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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Threats & Synergies
Here I'll just tell you what you can do and what the enemy can do. For more detailed information, visit "Detailed matchups"
All the heroes who have mass control have the best synergy with you.
All the heroes who have mass control have the best synergy with you.
Champion Build Guide
Well, now about Kennen in the game: this is a mobile AP mage with a lot of burst damage against one or more targets, strong against squishy, he is also strong in teamfights. Kennen is big in the early game, shows himself well in the mid game, and also does not lag far behind in the late game.
Unfortunately, in order to perform well on Kennen, you will have to spend a lot of time, because you need to know a lot about the game in order to realize his full potential!
But, if you don't want to spend all your time on Kennen, and want to add him to your pool, I'll show you the example of pool with Kennen:
2. Kennen deals magic damage, and Wukong deals physical damage, so you can adapt to the type of damage your team needs.
3. Malphite is a tank, so you can tank for your team.
4. All these champs are good in teamfights and have the same playstyle.
5. Kennen is strong against Malphite, Wukong is good against Kennen, and Malphite is cool against Wukong.
P.S. Instead of Malphite, you can take another tank to the pool.
Deals AP damage +
Has a good poke +
Mobile mage +
Good at all stages of the game +
Good in teamfights +
Hasn't bad matchups +
God of teamfights +
One of the best initiators in the game +
Can protect carry in your team +
Has a lot of stuns +
- Squishy
- Your team will not have a tank on top
- Bad into tanks (but playable)
- If fall behind, it is very difficult to come back
- Bad without good farming
- Weak against disengage (like Janna)
- Useless against resurrections or damage reduction (like Lamb's Respite, Exhaust, Aegis Assault, Divine Judgment, etc)
Summon Aery allows us to poke the enemy well, thereby preparing him for our all-in. Let me explain why this is bad into tanks: they tolerate our poke too easily and on the lane against them we concentrate on farming, instead of poke.
Phase Rush allows us to make short trades and run away from the enemy if he goes all in.
I take Transcendence with Phase Rush because we will be doing short trades and will not be able to maintain health at a high level, so Ability haste will allow us to do these short trades more often.
I don't take Cheap Shot because Kennen really need heal with Taste of Blood.
This is our usual way, Thundering Shuriken deals a lot of damage if you can hit it.
If we can't hit Thundering Shuriken (for example, against Akali, Yasuo, etc), or we want to be unpredictable with our Mark of the Storm (against Fiora), this maxing Electrical Surge will suit us. Unfortunately, Electrical Surge deals less damage than Thundering Shuriken, so we'll be weaker.
And now I'll show you the skills of Kennen and some interesting interactions!
- Use it to check bushes.
- You can also use it to kill Siege minion.
Active: Kennen sends out a blast of electricity, dealing 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 (+80% of ability power) magic damage to nearby enemies affected by Mark of the Storm.
- You can zone enemy with enchanced attack.
After this ability ends, Kennen gains 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80% attack speed for 4 seconds. Kennen can recast to end this ability early.
- Use it to push the wave, escape ganks, kite enemies.
- Always use it to reach lane faster from base.
Let's look at the Kennen combos! I'll add that you can use Hextech Rocketbelt instead of Flash (or you can not use any additional dash at all if Lightning Rush enough), and/or Zhonya's Hourglass at the end of the combos.
Q + AA + W
Q + E + W
E + R + FLASH + W + Q
When to Invade?
• It is necessary to have a champ with control( Amumu, Pantheon, Thresh, Pyke,
Blitzcrank, Morgana, etc.)
• If you want to know exactly where the enemy will start clearing jungler, so you need a vision
• You have strong champs at the first level
• Your jungler want to steal the enemy buff
When not to Invade?
• Someone from your team didn't go with you• The enemy is stronger than you at the first level
• The enemy is preparing a counter invade (this should be assumed)
• Your team does not have control at the first level
• You have weak champs at the first level
Sand circles and arrows indicate the places from which your hooker can use the hook ( Bone Skewer, Death Sentence, Rocket Grab.) through the wall to catch the enemy.
When to counter invade?
• It is desirable that you have a champ with mass control ( Sion, Nunu & Willump, Rell, Alistar, Cho'Gath, etc.)• You have strong champs at the first level
• The enemy will not be waiting for you (for low elo)
• You want to take a risk and gain an advantage
When not to counter invade?
• Someone from your team didn't go with you• If the enemy decided to invade the other side, don't go there, just give it away. Your jungler will figure out for himself whether to go to the enemy buff or not
• The enemy is stronger than you at the first level
• You have weak champs at the first level
• Your team does not understand how to counter invade (more precisely, it does not know how to warding, more about it later)
1. As soon as you are released from the base, go and put totems at the points I indicated below (choose which buff you will defend, and put 2 Stealth Wards as I showed in form of yellow circles):
2. Stand with the whole team in any place that I specified in the form of blue or red (Depending on which team you are on) circles. A small note: place the Stealth Wards on the side you are on, do not go to the enemy, you will not have time to hide.
3. Wait for the enemies, and if they come, kill them! If you did everything right, then you will go into the plus.
In losing matchups, when you can't approach the minions and just gain experience, you can speed up the push to your tower (to get gold for minions under the tower) using the "Even minion rule".
Even minion rule works like this: to whose tower the same waves of minions are closer, then from it there will be a push wave to the opposite tower. This happens because the incoming wave of minions will start beating the enemy wave earlier, so the push will be in the opposite direction. This rule is used absolutely everywhere during the game.
Well, now about early push to you. If you know that your enemy is helping jungler, then, using the above rule, we can get closer to the enemy tower and delay the first wave of minions, which will cause a push to your tower.
But be careful, because of this, the enemy will get levels faster and will be able to somehow implement it if you get too close.
Well, now see what happens if you use this strategy and don't beat the minions.
As you can see, by the third wave, the opponent has 4 more minions, and this is despite the fact that there is no enemy in the example who would kill your minions!
• Look for mistakes (overextending with no summoner spells, use of key abilities) and punish them.
• Pay attention to your opponent ressources and think about this before fighting them (wave state, jungler's position, damage, ressources, sustain).
• What is the "Trading Stance" about?
Trading Stance is a way to get the better of an opponent on your lane, harassing him whenever he tries the last hits. In fact, we are talking about creating pressure, ensuring security, while at the same time denying this to our enemy. This is a fairly simple, but extremely difficult concept to master.• How do you use the Trading Stance to your advantage in a melee matchup?
As Kennen, you often have a range advantage over your opponent, thanks to your range. Always keep an eye on your minion's health indicator. Once they are on the verge of death, just know that the enemy will try to last hit it, which of course you can't let them do freely. Your main tools of intimidation will always be a AAs or Thundering Shurikens. Ideally, you would like to secure cs and at the same time prohibit last hits. You should retreat immediately after the successful completion of the trade, so that they do not pursue you in return. But if you know that you can use something more than just AA, then you can go all in and kill an enemy.• What if I’m against a ranged champion?
Everything is simple here, do not mess with any trades, only if they themselves do not come to you. Just use your skills on them. After 6 one shot them easily.Retaliation trading is technically the opposite of a trading stance, since you are not the one who initiates the skirmish, but the one who fights back. Remember one of the most important rules of trading: if you are hit, hit back. But there are exceptions to every rule, so before you fight back, you should analyze the situation and understand whether it is worth retreating or not. Therefore, I will tell you what needs to be analyzed:
• What cooldowns do they have? Do I have any? How much mana/energy do they have?
It’s important to know what abilities your enemy can use against you, to know if it's worth trading or not. For example: I never trade with Vladimir, if he has Transfusion, As soon as he uses it on a minion, I immediately go on the attack.• Who has more sustain?
