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A Table Coding Guide

A Table Coding Guide

Updated on August 25, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Katasandra Build Guide By Katasandra 47 0 139,795 Views 43 Comments
47 0 139,795 Views 43 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Katasandra Build Guide By Katasandra Updated on August 25, 2022
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Demonsedge90 (4) | July 5, 2022 7:04am
Nice descriptions and advice.
Katasandra (101) | July 10, 2022 11:47pm
Thank you!
Taiquyorah | May 24, 2022 3:55am
Very useful to create a quality guide ! Thank you so much !
Katasandra (101) | May 24, 2022 4:13am
Thanks for the comment, good luck with tables! ^_^
Metallichydra (20) | October 13, 2021 11:30pm
Fantastic guide!
Katasandra (101) | October 14, 2021 4:04am
Thanks :D
Sleepininthegarden (46) | May 27, 2021 9:25pm
As a long-time guide author well versed in code, even I can learn things from this! Really well-done guide! <3
Katasandra (101) | June 1, 2021 9:19pm
Thank you!
SaltCat (19) | December 11, 2020 1:16am
Hey i am having an issue right here and i would like some help if possible
I was trying to recreate this code from your guide but when i do it shows a orange table that i cant get rid of it
[table][tr height=10][th colspan=5]Summoner Spells[/th][/tr] [tr height=10][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=#ff8000][td width=75][center][b]Always[/b][/center][/td][td width=20][/td][td width=435][/td][td width=10][/td][td width=190 rowspan=13][center][icon=coven Lissandra size=190][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10][/tr] [tr height=75][td bgcolor=#614110 border="3px solid #2e2b10" border-radius=40px][center][icon=flash size=40][/center][/td][td][/td]][td padding="5px 10px 5px 10px"]Quod mihi quidem visus est, *** sciret, velle tamen confitentem audire Torquatum. Poterat autem inpune; Hic, qui utrumque probat, ambobus debuit uti, sicut facit re, neque tamen dividit verbis.[/td][/tr] [tr height=10][/tr] [tr height=10][td][center][b]Favorite[/b][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10][/tr] [tr height=75][td bgcolor=#250704 border="3px solid #170504" border-radius=40px][center][icon=ignite size=40][/center][/td][td][/td][td padding="5px 10px 5px 10px"]Ab his oratores, ab his imperatores ac rerum publicarum principes extiterunt. Cetera illa adhibebat, quibus demptis negat se Epicurus intellegere quid sit bonum. Et harum quidem rerum facilis.[/td][/tr] [tr height=10][/tr] [tr height=10][td][center][b]Situational[/b][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10][/tr] [tr height=75][td bgcolor=#150540 border="3px solid #0b0226" border-radius=40px][center][icon=teleport size=40][/center][/td][td][/td][td padding="5px 10px 5px 10px"]Scrupulum, inquam, abeunti; Ne tum quidem te respicies et cogitabis sibi quemque natum esse et suis voluptatibus? Duo Reges: constructio interrete.[/td][/tr] [tr height=10][/tr] [tr height=75][td bgcolor=#00344e border="3px solid #001c22" border-radius=40px][center][icon=cleanse size=40][/center][/td][td][/td][td padding="5px 10px 5px 10px"]Primum in nostrane potestate est, quid meminerimus? Ita prorsus, inquam; Hic quoque suus est de summoque bono dissentiens dici vere Peripateticus non potest.[/td][/tr][/table]
Katasandra (101) | December 11, 2020 4:14am
Hey hey,
There is a background color in that particular row (a bgcolor= in the [tr] tag), if you take that out it'll vanish. Here's the code (without orange):

