Fiora Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities - Patch 14.16
Fiora The Grand Duelist
Find the best Fiora build guides for League of Legends S14 Patch 14.16. The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Fiora build for the S14 meta. Learn more about Fiora's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community!
[14.15] ๐ฅFiora Handbook ๐ (Top / Mid) (+Match-up Guide)
[14.9] POTENTS UPDATED s14 FIORA GUIDE | RANK 1 EUW ๐| ALL MATCHUPS โ๏ธโ๏ธ๐คบ | BEST FIORA WORLD | Coaching Available ๐
Lilac's Very Epic Guide to Fiora [14.10]
[14.3] Rank #1 Fiora NA | Challenger Fiora Main Guide - Updated Daily | FIORA BUFFS OP
Fiora Jesuscirraptor TOP Lethality
Fiora guide
Fiora TOP/MID by drawwithme
Fiora Jesuscirraptor SUP
nanami fiora
Fiora Jesuscirraptor TOP Hybrid
~=[Diamond 1.2Mill Fiora OTP] Vic's IceBlue Build
Fiora Guide. Pog. i guess!
Guia de Matchups Fiora e o Basico de como jogar PT-BR
[12.23] Rank 1 GrandMaster Fiora Matchups Comprehensive Guide
Support Fiora
My Fiora
Fiora Build & Runes
If you're looking for the best rune build for Fiora we've got you covered. Below you can find the best items and runes to build for Fiora, as determined by calculations of thousands of Plat+ League of Legends games. If you are already familiar with how to play Fiora this is a great resource to quickly get a good rune selection for Patch 14.15. However, if you are a new Fiora player we highly recommend reading through some of the guides above to learn why this build is strong on Fiora!
Fiora's Runes
Second Best
Win Rate 22% Pickrate
Third Best
Win Rate 10% Pickrate
Fiora's Summoner Spells
Fiora's Starters
Fiora's Core Items
Fiora's Luxury Items
Fiora's Ability Order
Duelist's Dance (PASSIVE)
Passive Ability
Second Best
Win Rate 19% Pickrate
Duelist's Dance (PASSIVE)
Passive Ability
Third Best
Win Rate 3% Pickrate
Duelist's Dance (PASSIVE)
Passive Ability
Fiora Counters
Learn Fiora's counters and discover matchups where they have an advantage! When you're starting a game of League of Legends you should always keep in mind if you'll be at an advantage or disadvantage against your opponent, so you can know whether to bully them or play safe. You can find detailed breakdowns of each matchup on CounterStats, and you can also check out some Fiora guides to see how to build and play against other champions you may find yourself up against!
This counter data is for Fiora TOP in Plat+ games. The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Fiora. Counter rating is our own statistic that factors in counter kills, overall kills, early lead ratio, comeback ratio, and win percent to give the whole picture of that champion's effectiveness as a counter pick.
Best Against Fiora
Worst Against Fiora
Fiora Skins
Find Fiora's skins and when they were last on sale. Never miss a sale for your favorite skin by using our Wish List feature! You can also find all Fiora skins and chromas on Fiora's skins page.
Fiora's Abilities
If Fiora strikes an enemy, this ability's cooldown is reduced by 50%.
Active: Fiora reveals all 4 Vitals on a champion which deals true damage and gains Duelist's Dance's movement speed bonus while near the target.
If Fiora strikes all 4 Vitals within 8 seconds or if the target dies after she has hit at least one, Fiora restores 75 / 110 / 125 (+0.6 per bonus attack damage) health per second to surrounding allied champions for between 2 to 5 seconds, depending on the number of Vitals hit.
Questions About Fiora
Latest Questions
Some ?s about Fiora
Hi. I have a few qusetions about[[fiora]] (I'm learning how to play her). 1: What's your suggestion about mana problems? even when I'm fed and doing good I have mana problems. Sometimes I even get blue buff but it goes away fast so I'm looking...
Who Should I Get?
Ok, so... Iโm wondering which champion I should get next, Iโve got it narrowed down to Diana, Syndra, Lissandra, Orianna, and Fiora. I need a consistent pick who can hold her own and has consistent power in certain parts of the game, and isnโt...
Mid + Top duo synergy?
Hi. Me and my duo playing mid and top. Is there some good champion synergy? Im playing Sett/Fiora and he picks mages most of the times. Any ideas?
katarina or fiora
i have fiora and katarina . and i want to choose one of them . help me
How do you counter fiora? I always have trouble playing against her top and she deals true damage, heals herself, has lifesteal, gains movement speed, becomes immune to all cc and damage, crits, slows, stuns, and she has a dash that has almost no...
I want to buy a new champ but and i want to choose betwen FIORA and VAYNE WHAT SHOULD I DO ??
Fiora state
I see that people still build fiora tank but isnt tank fiora kind of dead?The items,masteries and damage for tank have been nerfed.Shouldnt she be build something like a glass cannon now or is the tank build still good but in a balanced state what...
How do I counter Fiora top?
I've been playing against many Fiora's in top lane, I've always been destroyed in every way possible. I've searched some guides but they don't really help. Wondering if I could have any advice.
fiora counter
i really hate playing against [[fiora]] but right now i would rather ban [[jhin]] and i want to know if i should get [[quinn]] or [[graves]] for a top lane counter.
Carry top laners
what are some good carry top laners that arn't perma bans like fiora gp or darius?
Is Fiora jungle's viable?
Just wanted to know because she had a stun, slows and a lot of burst but I don't know if this is enough for making her a jungler..
Fiora Jungle
With the new Fiora, would devourer or warrior jungle item fit her best in jungle? I understand she's not meta, its just something i'd like to give a shot.
Fiora or Vi?
I am nearly at 6300 ip, and want to know which champ would be better for me. Fiora or Vi. I enjoy being a tank, but I also love to dish out huge damage and get lots of kills. Some of my favorites now are Darius and Vladimir, because of that. So...
Why Get Berserker Greaves on Fiora
I can't simply see sufficient reasoning behind it. Ninja Tabi and Mercury's Treads I can see the use for as she is melee. Ionians due to extremely long cooldowns on her ability and will increase her damage output because of it. Berserkers...
What happenened to fiora? Suddenly everyone plays her. (I'm in low silver if that matters)