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Brand Build Guide by Hanjaro

Support Hanjaro's Brand, Supporting Your Way To Challenger

Support Hanjaro's Brand, Supporting Your Way To Challenger

Updated on October 24, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hanjaro Build Guide By Hanjaro 69 6 228,304 Views 5 Comments
69 6 228,304 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Hanjaro Brand Build Guide By Hanjaro Updated on October 24, 2023
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Runes: Dark Harvest

1 2
Dark Harvest
Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Manaflow Band

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Hey guys! Hanjaro here!
A little bit about me

I started playing League in Season 1, towards the end of the season. Since the beginning I was a support main, I enjoyed the 2v2 dynamics much more than 1v1s so I've stuck with it throughout my league career.
I have achieved the rank of challenger at multiple points during seasons 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, and continue to push for the highest elo I can get.
I love competitive games and have yet to find anything for me that compares to League.
Aside from League, I am a happily married man, father of 2 kids and I am a beloved pet owner.
If you guys have any questions about my guides, champions or really anything in general, feel free to stop by my stream!

Why Brand?

Brand is a very poke heavy mage. He provides insane AoE damage at early levels - scaling into late game, coupled with a single target stun. He can melt through tanks with % maximum HP damage, and burn down ADC's with ease. He's easy to pick up, hard to master with his skillshots.

If you enjoy playing, or want to learn more about Brand, you can read and discuss more over at


Flash is taken as your primary escape summoner, and can be used alongside Sear to land a stun, or get in range for your Pyroclasm.

The reasoning behind Ignite is that it gives you a lot of extra pressure in lane, and furthermore adds a 40% healing reduction. This is the best summoner to take on Brand, adding to your DoT damage.

Exhaust is a niche pickup on Brand, used when there are high damage threats on the enemy team, such as Zed, Kayn, Draven etc
It gives you an extra chance at escaping with the damage reduction, as well as the slow it provides. The damage reduction can be used to negate all in damage, from something like a Zed's Death Mark.

Summoner Spells
Sorcery + Inspiration

Arcane Comet allows Brand to have stronger laning presence, and can be a reliable source of extra poke with all of your abilities. Sear is a single target ability, meaning it reduces Arcane Comet's cooldown significantly faster than aoe abilities.

Brand's mana costs consistently poking the enemy laners can ramp up quickly. Manaflow Band helps negate running out of mana in laning phase as fast, and grants passive mana regen when you reach the 250 threshold.

Brand has high range on his abilities, and likes to stay at back of fights, allowing him to stay above the 70% health threshold for increased damage from Absolute Focus. Very good vs melee match ups in lane.
If you cannot guarantee your safety, take Transcendence as more CDR is never a bad thing.

Scorch is used for early game, laning harass. It adds extra damage on your first ability used, and then again after the 10s cooldown. The extra damage can't be missed when using Conflagration due to it being targeted, so abuse this in lane for extra presence and poke.

Brand likes to build Zhonya's Hourglass to give himself a safety blanket if he gets dove on, and Perfect Timing saves you 600g by giving you a free stopwatch at 10 minutes. You also gain one extra charge of the stasis effect before your build your Zhonya's Hourglass.

Cosmic Insight provides 5% CDR on everything, as well as increasing your maximum CDR by 5%. More spells in a shorter timeframe equals more damage!


Dark Harvest
Dark Harvest is generally a late game option you can take if you can guarantee that the enemy laners will be able to be poked down consistently enough to gain the stacks you need for any meaningful late game damage.


Taste of Blood
Along with needing to poke down enemy laners to proc Dark Harvest, you can take Taste of Blood to keep yourself topped up in lane, making sure you can keep consistently poking the enemy without fear of being engaged on.


Ultimate Hunter
Brand has excellent AoE damage that can decimate enemies grouped together in teamfights, especially through good use of his Pyroclasm. Ultimate Hunter gives you up to 25% reduced cooldown on your ultimate, meaning more casts, meaning more damage.





Boots of Mobility > MOVEMENT SPEED
Brand, like any support, has the potential to roam, putting other lanes ahead, and Mobi boots help give him the extra movement speed to get around quicker, also helping with warding late game.

Sorcerer's Shoes > DAMAGE
Brand's focus is dealing high damage, and Sorcerer's Shoes further enable him to achieve this. They have +18 magic penetration, helping him melt through tanks easier, along with his % maximum HP damage, and Liandry's Torment. The best boots to take on Brand.