Let's imagine that you are against a Garen. Even if you decide to retaliation trading and end up winning the trade, he’s just restore everything back up with Perseverance. Same thing will occur when your opponent has a potions. Therefore, you can make such trades, but not for long, as you will be exhausted quickly and you will have to retreat. I advise you to trade, and then, until the enemy has recovered, do all in.• Where is their jungler? Is the 1v2 winnable?
This all comes down to map awareness and vision control. Knowing where the enemy jungler is at all times is impossible, but you always need to at least have an idea of where they could be. You have to know about Kennen's strengths. Sometimes, the enemy toplaner might try to bait you into what seems to be a free fight while their jungler is waiting in the brush. Knowing your limits, you can even specifically be baited and kill 1v2 enemies.• Who has a minion advantage?
Think about minions aggro. One trade might look good on paper but once you start it, you realize that you’ve taken more damage from the wave than from the enemy. Never fight when the enemy has a big minions wave. You can do this if you are 100% sure that you will kill the enemy and survive.• Powerspikes
Kennen doesn't have as strong power spikes as you would like, so you just need to be aware of the enemy: Levels, items, stacks ( Siphoning Strike), runes (for example, Phase Rush).• Powerfarming Junglers: hyperscalers, can only gank effectively past certain powerspikes (levels, items).
• Control Junglers: fast clear + mobility, counter-jungle and ward. Keep your jungle warded and help your jungler when they get invaded.
• See whether the enemy bot or top leashed to determine the enemy jungler's starting point (Blue or Red).
• The first gank after 3 camps occurs approximately at the 2:30-2-50 time stamp.
• 1 camp = 4 cs. Scuttler spawn (potential fight) = 3:30 mins. Possible gank (before camp respawn) 4:30-5:00 mins. 1st buff respawn approximately 7:00 mins.
• Ganking junglers
It is important to know which jungler you are facing in order to adjust your playing style accordingly. Champions like Jarvan IV, Nunu & Willump, Elise, etc have a very strong force in the early game and, most likely, will strive to gank more than farm.The game plan of these junglers, as a rule, is to first get a burst of power of the 3rd level, and then gank. However, you should always beware of level 2 cheese containers with red buff, especially against champions like Shaco or Jarvan IV. In this case, even if you're laning against someone you can abuse early on, do not play aggressively.
• Powerfarming junglers
These champions like Evelynn, Fiddlesticks, Shyvana, etc will look to farm and get their level/item powerspikes as soon as possible to start making an impact on the game. You can look to ward their jungle, and invade them to kill them and delay their powerspikes. However, make sure you're not just going into a straight 1v3 against the enemy jungle and bot. Always watch your minimap and use tab.• Control junglers
These champions like Kindred, Rek'Sai, Graves, etc will try to make your jungler's life terrible. Their main goal is counter jungling and map control, with invading the side your jungler is not on, and stealing their camps. Against these junglers, what you want to do as a toplaner is help your jungler as much as possible, by keeping your jungle warded and punished whenever the enemy invades at a bad time.• Red/Blue start
In most cases, you should be able to determine where the enemy jungler started. Having this information will help you better anticipate when they might gank you and from where. For example, if their toplaner entered the lane late and/or didn't have enough hp/mana, then you can assume that the jungler started from top. This often entails that if you get ganked next, it's most likely going to come from botside. Keep in mind that sometimes junglers like Kayn can get Raptors or Murk Wolves, which means that they will not need a leash, and therefore it will be more difficult to predict their jungle path.• Jungle clear
You can determine what clear a jungler did by looking at their CS. Every camp gives 4 CS, this means that if they show up on the map and have 24 cs, then they did 6 camps, so a full clear. Knowing what clear they did will enable you to more accurately predict what their next move is, and be prepared for it. The first gank after 3 camps occurs approximately at the 2:30-2-50 time stamp. Usually, junglers would recall at 4:00 to match their camps respawn, which is 2 minutes for normal camps. This sometimes means that their next gank might come between the 4:30 to 5:00 minute window. The 1st Buff respawn should be at the 7:00 minute mark. If the enemy jungler is behind while you're fairly ahead, you can look to cheese him at his camp. Set up vision with Control Ward and Oracle Lens first, then you can surprise him with his own buff and kill him. Make sure your laners have priority, or that his allies cannot rotate quickly enough to help.• Scuttler
At the 3:30 minute mark, the Scuttler will spawn. If your jungler is doing the top Scuttler, then you know for a fact that the enemy jungler is on bot Scuttler. As this objective is coming up, you should be pinging your jungler if you cannot help them contest it. If a fight does occur and you end up winning the 2v2, then again, you can be 100% sure that the enemy jungler is heading to bot crab next.• Debris
The debris of the plants remains after application for 30 seconds, so with the help of them you can understand that someone used the plant during the past seconds.At the heart of the game on top is the control of waves of minions, you must know that. So now I'm going to tell you all about it!
• Don't freeze against roam champions or if your enemy is stronger than you.
• Fast push when you have to leave the lane.
• Don't fast push when you are not planning to leave the lane.
• Slow push to dive, safe 1v2, when you need to leave the lane, but not immediately, but a little later.
• Don't slow push if the enemy can freeze and against champions with good wave clear.
• What is Freezing?
This is used to deny the enemy laner gold and experience. is that you know the wave will push to you, so you will not attack minions other than last hitting them.If the place in lane and amount of extra enemy minions is correct, you can keep a freeze forever. If the enemy wave is bigger, and it's close to your tower, you will need 4 extra enemy minions to keep a freeze.
If the enemy wave is bigger but it's at the middle of lane, it can be enough with only 2 extra enemy minions because the new waves come at the same time.
• When to Freeze?
There are many ways to use freezing, and I will list them!1. To prevent the enemy from farming minions.
This is the main reason why you are setting up freeze, since the minions will be in the same position, the wave of minions will not go to the enemy tower and the enemy will not be able to kill them. Therefore, he will not be able to finish off the minions in any way, except with skills.
If the enemy tries to come up and finish off the minions/break the freeze, you can impose a trade on him and even kill him!
Kennen is good at short trades. Freeze and the enemy will not be able to conduct long trades while you poke him with short trades.
3. Freeze to recall.
I'll talk about this a little later, in the chapter about recalling, but in short, if you don't have time to push the minions under the enemy tower, then it's better to just freeze.
4. Freeze to set up gank.
Since the wave will be close to your tower, the enemy will have to get closer to it in order to at least gain experience. Thanks to this, your jungler will easily be able to gank you, which will finally destroy your enemy morally! You also protect yourself from the ganks.
• When NOT to Freeze?
1. If your enemy is stronger than you.Seriously, to create a freeze, you need to lose some health to hold the minions, so the enemy will have a health advantage over you. Also, an enemy that is stronger than you will simply destroy freeze.
2. Don't freeze against roam champions ( Kled, Quinn, etc).
These enemies easily realize that you do not push and do not hit his tower. He will go roaming and will not lose anything for it, so you have to push against such enemies so that they cannot roam or lose a huge number of Quinn and a tower.
• What should I do if enemy is freezing?
Well, first of all, if you are equal / stronger than the enemy, then just break the freeze by killing the minions and pushing them under the tower. You can also go roaming/counter jungling.If the enemy is stronger than you, then all you have to do is call the jungler for help to break the freeze together with him, or else you just have to gain experience.
• What is Fast push?
Fast Pushing is about clearing the wave as quickly as you can, and crashing it under the enemy's turret. It's a simple concept that creates pressure, while giving you time to leave the lane for whatever reason.• When to Fast push?
The main occasion to fast push is while the enemy is gone. Since with the help of Fast push you bring minions to the enemy tower, it will start killing them. It gives you the opportunity to leave the lane, to maybe roam, put deep ward, recall or even fight for an objective. Also because of the Even minion rule, a slow push to your tower will begin, which is why after returning to the lane you will not lose many minions. You want to punish your opponent by making them lose as much gold and xp as possible when they are missing. Moreover, by fast pushing you will be applying immediate pressure and cause someone to come pick up the wave.Another reason to fast push the wave is to set up a dive. If you need to kill an enemy quickly, for example, he has low hp and wants to recall, or your jungler wants to help you and you don't want to waste his time.
