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Soraka Build Guide by 1yanou



Updated on July 30, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 1yanou Build Guide By 1yanou 32 5 3,235 Views 0 Comments
32 5 3,235 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 1yanou Soraka Build Guide By 1yanou Updated on July 30, 2024
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Runes: Example runes (READ RUNES CHAPTER)

Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Second Wind

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


Summoner spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Ability Order Ability order (READ NOTES)

Champion Build Guide


By 1yanou
About us

Hi everyone!

We are Kittxnly & 1YANOU, we both peaked challenger with enchanters in soloq on EUW and we decided to create this guide together!

about us
why soraka
soraka's pros and cons
before game
all viable items
build variations & order
in game
ability usage, laning phase, roaming
Why Soraka & pros + cons
Soraka is very easy to pick up and extremely useful in fights. She is very fun to play and can even be played as lane bully if you're good at landing Starcall! She is extremely OP if you have a good understanding of how to use Equinox and requires a lot of awareness because of Wish. Kittxnly peaked 1094LP with Soraka as her most played!


→ fairly easy to play
→ great scaling
→ amazing pick vs poke
→ R is global, massive impact
→ insane healing
→ can be played as lane bully


→ extremely immobile
→ easily countered by antiheal
→ laning relies on landing q
→ no setup/cc
→ have to be rly good at positioning
→ bad vs burst
Summoner spells

Heal is Soraka's primary summoner spell from how well it works with her kit, it's just absolutely perfect for her.

Ignite shouldn't be ran on Soraka, you don't ever wanna be in range to use it in the first place as you should play safely from behind.

Heal is just way better. You shouldn't be in a position where an enemy is on you and you need to exhaust them and if they are on your allies you simply heal them and use Equinox on top of them. Exhaust is used when you are playing against (mostly melee) burst/assassins, but if they get silenced they can't burst.


The best keystone choice for Soraka is Summon Aery. It gives a little extra damage in lane, as well as bigger shields/heals. VS certain all-in lanes Guardian can be good.

Manaflow Band speaks for itself.

Transcendence is great for Soraka as it contributes to her scaling. You get more ability haste throughout the game, meaning you'll be able to heal more.

Gathering Storm is great for scaling as well. Scorch can sometimes be viable if enemy lane is very squishy and you'll be able to go for early kills.

You should primarily run Second Wind (in current meta), but when the enemy botlane doesn't have poke and wants to just all-in (for example Nautilus Zeri) you should run Bone Plating instead. Never take Bone Plating vs poke.

Revitalize should speak for itself. Works extremely well with Soraka's kit.


vs hard lanes:
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+15-140 Base Health

vs easy lanes where you can bully them:
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+15-140 Base Health
All viable items

Dream Maker is the most efficient with its CD so you get the most value out of it rather than other support items. Solstice Sleigh is a good option too but the CD is way too high to have that much of a value and you'll be proccing it 4-5 times at most in a game. Celestial Opposition is situational - if they have burst and you feel that they focus you a bit more too, otherwise always go Dream Maker.

Soraka can either run Boots of Swiftness or Ionian Boots of Lucidity. You never-ever want to build Plated Steelcaps or Mercury's Treads on enchanter supports, as you should never be positioned in such a way that they are useful. For example, Plated Steelcaps is great vs auto attackers, but if they get to auto you that much you are doing something wrong and positioning badly.

Moonstone Renewer is truly a core item for Soraka this should be built first (or sometimes 2nd) every single game.

Not something we personally like, if you go Warmog's Armor and you get to heal for free while regaining back HP, you'll just lose all of your mana and will have to back anyway. In general we don't recommend it as part of a build, if you need more sustain Redemption early + Locket of the Iron Solari is a better option.

Good option for 3rd/last item if you have a mage that is ahead/2 mages in your team + you don't need the sustain from Redemption. It also helps a lot with your heals with the AP + AH In current meta. I don't see myself building it very often, as games get to max 3 items and then i have Echoes of Helia Moonstone Renewer and Redemption instead.

Redemption is a great item for Soraka and should be built the majority of the games as 2nd/3rd or sometimes even 4th option depending on the game & build you're going for. More info on that in the dedicated chapter.

Mikael's Blessing can be a great choice after finishing Moonstone Renewer if enemy has insane cc.

Not the best on Soraka as she doesn't shield/heal at the beginning of the fight, but rather after someone takes dmg, so the value is already way less, as you can't have the effect going on all the time. Do not recommend in most builds. Only ever build if ADC is super ahead as 2nd/3rd item, but even then extra healing/shielding power is better.

Vigilant Wardstone can be a good 4th item after you've for example finished your core. It lets you place 2 control wards, which is amazing when facing Evelynn or Rengar and it also gives great stats!

