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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Farsight Alteration

Farsight Alteration
Total Price: 0 | Sell Price: 0

LoL Item: Farsight Alteration

Active: Places a visible Farsight Ward at the target location that grants sight of the surrounding area, including over terrain and through brush and lasting indefinitely. Also grants sight of the area in a 800 radius for 2 seconds. Upon detecting an enemy champion, the ward will increase its sight radius to 800 units and destroy itself after 3 seconds (19899 second cooldown; depending on average champion level; 4000 range).

Limited to 1 Trinket item. Switching to Stealth Ward or Oracle Lens keeps the current cooldown, if there is any. Cannot be purchased until level 9.
Summoner's Rift

Active: Places a visible Farsight Ward at the target location that grants sight of the surrounding area, including over terrain and through brush and lasting indefinitely. Also grants sight of the area in a 800 radius for 2 seconds. Upon detecting an enemy champion, the ward will increase its sight radius to 800 units and destroy itself after 3 seconds (19899 second cooldown; depending on average champion level; 4000 range).

Limited to 1 Trinket item. Switching to Stealth Ward or Oracle Lens keeps the current cooldown, if there is any. Cannot be purchased until level 9.

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Deez n00ts | March 7, 2017 4:53pm
op pls nerf
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