you. dont just facecheck lane bushes level 1, he will beat your ass. giving him a kill is unrecoverable.
[JUNGLE] this champ is rather unfair, her clear is exceptional, good dueling power and good extended fights, great teamfight power and very tanky. [MID] a rare sight mid, she kills you in 1 combo from level 3 onwards if you let her land a q on you to reset e. cancer lane.
Dr. Mundo
[TOP] easy to kite, free lane. [JUNGLE] he has no gank power, just ward well and you're fine.
[BOTLANE] i hate this champ, one mistake and ur in the bin, snowballs to oblivion with no chance of coming back, he outranges you slightly and kills you in 3 autos at level 3, dodge.
[JUNGLE] his ganks are deadly. try to stay fairly near the middle of the wave so that you have time to dodge his big stun bubble. he outdamages you and can ult all of your damage so its hard.
[MID] Easy matchup, back off whenever he walks in a bush, farm till 6. when he hits 6 all ekko players like to towerdive for a free kill, you want to ult him and put your w on him and it stops all of his dashes including being able to press his R, simple matchup just dont be stupid
[JUNGLE] Elise is rarely played, but she just 1 shots you pretty much and can rapell your damage, annoying as fuck tbh
[JUNGLE] fairly easy matchup, if you begin to get charmed simply ult in the direction that arrow points at, all in her and she dies.
[BOTLANE] Heavily outranges you, annoying as shit, dashes away
[MID] Do not underestimate AP ezreal, all he has to do is land w which has a broken hitbox and e in and he kills you 100-0. annoying
[JUNGLER] broken jungler, good he isnt played much, he can kill you before his fear or silence ends and you are fucked.
[TOP] skill matchup, she can be kited but any good fiora parry's your ultimate and kills you with her ulti, but if you play it well and bait her parry you can run her down/kite her, hug the wall on the side the vital is at to stop her ult from proccing.
[MID] pre 6 you beat his ass, as soon as he gets his ulti and some ability haste this slippery little fucker tower dives you and you have no choice but to take it. rush a zhonyas.
[MID] contrary to most mages, cassiopeia shreds galio as she is an efficient antitank dps source, if he misses he only engage (very linear) you all in him and run him down forcing death or flash. only reason he isnt 1 is because of his buckets of cc setup for junglers
[TOP] Skill matchup, if he gets close enough to barrel you, go for a q and all in, do not let him poke you down with q, take long trades. [MID] he sorta just stands under turret and kills you, very annoying.
[ANYWHERE] This champ is cancer. he has built in movement speed, a silence, a shield, tenacity, healing dps and a massive true damage explosion that doesnt even care if he is 0/12. he will simply run away or run you down, every mages worst nightmare. cringe champ
[TOP] gnar is easy, kite kite kite. run phase rush and make him regret going a ranged toplaner (oh the irony)
[TOP] if he goes ap, hes kiteable but can kill you, skill matchup. if he goes tank you beat his sorry ass six ways to sunday making him regret building tank gragas. [MID] you cant run him down mid as much as you can top, so just chill and farm vs his sustain.
[Anywhere] Cancer champ, infinite manaless waveclear and high damage, an infinite amount of dashes and a blind which renders you completely useless for 2+ seconds, if they are laning vs you, you are not going to have fun.
[top] quite frankly just annoying when her w is up, bait it then go all in, you win it.
[JUNGLER] Hecarim is cancer, tanks all your damage, doesnt die, and solokills you very fast due to high base damage. cringe champ very linear.
[anywhere] annoying but playable, you scale much harder, very rare lane.
[TOP] annoying champ, need to be aggressive early, has way too much base damage and healing.
[TOP] Unplayable, ban or dodge. she will chase you from midwave to your nexus soaking 800 tower shots kill you and recall scott free.
[MID] Farm under turret and hope to god they dont have functioning braincells because irelia is cancer. wait for her to dive you, ult flash ignite w everything and hope she doesnt 200 years her way into a free win
[BOTLANE] annoying poker, thats about it, her ult can cuck you but it isnt too bad and shes easily killable.
