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Zilean Ability (LoL): Chronoshift

Chronoshift Zilean

Zilean Ability: Chronoshift
Range: 900
Cooldown: 120 / 90 / 60
Cost: 125 / 150 / 175
Zilean grants a protective time rune to an allied champion for 5 seconds. If the target would die, the rune rewinds their timeline, putting them into Stasis for 3 seconds, then reviving them and restoring 600 / 850 / 1100 (+200% of ability power) health.

Zilean's Abilities

Zilean Ability: Chronoshift Zilean Ability: Chronoshift Zilean Ability: Chronoshift Zilean Ability: Chronoshift
Chronoshift is used by Zilean

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jungle everywhere (3) | June 7, 2015 10:50am
Mastarwe wrote:

makes Zilean a portable guardian angel, which can be used on any teammate. Remember that the ability which reduces cooldowns also reduces the cooldown on this spell.

no more. Now it only reduces Q and E, and Ult CD is 60 at max rank, with 40 percent CDR is roughly 36. Quite low still, considering that it's ult
Mastarwe (41) | December 27, 2010 2:56pm
makes Zilean a portable guardian angel, which can be used on any teammate. Remember that the ability which reduces cooldowns also reduces the cooldown on this spell.
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