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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Guinsoo's Rageblade

Guinsoo's Rageblade
Total Price: 3000 | Recipe Price: 1025 | Sell Price: 2100

LoL Item: Guinsoo's Rageblade
  • 35 Ability Power
  • 35 Attack Damage
  • 25% Attack Speed

UNIQUE Passive: Attacks deal 30 bonus magic damage on-hit.

UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks grant 8% attack speed, stacking up to 4 times for a maximum of 32% attack speed. While fully stacked, every third attack applies your on-hit effects twice.
  • 35 Ability Power
  • 35 Attack Damage
  • 25% Attack Speed

UNIQUE Passive: Attacks deal 30 bonus magic damage on-hit.

UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks grant 8% attack speed, stacking up to 4 times for a maximum of 32% attack speed. While fully stacked, every third attack applies your on-hit effects twice.

Guinsoo's Rageblade builds into these items:

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GarnetGaming | March 26, 2021 3:40pm
Does this extra damage replace the crit damage or add onto it?
Vapora Dark (624) | March 27, 2021 3:55am
It replaces it.
GarnetGaming | March 29, 2021 1:01pm
So it’s better on champions like Senna or Yasuo who have less bonus crit damage than normal because they get critical strike chance faster, but would be worse as a crit item late game for people like miss fortune, etc. who do rely on the extra damage from crits?
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LiquidBanta | June 7, 2016 6:10pm
Does this work with kalista's E
myzorygg | August 15, 2022 11:32am
GrandpaTheGreat | December 1, 2015 12:03pm
Remember back when nobody bought this item?
Pepperidge farm remembers
KillerNeko (13) | November 13, 2013 1:14am
It's freaking overkill, I can solo kill anyone using this....
pizzysj | October 23, 2013 10:59am
Makes a tank udyr even more dangerous
Bomberzani (1) | September 15, 2013 10:55am
Great also on jax, all the statistic fits very well on him, and also work well with his spammable w...
Janitsu (569) | July 26, 2013 9:25am
Shehanigans | February 18, 2013 7:09pm
Fantastic item for Twisted Fate. I usually grab it right after rushing Lich Bane
NoComentsBR | October 29, 2012 3:57pm
My favorite to Evelynn
Apohermion (2) | September 22, 2012 8:29pm
Probably my favorite item to buy for Kayle.
Qwertyigloo | July 28, 2012 4:02pm
Give Volibear this item. GG.
gwadzila (67) | June 29, 2011 3:48pm
One of the most cost efficient items in the game.
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