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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order E max vs poke, 3E -> W max vs engage
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Show All
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Personal permaban, havent found a way to win trades against him in lane. Hard to catch lategame.
✪ Best time to fight is during his Red + White gun combo
✪ Best time to fight is during his Red + White gun combo
💜About Me
Hi! My name is Angelo and I play on the OCE server. Started playing league in late 2019. I currently have around 2 million points and I still want to improve on her. I don't play ranked often as it stresses me out. This is my first guide and any criticism is highly appreciated!
Current League ID (OCE): Idleangelo
(nice) 👍
Add me on discord or comment if you have any questions or want to talk!
I stream sometimes on twitch (hiatus for now)
League of graphs page!
Thanks for reading my guide!
Current League ID (OCE): Idleangelo
(nice) 👍
Add me on discord or comment if you have any questions or want to talk!
I stream sometimes on twitch (hiatus for now)
League of graphs page!
Thanks for reading my guide!
💜Recent changes
May 22- Changed item cheatsheet for 14.10, Updated Runes cheatsheet
Feb 23- Lulu buff! Shields and Damage feels much more reliable early game. Updated runes and items in cheatsheet.
Feb 7 - Updated Item section to S14! changed a lot of notes and names in cheatsheet.
Jan 29 - Testing speed lulu build. Added speed lulu runepage
Jan 22 - Added Shurelyas as a potential rush
Jan 15 - More comprehensive cheatsheet
Jan 10 - S14 testing, initial draft on cheatsheet
Feb 23- Lulu buff! Shields and Damage feels much more reliable early game. Updated runes and items in cheatsheet.
Feb 7 - Updated Item section to S14! changed a lot of notes and names in cheatsheet.
Jan 29 - Testing speed lulu build. Added speed lulu runepage
Jan 22 - Added Shurelyas as a potential rush
Jan 15 - More comprehensive cheatsheet
Jan 10 - S14 testing, initial draft on cheatsheet
Easier for new players to pick up as you are not as squishy with this page, and doesnt require you to poke to get the most use of it. Guardian is also a great rune when you think you're going to have a hard time in lane. It is especially useful when going against long range supports like Lux or Vel'Koz, and when going against hard engage botlane combos ( Tristana and Nautilus, or Draven & Leona, etc.) Guardian can proc when you ally cast Help, Pix!, Whimsy and Wild Growth. |
Summon Aery is the alternative keystone you could take. The damage part of it is helpful in laning phase as Lulu can poke or trade insanely well against most supports, so make sure to try and make use of it! The shielding part is better in the mid-late game where your damage becomes more irrelevant, although it is not as big as Guardian. | |
+ Makes Lulu more tanky + Access to Revitalize rune + Harder to punish postioning mistakes + Nice to bring against All-in/Hard engage comps ( Draven & Pantheon) + More popular option to bring right now due to the dominance of burst damage teams. + Stronger shields than Summon Aery. |
+ Summon Aery is good early for the poke and later on for the shields + Can proc Ardent Censer with Whimsy to ally + Nice to bring in lanes where you can trade without dying + Trades will be stronger. + Slightly higher CDR than Guardian because of Transcendence | |
- Your trades will deal less damage due to not having Summon Aery and/or Scorch. - Loses access to proc Ardent Censer and Staff of Flowing Water from ally cast Whimsy. - Less ability haste than the Summon Aery tree. |
- Squishier than Guardian as you won't get any defensive stats from your runes and items. - Will have smaller shields than Guardian midgame onwards. - Summon Aery is hard to control in teamfights where you would be switching up doing damage and shielding allies |
Summary: Bring Guardian for more heals and shields. Summon Aery for more early game damage.
Font of Life is the main option, enemies hit with Glitterlance, Whimsy, or Wild Growth's AOE will be marked, and allies attacking the marked enemy will get a small heal.
Demolish is another rune you could take, especially if you know you will be pushing them into their tower often. Getting early plates, or even the tower can help you snowball your lead even further. Sometimes it also makes the enemy botlane force an engage which would be beneficial for you.
Shield Bash affects you when you shield yourself. Not worth it.
Font of life tip
Demolish is another rune you could take, especially if you know you will be pushing them into their tower often. Getting early plates, or even the tower can help you snowball your lead even further. Sometimes it also makes the enemy botlane force an engage which would be beneficial for you.
Shield Bash affects you when you shield yourself. Not worth it.
Second Wind I've had more games where ive healed more than what Bone Plating gives, more value when going against poke lanes like Ezreal, Seraphine.