Mercury's Treads > TENACITY
If the enemy team has a lot of CC, or a lot of AP damage, you can trade Mobi's out for these. They offer +25 magic resist, along with reducing the effect of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds and immobilizes by 30%.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity > CDR
If you're wanting to have a little bit more CDR, you can take these boots, helps with getting your abilities out quicker, and reducing the CD on your summoner spells by 10%. Good synergy with Transcendence and Cosmic Insight

In terms of damage output, Liandry's Torment is the best item on Brand. He has insane burst damage, and a built in DoT with his kit that deals maximum HP % damage, which already melts the enemies health, especially if they're tanks with lots of HP. Liandry's Torment stacks on this as a burning DoT and enemies take a percent of their maximum health, as well as their bonus health. This also gives our legendary items an extra 5 ability haste.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter slows enemies by 30% for 1 second, giving them less chance to escape from your burst. Brand already has a single target stun in his kit, but adding a slow into the mix really helps him excel at burning through enemies. Rylai's Crystal Scepter will increase your burst damage, along with increasing your survivability due to the +400 HP it provides.

While increasing your overall damage output, and increasing your survivability with an extra 300 HP, Morellonomicon is a brilliant pick up if the enemy team has healers such as Sona, Soraka or enemies like Vladimir, or a Draven with Bloodthirster. Morellonomicon inflicts grievous wounds, reducing their healing on themselves and others by 40% for 3s.

Zhonya's Hourglass is core to keeping yourself alive longer, or negating damage spells such as Zed's Death Mark or Ignite. You're a high damage threat, whose also immobile and very squishy if caught out - an easy target. Zhonya's Hourglass can spell the difference between living or dying, along with taking Perfect Timing saving you 600g. You also gain a nice chunk of AP for your burst damage, 45 armor and some ability haste.

Demonic Embrace > DAMAGE
Much like Brand's passive and Liandry's Torment, Demonic Embrace offers us another burn to add to the kindling, burning them for a percent of their max health every second for 4s, and provides us with a nice amount of HP. This helps us survive from any aoe or backline assassins.

Void Staff > DAMAGE
If your team is AP heavy, the enemy team is most likely going to start stacking MR - Void Staff negate's 40% of their magic resist, which then applies magic penetration, making this a very strong item vs MR.

Banshee's Veil offers protection from long range engage, such as Malphite or Blitzcrank, that Zhonya's Hourglass cannot - if you're cc chained, you can't activate it! You gain 45 magic resist, so a good pick up vs heavy AP teams such as Fizz and LeBlanc.

Rabadon's Deathcap > DAMAGE
Rabadon's Deathcap increases the damage of all of your abilities, great, right?! Unfortunately, as a support, Rabadon's Deathcap takes a substantial amount of time to build, and mostly replies on you to be very ahead of the enemy team, as it has a very high cost, and it doesn't offer any defensive stats. It's not a good pick up vs any assassins like Zed, LeBlanc, Rengar etc.
You're better off building other items first, and only consider this when you're ahead.

Blaze (Passive)
INNATE: Brand's abilities set his targets ablaze for 4 seconds, damaging them for 2.5% of their maximum health over 4 seconds as magic damage. Abilities used on an ablazed target are empowered and apply other stacks of Blaze while also refreshing the duration of the previous ones. A target can have up to 3 Blaze stacks at the same time and the damage per tick against monsters is capped at 80. Killing an enemy that is ablazed restores 30 - 50 (based on level) mana.

After reaching 3 stacks on large monsters and enemy champions, an area is marked around them, which explodes after 2 seconds, consuming all the stacks. All enemies struck are dealt 9% − 13% (based on level) of their maximum health as magic damage and are applied a stack of Blaze. The explosion will still trigger if the target dies to the third ability or during the delay.

Brand cannot stack Blaze more than once on enemies who have exploded in the past 4 seconds.


Sear (Q)

COST: 50 mana
COOLDOWN: 8 / 7.5 / 7 / 6.5 / 6
ACTIVE: Brand launches a fireball in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy it hits.

Blaze: The target is also stunned for 1.5 seconds.

  • With about 35% cooldown reduction and Sear maxed, it is possible to apply the stun without having to use other abilities. The cooldown of Sear will be lower than the duration of the applied Blaze.
  • Cast Conflagration first, or Pillar of Flame to ensure the target is stunned.

Pillar of Flame

Pillar of Flame (W)

COOLDOWN: 10 / 9.5 / 9 / 8.5 / 8

COST: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 mana
ACTIVE: After a 0.625-second delay, Brand makes the target area erupt in flames, dealing magic damage to enemies within.

Blaze: Pillar of Flame deals 25% bonus damage.
  • Try to cast Pillar of Flame where you think the enemy will be walking, as to ensure it hits.
  • Cast it under the enemy ADC when he goes to last hit, he won't be able to move while doing so, enabling an easy hit.