Spoiler: Click to view
SaltCat (19) | December 12, 2020 12:28am
Thanks! Tables are hard to learn i have to admit
SaltCat (19) | December 11, 2020 1:16am
Here is the result]
Summoner Spells
Quod mihi quidem visus est, *** sciret, velle tamen confitentem audire Torquatum. Poterat autem inpune; Hic, qui utrumque probat, ambobus debuit uti, sicut facit re, neque tamen dividit verbis.
Ab his oratores, ab his imperatores ac rerum publicarum principes extiterunt. Cetera illa adhibebat, quibus demptis negat se Epicurus intellegere quid sit bonum. Et harum quidem rerum facilis.
Scrupulum, inquam, abeunti; Ne tum quidem te respicies et cogitabis sibi quemque natum esse et suis voluptatibus? Duo Reges: constructio interrete.
Primum in nostrane potestate est, quid meminerimus? Ita prorsus, inquam; Hic quoque suus est de summoque bono dissentiens dici vere Peripateticus non potest.
SaltCat (19) | December 2, 2020 3:10am
Hey table i queen i want a portion of your wisdom, in this code for some reason this ] pops up and i cant get rid of it.]
Evelynn doesnt have any mobility spell, besides her Ultimate Last Caress so you need Flash....duh!<3.
Now at least for this guide we are playing Evelynn jungle, so Smite is mandatory, you cant get anything else, now which smite you will get,red or blue, depends on your jungle item, Hailblade for Chilling Smite and Emberknife for Challenging Smite.
Katasandra (101) | December 2, 2020 3:20am
Next time it'd be convenient if you added the code in your comment as well :p
Fortunately, I can yoink it from your comment anyway. One of the [td] tags had one ] too many (so [td]]). You can find those by using CTRL + F and then entering ]] . It'll highlight all the double ]] (unfortunately, also those from items/champs), but it makes it easier to find the rogue ] anyway.

