League of Legends Honor
What is the Honor System?
Before entering the post-game lobby in the client, each player is given 40 seconds to commend one other teammate in one of three categories (only allowed for matchmade games). These three categories ranges from Stayed Cool = Tilt-proof, chill (left), Great Shotcalling = Leadership, strategy (middle) and GG <3 = Team player, friendly (right). When a player receives three commendations (Honors), their achievement is distinguished toward the whole lobby. When every teammate has given commendations, the team is notified that they have received a slight increase in Honor progress.
A player can advance to higher honor levels (ranging from level 2 all the way up to level 5) through receiving honors and playing matchmade games. Progression is not explicitly tied to an absolute number of honors received. At the same time if a player is negatively impacting the experience of other players during games, their honors can decrease to lower levels beyond the standard level 2 (this being level 1 and also level 0) and being locked temporarily from gaining any honor progression.
At the start of each season, a player resets to Honor level 2 in order to progress up to Honor level 5 (unless they were lower than level 2). Each honor level has three checkpoints that grant rewards, leveling up also rewards the player.
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