Conflagration (E)

COST: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 mana
COOLDOWN: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8
ACTIVE: Brand sets the target enemy aflame, dealing magic damage.

Blaze: Conflagration also spreads to enemies around the target.
  • Conflagration can spread to stealthed enemies or those hidden in fog of war and/or in brush but does not grant sight.
  • Targetable spell, use this to guarantee a Blaze stack for a potential Sear stun.


Pyroclasm (R)

COST: 100 mana
COOLDOWN: 105 / 90 / 75
ACTIVE: Brand launches a fireball at the target enemy that bounces between nearby enemies up to four times, dealing magic damage each time.

If Pyroclasm's current target becomes invalid, it selects a new enemy at no cost to its remaining bounces. If its initial target becomes invalid and there are no other valid targets, Pyroclasm refunds its cost and resets its cooldown.

Blaze: Pyroclasm briefly slows enemies hit up to 60% at max rank.
  • Pyroclasm prioritizes getting 3 Blaze stacks on an enemy.
  • If Brand's initial target becomes untargetable while the inferno is in flight, the projectile will select a new target.
  • Spell Shield will block a single bounce, but it can continue to a new target.


Early Game

You'll most always want to start with Pillar of Flame, it's your main harass ability. You can use it to poke from range, and push the minion wave to attain level 2 easily and quicker than your lane opponents.

There are times you'll be able to burn enemy Flashes with your level 2 if you manage to land a Blaze Sear stun, or even potentially gain a kill.
Level 3 is your best time to all-in, as you have your bread and butter combo ready, casting Conflagration onto your target, into a Sear which will stun due to the stack of Blaze, into a Pillar of Flame and throw on your Ignite - this can burst any enemy down very quickly, while stopping their escape and hopefully granting you or your ADC a quick kill.

Your main goal is to poke the enemies anyway from trying to CS, securing a lead for your ADC, and keep an eye out for mispositions to enable a kill.

You have a very high burst combo at level 6, especially if you land a Blaze Sear stun. You want to be going all-in pretty much as soon as you level up, ping your ADC so they know your intention. You're most likely guaranteed to burn at least one Flash with your ultimate, or at best, secure a kill.

Be wary of using your Sear too much, as you are squishy and immobile! It's your only CC, if the opponents come to gank and it's on cooldown or you're out of mana, and out of position, you'll be burning a Flash, Heal or end up dead!

Make sure to ward the brushes nearby your lane, and you can roam to midlane to set up an easy gank with the stun from your Sear if your midlaner can land a guaranteed hard CC.

Mid - Late Game

During the mid - late game teamfights and skirmishes, you will be trying to output as much damage as you can from range, throwing out your combo, stunning your choice target, setting enemies ablaze, and melting them down with your Pyroclasm, along with the burn from Liandry's Torment. You have the advantage of range, and low cooldowns, you can even use your Pillar of Flame as a zoning tool, or Pyroclasm as a deterrent.

When you've exhausted your damage combo with your ultimate, you can focus on peeling your ADC with Sear, or slowing the enemy down from engaging - or escaping - with your Conflagration Sear, along with Rylai's Crystal Scepter slow.

When you're roaming, you can throw Pillar of Flame's out, instead of face checking brushes or fog of war - you have Arcane Comet, this will proc if you hit an enemy.

You can proc an enemies Banshee's Veil very easily, especially if it's during a teamfight and they get hit by your AoE Blaze! Use this to your advantage, making them easier to CC and be bursted down.

The main thing to be aware of, is making sure your teams threats stay alive, while removing, or zoning, the enemy teams threats. Remember, you're also a very high damage threat, and very squishy, along with being very immobile if you get caught out! Utilize your Zhonya's Hourglass at critical times to survive burst damage, especially if they have a blue Kayn or a Zed.

You'll want to be sticking close to your ADC, while roaming efficiently and safely as possible to place deep wards.

Control Ward's are a staple part of any support, both to deny your enemies vision, and to provide your team extra vision.
I hope you enjoyed, and learned enough from my Brand guide, to melt your enemies as well as the pro's!

If you enjoyed my guide, you can check out my other guides here, in which I've covered more styles of supports, incase you want to branch out on supports such as engagers ( Nautilus, Pyke etc!).

If you're interested in seeing more of me, please follow my stream! I stream every day. I play a wide variety of supports, and I am always engaging with my stream chat.
    04/09/2023 - Revamped Guide.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hanjaro
Hanjaro Brand Guide
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Hanjaro's Brand, Supporting Your Way To Challenger

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