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MOBAFire's third Mini Guide Contest of Season 14 is here! Create or update guides for the 30 featured champions and compete for up to $200 in prizes! 🏆
's Forum Avatar


Creator: Sovereign Kitten March 6, 2021 7:31pm
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Sovereign Kitten
<Teemo Master>
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Jan 23rd, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 6, 2021 7:31pm | Report

How are you doing today? Most everyone calls me CAT. I am an NA, LAN, EUW, EUNE & OCE Diamond 4 peak creator with a drive and passion to help others. I'm well known for my presence on r/TeemoTalk and as the owner of the Official Teemo Discord server which I manage personally. All in all I'm basically the Teemo guy with the best Teemo guide around.

I am a recent addition to the Scouts and Reviewers team to help out others and to find high quality guide authors to feature.

I am by no means an all knowing savant when it comes to playing League of Legends, especially when it comes to anything outside of Teemo. I’m, however, very good with working with people and guiding them down the right path. There is no such thing as a perfect guide, period. Everything and everyone has flaws, it just takes the right person to notice those flaws.

I'll give your guide the fair critic it deserves to bring out more of it's potential, structurally mostly as this is my strong suit.

I'll gladly review your guide. However, you must understand that I'm detailed and harsh when it comes to a guides structure and it's consistency.

You must have a presentable guide that is just that, a guide. I do not accept guides which simply are used for promoting their Youtube or Twitch. It simply defeats the purpose of a guide to draw attention from this website to another. If people want runes and items they use statistical websites.
  • I will not belittle you, I never would either way. I may come off as aggressive and if I do I apologize, but I do critic harsh on the littlest mistakes.
  • I don't care for grammar mistakes, however, a constant thread of "stuf lyke dis" and constant grammatic errors will be spoken of if needed.
  • You do not have to follow my advice. You don't even have to reply to my review. However, know that I am extremely attentive and responsive.
  • My review covers overall structure, visual format & reader interaction. If it's just bare minimum with nothing to show, I will not review you.
  • While I am but only one of many Scouts and Reviewers. I tend to be the fastest to respond. You can request another through their posts.

  • Know the basics on how to BBCODE. If you don't know how, then use JHOIJHOI's Making A Guide and learn.
  • Request a review using the exact example shown below. It'll interest me if you can follow directions.
  • Reviews will come swiftly. I am active 16 hours a day from 6AM (PST) to 10PM (PST), but don't expect millisec reviews, they take hours to write.
  • I will not review guides with nothing in them. You must meet the IN-DEPTH review standards.
  • I will only review guides made in English as I do not speak any other language fluently. ごめんなさい


I don't ask or care too much, but if you do enjoy the content I provide and the assistance that I provide you, if it wouldn't be too much effort, could you throw me a +REP or even check out one of my guides. It's pretty much the only thing outside of making people happy that motivates me to keep doing the things that I do on a daily basis, as it shows the rest of the community I am doing a good job. Thank you.
The great thing about multitasking is that several things can go wrong at once.
KoZee's Forum Avatar
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Mar 4th, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 13, 2021 6:50am | Report
Champion: Varus
Guide: [11.5] An In-Depth Guide to Bot Lane Varus Play Styles
Review Reason: While you aren't a Varus main, you sure know how to make a guide. I'd like to know how I can improve it, whether it be in the format or what other information I need to add on. Thanks!
Sovereign Kitten
<Teemo Master>
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Jan 23rd, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 13, 2021 8:08am | Report
KoZee wrote:
Champion: Varus
Guide: [11.5] An In-Depth Guide to Bot Lane Varus Play Styles
Review Reason: While you aren't a Varus main, you sure know how to make a guide. I'd like to know how I can improve it, whether it be in the format or what other information I need to add on. Thanks!

The great thing about multitasking is that several things can go wrong at once.
<Lissandra Master>
Katasandra's Forum Avatar
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Aug 27th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 18, 2021 11:50pm | Report
Champion: Lissandra
Guide: How to bury the world in ice | The Lissandra Guide
Review Reason: I'm always looking for ways to improve my guide, but it gets harder and harder over time. I've seen your reviews and they often view guides coming from angles I haven't thought of before. Although my guide is still WIP it'll always be, I fear I'm asking you to take a look, as you'll probably notice things I am not able to. Thanks in advance!
Sovereign Kitten
<Teemo Master>
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Jan 23rd, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2021 3:29pm | Report
Katasandra wrote:
Champion: Lissandra
Guide: How to bury the world in ice | The Lissandra Guide
Review Reason: I'm always looking for ways to improve my guide, but it gets harder and harder over time. I've seen your reviews and they often view guides coming from angles I haven't thought of before. Although my guide is still WIP it'll always be, I fear I'm asking you to take a look, as you'll probably notice things I am not able to. Thanks in advance!

Sorry about that, I didn't get a notification. I also have been really busy with updating my content for the next patch. I'll get on it RIGHT away!
The great thing about multitasking is that several things can go wrong at once.
Sovereign Kitten
<Teemo Master>
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Jan 23rd, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2021 6:02pm | Report
Finished. (3 hours)
The great thing about multitasking is that several things can go wrong at once.
Luquinha's Forum Avatar
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Feb 12th, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 13, 2021 6:45am | Report
Champion: Pantheon
Guide: Pantheon Sup Guide
Review Reason: It is the second time I am requesting so I do not know if it is allowed, but if it is leave mine to last and do first time requests first. I am requesting this to see if there is something I can add to make my guide even better for the contest. Thanks!
Metallichydra's Forum Avatar
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Apr 27th, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 24, 2022 2:06am | Report
Champion(s): Warwick and Skarner
Guide: Double Jungle
Review Reason: If you're still doing this service, I would kindly ask you to review this guide me (and my friends) have been working on. I would like to improve it, and I think a review by an experienced player and guide-creator would help.
Vel'Koz is a midlaner?! No, no way you aren't lying!
Astalfo's Forum Avatar
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Apr 24th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2023 10:40am | Report
Champion: Ekko
Guide: The Ekko Field Guide
Review Reason: I've been a fan of your guides for a while and often lurk in your streams, review your guides for references, etc. I've been working on this Ekko guide for 1-2 Hrs at a time, with no previous BBCODE Knowledge, but I think it's going well! A review and some tips from you would be some great help. I know I need more visual demonstrations, so I'm currently working on that, along with refining some chapters to look less clunky. Hoping you can help as I'd love nothing more than a 10/10 rating at some point! Thanks.
Sovereign Kitten
<Teemo Master>
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Jan 23rd, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2023 1:10pm | Report
Champion(s): Warwick and Skarner
Guide: Double Jungle
Review Reason: If you're still doing this service, I would kindly ask you to review this guide me (and my friends) have been working on. I would like to improve it, and I think a review by an experienced player and guide-creator would help.

If you would still like my service, please let me know and I will look into it since I never did receive this notification.
The great thing about multitasking is that several things can go wrong at once.
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