Very situational - only if they have a champion that heals a lot like Vladimir/ Aatrox, etc. Can be a good option against Milio too, no need to rush it first, though. It can be after 1st core item, as his healing increases by a lot after getting Echoes of Helia.

Echoes of Helia is viable as first item if enemy has low range and you are in a great position in the game + able to hit a lot of Q's. You'd go Moonstone Renewer after.

Dawncore is great as 3rd or 4th item as it's essentially the equivalent of Rabadon's Deathcap for enchanters.

Good item as 2nd/3rd/last depending on game state. It's especially good if they have early antiheal, as you'll still have an impact outside of healing. It's also a good option when you need more personal sustain.

Build variations & order


Echoes of Helia is viable, but you should really only build this when you're winning & enemy is low range as then you'll have guaranteed Starcall hit. Never go this item if you're behind / not confident in being able to land a lot of Q's, as the item will be super useless then. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Moonstone Renewer is truly Soraka's
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ core item. You wanna build this 1st or 2nd
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ every single game, always make sure to go it
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 1st when you're behind, or when enemy has a
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ lot of range/poke and you can't consistently
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ land Q.

Echoes of helia

Moonstone renewer

You always go Dream Maker. Dawncore is a super good item, it's essentially Rabadon's Deathcap for enchanters. If enemy has burst, it can be better to go Redemption third instead of Dawncore. The rest of the build is always situational, you can refer to the 'Viable items' chapter.

Moonstone renewer


Mikael's blessing
You always go Dream Maker. After you finish Redemption, the rest of this build is situational. Rushing Moonstone Renewer indicates a hard game, so that's why I put Mikael's Blessing third as example because that's what I often find myself needing in these kinds of games.

It's a big misconception that Soraka counters him when it's quite the opposite. Yes, you can silence his Q but he can still stun you and burst you with HOB, plus you need to have a really good reaction time to silence the Q (it's harder than it seems). Paired with a burst adc like Samira/ Kai'Sa/ Draven, and it's impossible to lane. Even if you somehow beat him in the lane, he still out-roams you by far, so he counters you both in the lane and out of the lane. PERMABAN PYKE

Another big counter to Soraka but more playable than Pyke. You can play around his hook when it's on CD + play behind minions. The goal is to poke a lot level 1 since even if he hooks u if he doesn't have a burst adc u win level 1. If he does have a burst adc focus more on roaming and scaling rather than fighting in lane as u will most likely lose the 2v2.

It's an alright matchup for Soraka, she outscales absolutely, but usually will not reach that point, and you can beat her early. Don't be afraid to trade with her, unless her adc is also a poke one, then you should play safe. If you feel they are stronger in lane than you are, remember you can always just perma roam.

Another enchanter, another skill matchup, she does outpoke you though and slightly outranges you. Try to bait out her Q by going in and out of her range, and when she's used it try Qing her. Don't let her get to late game as she will outscale you. If you feel like you can't do much in the lane just go roam with ur jungler.

Nami is only a harder matchup when paired with a Lucian, otherwise, it's more favored toward you. Try to bait out her W and not get hit by it, play around bushes so she can't target you while you Q her and run her down with autos.

Mostly a skill match-up, I wouldn't say he counters her or that she counters him per se.
You can be agro level 1 as long as he isn't paired with Kai'Sa/ Draven etc otherwise again play safe. If he is without a burst adc don't be afraid to get hooked at level 1, you have the advantage from the healing of your Q, and you win it.

Skill matchup but favors Janna more, too much MS so she can dodge your Q and you can't poke her + the MS means she outroams you. You outscale Janna though.

Ashe is pretty annoying to lane against, especially with double poke adc, then it's really hard and you have to play safe and wait for ganks. Feel free to go for early W max if you can't seem to hit her with Q at all, but always try first and see if you can win trades against her, as most lanes can be won by being agro, depending on how the enemy plays/if they know their own limits.

Another annoying poke lane, you win if you bait out empowered Q and dodge it, while still staying in range to hit her with Q. Again, if paired with a poke adc - Ezreal/Caitlyn, just play it safe instead as it's impossible to be in range for your Q and youll get poked down. Play under turret, play safe, w max if u cant hit Qs, 3 pts q if you can still hit plenty

Skill matchup mostly, just poke, don't let her scale, roam on roam timers, and that's about it. Nothing too special, just remember you can always play aggro.

Pretty big counter to Soraka, who stuns you for too long, even if you trade her it's most of the time not enough to kill her without your jungler. I recommend going swifties and roaming rather than laning much against her. She's usually a monster in mid to late game as well due to all the setup she has. Good to ban if more popular in the meta.

