Very slipery and hard to kill never use your E2 if she has charm up, try to bait the charm with your W or R. After 6 be carefull of her roams as her R makes them pretty strong
Go Fleet and D shield his early game all ins are not very good but his poke is try to use the W to engage trades while not taking a lot of damage and be carefull of his R into the turret after level 6
Cassio is always tough to play against but if you can dodge the Q her E wont deal half as much damage so dodge that and then go for the all in while it isnt up. and always rember to over commit to long trades as thats when she is strong
Use your E to dodge his and you should be fine but if you fall behind the is pretty tricky. Go electrocute adn abuse level 1 as you are stronger than him
Like Fizz use your E on his E and you should be fine. Abuse level 1 and go the rune you preffer all of them are decent into him
You cant kill him and his damage is quite high go for either Conq or Fleet and try to not side lane into him
D shield, try to dodge Q and you should be fine she cant really do anything past 6
Dodge the knifes and try to predict her E with yours. GO electrocute and abuse her bad level 1
Abuse pre 6 with electrocute, he does outscale you but if he is very behind he cant really get to his items so dont let him side lane for free during mid game
Fleet D shield, DO NOT GET HIT BY THE ROPE THINGY. if you do youll get one shot, so use your W MS and go for boots early, especially mercs are really good into her
D shield, second wind Fleet and you should be fine if you are more confident you can also go for electrocute and bully her out of lane early on. After 6 she can refuse to play lane by ulting the wave on cooldown so try to punish her by matching her roams
Its very hard to hit you E so most of your damage is hard to guarantee, after level 7 naafiri can one shot of cooldown, so be very carefull
Before 3 you need to be carefull, and then you should just your E after he uses Q with E on, If he has already used E just use W to dodge autos and poke with your Q-> passive auto
Dodge E go Electrocute and dont extend trades, also be carefull how you use W as its the only way to deny his damage
He can rush hexdrinker and then you cant play the game
Fleet or Electrocute depending on how confident you are, D shield and then play agressive after 4
Skill match up, go electrocute and you can go for Bone plating. possible to go for Ignite as he has a lot of healing, rush boots either one of them are fine, and then if you are no very ahead you can go for anti heal
SHE can fuck you in Tfs due to R so be carefull
Twisted Fate
Even if you survive lane you get outscaled and he can just yellow card and get his jungle to kill you during lane, go fleet D shield and pray
Go for Fleet and play for side lanes, use your W to bait her E and then engage after she uses it,
She is one your biggest counter ask jungle for help and go fleet D shield
Free lane, even in late game he cannot kill you if you are not inting, dont trade during his E wait it down use your E on his Q3 and then engage
Similar to Yone, use E on his Q3 and dont trade while his W is up and engage after it was used
Even if you win lane he will outscale you so be carefull
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