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Xin Zhao Ability (LoL): Crescent Guard

Crescent Guard Xin Zhao

Xin Zhao Ability: Crescent Guard
Range: 450
Cooldown: 120 / 110 / 100
Cost: 100
The last champion Xin Zhao damaged with an attack or Audacious Charge is Challenged for 3 seconds. Xin Zhao unleashes a sweep around him that deals 75 / 175 / 275 (+110% of ability power) (+1.0 per bonus attack damage) plus 15% current health as physical damage and knocks back all non-Challenged enemies. Afterwards, Xin Zhao becomes immune to damage from enemies outside the sweep range for 4 seconds.

Xin Zhao's Abilities

Xin Zhao Ability: Crescent Guard Xin Zhao Ability: Crescent Guard Xin Zhao Ability: Crescent Guard Xin Zhao Ability: Crescent Guard
Crescent Guard is used by Xin Zhao

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