Here's the fixed code:
Spoiler: Click to view

And I fixed the error in my template code... oops and thanks!
SaltCat (19) | December 2, 2020 4:21am
Yeah i should have added the code, but i dont know how ;D, thanks so much!!!!
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Akali187 | December 1, 2020 12:42am
Absolute Champion!
Katasandra (101) | December 1, 2020 7:24am
Thank you
KiaCarCantDrive | September 30, 2020 7:19pm
This guide is absolutely amazing. I'm relatively new to the game and completely new to making guides. Having a guide that goes in-depth and examples of the code and what that code does are really helpful. I'm still working on my first guide, but because of this, I can at least try to make it look cooler. I can't thank you enough for putting in the time and effort to make this!
Katasandra (101) | September 30, 2020 10:32pm
Thanks! Good luck with your guide & learning tables!
paokgr (23) | July 23, 2020 9:01am
Hi there,
This guide is really helpful and gave a lot of ideas but I have a big problem. I want to do a control wave section and it went awful. I would really appreciate it if somebody help me with this.
[tr][td padding=5][table][tr][td bgcolor=purple padding=1 width=705][center][color=black][b]MINIONS TIPS[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr][/table] [columns][center][table width="280" border="2px solid purple" border-radius="15px" padding="5px"][tr][td padding=5][icon=melee minion size=50] [color=#844DFA]are called [u]melee[/u] they are the tanks of the wave.[/color][/td][/tr][/table] [nextcol width=20] [nextcol][table width="280" border="2px solid purple" border-radius="15px" padding="5px"][tr][td padding=5][icon=caster minion size=50] [color=#844DFA]are called caster minions and they are the main damage of the wave.[/color][/td][/tr][/table][/center][/columns] [columns][center][table width="280" border="2px solid purple" border-radius="15px" padding="5px"][tr][td padding=5][icon=cannon minion size=50][color=#844DFA]]are called siege minion but everyone know them with the name "cannon" minion. They are both two types from the previus minions I said: they are tanky and have damage too. They give extra gold so use a spell to be sure that you will kill it. Also, important to know is that they spawn every third wave (the first cannon spawns at 2:05) until the 15th minute. After the 15th minute they spawn every 2 waves until the 25th minute. At the 25th minute they spawn every wave[/color][/td][/tr][/table] [nextcol width=20] [nextcol][table width="280" border="2px solid purple" border-radius="15px" padding="5px"][tr][td padding=5][color=#844DFA]Minions hit the first thing they see and they will continue attack the minion except you hit the enemy champion. If you do that you will take their agro and they deal much damage at you at the early stage of the game so be careful, they may make you use a health poison. But if you hit first the minion and after the enemy champion with a skill-shot that can do damage to multiple target the same moment like [[STEEL TEMPEST]] you won't take their agro[/color].[/td][/tr][/table][/center][/columns] [table][tr][td bgcolor=purple padding=1 width=705] [center][color=black][b]HOW TO FAST PUSH[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr][/table] I start with the most easy tactic the fast push. All you have to do here is to kill the minions as fast as you can. You do that because you want to crush your minions to enemy turret. You must be careful if enemies is around come to kill you and you can defend yourself because you have not abilities and mana. [center][table][tr height=10 bgcolor=purple][td colspan=2][center][u][color=#808080][b]Why to FAST PUSH[/b][/color][/u][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td width=25][center][color=#808080][b]If you want to roam[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td][center][color=#808080][b]If you want to recall[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td][center][color=#808080][b]To pressure your enemy and you want to make harder for your opponents to farm if it is a champion that farm difficult under turret [/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td][center][color=#808080][b]If you want to dive with your jungler to kill enemy[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td][center][color=#808080][b]To gain an level advantage to all in at level 2 or 6[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td][center][color=#808080][b]To have lane priority if an object is up[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td][center][color=#808080][b]To stop an enemy from recall[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td][center][color=#808080][b]To stop an enemy fast-push[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td][center][color=#808080][b]Break a freeze[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td][center][color=#808080][b]The enemy turret is low so you want to destroy it[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [/table][/center] [center][table][tr][td bgcolor=purple padding=1 width=705] [center][color=black][b]HOW TO FREEZE[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr][/table][/center] Freeze keeps the minion at a spot which is safe for you to farm but dangerous for your enemy too. However, if you freeze the lane your enemy has the opportunity to roam, so freeze when your enemy can't gank other lanes. If you see that enemy is going to roam, then change to fast push to counter it. Now, let's see [i]how to make that happen?[/i] You need to let the enemy minions kill yours to come near your turret. You also need to know the numbers of enemy minions based the spot you want them. [columns][img= width=250][nextcol width=20][nextcol] If your minions are dead and enemy minions are not enough you can tank and drag them to the center to start a freeze. Also, if there are 4+ caster minions on the lane they can push everywhere[/columns] [center][table][tr height=10 bgcolor=purple][td colspan=2][center][u][color=#808080][b]Why to FREEZE[/b][/color][/u][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td width=25][center][color=#808080][b]If you are stronger than your opponent you can make them risk for the farm[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td][center][color=#808080][b]If your opponent has roam threat and you want to deny them to farm[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td][center][color=#808080][b]If it is dangerous for you to farm so you need to be nearer to your turret[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td][center][color=#808080][b]If your jungler come to your lane so you want to be ready for a gank[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td][center][color=#808080][b]To keep a wave for an ally to kill it (support)[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td][center][color=#808080][b]If the enemy jungler is near and you don't want to get ganked[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [/table][/center] [center][table][tr][td bgcolor=purple padding=1 width=705] [center][color=black][b]HOW TO SLOW PUSH[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr][/table][/center] [center]Your goal with slow pushing is to make the wave push to the enemy turret by itself but you need the [color=#CC9C00]gold[/color] from minions, [u][i]how you can do both?[/i][/u] You [u][i]must only last-hitting[/i][/u] the minions, BUT when they are really low. I say that because you may need to two-hit enemy minions (not with [[karma]]) so when you hit them once you damage them their half-health (the most times), so if you last-hit the minion with 50% health you won't manage the slow push.[/center] [center][table][tr height=10 bgcolor=purple][td colspan=2][center][u][color=#808080][b]Why to SLOW PUSH[/b][/color][/u][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td width=25][center][color=#808080][b]You will have bigger wave making difficult for your enemy to trade[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td][center][color=#808080][b]By having bigger wave you can play aggressively[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td][center][color=#808080][b]When you have big waves pushing to enemy turret you will gain enough time to roam or deep-ward[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td][center][color=#808080][b]If you can solo kill/gank you can change to fast push and deny more minions[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [tr height=10 bgcolor=Mediumorchid][td][center][color=#808080][b]You won't deny as much farm as freeze so you will not have any waste[/b][/color][/center][/td][/tr] [/table][/center] See this video [webm url= width=50] if you want to hear it with more details it is an excellent video to learn how to control the minions waves.
It is get tripled and I don't know why. I see it here an half hour now and I don't understand.
This is how it is:
are called melee they are the tanks of the wave.
are called caster minions and they are the main damage of the wave.
]are called siege minion but everyone know them with the name "cannon" minion. They are both two types from the previus minions I said: they are tanky and have damage too. They give extra gold so use a spell to be sure that you will kill it. Also, important to know is that they spawn every third wave (the first cannon spawns at 2:05) until the 15th minute. After the 15th minute they spawn every 2 waves until the 25th minute. At the 25th minute they spawn every wave
Minions hit the first thing they see and they will continue attack the minion except you hit the enemy champion. If you do that you will take their agro and they deal much damage at you at the early stage of the game so be careful, they may make you use a health poison. But if you hit first the minion and after the enemy champion with a skill-shot that can do damage to multiple target the same moment like Steel Tempest you won't take their agro.