When your opponent is freezing the wave, you'd want to reset it. To reach that, you can look to fast push and crash the wave. If the turret kills all the minions before the next wave arrives, then both upcoming minions waves will meet in the middle, causing a reset.
• When NOT Fast push?
Before deciding to fast push to recall, you need to understand that Kennen does not push waves well early. Let's say you have killed the enemy early on, but you're not able to crash the wave under turret in time. In this case, you should just freeze the wave by leaving 3 caster minions alive and held outside your turret range instead of pushing. Then you can safely recall and come back to a frozen lane on your side.Don't push the wave if you are not planning to leave the lane. You put yourself in a dangerous position, where you can get ganked. In some cases, you might even give your opponent the chance to freeze, which could be terrible if they are a lane bully that will harass you whenever you go for a last hit.
• When to Slow push?
Slow push is the most versatile strategy in Wave management, you can do it always, but there are cases when you have to do it:1. When you need to do something out of lane, but not urgently (when urgent, we use fast push).
If you need to shift to Void Grub after about 40 seconds, then you can create a slow push so that when you leave for the battle for Void Grub the enemy had to make a choice: break the huge wave that you created, or attend the battle.
In general, this is used all the time when you need to prepare to kill epic monster.
2. To dive the enemy.
For example, your Slicing Maelstrom is still on recharge, but you want to dive the enemy. To do this, you need to reduce the pressure on the wave, so the wave will not break on the tower immediately and you will have time to wait for your Slicing Maelstrom to recharge. Thanks to this, you will not only kill the enemy, but at the same time he will lose all these minions that you have been saving up!
• When NOT to Slow push?
It is useless to slow push against champs with a good wave clear ( Gangplank, Garen, etc), as they will simply kill all the minions. Also, if you need to somehow react sharply to actions on the map, then you need to start Fast push right away.Well, I can also add that if the enemy is stronger than you and can drive you away from this big wave, then he will freeze, so it's not profitable to slow push.
• What if the enemy is already on the way to the lane, there is slow pushing to the enemy tower and you do not have time to push it, so there is a risk that the enemy will freeze?
Instead of waiting for the wave to freeze, and then do something (spoiler, you won't have time to do anything, since the enemy will already come and drive you away), you need to go through the tower and take the minions away so that your minions have time to go under the enemy tower. After that you can safely recall.• What is zoning?
Zoning is keeping the opponent as far away from the minions as possible when he can't get gold or even experience.• When to zone?
You should do this WHENEVER you have an advantage over the enemy. In this case, if he comes within the radius of your abilities, poke him!• When NOT to zone?
The only time you shouldn't do this is when there is a chance of being ganked.It seems that there is nothing difficult here, just press recall and return to base, but if you do it wrong, you can lose even in the easiest matchup and lose a lot of gold and experience, therefore, I will teach you how to do recall correctly.
• Wave state
Firstly, come back just before the wave with siege minion, this is done because this minions takes a very long time to kill, so you will lose less experience and gold while the enemy is trying to kill him. But before that, look at the waves of minions:If it's a slow push to your tower, then freeze it, so that fewer minions die while you go to the lane. However, remember that if the enemy comes to the lane earlier, he will destroy the freeze.
If this is a slow push to the enemy tower, then you have to fast push, so that your minions die under the enemy tower and a slow push is formed in your direction. Remember: the more of your minions die from the enemy tower and the fewer enemy minions die, the better.
If the number of minions is the same, then look at their position, and use the "Even minions rule". If the minions are on your side, then you need a fast push, if on the enemy side, then just recall.
• Objective timers
Take a look at the upcoming object respawn timers. If there are about 40 seconds left before them, then you should return to the base to be ready for battle with full resources and spent gold.• Amount of gold
Everything is simple here: if you lack 50-100 gold for the item, it's better to stay and farm it.• All about cheater recall
Cheater recall is the first recall on the lane, with which you get Long Sword, while losing a maximum of 1 minion. Thanks to this, you will be able to gain an advantage over the enemy in characteristics, thereby realizing it somehow. To lose a maximum of 1 minion and not to make a mistake with this recall:you have to slow push the first 2 waves, and on the third fast push under the tower so that this huge wave is destroyed by the tower. All this time, the enemy does not have to beat the minions for this strategy to work. While the enemy destroys the wave under his tower, you calmly make a recall and return to the lane without any losses.
• All about fast back
Surely many of you know the meme about "fast back", this is a meme justification for your execution under the tower. But I'll tell you the truth, it really can work up to level 6! When you are respawned, you appear with full health and acceleration, so the execution also saves your time to restore hp and mana after recall. Therefore, in terms of time up to level 6, execution is simply more profitable. If you can do it without dying from the enemy, then do it!With fast back
No fast back
• Keep an eye on the fights near you, you can come in handy there.
• Check enemy items before going all in,
• Oversee on the midlaner, he can roam.
• Count the waves of minions.
Now I will show you how to use the map and how to learn how to use it. And no, it's not just a look and that's it, it needs a lot more skill! So, what is worth paying attention to?
• Your/enemy jungler
Since you are playing on Kennen, and he is a lane bully champ and will push the lane, it is important that you look at the map and track the enemy and your junglers. For example, if you see an enemy jungler on the bot lane, then you can play more aggressively, or if yours is nearby, the same thing, you can play more aggressively. Also, your jungler may need help at the rift scuttler, this is a good opportunity to fight 2v1 and get an advantage!• The Battle for the Void Grubs
If your team is preparing to take the Void Grubs, then you should prepare, push a wave, return or take the right position.• Missing midlaner
Sometimes an enemy midlaner will want to kill Kennen, so you should notice its absence in time and not engage in battle with your laner until the enemy midlaner returns to the mid.• Enemy's items
Well, everything is simple here, in order not to suddenly be embarrassed by the fact that you went to all in but could not kill, and it turned out that the enemy bought armor, check enemy items before initiation.• Incoming wave
If the next wave is a wave with siege minion, then you have to use this information somehow, to do this, remember what I told you before.• Before roaming, be sure to push the wave.
• Do not roam if you have something to do on the lane or on the enemy modlaner is mobile.
• What is roaming?
Roaming is when you shift from the top to help the mid. Yes, for "midlane roaming" the definition is different, but we consider everything from the point of view of the toplaner.• When to roam?
To begin with, I will say that this is a very rare strategy for toplaner, given everything I have talked about earlier, but it is also useful for gaining an advantage in the game.You should roam when you can't get an advantage on the lane, as the enemy is playing as carefully as possible. Before roaming, you must definitely push a wave of minions under the tower so that you have time for it. You can also roam to push back the scaling of late game champion.
• When NOT to roam?
You should not roam when there is a mobile opponent on the mid, and if you have something to do on your lane.• Dive when you are sure of the murder.
• Don't dive when you aren't sure of the killing.
• What is diving?
Diving is when you kill your enemy under his own tower. This is a very useful strategy, because the enemy loses the entire wave of minions that you brought under this tower.• When to dive?
You need to dive when you are absolutely sure that you will kill the enemy (yes, you can even die, although this is undesirable, if only the enemy would lose all the minions). It is also advisable to dive with a jungler, because this increases your chances. For a lot of damage to the enemy, you can create a slow push before the dive so that he loses more minions.• When NOT to dive?
Well, if you're not sure about the murder, then don't try. Also, tanks and champs with a lot of cc are not worth diving at all, since the tower will kill you faster.Use the button "Target champions only", by default it is on the ~ key. So you will definitely hit the enemy with your targeted skills and auto attacks, no wards or towers will prevent you from clicking on the enemy. I advise you to make it toggle in the settings so that you don't have to clamp it for the entire dive.
I can also recommend you to always use this function in minions wave, since hitting Electrical Surge AA is very important to you.