Conditioning will give you extra armour and magic resist after 12 minutes. You will get even more total armour and magic resist, making this rune more valuable than Second Wind and Bone Plating. (Take only with Locket of the Iron Solari)
Bone Plating gives more value when trading against bigger damage instances in the early game.
Conditioning will give you extra armour and magic resist after 12 minutes. You will get even more total armour and magic resist, making this rune more valuable than Second Wind and Bone Plating. (Take only with Locket of the Iron Solari)
Bone Plating gives more value when trading against bigger damage instances in the early game.
Revitalize is a good rune that increases your heals and shields by 5%, and an additional 10% when the target is below 40% hp. This ability doesn't work with your ult Wild Growth.
Unflinching is a good rune to take especially when going against high slows and cc. If you're going Locket of the Iron Solari, you will be even harder to kill, and you really can stay around the 30% HP threshold for quite a while.
Overgrowth will give you more health, which means better scaling on font of life and guardian. My playstyle makes me rarely ever near minions in the mid-late game, but you can take it if you feel like you're going to get more value out of it.
Revitalize synergies
Unflinching is a good rune to take especially when going against high slows and cc. If you're going Locket of the Iron Solari, you will be even harder to kill, and you really can stay around the 30% HP threshold for quite a while.
Overgrowth will give you more health, which means better scaling on font of life and guardian. My playstyle makes me rarely ever near minions in the mid-late game, but you can take it if you feel like you're going to get more value out of it.
Cheap Shot will do more damage but will only proc mainly from your Glitterlance or polymorph. Hard to get value out of it unless going for a damage build.
Taste of Blood will help with giving more sustain, but this could be solved by buying Refillable Potion.
Sudden Impact is useless as Lulu doesnt have a dash.
Taste of Blood will help with giving more sustain, but this could be solved by buying Refillable Potion.
Sudden Impact is useless as Lulu doesnt have a dash.
Zombie Ward more wards are always helpful for the team.
Eyeball Collection is bad since support lulu doesnt make use of too much ability power.
Eyeball Collection is bad since support lulu doesnt make use of too much ability power.
Relentless Hunter is a another great alternative if you want to impact other parts of the map, Don't ever take this with Mobility Boots.
Ultimate Hunter shortens your ultimate, which is decent if you dont like the other options.
Wild Growth at 120/100/80 -> 90/75/60
Treasure Hunter gives a total of 550 gold, which will give you your first few item power spikes faster. (don't bring if you want to wait to scale up with your ADC)
movement speed difference
Ultimate Hunter shortens your ultimate, which is decent if you dont like the other options.
Wild Growth at 120/100/80 -> 90/75/60
Treasure Hunter gives a total of 550 gold, which will give you your first few item power spikes faster. (don't bring if you want to wait to scale up with your ADC)
Nullifying Orb is only good against double AP botlanes.
Manaflow Band gives you 25 mana per ability hit on a cooldown, up to 250 bonus mana, Lulu uses quite a bit of mana in the laning phase so more mana sustain is always helpful.
Nimbus Cloak helps you engage/disengage as the movespeed can be uesd to your advantage.
Manaflow Band gives you 25 mana per ability hit on a cooldown, up to 250 bonus mana, Lulu uses quite a bit of mana in the laning phase so more mana sustain is always helpful.
Nimbus Cloak helps you engage/disengage as the movespeed can be uesd to your advantage.
Transcendence is important for the CDR as having Whimsy and Help, Pix! cooldowns lowered makes you able to make plays more often.
Celerity is mainly worth when bringing alongside Shurelya's Battlesong / Mobility Boots / Relentless Hunter.
Absolute Focus is bad as lulu doesnt need too much AP.
Celerity is mainly worth when bringing alongside Shurelya's Battlesong / Mobility Boots / Relentless Hunter.
Absolute Focus is bad as lulu doesnt need too much AP.
Gathering Storm gives free ap every 10 minutes. It outvalues scorch at 20 minutes onwards. If your games take an average of 30-40 minutes, this rune is fine.
Scorch helps with trading in laning phase but has really bad scaling. It's almost as strong as the aery damage you'll be doing at the same time.
Waterwalking is the worst option of the 3, you can already move up river pretty fast with Whimsy.
Scorch helps with trading in laning phase but has really bad scaling. It's almost as strong as the aery damage you'll be doing at the same time.
Waterwalking is the worst option of the 3, you can already move up river pretty fast with Whimsy.
💜Items S14
Ability haste conversion chart
Chart (Bright light warning!)
