This matchup blows. But rejoice little briar player it is winnable! If the Aatrox is deaf and blind you can kill him! Play really aggressively pre 6 and post 6 only fight him if your ignite is up. Try to dodge his W sweetspots with your Q and W and if you cant just E his third one since it does the most damage. He outscales you in 1v1 hard. If you fall behind early and he is good expect to die like 20 times
Do people even play Akali top? Regardless her Shroud breaks your entire champion. If its down tho... you can maul her. Try to dodge her E with your W and you can kill her. If you are an ultra pro try to E her R recast (Cancer hard). Akali players are boosted so just be patient and hope she wastes shroud.
One of the easiest Briar Top matchups. Just W onto him once you are level 3 and run at him. Q on top of him, he has two choices, fight you in melee range (he loses) or he E's away (you won the trade) rinse and repeat till he is dead or in base buying tabs cause he is a bitch.
Don't get cheesed early in lane and you roll her over. Like literally just afk till 3 and ur fine
Very winnable matchup! If you W Q onto her instantly you can get your PTA procced before her passive shield. The best time to W onto her is when she tries to poke you with her W. Only thing to keep in mind is that if you are fighting her with no minions around her R untargetability will break your berserk and you will die. So dont suck and do that!
honestly never played this matchup (no one plays Cass top) but it sounds like ass in my head so. cant dodge her r since you are berserked, cant cast W or Q in her goop. Prob can kill her if you hit R and have enough health to tank her R.
His silence makes it so you can't cast E to break your berserk or W recast to chomp. If he buys antiheal and doesnt fight you till 6 you are kinda screwed in the 1v1. Wait till you get cleaver and if he overextends hit him with R and you can just statcheck him to death. Worst shit ever is his fatass eating your R in team fights and you just hit his brickwall of like 300 armor and not their squishy back line flesh. So just prio sidelaning into him imo.
Darius is a pretty rough matchup but it is winnable if you keep the wave close to your tower and only take short trades vs him. Its important that during these short trades you dont let him hit Q since he will basically win the trade at that point.
Dr. Mundo
Maul him perma. Can be scary at like level 11 if he gets antiheal but even then you win 1v1. Only scary cause he can stall for a gank in sidelane.
Skill matchup. Its all about her parry. Try to mind game it by mixing up when you Q. The reason its in major and not even is because she has an edge in long trades as you cant kite vitals in berserk. So try to take short trades near tower and you are chill. If you get a lead you just stomp her unless she buys antiheal or you eat her parry stun.
can be tiny or extreme based on how good they are. He theoretically has every tool in his kit to counter you, but not everyone is Solarbacca. If you are GM below just W on top of him and statcheck him, otherwise this matchup blows, especially if he has ignite.
Afk near tower and only take short trades. He is a really rough matchup. High armor, high health, out of combat regen and his R counters your E.
Can be rough if he gets a lead, rush boots so after you E him away you can run away and not get poked while you do.
He cant really kill you but you cant really kill him. You outscale him in the 1v1 hard. Care for his gank setup since lots of JG's love to camp Gragas.
This matchup is rough since she can easily guarantee her Q center hitting and all of her ults hitting. Best way to play is to take short trades near tower. Its not the worst however since she is squishy, you can easily win if her R is down, and win early game.
Your W guarantees her soul tether. You will never outscale her. Even if she misses her E she just R's and beats you to death with her tentacles. Dodge or sit afk under tower. One of the worst matchups for the 1v1.
Really good Briar matchup. Dodge her stun with your W and you will pretty much always win the AA battle. Dont fight her when there are too many minions as they will heal her and give her stacks, and waste your W Berserk with you just chasing her.
HE DOES SO MUCH DAMAGE. but if you play around his E well you can win. Early game let him jump onto you and E you, and once the stun is over immediately W and Q onto him. If you dont want to fight just E him away. Once you both have R its really hard for you to win 1v1 and best you can do is take short trades and wait for ganks and or team fights.
Run him down! He will never win unless you cancer feed him somehow!
You beat him early and will continue beating him until he buys antiheal. (so if he doesnt you will just always beat him pretty much) as always with Ksante he can outplay you so idk how to give advice there, just learn what he does and trade properly and you will be fine.
no one plays this anymore (thankfully) but yeah its trash (in lane only). She can infinitely kite you and will just poke you to death. You can kill her if you hit R tho, she is super easy to kill then
Pretty easy matchup all around. You always win 1v1 pretty much. (yes even when you are both 16). Only thing to care is that a lot of kayles will go fleet and swifties and if she does this she can outrun your W movespeed. and run you under tower. Sooo
pretty easy matchup. Dodge his poke and buy mercs and you can just W on top of him and get a good trade then disengage pretty easily. (or just kill him lol)
Can be rough, dodge his Q and its super winnable. His dismount breaks your tether which is hella annoying and cheesy so care for that, Basically dodge his Q and wait for him to use W to farm and then just engage on him and you will win the trade.