• Don't sidelane if ahead and your presence is required to win fights, unless your team is hard-losing anyway.
• Always farm waves on the sidelanes when no ally is already there.
• Splitpush if you team composition allows it (good waveclear).
• Don't splitpush if your team is not active on the map.
• What's sidelaning?
Sidelane is rotating either the bot or the top to catch and push the waves. The point of Sidelane is to put pressure on the towers, taking gold and experience on your own, instead of sharing resources with your teammates.• Why should you sidelane?
The two main reasons you should be sidelaning as a Kennen is to maximize your income, but also to create pressure, forcing someone to respond and at the same time risk their lives.• When behind or even
As a toplaner, you are on sidelane all the time. However, if you lose, you need to do it in order not to fall behind even more. In that case, you'd want to Sidelane to catch up the best you can, and only build damage items.• When ahead
When you are ahead, Sidelaning becomes more situational. If the enemy has far better engage potential, and your presence is required to win fights, then you should be grouped with your team to prevent them from dying 4v5. If your team is completely destroyed, and any fight they undertake, regardless of whether you are there or not, will undoubtedly lead to a win in favor of the enemy, then you should stay on the Sidelanes and farm. Being in Sidelane, you can put even more pressure on the map by Splitpushing.• What's splitpushing?
I must say right away that Kennen is bad at splitpush, but he can. Splitpushing is when you go beyond your side of the map and go along the lane to destroy towers and waves of minions. This strategy forces opponents to react to you somehow, otherwise you will destroy the entire lane and the nexus.• When to splitpush?
You should splitpush if you aren't needed in the teamfight, and want to somehow influence the map. The most important thing in splitpush is to do it in parallel with the actions of the team (when they kill an epic monster or push another lane)• When NOT to splitpush?
Firstly, if you are not able to fight 1 vs 1 with an opponent who will come to defend the tower from you.Secondly, if your teammates are not doing anything on the map right now. Since they do not affect it in any way, then of all the actions the enemies can only react to you, which is why they will all come and kill you.
• Baron Nashor bait
For this strategy, you need to be coordinated with your team. While you distract the enemies on the bot, your team quickly takes Baron Nashor. You will always be in a winning situation, because either your teammates will take Baron Nashor, or you will destroy the lane.• Don't lose your health.
• Use your strengths and enemy weaknesses.
• Farm everything you can.
• Play with the team.
No one wants to be in such a situation, especially toplaner, but everything happens, even 10 0 Yasuo is on your team, so I'll tell you a few ways to get back into the game and also how to play from behind on Kennen. If anything, the playing from behind does not have to be with your enemy's feed, but also with a bad matchup.
• If you are behind in early game
1. Try to keep the wave of minions closer to your tower so that you cannot be ganked by an enemy jungler. And also your jungler will be able to help you (although they never do, because toplane, in their opinion, does not affect the game).The biggest mistake is to continue push waves, because not only is there a risk of getting hit by the enemy jungler's gank, but your enemy also has the opportunity to kill you in the trade.
2. Stay on a large amount of health, so the enemy will not be able to dive you.
If your enemy can poke you, then you can only dodge his skills, so try, you can!
3. Use your strengths and enemy weaknesses
You are strong in teamfights, so even if you fall behind, you can get back into the game through winning teamfights.
4. Look for opportunities to play with the team. It can be a gank of your jungler on your lane, or, for example, a battle for Void Grubs. This also includes roaming, which I talked about earlier.
• If you fall behind in the mid game
1. Farm everything you see, your own, enemy jungle. Maintaining a good farm will allow you to keep up even more.2. Kill weak enemies. Even with playing from behind, Kennen has enough damage to kill a squishy champ, you can make a good profit on this.
3. Use Sidelaning.
4. Well, you can also help teammates on epic monsters in teamfights, but this is already a coinflip.
Teleport is the strongest and at the same time the most difficult summoner spell to use, which is why I decided to dedicate a separate place to it in the "Game". Teleport is used differently in each of the stages of the game, I don't want to scatter parts of its use throughout the guide, so I decided to collect everything in one place.
The only case when you can use Teleport even before the lane stage is when you are delayed on invade and do not have time for taking minions.
• To avoid losing minions after early all in
There are 2 cases: when you immediately killed an enemy and don't have time to push the wave to the enemy tower, so you recall and use Teleport to adjust the wave of minions.The second case, you lose all in and use Teleport in order not to lose a large amount of gold and experience (and even kill the enemy).
By the way, that's why I love to play with Teleport+ Ignite, since I get everything and lose nothing.
• To freeze
If you see that you can freeze the wave in front of your tower after using Teleport, then do it, but do not forget about what I told you about the freeze.• To kill a large wave of minions that approach your tower
If you see that you can freeze the wave in front of your tower after using Teleport. Without going far from the above rule, if you can't freeze because the wave is too big, then you should still use Teleport so as not to lose all these minions. Simply put, if a large number of minions are dying under your tower, then you need to use a Teleport.• To break the freeze
If you see that the enemy has frozen the wave, considering that you are not weaker than him, then you should use Teleport and destroy the freeze by killing minions so as not to lose them in large numbers.• To push the wave under the enemy tower to the end
If suddenly you see a slow push to the enemy side, which means that the enemy will be able to create a freeze, and you will also lose a large number of minions due to the fact that there will be more of them on your side, then you need to use Teleport to bring the minions under the enemy tower, where they will die and a slow push is formed in your direction.• Don't use Teleport for an early roam on botlane!
It will never be profitable for you to use Teleport not on your lane before the destruction of the first tower, since the minions that you will lose for such an early roam will cost much more than these 2 kills (which you will get at best case).• Roam on the botlane
After destroying the first tower, you can use Teleport to outflank the enemy botlane and kill both.This way you will not only get an advantage for yourself, but also be able to destroy the tower on the bot, and even take the dragon
If you are preparing such an application of Teleport, then ask your botlaners to put a deep ward so that you can outflank the enemy.
• To enter the battle
If you see some kind of collision happening on the map (be it 2v2 or even 4v5), and you know that you can come in handy, then use Teleport to get into it!It will also give you an advantage in numbers if you was splitpushing before this teamfight and the enemy shifted to protect the tower from you.
I advise you to always go to the opposite side before the spawning of epic monster and create pressure thereby you will always be in an advantageous position.
• On Zac
I also want to add that we can use Teleport on objects created by champions ( Dark Passage, Tunnel, Demacian Standard, etc), but the most important thing is that we can use Teleport on Cell Division, thereby he will be guaranteed restored. This can be a crucial moment in a teamfight, so you should be aware of this interaction!• To splitpush
If you know that your team can handle 4v5 or you are so weak that you will not affect the outcome of the teamfight in any way, then use a Teleport on the lane to destroy it while the teamfight is taking place.• To backdoor
I'll tell you about the backdoor itself a little later, but you can use Teleport on ward, located on an enemy base and commit backdoor. Click to move to the "Backdoor".• Choose one of the roles, depending on the situation: initiator, killer or defender of carry.
• Focus on the squishy carries of the enemy.
1. Start slow push on the lanes (preferably on all, but enough on mid). To do this, it is enough to kill 3 caster minions. Thanks to this slow push, the enemies will either have to leave and kill the minions without being present in the teamfight, or the minions will simply destroy their tower. And also, if the enemies decided not to kill this wave of minions and also lost in a teamfight, you can come and destroy inhibitor with this wave, or even finish the game!
These were 3 rules that should be followed before the teamfight. I understand that it is not always possible to comply with them, but I have described to you an ideal situation to strive for.
When to Teamfight
• You have a better teamfighting comp• Your team has a numbers advantage
• Your team has a resources advantange
• Your team has hit Item/level powerspikes
• You have a massive lead over your opponent
• The enemy's carry has no way of joining the fight
When NOT to Teamfight
• You're missing your main carry• There are no objectives to fight for
• Your team is not in a good position
• Your team didn't spend the gold
• You don't have a good teamfighting comp
• You don't have vision of every single enemy
Kennen is such a good champ that he has as many as 3 fighting styles in teamfight, so he can adapt to any team composition.
