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Zyra Ability (LoL): Garden of Thorns

Garden of Thorns Zyra

Zyra Ability: Garden of Thorns
Range: 900
Cooldown: 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9
Seeds spawn around Zyra periodically, lasting for 30 seconds. If an enemy champion steps on a seed, it dies. If Zyra is hiding in brush, seeds will not spawn until she reveals herself. Plants deal 50-100 bonus magic damage to all monsters (depending on level).

Casting Deadly Spines or Grasping Roots near seeds causes them to grow into Plants with 8 Health that deal 15-75 (+20% of ability power) magic damage on hit (at levels 1-18) and last 8 seconds. Plants of the same type deal 50% less damage against the same target.

Damage to plants:
Ranged Basic Attacks: 5
Melee Basic Attacks: 8
Single Target Spells: 8
Area of Effect Spells: 3
Damage Over Time: 1
Large minions/monsters: 2
Small minions/monsters: 1

Zyra's Abilities

Zyra Ability: Garden of Thorns Zyra Ability: Garden of Thorns Zyra Ability: Garden of Thorns Zyra Ability: Garden of Thorns
Garden of Thorns is used by Zyra

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