He just beats you to death, you will never have the damage to kill him lol. Just farm and try to scale for team fights. (You can kill him pre first back but after that its rough)
just maul him to death, only hard if he buys MR. Care that if you disengage with E he can get a pull with his E to make you fight again (the only way he can kill you)
if anyone even still plays naf top. You just kill her lol. She never wins. E her Q recast and she does 0 damage. Your W splash damage kills all her dogs lmao
Trash matchup. You cant kill him pre6 cause of wither and after 6 he outscales you and will beat you to death even under turret. One of the worst matchups just dodge it. If you are too stubborn for that however than let him push into you early and trade under your tower. Try to combo him really quick so you can get it off before his wither comes off. Wall slams are really good here since he has no dash or move speed to dodge it.
Trash matchup 1v1 wise. He can run you down if you overextend, your Q doesnt stun in his R, and your E doesnt knock him back or reduce much damage since he does true damage. If he has no ignite and you do then fight him level 3 and kill him, this is the only chance you get unless he doesnt have R for some reason. Then you will win
You deal 0 damage to him and he can instantly one shot you. You can kill him however if he has no antiheal and you hit R. My suggestion is to afk till first item and then hit R and maul him You outscale him in side easily.
just dodge
You would think it sucks but its surprisingly good. as always if she has antiheal then care otherwise just use your W to dodge her Q recast and you can maul her. Dont let her W your W or Q tho, cause if she does your damage disappears. And dont fight near walls!
If she ever uses her E aggressively then just kill her, otherwise its kind of tough to find a kill window (unless you hit R, then she just dies)
Some people think Rammus is =briar's worst matchup but he really isnt at all. Its super easy top cause you just dont W and when he is taunting you, you just slam him into a wall with E. Rinse and repeat till he is in kill range.
play defensively and you will be fine. If you trade too agressively he will might have a kill window, Basically just trade without getting low enough to be in his W stun oneshot range. This matchup is significantly easier if he has TP and not ignite.
Skill matchup. Dodge or E her knockup and you can win. Care if she has ignite. Otherwise you will win if even and you hit R.
All in when his heat is overheating or at zero and you can get a good trade or kill him. Much easier if he has TP and not ignite.
if some retard troll locks this in just w on top of him and kill him every time its up.
Dodge her center part of her sweep and you can just maul her to death. Care for antiheal as always
he beats you to death always. Unless they go that shitty mathematically correct nonsense (grasp and no ad item and TP) then its easy. Basically just never take extended trades vs him since he will win with his passive.
Play defensively early and this matchup is fine. Im serious now, he can and will oneshot you like level 2 or 3 so just wait for first back or at least level 4
You can kill him early, but then at like 6 he just runs away and Le Briar makes you kill yourself in his stink aura. Just afk farm and outscale
Only bad if he gets a lead or buys antiheal. If he buys antiheal just take short trades and not long ones. Otherwise you can just wait till 3 or 4 and kill him on repeat (especially if he is a baus wannabe and goes AD) WARNING YOU WILL AGRO ONTO HIS ZOMBIE IF THERE ARE MINIONS AROUND AFTER YOU KILL HIM
Super playable now that he isnt hitler tier OP. Just care his CC oneshot and you will be fine
just kill him lol (E his R if you really need help winning this matchup*
Just kill him lol
Take short trades only and you can win. Now that no lethal tempo he cant cheese you as hard. Control the wave carefully since he can force you to fight by pillaring behind you. You can slam him into his own pillar! its really funny!
1# worst briar matchup, dodge
Honestly no idea never played it
Number #2 worst Briar matchup. You will never win 1v1 and can barely lane without dying. Just dodge
Just dont fight her without hitting R and you are chill. (Your R reveals her invisibility so she cant play)
If you can dodge his E its really easy. Otherwise get all of your damage off quick and E him away. (this doesnt work if he R's through it so be aware of that)
He beats you in an AA battle always. Build antiheal and only fight him with R and you will be fine. WW briar fights last forever so beware jg ganks as you maul eachother for 40 seconds straight. Or bait for your own jg. Dont fall for his stupid barrier BS.
Honestly fine if you play around his R. Only hard when he gets eclipse first item since its a huge spike for him and counters you. Just take short trades vs him since his passive is better for long trades.
piss easy, maul him to death. Always E his knockup (if you are really good, angle it so it knocks him into a wall, he cant dodge it since he is in R animation)
pretty much the same as his brother. Try to poke off his bone plating if he has it, if he tries to Q3 in just dodge it with your W and then beat him to death. Since he has no lethal tempo anymore he can no longer win extended trades in early lane. E behind you if he R's you to guarantee the knock back and damage.
This matchup is weird imo. I either hard win or hard lose it. Idk, try it out yourself tbh i have no idea. I do know you 100% outscale him in side lane so just bush cheese him with R when he pushes.
Bullshit champ. You win until he buys antiheal. Play near your tower and go for short trades and you will be fine.
Hi guys, my name is CrimsonL7 and I am a Briar/Vlad top two trick. I started playing League in season 10 and I was terrible for a long time. I have played every champ and role since im indecisive until I found Elite500 and his Vlad. This started my Vlad onetrick era which i hit d1 during. Eventually Briar released and I started playing her Top since I despise JG. I have steadily climbed the ranks since I started playing and I have now hit masters.
So why should you trust my Briar Top Guide? Well I am a passionate Briar player and i try to only incorporate correct and useful information. If you want straight evidence however, as I am writing this I am rank 1 Briar NA and rank 10 Briar World.
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