• Kennen as initiator
The first style of combat is when YOU initiate a battle by stunning as many enemies (or carry) as possible with Slicing Maelstrom. While the enemies are stunned, your teammates can use their massive skills and eventually get a combo, because of which all the enemies will die.Usually you die with this style, since you are not a tank, but if you gave CC and caused a lot of damage, then you fulfilled your function as an initiator, so your team should cope without you.
• Kennen as an assassin (killer of an important target)
In this role, you have to wait for an important target to appear in the teamfight to kill her. Usually the teamfight is already underway, but you should wait for the best moment to kill the carry, for example, when he spent an important defensive skill ( Arcane Shift, Supercharge, Blade Whirl, etc).• Target Selection
Before initiating an engagement in a fight, you should always have a target in mind. Who does the enemy most rely on to deal damage? Can you one-shot? Asking yourself these questions will help you figure out who's the highest priority target in the enemy team, and set a win condition. Keep in mind that if the enemy has a healer like Soraka or shielder like Lulu, then it's better to kill them first, otherwise these supports will make it a lot harder for you to murder their carries.Never focus a tanks in a teamfight. Don't waste your time on them. Instead, you must be putting pressure on the enemy backline, as they are a lot squishier and easier to kill. As stated earlier, you should be flanking from behind to catch the enemy. Hide in a brush, and keep an eye on your target. Look for opportunities to engage: Keep track of your enemy's important CC cooldowns, wait for your target to use their key ability.
• Kennen as defender of carry
This is a VERY rare role, but still very rarely you can protect carry in a teamfight from enemy Assassin and other dangerous targets with Mark of the Storm, you just won't let the enemy kill your carry. Well, or you'll just kill the enemies faster than they have time to deal damage to him.• If you need a teamfight, start killing epic monster.
• If you are weak, then while the enemy takes the object, you can take the opposite one.
• On rare occasions when enemies are on Baron Nashor, you can quickly destroy the lane or even end the game.
Imagine, you can use Epic Monsters not only by killing them, but even without killing them. So I'm going to tell you about a few strategies that you can use.
P.S. I will consider everything from the point of view of Baron Nashor, but you can use strategies with any epic monster.
• Trap
First, you need to completely deprive the enemy of the view on Baron Nashor. So they won't know what you're doing there. After that, you need the whole team to place wards on the approaches to Baron Nashor to know where the enemies are coming from. After that, before the enemies started going to check what you are doing there with Baron Nashor, you get up in the brush and start waiting. If an enemy (usually support) decides to scout Baron Nashor, you can easily trap him with the whole team and you kill. After that, with a numerical advantage, you can kill Baron Nashor.• Teamfight imposition
Well, everything is simple here. If you are strong and the enemy is afraid to teamfight with you, you can start hitting Baron Nashor, and then the enemies will be forced to fight with you, otherwise you will freely take away a very important object.• Exchange of Epic Monsters
If you are weak, then while the enemy is killing Baron Nashor, at the same time you can kill Dragon. So your enemies simply will not have time to react to the fact that you are killing him.You can also try to quickly kill Baron Nashor while strong enemies are killing Dragon, but remember that this is very risky, but it can still turn your game around.
• Fast destroying a lane or the Nexus
While the enemies are trying to kill some object, you can push through some lane with the whole team or even finish the game. Although this is a very rare strategy, but you can still use it sometimes.• 1 3 1
I explain it to make it clearer. 1 3 1 means that 1 player goes to the top, 3 players go to the mid and 1 player goes to the bot (there may be another arrangement, for example 3 to the top, 1 to the mid and 1 to the bot). On the bot and the top, you need to send strong champions who can 1 vs 2 (well, or at least so that one of them can 1vs2). Thanks to this arrangement, all lanes will be reinforced with Hand of Baron minions. The enemy simply does not have enough strength and champs to defend all the lanes, so sooner or later, one of them will fall.• 1 4
This is another strategy for using Hand of Baron. It is usually used if there is only 1 strong player in your team who goes alone to some lane. Alternatively, this arrangement is used if inhibitor has already been destroyed on one of the lanes, so there are no minions needed to destroy towers. Here, as in the previous rotation, the enemies will not have enough strength to restrain the onslaught on any of the lanes, and therefore you will break through the defense! That is why "5 on mid" is a bad idea after Baron Nashor, because enemies will easily kill improved minions on the same lane.2. Take Oracle Lens to pass unnoticed. But you can take Stealth Ward if you have an ally with Teleport that will help you destroy the Nexus.
3. Pass only through jungle, because on the lanes you will be revealed minions.
4. You can use Teleport on ward placed on the enemy base to end the game.
In this section I will tell you about the light/advanced mechanics of the League. I am sure that most of you already know almost all of them, but I will tell you about everything so that the minority also gets better.
1. Click on the place between the three stones.
2. Click on the edge of the leaf.
3. Congratulations, you passed without damage!
P.S. in the opposite direction, do the same, only in reverse order.
So that you understand how important this is, I will say the following: if you use this mechanic, then the enemies are unlikely to be able to escape from you, and if not, then you will give an auto attack and just stand still.
It's hard to explain it textually, but I'll try. Many players are afraid to spend hp when they can do it. I'll give you some examples to make it clear to you.
2. If you are going to recall, then why not trade health with the enemy? You will still return to the base and restore it completely when the enemy remains with incomplete health on the lane, since recall is unprofitable for him.
If you could not immediately kill a weak mobile champ, for example, 0 10 Riven, then you should not chase her, so she will simply lead you to her team and you will die.
If you go all in, then use Ignite immediately to reduce all enemy health regeneration. Even if it's not Gangplank with his Remove Scurvy, but, for example, Sett, then you still use it, because no one canceled the basic health regeneration, and Sett also has Pit Grit.
Imagine, on both bases there is a place invisible to enemy towers in which you can hide when escaping. Use Flash to enter it. If the enemy does not think of going through the gate, you would calmly do recall.
The northernmost brush on the map differs from its counterparts in the south, west and east. Only you can't enter it without giving out your position.
Just useful information about the levels. You get level 3 when you kill two waves and two melee minions. You get level 6 when you destroy the first 6 waves of minions.
It's a very simple rule, but my God, how many players don't follow it! Remember, if you take an object and your Control Ward blocks the view of an enemy ward, then in no case do not hit him, as he will give an overview around him and the enemies will know that you are contesting the object.
Many people play with a fixed camera, but this significantly reduces the effectiveness of the game! Urgently retrain if you play like this. Without a fixed camera, you will be able to better control the map, get more information, and also get skills easier.
1. Tracking the enemy's summoner spells (it helps very well to understand when it is all in and when it is not).
2. Information about the cooldown of each enemy skill (allows you to trade better when the enemy uses ability).
3. Accurate timers of jungle camps (it is more convenient to go to counter jungle with them).
To begin with, I want to say that everything depends on your mentality: how will you play, how fast and effectively will you learn, will you achieve your goals in the game, etc. Therefore, I will tell you 10 ways to save your mentality.
Everyone can make a mistake, including you. So there is no need to be tilted and angry from every unsuccessful moment in the game, you can win even when, it would seem, there is no chance anymore. Do not blame yourself or other players, try to focus on this situation taking into account what happened. Yes, it may seem difficult to do, but if in previous games you could keep your composure, and in the current one you are torn with anger at the slightest mistake, it's worth taking a break.
However, you should not make achieving the goal your top priority, at least in games. Achieving a goal makes a person happy only for a while, since people tend to devalue their own successes over time. For example, if you have always dreamed of Platinum and took it, soon it will become familiar to you and you will already consider Diamond a higher rank, being disappointed in yourself. It's best to enjoy the process, not the goal.
