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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Catalyst of Aeons

Catalyst of Aeons
Total Price: 1300 | Recipe Price: 550 | Sell Price: 910

LoL Item: Catalyst of Aeons
  • 300 Health
  • 300 Mana

UNIQUE Passive: Restore mana equal to 7% of pre-mitigation damage taken from champions, and heal for an amount equal to 25% of mana spent, up to 20 per cast. Toggled abilities can only heal for up to 20 per second.
  • 300 Health
  • 300 Mana

UNIQUE Passive: Restore mana equal to 7% of pre-mitigation damage taken from champions, and heal for an amount equal to 25% of mana spent, up to 20 per cast. Toggled abilities can only heal for up to 20 per second.

Catalyst of Aeons builds into these items:

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Sporti | April 23, 2020 1:52pm
Truly does wonders for Amumu's Despair ability. Amumu is tanky so he will receive Tons of mana if getting hit while sustaining, as well as restoring tons of health while Despair is active since it spends constant mana and is a Toggle ability. - Patch 10.8
frostgod101 | June 3, 2013 5:00pm
no, its about how much money you spend on gas.
Donamir (3) | June 3, 2012 7:31am
Gotten early enough, sustainability at its best.
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