I start with the most easy tactic the fast push. All you have to do here is to kill the minions as fast as you can. You do that because you want to crush your minions to enemy turret. You must be careful if enemies is around come to kill you and you can defend yourself because you have not abilities and mana.
If you want to roam
If you want to recall
To pressure your enemy and you want to make harder for your opponents to farm if it is a champion that farm difficult under turret
If you want to dive with your jungler to kill enemy
To gain an level advantage to all in at level 2 or 6
To have lane priority if an object is up
To stop an enemy from recall
To stop an enemy fast-push
Break a freeze
The enemy turret is low so you want to destroy it
Freeze keeps the minion at a spot which is safe for you to farm but dangerous for your enemy too. However, if you freeze the lane your enemy has the opportunity to roam, so freeze when your enemy can't gank other lanes. If you see that enemy is going to roam, then change to fast push to counter it. Now, let's see how to make that happen? You need to let the enemy minions kill yours to come near your turret. You also need to know the numbers of enemy minions based the spot you want them.
If your minions are dead and enemy minions are not enough you can tank and drag them to the center to start a freeze. Also, if there are 4+ caster minions on the lane they can push everywhere
If you are stronger than your opponent you can make them risk for the farm
If your opponent has roam threat and you want to deny them to farm
If it is dangerous for you to farm so you need to be nearer to your turret
If your jungler come to your lane so you want to be ready for a gank
To keep a wave for an ally to kill it (support)
If the enemy jungler is near and you don't want to get ganked

Your goal with slow pushing is to make the wave push to the enemy turret by itself but you need the gold from minions, how you can do both? You must only last-hitting the minions, BUT when they are really low. I say that because you may need to two-hit enemy minions (not with Karma) so when you hit them once you damage them their half-health (the most times), so if you last-hit the minion with 50% health you won't manage the slow push.
You will have bigger wave making difficult for your enemy to trade
By having bigger wave you can play aggressively
When you have big waves pushing to enemy turret you will gain enough time to roam or deep-ward
If you can solo kill/gank you can change to fast push and deny more minions
You won't deny as much farm as freeze so you will not have any waste
See this video if you want to hear it with more details it is an excellent video to learn how to control the minions waves.
are called melee they are the tanks of the wave.
are called caster minions and they are the main damage of the wave.
]are called siege minion but everyone know them with the name "cannon" minion. They are both two types from the previus minions I said: they are tanky and have damage too. They give extra gold so use a spell to be sure that you will kill it. Also, important to know is that they spawn every third wave (the first cannon spawns at 2:05) until the 15th minute. After the 15th minute they spawn every 2 waves until the 25th minute. At the 25th minute they spawn every wave
Minions hit the first thing they see and they will continue attack the minion except you hit the enemy champion. If you do that you will take their agro and they deal much damage at you at the early stage of the game so be careful, they may make you use a health poison. But if you hit first the minion and after the enemy champion with a skill-shot that can do damage to multiple target the same moment like Steel Tempest you won't take their agro.

I start with the most easy tactic the fast push. All you have to do here is to kill the minions as fast as you can. You do that because you want to crush your minions to enemy turret. You must be careful if enemies is around come to kill you and you can defend yourself because you have not abilities and mana.
If you want to roam
If you want to recall
To pressure your enemy and you want to make harder for your opponents to farm if it is a champion that farm difficult under turret
If you want to dive with your jungler to kill enemy
To gain an level advantage to all in at level 2 or 6
To have lane priority if an object is up
To stop an enemy from recall
To stop an enemy fast-push
Break a freeze
The enemy turret is low so you want to destroy it
Freeze keeps the minion at a spot which is safe for you to farm but dangerous for your enemy too. However, if you freeze the lane your enemy has the opportunity to roam, so freeze when your enemy can't gank other lanes. If you see that enemy is going to roam, then change to fast push to counter it. Now, let's see how to make that happen? You need to let the enemy minions kill yours to come near your turret. You also need to know the numbers of enemy minions based the spot you want them.
If your minions are dead and enemy minions are not enough you can tank and drag them to the center to start a freeze. Also, if there are 4+ caster minions on the lane they can push everywhere
If you are stronger than your opponent you can make them risk for the farm
If your opponent has roam threat and you want to deny them to farm
If it is dangerous for you to farm so you need to be nearer to your turret
If your jungler come to your lane so you want to be ready for a gank
To keep a wave for an ally to kill it (support)
If the enemy jungler is near and you don't want to get ganked