It's great to look up to someone you consider a role model, but only in terms of how exactly he plays, not what he has achieved. Study how he plays, learn, try, but do not pay attention to the fact that he took the Challenger rank for 110 games.
If the game is caused by an attempt to regain the rating, habit or other impulses, then you need to take a break. Remember that this is just a game, and they are created for fun.
It may well turn out that the game is the trigger of your anxiety and anxiety, as well as the negativity in the game can change your behavior in the real world. Sometimes, in order to develop in the game, you need to look at your whole life as a whole, it is quite possible that the reason why you are worried about the results in the game lies beyond it. Also, your toxicity towards teammates is just a way to relieve the tension that has accumulated due to study/work.
• Focus on the game.
• Remove all external stimuli.
• Get rid of stress.
• Eat, drink, relax, go to the toilet.
Flow is a mental state when a person is fully involved in what he is doing, which is characterized by an active focus, full involvement in the process of activity, as well as a distorted perception of time. This technique frees up some of your mental resources involved in mechanical skills, and you can direct these resources to something else.
1. Balance between your skill level and the difficulty of the game
The game should not be too simple, otherwise you will get bored, and should not be too difficult, otherwise you will get bored.2. Focusing on the game
You should have clear goals and full concentration on them, focus on the gameplay, try to focus, abstract yourself from all other factors in the outside world.3. Remove all external stimuli
Turn off your phone, turn off unnecessary videos and chats, ask your family not to distract you. Multitasking kills Flow.4. Get rid of stress
Learn to relieve stress by coming home from work or school, throw everything out of your head as if nothing had happened.5. Physical condition
If you are tired or hungry, then Flow, of course, you will not catch. Energy drink, by the way, is not an option, they excite, and this also interferes with concentration.Preface: Most skills begin to recharge after the final application (as an example: Decisive Strike after an auto attack or The Darkin Blade after the third application). But there are several skills that begin to recharge immediately after pressing the button to apply them. Namely: Precision Protocol, Broken Wings, Barrel Roll, Test of Spirit, Jousting, Flamespitter, Abscond / Abduct. In the matchups themselves, I will also indicate this.
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• Nothing.TRADING TIPS:• Take Ignite + Phase Rush.• It's better to trade after he uses The Darkin Blade. • Use Lightning Rush to remove the chains from yourself. • You should know that he has 4 seconds to apply Q2 after Q1 and Q3 after Q2. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Poke him and stop him from farming, if he gets too poked, then kill him.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:If you can dodge The Darkin Blade, so there are no problems against him, just use an Ignite before all in to reduce his healing. If he pressed World Ender, just run away with Lightning Rush. |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• She has a lot of damage, so you can be punished with death for your mistakes.TRADING TIPS:• Take Ignite + Electrocute.• Use your abilities to stun her, if she hit you with Shuriken Flip. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Just poke her and move away if she uses Twilight Shroud, as then she will do a lot of damage to you with Five Point Strike.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:All of your skills damage Akali in Twilight Shroud, so, it can't safe her. Poke her a little bit and one shot. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can use Avengerang on minions to hit you, so don't stand behind them.TRADING TIPS:• Take Ignite + Electrocute.• Use abilities during his Heroic Swing to get free trade. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Be careful at level 2, he can potentially kill you here. After the third level, just farm to 6 and stun him if he uses Heroic Swing.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:You can easily one shot him, the main thing is not to let him escape with Heroic Swing. |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• Nothing.TRADING TIPS:• Take Ignite + Phase Rush.• Use Lightning Rush to evade her Above and Below. • Stun her during Royal Maelstrom so that she doesn't heal and hurt you. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:She has a lot of damage, so be careful. If she spends Void Surge and Above and Below, then you can go to trade. For good trades, you need to keep the wave under your tower, as she is strong in long trades.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:You can easily one shot her with a combo, but, do it only after she spends Void Surge, otherwise she will just run away. Don't forget to protect the Void Grubs and Rift Herald, as she needs it. |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• She can use Head Rush and then Chilling Scream so use abilities right after the control ends!TRADING TIPS:• Take Ignite + Phase Rush.• Buy Oblivion Orb as early as possible. • If she uses Blood Frenzy, and you don't want to trade, then use Lightning Rush to escape. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:If she lose her Head Rush + Chilling Scream combo, then you can trade.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Use Warrior Trickster to dodge her Lightning Rush. Just one shot her! |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• She has a lot of damage, if she hits you with Wall Dive, then you will feel bad.TRADING TIPS:• Take Ignite + Electrocute.• Use Lightning Rush to evade her Wall Dive. • Use all your abilities during her Wall Dive, and then she won't hurt you when you do a good trade. • If you can, then trade after she spends Tactical Sweep. • You should know that her Precision Protocol starts recharging immediately after the first auto attack. She has 5 seconds to auto-attack Q1, then she has 1.5 seconds to prepare for enhanced Q2 and after clicking on Q2 she has 2 seconds to auto-attack. • She also has 1.5 seconds to use E2 after E1. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You have to kill her a couple of times before her item otherwise you will lose. Use trading tips and win.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:You will die if she dodges your Thundering Shuriken with Hextech Ultimatum, so I advise you to hold it. |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• Nothing.TRADING TIPS:• Take Ignite + Electrocute.• You can only try to dodge her Noxious Blast. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Just farm and poke her, dodging Noxious Blast. Retreat, if she hits Noxious Blast.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:You can kill her, but she can kill you. Wait for her mistakes. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can use Feral Scream on you.TRADING TIPS:• Take Teleport + Conqueror.• Use Lightning Rush to evade his Rupture. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You can't kill him, since he has a lot of sustain with Carnivore.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Just be better in teamfights. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• Has a lot of damage, so you need to play it right.TRADING TIPS:• Take Ignite + Phase Rush.• Use your abilities to trade and run avay after his Apprehend. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:I advise you to keep the lane on your side, bait him to use some ability, and then go for a short trade. You can't conduct long trades, because of his Hemorrhage.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:You can kill him, but he can kill you. You kill him, if you dodge Decimate, otherwise he kills you. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• A very annoying champion who just does more damage than you, and even has a huge sustain.TRADING TIPS:• Take Teleport + Conqueror.• Use minions to evade his Infected Bonesaw. • Don't trade with him. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Try to hold the wave under your tower. Keep farming. Stay behind minions to evade his Infected Bonesaw. Keep an eye on the health of your minions and do not expose yourself to them so that he does not hit you with Blunt Force Trauma.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:You can't kill him, just farm and show your best in teamfights. |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• She can use Riposte during your Thundering Shuriken.TRADING TIPS:• Take Ignite + Electrocute.• Use Electrical Surge to stun her, not Thundering Shuriken. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Try to hold the wave under your tower, so she won't poke you with Lunge and you will be able to poke her.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:You can easily one shot her, but she's very mobile with Lunge. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can easily poke you with Parrrley.• His Remove Scurvy counters your Mark of the Storm. TRADING TIPS:• Take Ignite + Electrocute.WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Try to hold the wave under your tower, so you can conduct long trades.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:You can easily one shot him, but if he can hit you Powder Keg, then it will be very bad for you. You can't give him a poke of you, so always impose all ins. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• His Courage reduces the duration of Mark of the Storm.• Perseverance is very annoying, as he is very hardly because of this. TRADING TIPS:• Take Summon Aery + Teleport.• Run if he uses Decisive. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You can't kill him, just farm.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Keep farming. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• Nothing.TRADING TIPS:• Take Electrocute + Ignite.• Use your abilities to trade if he uses Hop. • Don't fight with big Gnar! WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You can impose lvl 1 trade, but only in tri-brush. Don't lose your health, just wait for level 3. After the third level, use my advice and then you will have a chance to win. It's best to keep the lane on your side, but you're unlikely to succeed.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:You can kill him, but you DEFINITELY need to stop his Hop with Mark of the Storm, otherwise he will just run away. I don't advise you anything about GNAR!, since I never fight with mega Gnar at all. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can ignore some of your damage with Drunken Rage.TRADING TIPS:• Take Summon Aery + Ignite.• Don't deal your main damage during Drunken Rage. • If you use your abilities quickly, then you will be able to stun him during Body Slam. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Just farm, try not to fall under his Barrel Roll.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Poke him and don't be poked, then kill him. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• Nothing.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• Use minions to block his AAs. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Keep the wave on your side so you can easily all in him.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Just one shot him! |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• She can block your abilieis with Hallowed Mist.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Keep the wave under your tower, use short trades, try to bait her to use Snip Snip!, and after that you can go for a longer trade.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Do not go all in while she has Hallowed Mist, Without Hallowed Mist she is useless against you, so play from this skill. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He's very annoying, he can easily zone you with H-28G Evolution Turret.TRADING TIPS:• Take Electrocute + Ignite.