Jarvan IV
[Jungle] He has deadly ganks, watch for level 2 gank, its pretty much point and click knockup and can get you killed/ burn both summs easily. [Any Lane] easily poked, shouldnt be too hard to stomp him.
[Anywhere] Champions such as jax and irelia that build blade of the ruined king and still are tankier than tom kench with more damage than a full build zed are unfortunately not playable against as cas, if you absolutely have to pick casio into a jax, sit under your tower and beg your jungler for early assistance.
[ANY LANE] hes all poke, but you can easily return said poke. do not get within range for him to bonk you or you are fucked royally. kite well and this matchup isnt difficult but give him any sort of lead and boom, you're fucked.
[BOTLANE] you can harass him at level 2, at level 6 you can flash r him and just kill him from full health easily, not too hard a matchup
[botlane] You match her range, pure skill matchup.
[MID] this is one annoying pick, you will want to claw your fingernails off after laning against lethality jinx, it isnt fun. she outranges you a disgusting amount so just farm and scale.
[BOTLANE] difficult botlane, skill matchup in her favor, ultimately this lane is decided by the supports.
[MID] ap kaisa needs to be abused early, put her behind early and its a-ok!, give her any lead and welp, sign your name on the death certificate.
[ANYWHERE] this champ has an unhealthy amount of base damage, full ap she heals a lot, build antiheal. and support build she can make you life hell by making everyone on her team permenently shielded and speedy.
[mid] Cakewalk, easy lane he has huge mana problems.
[JUNGLE] hes a bit annoying, his ganks are shit but sometimes he can just press R and get a penta, making him very impactful. cas doesnt benefit too much from zhonyas so you dont really want to be forced to build this. annoying if ahead.
[ANYWHERE] this champ is annoying as fuck, he kinda counters mages and he scales very haard, even harder than the snake. be scared of this pick and consider dodging.
[MID] annoying but easy, her cooldowns are stupid long and she isnt anywhere near meta this season. free lane for you.
[TOP] easy peasy, bully the shit out of her, make sure she gets no cs freeze the wave ask jungle to camp you etc.
[MID] you cant really run her down, so try to harass her a bit but if you cant freeze it is ok, ask jungle for help
[jungle] a good kayn is a pain in the ass, he can dodge all your shit with his r and wall running and dashes, plsu he heals a TON!
[TOP] this little rats one upside (his ability to poke) has been met with the baility to farm at range, hes useless, all in if he uses his speed up to farm minions.
[JUNGLE] Havnt seen him in a while, with the new tankier builds cas probably smokes him. with her old glass cannon style in s11 she wouldve gotten 1 shot consistently.
[Jungle] Kindred matches your dps, she is fast with dashes and an invincibility field that heals her, if you manage to land 1 q she dies, but any decent kindred play dashes away from your q and kills you. deny her stacks if possible.
[ANYWHERE] never played this matchup personally, i can imagine that since hes a tank you shred him, not sure what the laning phase would be like though.
[MID] Ap Kogmaw is a bit annoying, very strong late game but you can bully him early.
[BOTLANE] he outranges you, after guinsoos he beats ur ass if not for a major missplay, wait until teamfights and excel then.
[MID] shes just a bit annoying, she doesnt have kill pressure until 6, before which you can solo kill her with conquerer and ignite. fun skill matchup overall.
Lee Sin
[JUNGLE] His ganks are powerful, at level 6 it is quite easy for him to insec you. but if he lands a q and you belive he will take it, flash into tower range and place a w by your feet, you should be able to kill him. lane lethality lee sin is easy, you poke him hard.
[BOTLANE] as a champ with no dashes or anything of the sort she kinda fucks you in the ass. play for farm.
[ANYWHERE] annoying, has to wittle you down before killing, she has great engage cc/jungle setup if shes in lane.
[MID] No Experience
[MID] Fairly easy lane, bait his dash and all in level 6
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