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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Hunter's Machete

Hunter's Machete
Total Price: 350 | Sell Price: 245

LoL Item: Hunter's Machete

Passive: Grants 10% Lifesteal vs monsters.

UNIQUE Passive: Nail: Basic attacks against monsters deal 35 bonus on-hit physical damage. Healing provided by this item is increased by 50% when below 30% maximum health.

UNIQUE Passive: Monster Hunter: Killing large or epic monsters grants +60 bonus experience. Once per game, killing a large monster also grants an additional +150 bonus experience. If your gold from minions is greater than 40% your gold from monsters, a lane minion will grant 13 less gold and 50% reduced experience. This penalty is removed at 20 minutes.

Limited to 1 Jungle or Gold Income item.

This item can only be purchased if you have Smite as a summoner spell.

Passive: Grants 10% Lifesteal vs monsters.

UNIQUE Passive: Nail: Basic attacks against monsters deal 35 bonus on-hit physical damage. Healing provided by this item is increased by 50% when below 30% maximum health.

UNIQUE Passive: Monster Hunter: Killing large or epic monsters grants +60 bonus experience. Once per game, killing a large monster also grants an additional +150 bonus experience. If your gold from minions is greater than 40% your gold from monsters, a lane minion will grant 13 less gold and 50% reduced experience. This penalty is removed at 20 minutes.

Limited to 1 Jungle or Gold Income item.

This item can only be purchased if you have Smite as a summoner spell.

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jgr_ | December 31, 2012 6:49am
FalseoGod wrote:

If you read Madred's Razors, you see it speaks of both monsters and minions, so the machete is exclusive to jungle camps, baron and dragon.

Yep, I just read the description for madred's and came back to correct myself. So it does mean that spirit stone and up is jungle only (baron and dragon included) then.
FalseoGod (316) | December 31, 2012 6:41am
If you read Madred's Razors, you see it speaks of both monsters and minions, so the machete is exclusive to jungle camps, baron and dragon.
jgr_ | December 31, 2012 6:39am
Does "monsters" refer only to neutral camp creeps in the jungle? This would mean it has zero benefit for minions in lanes for the entire tree that builds from this.
lilourit95 | December 9, 2012 9:24am
a really good item indeed but still makes it hard for players who r new 2 jungle especially if they dont have proper runes and masteries they just end up dying due to lack of sustain :/
S4njuro | October 12, 2017 3:17pm
That's been my trouble. I just hit level 10 and I'm trying to learn to jungle but I can't get any sustain. Wasn't sure if I was picking the wrong camps or the wrong item. Correct me if this is wrong but: Machete is for single target, Talisman for AOE, and the reason being that they have better healing? i.e. talisman heals better with AOE etc...?
PsiGuard (1495) | October 12, 2017 6:49pm
That's pretty much it, yeah. The lack of a full rune page can make jungling tough for a lot of champions. I recommend starting off with Warwick as he has really high health sustain. If you have the spare IP, buying whatever armor seals, attack damage marks and attack speed quints that you can get will help you clear as well.

Keep in mind the Runes update is coming in under a month. All the new runes will be free, and you'll have access to a full set of runes at summoner level 1, so you could just wait for that instead of spending IP now, if you prefer. I expect it'll be a bit easier to jungle for lower level players once the update comes out in early November.

Btw the comment you're replying to is 5 years old. :P
oFrostio (2) | December 5, 2012 10:25am
Deff.the best item from the new patch,and it builds into such good items :) must have.
theHUNK23 (1) | November 28, 2012 12:14pm
a must starting item for a jungler...
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