• Use Lightning Rush to evade his CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:YUp to level 6, you easily destroy his H-28G Evolution Turret, so you have a chance to kill him. Dodge his H-28G Evolution Turret and kill!GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Free to one shot. |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• Nothing.TRADING TIPS:• Take Summon Aery + Ignite.• Use Lightning Rush to evade her Test of Spirit. • You should know that her Test of Spirit starts recharging immediately after pressing the button. • "Move!" - Illaoi. If you can dodge the tentacles, you win. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Keep the wave under your tower, try to bait her to use Test of Spirit, and after that you can go for a long trade.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Dodge her Test of Spirit and then trade. After some trades you can kill her. |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• Thanks to Defiant Dance, she greatly reduces your burst damage.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• Use Lightning Rush to dodge her Flawless Duet. • Don't fight with Irelia if she stacks Ionian Fervor. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:She has a lot of heal, so, just farm. Try to hold the wave under your tower.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Farm and don't die. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can use Counter Strike to evade your Electrical Surge.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• Use your abilities to free trade after his Leap Strike. • Use only short trades against Jax. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Just poke him and kill then.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:He's still stronger than you, but you can beat him in all in if you poked him before. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• His Thundering Blow just doesn't let you initiate into him.• He can poke you with Shock Blast you can also stay behind minions to dodge it. TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• Use Lightning Rush to dodge his Shock Blast. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Keep the wave in front of your tower. He will not let you conduct long trades, so use short ones, and then you can kill him.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:You can kill him when he spends Thundering Blow. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can easily tank your damage with Path Maker.• He can poke you with Footwork + Ntofo Strikes. TRADING TIPS:• Take Conqueror + Teleport.• Be careful and don't get poked, farm and don't die. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You can't kill him, just farm!GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Afk farm. |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• Nothing.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• Try to use Thundering Shuriken after Mark of the Storm, not before. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Keep the wave in front of your tower. Poke and kill her.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:You can easily kill her. |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• She can poke you with Inner Flame, so stand behind minions to evade it.• She have a lot of healing from Focused Resolve, it's hard to kill her. TRADING TIPS:• Take Electrocute + Ignite.• Use Lightning Rush to break her Focused Resolve. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:It will be difficult for you to kill her, so I advise you to just farm. as usual, keep the wave under your tower.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Kill her if she's AP, or afk farm, if she's a tank. |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• Up to level 6, she will be afraid of you and will not approach the wave at all.TRADING TIPS:• Take Electrocute + Ignite.• When she tries to farm, immediately go to trade, do not be afraid of her. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You need to set up freeze under your tower so that all in her for each farm attempt, you must kill her at least 2 times before level 6, but you don't have to die yourself.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Keep freezing and punish her for trying. Don't delay the game against her! |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• Nothing.TRADING TIPS:• Take Electrocute + Ignite.WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Set up freeze and kill him!GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:You can kill him easily. He can proxy, I don't advise you to try to chase him for the sake of killing, just farm, unless you can help teammates surround him. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can easily one shot you if he hits Jousting.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• Try to bait him on combo, he'll use Jousting + Beartrap on a Rope, then use Lightning Rush to evade it. • You should know that his Jousting starts recharging immediately after pressing the button. • Trade only after his Violent Tendencies. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Keep the wave on your side of the lane and poke him. When he loses Scaarl, you need to kill him quickly so that he doesn't recover it.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Just follow my trade tips and you will win him. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• nothing.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• Use your abilities during his Resonating Strike to free trade. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:He is stronger than you, so just farm and wait for the moment when he uses his abilities.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Because of his Dragon's Rage you can't go all in, unfortunately. Farm and wait for his mistakes. |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• Nothing.TRADING TIPS:• Take Electrocute + Ignite.• Use your abilities during her Watch Out! Eep! to free trade. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Get lvl 3 and keep trading, then, kill her!GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Just one shot her. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He'll poke you with Seismic Shard.• His Granite Shield will absorb your damage with, so you can't poke. TRADING TIPS:• Take Summon Aery + Teleport.• Trade more then one AA to destroy his Granite Shield. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Afk farm.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:You absolutely can't do anything against him. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• Nothing.• His Sap Magic will heal from your damage with, so you can't poke. TRADING TIPS:• Take Summon Aery + Teleport.WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Afk farm.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:You absolutely can't do anything against him. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He will absorb all your damage and restore it with the help of Indestructible.TRADING TIPS:• Take Summon Aery + Ignite.• Use Lightning Rush to evade his Death's Grasp or Obliterate. • Use your Slicing Maelstrom after his Realm of Death so that he doesn't steal the resists. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Just poke him. After some attempts, you can even kill him.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:You can kill him if you poke him well before that. NEVER fight with him on equal terms, he should be low hp and you should be high hp, if he gets any advantage, this matchup will be just hell. Follow my advice, farm, poke, and even kill, or just farm. |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• She'll poke you with Darkin Daggers.TRADING TIPS:• Take Electrocute + Ignite.• Just use your abilities during her Hounds' Pursuit to ftee trade. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Keep the wave under your tower, bait her to use Darkin Daggers and go into a long trade, you will easily defeat her.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Just one shot her. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He has a lot of heal from Soul Eater.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• Don't stand in Spirit Fire, it reduces armor. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Create a freeze and don't let him farm and stack Siphoning Strike.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Continue to freeze and kill for any attempt at farming. If you did everything right before level 6, then he will not do anything to you after 6. However, do not delay the game, Nasus has endless stacking. |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• She can use Shapesplitter to evade your Ignite.TRADING TIPS:• Take Electrocute + Ignite.• Don't use your Thundering Shuriken into her clone. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Evade her Tangle-Barbs and kill freely!GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Justo ne shot her! |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• Nothing.TRADING TIPS:• Take Electrocute + Ignite.WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Just kill her after lvl 3.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Just one shot her. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can poke you with Undertow. He's also good at long trades because he can get an axe and use it again.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• Use Lightning Rush to evade his Undertow. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Up to level 6, he is stronger than you, just let him push a wave to you, so he won't be able to use Undertow on you often, just wait for 6.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:I do not advise you to buy Executioner's Calling, as Ignite will be enough for you. Now you can just one shot him if he's poked by you. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can tank your damage.TRADING TIPS:• Take Conqueror + Teleport.WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You can't kill him. Afr farm.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Afk farm. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• Because of his Aegis Assault, you will not be able to deal damage from any of the sides.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• Use your abilities during his Shield Vault. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Farm pre lvl 3. After 3, use my trading tips and you will be able to win, but here everything depends on your and his mechanics.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Stun him and all in, if he hasn't Aegis Assault. |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• She'll poke you with Iron Ambassador, wait for her to spend it on a minion.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Teleport.WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You can't kill her, afk farm.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Afk farm. |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• Nothing.• She'll poke you because she's a ranged champ. TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• Use Lightning Rush to hit her during Vault, after that go on trade. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Use my trading tips and kill her easily!GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Just one shot her. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• Nothing.TRADING TIPS:• Take Conqueror + Teleport.• Don't AA him when he uses Defensive Ball Curl. • Use Warrior Trickster for him so he can't escape with Powerball. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Keep the wave under your tower and farm. You are unlikely to kill him, but you still have to make sure that he leaves the lane and gets fewer resources.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:You can't kill him, just farm. You overscale him. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He is the god of short trades. You need to kite him.TRADING TIPS:• Take Summon Aery + Ignite.• Use Lightning Rush to avoid his combo. • You should know that he has 4 seconds to apply E2 after E1. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Poke him and use my trading tips and you'll be able to kill him.