Support upgrades
Solstice Sleigh Speed is a important stat for Lulu, and in the early game this will help you engage/disengage a lot easier. |
Dmg resist
Celestial Opposition Mostly useful against burst and mages. or when youre outranged. |
ADC buff
Dream Maker Please bring with Font of Life. Especially useful if adc knows what theyre doing and youre sitting theyre the ones looking for plays. |
Ionian Boots of Lucidity 💜 Cdr is a very important stat for Lulu. Buying this item first back is good as it really helps with your trades and cooldowns (especially polymorph) to give you a better chance in winning those 2v2 skirmishes. If you feel slow, take Relentless Hunter. (Buy this first back if you can) |
Boots of Swiftness 💜 As slows are also appearing more often (especially vs Senna or Ashe, etc), this item could help with trading in lane/positioning in teamfights. |
Plated Steelcaps Only really worth buying when enemy team is 4+ AD champions. More effective with Guardian (extra bonuses from Conditioning) than Summon Aery. |
Mercury's Treads Buy against high CC or 4+ AP teams. |
Rushable items
Ingenious Hunter synergy
Shurelya's battlesong 💜 Shurelya's Battlesong got nuked with new season 14 item changes but it still remains one of lulu's more consistent items to buy due to movespeed being an important stat for everyone. |
Mikael's Blessing A decent option if the enemy has a lot of CC (crowd control). Could potentially be bought first if the enemy botlane combo relies on cc to engage ( Ashe and Thresh for example). If they don't have a lot of CC , just skip this item. Important tip: it also cleanses CC that happens 0.2 seconds after it has been used! Making hard CC self cleanses possible. Self cleanse
Oblivion orb Hold onto this until last item if needed, the full Morellonomicon stats doesnt really beneifit much for Lulu. |
Help ADC
Ardent Censer Go for ardents early only if your ADC/Attack speed teammate is doing well. I usually buy this after Mikael's Blessing/ Redemption if needed. |
Help APC
Staff of Flowing Water 10 less AP than Ardent Censer, but the passive is better suited for APCs like Syndra, Swain, Veigar, or non attack speed based ADCs like Ezreal or Jhin. Also gives 20 AH when the rapids passive is up, which should be permanent in teamfights. Best synergy with Moonstone Renewer. |
Imperial Mandate Mostly good when adc cant make use of your buffs (think Ezreal or Jhin), and youre winning lane hard. |
Common items
Morellonomicon The only good option for antiheal for enchanters. Chemtech Putrifier you will be missed.. |
Knight's Vow The passive is what makes this item worth getting, 10-20% of damage taken by your carry is redirected towards you. Get Knight's Vow when you have a win condition carry in your team, and the enemy team has assassins that can burst your carry down. |
Dawncore Try to get when you have at least 2-3 other healing and shielding items to make use of its full value. |
Vs AoE
Locket of the iron solari A decent pick just to counter 3+ assassins/burst teams, it has even more value against AOE ults like Katarina or Fiddlesticks. Makes you considerably tanky, just be sure to polymorph the most fed assassin. Get Faerie Charm early to offset the lack of mana regen. |
Anathema's chains If the enemy team has only 1 fed person on their team, this item can really screw them over. They'll constantly be dealing 30% less damage to you, and your polymorph will last longer on them, 2.7 seconds max. Anathemas also gives you more ability haste and survivability. If combined with Locket of the Iron Solari, it makes you really hard to kill! |
Frozen heart Against 4+ AD auto attackers you can get this, combined with Plated Steelcaps will make you really hard to kill. |
Zhonya's hourglass Only buy if the above armor/MR items could not protect you. Most useful against fed assassins. |
vs yuumi
Frozen heart If no one in your team can build this, and enemy has a Yuumi, this item will screw her over. |
Umbral Glaive Mostly useful against Shaco and Teemo, it will kill their traps faster. Rushable against them too. |
💜Ability Tips and Tricks
Pix, Faerie companion (Passive)
Basic skill showcase
Ability tips/mechanics video
Glitterlance (Q)
Basic skill showcase
Ability Tips/mechanics video
Whimsy (W)
Basic skill showcase
Ability tips/mechanics video
Help, pix! (E)
Basic skill showcase
Ability Tips/mechanics video
Basic skill showcase
Ability tips/mechanics video
Laning Combos
E + AA + Q + (AA)
Enemy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~if safe
+ + +( )
Bread and Butter
AA + E + Q + (AA)
~~~~~~~Self/Enemy~~~~~~~~~~~~if safe
+ + +( )
Enemy trades back
Engage Combos
E + Q + W Minion/Ally~~~~~~~~Ally/Enemy
+ +
Extended Q range
Flash R + W (wait) Q + (AA)
~~~~~~~Self~~~~~Enemy~~~~~~~~~~~~~if safe
+ (wait) +( )
Mini Malphite
Q Flash + W (walk) R + E + AA
+ (walk) + +
Max distance Engage
Using ally (frontline or ADC with dash)
R + E + Q + W
+ + +
Follow up engage
Anti Assassin Combos
R + W (wait) E + Q + AA
+ (wait) + +
The Anti Fun combo
Assassin has spellshield
Q/E + R + W + E/Q + AA
+ + + +
Real Game Examples
anti assassin + locket
Peeling for adc
💛Early Game
Lulu has really good early game damage, and can outrade most champions (including ADCs) pre-6. If there is anything to take away from this guide, PLAY AGGRESIVE.
