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Recommended Items
Runes: Aftershock
+8 Ability Haste
+2% Movement Speed
+65 Base Health
Kill pressure
Ability Order Q-W-E
Staggering Blow (PASSIVE)
Nautilus Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
After lvl 6 you will not really be able to kill him without ignite. He will become quite a problem.
Kai'sa has great followup and your CC gives her a lot of burst with her passive.
Kai'sa has great followup and your CC gives her a lot of burst with her passive.
Champion Build Guide
Why play Nautilus?
+ Very strong early + Great engage and peel tools + You have a big impact on the game + Very fun to play Nautilus is a fantastic engage support with a fairly easy kit to play with. He is quite forgiving and great for someone who is trying to learn to play engage. He has a lot of base damage in his kit with a lot of CC. He even scales pretty well into the late game. |
- Missing hooks can be very punishing - Might struggle with weak adc - Has no sustain - Gets outscaled by enchanters Nautilus can be poked out of lane in poke matchups. His shield will reduce your damage taken a little, but generally won't be enough. Therefore you need to learn to push your boundaries and engage early before you or your adc loses too much HP. |
Runes: Resolve
Runes: Inspiration
Speedy roams Trailblazer is a great item as it gives you and your teammates movespeed to cross the map faster. |
Stickiness Zeke's Convergence creates a slowing field around you which makes you sticker and harder to kite away from. |
Chivalry isn't dead Knight's Vow gives you great stats for the cost and helps you peel for your fed teammate and keep them alive (and get some healing for yourself as well). |
Anti-heal If the enemy team has a lot of healing this is a great item, but in a pinch Bramble Vest acomplishes the same thing for much cheaper. |
Anti AD item Frozen heart is a really cheap tank item with great stats for the cost and the added benefits of the passives make this a really compelling item when facing multple AD or AA based champions. |
Anti AP fight item Abyssal mask gives you a lot of magic resist and health for its cost. It also enables you and your ap damage dealers to do more damage. |
Anti AP poke item Kaenic Rookern is a great tank item when facing a lot of long range poke. It's a bit expensive, but it's well worth it. |
Single damage threat Anathema's Chains is a decent choice if the enemy has one super strong member and four bots/tanks. It also reduces their tenacity. |
Great objective vision control Vigilant Wardstone should always be your final item if you get this far. It gives you more wards on the map, more control wards in your inventory and some nice bonus stats as well. |
Abilities Explained
Staggering Blow Short CC on AA. Your passive allows you to root an enemy when you auto attack them every 6 seconds. Try to apply to multiple people in a fight.
Dredge Line Anchor or hook? Your primary ability on Nautilus. Throw out your anchor and if you hit an enemy you pull them halfway and you fly the rest of the distance towards them meeting in the halfway point. (If you hit a wall you will fly towards it and have the cost and cooldown refunded by 50%)
Titan's Wrath Shield and bonus damage. Your W is a shield that also gives you a "mini-tiamat". (It works as an auto attack reset allowing you to instakill wards placed in front of you.)
Riptide Big AOE slow. This ability causes three shockwaves to erupt around you, dealing damage and slowing enemies. (Can be cast during your Dredge Line to avoid the cast animation while escaping.)
Depth Charge Point and click AOE knock up. Your utlimate ability sends out an undodgeable knockup that will chase your target and knockup enemies it passes under.
Dredge Line Anchor or hook? Your primary ability on Nautilus. Throw out your anchor and if you hit an enemy you pull them halfway and you fly the rest of the distance towards them meeting in the halfway point. (If you hit a wall you will fly towards it and have the cost and cooldown refunded by 50%)
Titan's Wrath Shield and bonus damage. Your W is a shield that also gives you a "mini-tiamat". (It works as an auto attack reset allowing you to instakill wards placed in front of you.)
Riptide Big AOE slow. This ability causes three shockwaves to erupt around you, dealing damage and slowing enemies. (Can be cast during your Dredge Line to avoid the cast animation while escaping.)
Depth Charge Point and click AOE knock up. Your utlimate ability sends out an undodgeable knockup that will chase your target and knockup enemies it passes under.
Abilities Tips
Random tidbits
This chapter will have random information and tips regarding that didn't fit into the guide elsewhere.
If I don't need the Tenacity and Slow Resist shard should I take Flat Health or Health Scaling? Well the Health Scaling will give you more health level 7 and onwards, but I don't think that's very relevant on Nautilus as you will be fighting a lot early on and because you're playing support you aren't going to get a lot of XP from waves so scaling stats will be less valuable anyways.
The damage taken from Knight's Vow when redirected from your ally to you will proc and waste your Celestial Opposition so try to keep that in mind as you have to be out of combat for 20 seconds for the shield to come back up. It also deactivates your Mobility Boots even if the damage is only from minions.
When in a fight without your Knight's Vow target (whether they're dead or just not in the fight) you should try to change your mark to another teammate. This way you're still getting value from the passive. Another thing to remember is that the target doesn't have to be your adc. If your adc is super behind while your midlaner is smurfing you should change priorities. Don't get stuck in the mindset of having to support only your adc!
Solstice Sleigh is not a heal it only gives bonus health, so it is not affected by grievous wounds or heal and shield power. Think of it as a mini Wild Growth.
If you use Dredge Line on a wall then 50% of the cooldown and mana cost will be refunded.
If you're being chased then you can use that to your advantage and hook a wall in the direction you're running and use your Riptide then you will be dragged away towards the wall and the enemies chasing you will be slowed by your Riptide from your previous location.
If I don't need the Tenacity and Slow Resist shard should I take Flat Health or Health Scaling? Well the Health Scaling will give you more health level 7 and onwards, but I don't think that's very relevant on Nautilus as you will be fighting a lot early on and because you're playing support you aren't going to get a lot of XP from waves so scaling stats will be less valuable anyways.
The damage taken from Knight's Vow when redirected from your ally to you will proc and waste your Celestial Opposition so try to keep that in mind as you have to be out of combat for 20 seconds for the shield to come back up. It also deactivates your Mobility Boots even if the damage is only from minions.
When in a fight without your Knight's Vow target (whether they're dead or just not in the fight) you should try to change your mark to another teammate. This way you're still getting value from the passive. Another thing to remember is that the target doesn't have to be your adc. If your adc is super behind while your midlaner is smurfing you should change priorities. Don't get stuck in the mindset of having to support only your adc!
Solstice Sleigh is not a heal it only gives bonus health, so it is not affected by grievous wounds or heal and shield power. Think of it as a mini Wild Growth.
If you use Dredge Line on a wall then 50% of the cooldown and mana cost will be refunded.
If you're being chased then you can use that to your advantage and hook a wall in the direction you're running and use your Riptide then you will be dragged away towards the wall and the enemies chasing you will be slowed by your Riptide from your previous location.
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Special Thanks
Special thanks to jhoijhoi for their great guide to coding.
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