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:He can easily one shot you. Safely poke him and farm. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can survive after your combo, because his Battle Roar is imbalanced.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• As soon as you see him jumping at you from the brush, use your abilities. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:If you don't want to fight him, then just don't go near the brushes. Keep the wave near your tower and he will be very uncomfortable, you will easily kill him, since he will not be able to escape through your minions.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Just poke him. Then, one shot! |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• She is very strong in short trades, kite her!TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• Use Lightning Rush to evade her abilities. • Bait her to use Broken Wings, and go to trade while it is on cooldown. • You should know that her Broken Wings starts recharging immediately after pressing the button. • She has 3.5 seconds to use Q2 after Q1 and Q3 after Q2. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Farm under the tower. After level 3, use my trading tips and kill her if she gets impudent.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:You can kill her, but at the same time she can do it with you. Try to poke her safely and kill then. RUN AWAY if she use her combo on you! |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can easily poke you even through minions, using Flamespitter, so it will be difficult for you to avoid poking.• With Flamespitter he ignores your poke. TRADING TIPS:• Take Summon Aery + Ignite.WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Just farm, you can't kill him because of his shield.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Poke him and kill, don't be poked during it! |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• Nothing.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You can easily kill him.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:All in him easily. |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• She can reach you with Arctic Assault.• You will not be able to deceive her with a clone, since she sees Permafrost stacks on you, and they will not be on the clone. TRADING TIPS:• Take Conqueorr + Teleport.• You can easily break her Fury of the North with AA. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You can't kill her, afrk farm.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Afk farm. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can use Haymaker to absorb your damage.TRADING TIPS:• Take Summon Aery + Ignite.• Use Lightning Rush to evade his abities. • Before trade try to bait him to use Knuckle Down or Facebreaker. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Poke him and you'll be able to send him away or even kill.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Because of his Haymaker, it will be difficult for you to one shot him, so make him spend this skill and then kill with a combo. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• His Two-Shiv Poison is very infuriating, yes, it is Two-Shiv Poison, not Jack In The Box.• He will try to bait you on his Jack In The Box. TRADING TIPS:• Take Electrocute + Ignite.• Place Control Ward on the lane and be there. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Keep the wave under your tower, follow my advice and you will easily defeat him!GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Farm and poke him, don't chase. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can block your AAs with Spirit's Refuge.TRADING TIPS:• Take Conqueror + Teleport.• Use Lightning Rush to evade his Shadow Dash. • Before trading, it is better to wait until he uses Twilight Assault on minions. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Keep farming.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Try don't let him use Stand United, it's only you can do. |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• She will poke you with Flame Breath.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Teleport.• Don't trade with her. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You can't kill her, try to farm.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Farm and dodge her Flame Breath. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He's annoying.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Teleport.• Don't chase Singed! WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You can't kill him, so, just farm.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:He will proxy you. Either surround him with the whole team, or ignore him and farm the minions. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• Whatever you do, he will always be stronger than you and always just outscale you.TRADING TIPS:• Take Conqueror + Teleport.WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You can't harm this imbalanced champion. i recommend you to dodge the game.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Afk farm. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• Nothing.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• Use Lightning Rush to evade his Nevermove. • Run with the Lightning Rush + Phase Rush from his Demonic Ascension. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:It is advisable to keep the wave under your tower. You will lose a lot if you don't follow my trading tips. Follow them and you will be able to kill him even until level 6!GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Poke him, evade his Demonic Ascension and kill then. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He have a lot of heal with Kingslayer.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• Use your abilities during his Abscond, then you can beat him. • You should know that his Abscond / Abduct starts recharging immediately after pressing the button. • He has 3,5 seconds to use E2 after E1. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:It is advisable to keep the wave under your tower. Poke him and use my tips.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:You can one shot him, but at the same time he can one shot you. So show your skills and kill him first! |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can absorb your damage with Thick Skin.• He can poke you with Tongue Lash. TRADING TIPS:• Take Conqueror + Teleport.WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Keep the wave under your tower and farm.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Afk farm. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can block your AAs using Blinding Dart.TRADING TIPS:• Take Electrocute + Ignite.WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Poke him and kill!GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Just one shot him with a combo. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can slow you down with Pillar of Ice.• He's stealing your stats. TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• Use short trades so that the maximum that he has done to you is managed to give AA. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Just wait for lvl 6 and get xp. He is very good at long trades, so you will have to wait for the wave to come to your tower and farm under it.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Not only does his Subjugate cause AP damage, but he also takes away your defensive characteristics, that is, he uses your Slicing Maelstrom to his advantage! You will be able to kill him only after several poke attempts. One mistake and you have lost the entire lane, so be careful in your actions. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• There are no special interactions.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Teleport.• Rush Zhonya's Hourglass. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Try to freeze and bait him to fight, you need to kill him before level 6, because you are much stronger than him in this period of time.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Just try to survive! |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He has a lot of heal.TRADING TIPS:• Take Conqueror + Teleport.WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You can't kill him, keep farming.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Afk farm. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• Nothing.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Teleport.WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You can't impose lvl 1 trade. He will always push the lane because of Echoing Flames, so farm. Use short trades so that he uses Disdain as a clone.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:I recommend you to farm, don't try to kill him, but you can, if he's poked. |
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WHAT CAN SHE DO TO YOU:• She can use Condemn to stop your initiation, but Phase Rush make it useless.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Poke and kill her!GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Just one shot her! |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can just outsustain you with Transfusion.• He can evade your damage with Sanguine Pool. TRADING TIPS:• Take Summon Aery + Ignite.WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Keep the wave under your tower and use long trades. Kill him, because if you don't do it quickly, he will simply restore all health.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:All in him (or die), but he must be close to your tower, otherwise he will just run away. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He deals a lot of damage per combo.• He has a lot of heal with b] Frenzied Maul[/b]. TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Teleport.WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You can't kill him, afk farm.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Just like Tryndamere... |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• Because of his Primal Hunger, you can't kill and even poke him.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Teleport.WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You can't hurt him, afk farm.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Afk farm. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• Nothing.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• Use your abilities during his Nimbus Strike to trade freely! WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Poke and kill him, but be afraid of his lvl 1 priority.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Just one shot him! |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can use Wind Wall to dodge your Thundering Shuriken and AAs.• He is very mobile in minions and easily runs away from you. TRADING TIPS:• Take Electrocute + Ignite.• Use your abilitied during his Sweeping Blade to trade freely! WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Until lvl 6 he is stronger than you, so poke him and farm him.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Now you can just one shot him. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• Nothing.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• Use your abilitied during his Soul Unbound to trade freely! WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:Until lvl 6 he is stronger than you, so poke him and farm him.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Now you can just one shot him. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He's just a better champ than you.TRADING TIPS:• Take Phase Rush + Ignite.• Use Lightning Rush to evade his Mourning Mist and Dark Procession. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You can't kill him, keep farming.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Afk farm. |
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WHAT CAN HE DO TO YOU:• He can just outheal your damage.TRADING TIPS:• Take Conqueror + Ignite.• Use Lightning Rush to evade his abilities. WAVE MANAGEMENT PRE LVL 6:You can't kill him, afk farm.GAMEPLAY AFTER LVL 6:Afk farm. |
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