Your goal with slow pushing is to make the wave push to the enemy turret by itself but you need the gold from minions, how you can do both? You must only last-hitting the minions, BUT when they are really low. I say that because you may need to two-hit enemy minions (not with Karma) so when you hit them once you damage them their half-health (the most times), so if you last-hit the minion with 50% health you won't manage the slow push.
You will have bigger wave making difficult for your enemy to trade
By having bigger wave you can play aggressively
When you have big waves pushing to enemy turret you will gain enough time to roam or deep-ward
If you can solo kill/gank you can change to fast push and deny more minions
You won't deny as much farm as freeze so you will not have any waste
See this video if you want to hear it with more details it is an excellent video to learn how to control the minions waves.
are called melee they are the tanks of the wave.
are called caster minions and they are the main damage of the wave.
]are called siege minion but everyone know them with the name "cannon" minion. They are both two types from the previus minions I said: they are tanky and have damage too. They give extra gold so use a spell to be sure that you will kill it. Also, important to know is that they spawn every third wave (the first cannon spawns at 2:05) until the 15th minute. After the 15th minute they spawn every 2 waves until the 25th minute. At the 25th minute they spawn every wave
Minions hit the first thing they see and they will continue attack the minion except you hit the enemy champion. If you do that you will take their agro and they deal much damage at you at the early stage of the game so be careful, they may make you use a health poison. But if you hit first the minion and after the enemy champion with a skill-shot that can do damage to multiple target the same moment like Steel Tempest you won't take their agro.

I start with the most easy tactic the fast push. All you have to do here is to kill the minions as fast as you can. You do that because you want to crush your minions to enemy turret. You must be careful if enemies is around come to kill you and you can defend yourself because you have not abilities and mana.
If you want to roam
If you want to recall
To pressure your enemy and you want to make harder for your opponents to farm if it is a champion that farm difficult under turret
If you want to dive with your jungler to kill enemy
To gain an level advantage to all in at level 2 or 6
To have lane priority if an object is up
To stop an enemy from recall
To stop an enemy fast-push
Break a freeze
The enemy turret is low so you want to destroy it
Freeze keeps the minion at a spot which is safe for you to farm but dangerous for your enemy too. However, if you freeze the lane your enemy has the opportunity to roam, so freeze when your enemy can't gank other lanes. If you see that enemy is going to roam, then change to fast push to counter it. Now, let's see how to make that happen? You need to let the enemy minions kill yours to come near your turret. You also need to know the numbers of enemy minions based the spot you want them.
If your minions are dead and enemy minions are not enough you can tank and drag them to the center to start a freeze. Also, if there are 4+ caster minions on the lane they can push everywhere
If you are stronger than your opponent you can make them risk for the farm
If your opponent has roam threat and you want to deny them to farm
If it is dangerous for you to farm so you need to be nearer to your turret
If your jungler come to your lane so you want to be ready for a gank
To keep a wave for an ally to kill it (support)
If the enemy jungler is near and you don't want to get ganked

Your goal with slow pushing is to make the wave push to the enemy turret by itself but you need the gold from minions, how you can do both? You must only last-hitting the minions, BUT when they are really low. I say that because you may need to two-hit enemy minions (not with Karma) so when you hit them once you damage them their half-health (the most times), so if you last-hit the minion with 50% health you won't manage the slow push.
You will have bigger wave making difficult for your enemy to trade
By having bigger wave you can play aggressively
When you have big waves pushing to enemy turret you will gain enough time to roam or deep-ward
If you can solo kill/gank you can change to fast push and deny more minions
You won't deny as much farm as freeze so you will not have any waste
See this video if you want to hear it with more details it is an excellent video to learn how to control the minions waves.
are called melee they are the tanks of the wave.
are called caster minions and they are the main damage of the wave.
]are called siege minion but everyone know them with the name "cannon" minion. They are both two types from the previus minions I said: they are tanky and have damage too. They give extra gold so use a spell to be sure that you will kill it. Also, important to know is that they spawn every third wave (the first cannon spawns at 2:05) until the 15th minute. After the 15th minute they spawn every 2 waves until the 25th minute. At the 25th minute they spawn every wave
Minions hit the first thing they see and they will continue attack the minion except you hit the enemy champion. If you do that you will take their agro and they deal much damage at you at the early stage of the game so be careful, they may make you use a health poison. But if you hit first the minion and after the enemy champion with a skill-shot that can do damage to multiple target the same moment like Steel Tempest you won't take their agro.

