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Dr. Mundo Ability (LoL): Heart Zapper

Heart Zapper Dr. Mundo

Dr. Mundo Ability: Heart Zapper
Range: 325
Cooldown: 17 / 16.5 / 16 / 15.5 / 15
Cost: 8
Dr. Mundo charges up a defibrilator, dealing 5 / 8.75 / 12.5 / 16.25 / 20 magic damage each second for up to 3 seconds to nearby enemies. Additionally he stores 80-95% of damage taken for the first 0.75 seconds and 25% for the remaining duration as gray health and can Recast.

Recast: Detonate the defibrilator, dealing 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+7% bonus health) magic damage to nearby enemies. If this hits at least one champion, Dr. Mundo restores 100% of gray health, otherwise he instead restores 50% of gray health.

Dr. Mundo's Abilities

Dr. Mundo Ability: Heart Zapper Dr. Mundo Ability: Heart Zapper Dr. Mundo Ability: Heart Zapper Dr. Mundo Ability: Heart Zapper
Heart Zapper is used by Dr. Mundo

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nimama | September 8, 2012 6:26am
About using a lot of hp in early game,I suggest u max it tgt with cleaver if u are not playing AD build becuz this skill is EPIC in farming and pushing .HOW can u be afraid of losing hp with Mundo,u know what's the passive?With the health regeneration 15 per 5 sec plus its passive,after u clear the creep,walk back for 10 sec and u realise u jut earn yourself a good farm :) so max this skill and cleaver,they are legendary
J0MiN (1) | March 7, 2012 1:11pm
That Skill Burn ALOT oh Health so Dont Use That Skill tooo early (and dont lvl up it early)
Skill is only Useable while you had Giant's Belt Or better Items for HP
ExamplePrime (33) | November 11, 2010 8:49am
Wait, reduces stuns and CC
I didn't even notice that ><
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