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Dr. Mundo Ability (LoL): Infected Bonesaw

Infected Bonesaw Dr. Mundo

Dr. Mundo Ability: Infected Bonesaw
Range: 1050
Cooldown: 4
Cost: 60
Dr. Mundo hurls his bonesaw, dealing 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30% of target's current health as magic damage to the first enemy hit and slowing them by 40% for 2 seconds.

If the bonesaw hits a champion or monster, Dr. Mundo heals for 100% health. If it hits a non-champion or non-monster, Dr. Mundo instead heals for 50% health.

Dr. Mundo's Abilities

Dr. Mundo Ability: Infected Bonesaw Dr. Mundo Ability: Infected Bonesaw Dr. Mundo Ability: Infected Bonesaw Dr. Mundo Ability: Infected Bonesaw
Infected Bonesaw is used by Dr. Mundo

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Jimbo Finelay (11) | November 7, 2011 2:31am
bushes? you hiding in there? I just check.
"You have slain a enemy"
Yeah, I thought you were in there
epic weapon
NaPoLieoN (1) | December 17, 2010 3:30am
I love his Cleaver!! Freaking evil, it Dmgs so evil :p Love the cooldown! Agree? :D
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