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MOBAFire's third Mini Guide Contest of Season 14 is here! Create or update guides for the 30 featured champions and compete for up to $200 in prizes! 🏆

League of Legends (LoL) Item: Dream Maker

Dream Maker
Total Price: 400 | Recipe Price: 0 | Sell Price: 280

LoL Item: Dream Maker
  • 5 Gold Generation
  • 200 Health
  • 75% Base Health Regeneration
  • 75% Base Mana Regeneration

UNIQUE Passive: Every 8 seconds, you gain a Blue Dream Bubble and a Purple Dream Bubble. Granting a heal or shield to an allied champion (excluding yourself) causes you to blow both of your Dream Bubbles to them, empowering them for 3 seconds. The Blue Bubble reduces the next instance of damage they take by 75-255 and the Purple Bubble grants them 50-170 bonus magic damage on-hit on their next basic attack.

UNIQUE Active: Consumes a charge to place a stealth ward at the target location, which grants sight of the surrounding area. Charges refill upon visiting the shop (4 charges; 600 range).
Summoner's Rift
  • 5 Gold Generation
  • 200 Health
  • 75% Base Health Regeneration
  • 75% Base Mana Regeneration

UNIQUE Passive: Every 8 seconds, you gain a Blue Dream Bubble and a Purple Dream Bubble. Granting a heal or shield to an allied champion (excluding yourself) causes you to blow both of your Dream Bubbles to them, empowering them for 3 seconds. The Blue Bubble reduces the next instance of damage they take by 75-255 and the Purple Bubble grants them 50-170 bonus magic damage on-hit on their next basic attack.

UNIQUE Active: Consumes a charge to place a stealth ward at the target location, which grants sight of the surrounding area. Charges refill upon visiting the shop (4 charges; 600 range).

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