A Table Coding Guide

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I was trying to recreate this code from your guide but when i do it shows a orange table that i cant get rid of it
There is a background color in that particular row (a bgcolor= in the [tr] tag), if you take that out it'll vanish. Here's the code (without orange):
Fortunately, I can yoink it from your comment anyway. One of the [td] tags had one ] too many (so [td]]). You can find those by using CTRL + F and then entering ]] . It'll highlight all the double ]] (unfortunately, also those from items/champs), but it makes it easier to find the rogue ] anyway.
Here's the fixed code:
And I fixed the error in my template code... oops and thanks!
So like: [code][icon=pickaxe size=30][/code].
It doesn't have to be in a spoiler (inbetween [spoiler][/spoiler] tags), but it is handy since code can get quite large pretty quickly.
This guide is really helpful and gave a lot of ideas but I have a big problem. I want to do a control wave section and it went awful. I would really appreciate it if somebody help me with this.
This is how it is:
Looks like you forgot a [/td][/tr][/table] at the end, this should work:
One small tip: when you put [center][/center] tags around a table/column, all of its contents will be centered. This means you don't have to go through the trouble of centering every header/text/whatnot in the table individually!
I don't know how I can thank you! It was a very big code and you figured it out. You are very good. Sorry about that but this is first serous guide and I am learning now. Thank you again, cheers up! (got a +rep)
Unfortunately, this is the only platform where I use BBCode (its pretty much the only platform I use, haha), so I don't know whether it would work on other BBCode platforms. I guess you could just try it on other platforms and if it works, it works and if it doesn't work, it doesn't work...
Ultimately, the best way to learn tables is to hop into the editor and toy around. This guide is merely here to show the basics and help you along with trying to understand tables. Start simple and ramp up slowly, Rome wasn't build in one day!