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Vladimir Ability (LoL): Hemoplague

Hemoplague Vladimir

Vladimir Ability: Hemoplague
Range: 625
Cooldown: 120
Vladimir creates a virulent plague, causing its victims to take 10% increased damage from all sources for 4 seconds. After it expires, Vladimir deals 150 / 250 / 350 (+70% of ability power) magic damage to all infected targets. Vladimir restores 150 / 250 / 350 (+70% of ability power) health if he hits a champion, and restores an additional 60 / 100 / 140 (+28% of ability power) health for each champion beyond the first.

Vladimir's Abilities

Vladimir Ability: Hemoplague Vladimir Ability: Hemoplague Vladimir Ability: Hemoplague Vladimir Ability: Hemoplague
Hemoplague is used by Vladimir

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ArchonMaster | November 1, 2014 3:44am
The benefit of the ability is not on the ability itself but on its potential: it can be used stratigiacally to terrify enemies to leaving you or your tower alone or an area (especially potent on mid lane 1st tower) or force them to disperse and psychologically due to its sudden, instant and immediate effect it catches off-guard inexperienced players, scares others and even experienced ones might be afraid to stick around if they haven't paid attention to your Ability Power or team position (ward-less opponents).
TremorMK (5) | July 29, 2012 4:40am
MAke them Squishyy!!!!
Jeemees | August 13, 2011 1:05am
Use it during teamfights~~
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