Easy lane, you counter him, go very agro level 1, while staying out of range of his Q, but even if he does Q you then he has nothing to follow up with. Perma poke him so he can't engage when he gets to level 2, and most of the time you can win 2v3 if their jungler comes at level 2-3 since the botlaners will be low hp.

Bard is Bard. He will out roam you. You can try to dive adc when he leaves them, with or without your jungler, you can also roam urself, but don't be afraid if you can't match his roams.

Lane is okay. Level 1 you're stronger, and level 2 you have to play around the CD of his W. Bait it out, then you can play aggro again. Mid-game is 50/50, maybe even a bit more sided to Milio depending on adcs, but late-game HE is stronger.

Skill-based match up if not paired with Xayah, do not fight if with her, as if you get locked in by Rakan you get burst by Xayah. Otherwise, just bait out W, sometimes you can even dodge forward when he's W-ing. Again, I'd play it very agro starting from level 1, as long as no Xayah. Mid-game try to position yourself out of his range, so you can heal the others if they get caught.

Can be annoying, but mostly 50/50 for the most part. Q is easy enough to dodge, and that's the only skill you have to care about. Again, be agro when that skill is on CD. You are also equal mid-game, even stronger than him as long as no one has bought antiheal.

Very easy to play against. Don't be afraid to play agro level 1, poke her down so you can possibly kill her level 2 when you level up silence, and try to snare her with q + e placed a bit more forward.
Even if you don't get a kill on her, she'll be very chunked from the poke that she can't go in.
Again, bait out her E and you can free poke, she shouldn't be able to reach you with her Q after you've Q-ed her.

Very easy match-up, a very easy hook to dodge and bait out. Q him and then Q him again and then Q him some more. Obviously only easy as long as you don't constantly get hooked.

Annoying, because you can't really poke her out of lane, as she will sit on her adc most of the time, and if her adc is playing safe and going for scaling, go roam, as you won't have much impact on bot lane, and they'll just out scale eventually. Always better to help mid/top in that case. Remember your swifties ♥

Ability usage, laning phase, roaming & mid-game.
Early game: BE AGGRESSIVE!! The number 1 mistake I see other Sorakas do (or even enchanter players) is that they play way too passively and stand behind ADC when your job is to poke and piss off the enemy. Your job is not to stay behind and heal dmg that ur adc has tanked.
Start Q, always. Poke enemy support or ADC and zone them off of cs, You're allowed to be agro due to ur self-sustain from starcall, and you'll heal up any dmg that you take. Check notes for the champion match-ups, to see where you can be more agro and where more passive.

The ideal early skill leveling is Q > E > W (or even sometimes Q level 3 if your ADC is full hp and you can try to go for a kill, but the safer option is always W third) I usually try to heal ADC when they're below 70-80% hp AFTER I've hit a Q, if they're lacking more than half HP and feel like the enemy is gonna engage on us soon/we are getting ganked ill heal without Q buff.
Usual early lane: You trade a lot level 1, enemy supp or adc is chunked, you level up E second and try to catch them with it after the slow from Q. E has a larger range than Q so be sure to put it behind them as that'll almost guarantee a snare and even a kill.

If you feel that you are losing lane hard and you can't hit most of your Qs, focus on leveling W instead and just surviving lane, while trying to roam more.
If the lane is ok I usually do a roam to mid after backing, even if you can't get a kill, your mid laner might need help pushing the lane, or even just warding a bush is still helpful. I usually buy 1 pink that I put on the mid-lane bottom bush
If the lane is absolutely unplayable, leave your Adc and play with your jungler. You'll have a lot more value by winning top/mid, rather than just staying botlane and giving the enemy more kills while being a sitting duck.

After level 6, look at other lanes' HP to determine if they'll need an ult soon. You should always be on the lookout. A good ult is if you get an assist out of it, or sometimes just deny a kill to the enemy. Try to ult only when you see the passive over ur teammates as it basically doubles your heal, and without the passive the healing is minuscule. If the teammate you are about to heal is also ignited, think twice if you get anything out of your ult, as the healing on level 1 is already really small, so you might just use your ult for nothing.
In most games I go for early swiftness boots and try to roam some more, especially vs engage supports that are roaming more themselves, so I try to match them. The swifties are also helpful in the lane to dodge spells. You don't miss out on that much from not going CDR boots.
Patch Notes

Only listing patches with relevant changes, updating with every patch so you can always come check if something changed!

14.4: Salvation Bonus Movement Speed: 70% ⇒ 90% | Starcall Total Heal: 50/65/80/95/110 ⇒ 60/75/90/105/120 | Equinox Bugfix: E now silences enemies in the area instantly rather than after a variable delay. | Wish Cooldown: 160/145/130 seconds ⇒ 150/135/120 seconds

Not much to commment other than that these are some HUGE buffs :D
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