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League of Legends Jungler

What is a Jungler and what is Jungling?

A Jungler is a role often seen in Summoner's Rift and Twisted Treeline. A Jungler earns gold and levels up through experience via the neutral creeps located in between the lanes, better known as “the jungle”. Typically a team will have a Jungler, two strong solo laners and a bottom duo lane.

Why Jungle?

Jungling is a powerful option for any team, and mandatory for a premade team. When you have a jungler on your team, you gain a considerable advantage through having three of the players gaining full amount of the experience. Jungling also instills a sense of fear in the enemy, as they have no idea where you are or what you’re doing. Because of this, you have considerable advantages in map awareness and presence over a team without a jungler. When done properly, a jungler is someone you love to have on your team and will lead you to victory.

Common Jungle Route

> Buff Start, Full Clear
1. Blue Buff/ Red Buff + Smite
2. Wolves/ Wraiths
3. Gank

> Rationalisation
Start at the buff that is closest to your bottom lane duo; this provides you with protection in case of an invade and also speeds your clear time of the first camp. Your other buff should be protected and controlled by the remaining lane. Once you clear your first buff, start clearing the smaller camps, such as the Wolves, Wraiths, Krugs or Gromp. Read about ganking below and in the main article Gank.


Generally speaking, post level 3/6, you should gank when your jungle buffs are secured and you have used your conservation stack of your Machete item. Or, if the opportunity aries due to an enemy overextending or staying in lane on low health. Learning when to stop jungling to gank ultimately comes down to which champion you're jungling. For instance, weak ganking junglers such as Shyvana shouldn't gank unless the enemy laners are extremely overextended. Alternatively, strong ganking junglers such as Lee Sin can tower dive low/mid health enemies even very early in the game. Below are some factors to consider when looking to gank.

Most Important Considerations
I) Read the mini-map and check out the general situation. Just because enemy bot lane is over-extended does not make it the best place to gank IF your allies are OOM or low health.
II) Know your cooldowns. If your allies are not OOM and high health, but they no longer have their summoners, or their abilities up, your gank may fail.
III) Know your enemy. You need to keep track of when top lane has last used Flash, or when bottom lane has wasted Exhaust.

Main Ganking Factors
1. What champion am I playing and what can I do to kill this lane?
2. Is this lane warded? Where?
3. Should my teammate initiate/bait fights, or should I?
4. Is the person I'm ganking strong enough to fight 1v2? Will I win a fight against this lane in a face-off?
5. Is this lane worth ganking at all? Will back-up arrive whilst I'm ganking?
6. What can I do to help my laner? Will this gank result in the enemy wasting Summoner Spells, so that I can gank a little later?
7. Can I read the enemy jungler and look to countergank?
8. What is the reward? Would this gank be a waste of time and map influence? Could I be taking an objective instead?

Counter-Ganking Factors
a. Mid MIA (prepare to countergank)
b. When an allied lane is overextended, you should be farming near to them and be ready to help in case of enemy gank.

Suggested Items

There are currently two starting choices for junglers: Hunter's Machete and Hunter's Talisman. Hunter's Machete is better when you utilise basic attacks and deal more single target damage, while Hunter's Talisman
is better when you have AoE and rely more on your spells. Someone like Kayn usually starts with Hunter's Talisman due to being largely AoE jungler, while Lee Sin
would probably want to start with Hunter's Machete.

You can upgrade the smaller items and additional items to different combinations; you can choose your smite ( Stalker's Blade, Skirmisher's Sabre and Tracker's Knife
and you can choose the stats for them by buying the needed part ( Enchantment: Cinderhulk, Enchantment: Runic Echoes, Enchantment: Warrior and Enchantment: Bloodrazor[/list]

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Inhumaniac | September 18, 2012 3:56pm
In my personal opinion, I think that Jungling is the hardest concept to master in this game. A perfect paradox of team countering.
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