(Learn how to 1v2 trades and contest most cs the enemy adc is trying to get)
Tips to win more trades in lane
-Try to get level 2 before the enemy does (by autoing the wave and/or using skills on it) which will allow you to play more aggressive and maybe even zone them off CS.
- Lulu's lv 2 all in is really strong, even enough to get their summoner spells or a kill, make sure you walk up to them first!
-Poke the ADC when they are going for CS.
-Poke melee supports (if safe to do so) when they're going to last hit minions -Poke ranged supports after they used their main poking tool
Decide to do 3E W max or just E max
More specific guidelines in matchups chapter!
💛Mid-Late Game
Protect your carry! 💜
-Use your spells on your carry (doesn't have to be ADC when he isn't fed/doing well) when in teamfights
-Make sure to polymorph the strongest member of the enemy team. Interrupting channelled AOE abilities is also important.
-You can leave your ADC alone if he is farming/freezing safely under his turret, but when he starts pushing make sure to ward the surrounding areas and/or accompany him in pushing.
Ward objectives at least 1 minute 30 seconds before it spawns
-Your support item wards lasts 2 mins and 30 seconds
- Control Wards will be crucial here to deny vision. Make your enemies facecheck their way into the objectives/bushes and delay their advance!
-If possible, ask someone nearby to help you ward (escort) when you dont know where the enemies are.
-With map awareness you can definitely pull off solo ward/deep warding missions.
- Mikael's Blessing will help you ward against high cc/global ults ( Twisted Fate ult, Pantheon ult, etc) when solo warding.
-Use your spells on your carry (doesn't have to be ADC when he isn't fed/doing well) when in teamfights
-Make sure to polymorph the strongest member of the enemy team. Interrupting channelled AOE abilities is also important.
-You can leave your ADC alone if he is farming/freezing safely under his turret, but when he starts pushing make sure to ward the surrounding areas and/or accompany him in pushing.
Ward objectives at least 1 minute 30 seconds before it spawns
-Your support item wards lasts 2 mins and 30 seconds
- Control Wards will be crucial here to deny vision. Make your enemies facecheck their way into the objectives/bushes and delay their advance!
-If possible, ask someone nearby to help you ward (escort) when you dont know where the enemies are.
-With map awareness you can definitely pull off solo ward/deep warding missions.
- Mikael's Blessing will help you ward against high cc/global ults ( Twisted Fate ult, Pantheon ult, etc) when solo warding.
💛Support Matchups
- Get level 2 first when you can, it lets you zone the enemy off / win a trade / start an all in with your adc.
- Against engage you'll want to try to freeze the wave under your own tower so they cant engage on you or your ADC. Getting your wave frozen under enemy turret will give them many opportunities to engage and get ganked by the enemy jungler.
- Start Q Glitterlance against melee and E Help, Pix! against ranged.
- Get boots first (tier 1 / tier 2) if it's a lane where you need to dodge skillshots.
- Mikael's Blessing first if enemy sup + adc + jungler has lots of cc. (ie: Ashe+ Leona+ Lillia
💚Special thanks!
Friends in my discord server for helping me with videos.
BBCode guide for help with formatting and giving templates for runes.
Sovereign-kitten For reviewing my guide and giving great, well detailed feedback!
Lulu mains Reddit and Lulu mains Discord for providing great answers and details about the champion!
That's all for the guide! Thanks for reading and see ya in the rift!
BBCode guide for help with formatting and giving templates for runes.
Sovereign-kitten For reviewing my guide and giving great, well detailed feedback!
Lulu mains Reddit and Lulu mains Discord for providing great answers and details about the champion!
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