I start with the most easy tactic the fast push. All you have to do here is to kill the minions as fast as you can. You do that because you want to crush your minions to enemy turret. You must be careful if enemies is around come to kill you and you can defend yourself because you have not abilities and mana.
If you want to roam
If you want to recall
To pressure your enemy and you want to make harder for your opponents to farm if it is a champion that farm difficult under turret
If you want to dive with your jungler to kill enemy
To gain an level advantage to all in at level 2 or 6
To have lane priority if an object is up
To stop an enemy from recall
To stop an enemy fast-push
Break a freeze
The enemy turret is low so you want to destroy it
Freeze keeps the minion at a spot which is safe for you to farm but dangerous for your enemy too. However, if you freeze the lane your enemy has the opportunity to roam, so freeze when your enemy can't gank other lanes. If you see that enemy is going to roam, then change to fast push to counter it. Now, let's see how to make that happen? You need to let the enemy minions kill yours to come near your turret. You also need to know the numbers of enemy minions based the spot you want them.
If your minions are dead and enemy minions are not enough you can tank and drag them to the center to start a freeze. Also, if there are 4+ caster minions on the lane they can push everywhere
If you are stronger than your opponent you can make them risk for the farm
If your opponent has roam threat and you want to deny them to farm
If it is dangerous for you to farm so you need to be nearer to your turret
If your jungler come to your lane so you want to be ready for a gank
To keep a wave for an ally to kill it (support)
If the enemy jungler is near and you don't want to get ganked

Your goal with slow pushing is to make the wave push to the enemy turret by itself but you need the gold from minions, how you can do both? You must only last-hitting the minions, BUT when they are really low. I say that because you may need to two-hit enemy minions (not with Karma) so when you hit them once you damage them their half-health (the most times), so if you last-hit the minion with 50% health you won't manage the slow push.
You will have bigger wave making difficult for your enemy to trade
By having bigger wave you can play aggressively
When you have big waves pushing to enemy turret you will gain enough time to roam or deep-ward
If you can solo kill/gank you can change to fast push and deny more minions
You won't deny as much farm as freeze so you will not have any waste
See this video if you want to hear it with more details it is an excellent video to learn how to control the minions waves.
Katasandra (101) | July 23, 2020 10:03am
Hey there!

Looks like you forgot a [/td][/tr][/table] at the end, this should work:


One small tip: when you put [center][/center] tags around a table/column, all of its contents will be centered. This means you don't have to go through the trouble of centering every header/text/whatnot in the table individually!
paokgr (23) | July 23, 2020 11:24am
I don't know how I can thank you! It was a very big code and you figured it out. You are very good. Sorry about that but this is first serous guide and I am learning now. Thank you again, cheers up! (got a +rep)
lemonbellflower (22) | June 2, 2020 4:05pm
The best guide on this website isn't about any specific champion, it's this one right here. This is absolutely gorgeous! And so well organized, too, I felt like there was a natural, logical progression on how it built on itself, and easy to follow for so much information. Do you know if this code works on other BB Code platforms?
Katasandra (101) | June 3, 2020 12:07am
Unfortunately, this is the only platform where I use BBCode (its pretty much the only platform I use, haha), so I don't know whether it would work on other BBCode platforms. I guess you could just try it on other platforms and if it works, it works and if it doesn't work, it doesn't work...
lemonbellflower (22) | June 3, 2020 7:20am
I think that's the best answer you can give. It doesn't seem work on the BB Code forums that I tested it on, but I also didn't see "table" option even available among its preprogrammed coding buttons anyway so the function could be banned. (Oh well, not that important! I'm glad it works here so guides get to be readable and everything. :D)
BlackRoseGirl (8) | June 1, 2020 12:20pm
Ok, so the grey text is the essential part, right? I’m kinda confused by alll this information...
Katasandra (101) | June 1, 2020 1:37pm
It can be a lot to take in! I am not entirely sure what you mean by the gray text though.
  • If it's the gray text within the text: these are just additions to [table], [tr] and/or [td] tags.
  • If it's the gray text within the code: this is the content of the table (like text, icons, images and whatnot), not the code. The code starts with the light blue [table] tag and ends at the light blue [/table] tag!

Ultimately, the best way to learn tables is to hop into the editor and toy around. This guide is merely here to show the basics and help you along with trying to understand tables. Start simple and ramp up slowly, Rome wasn't build in one day!
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