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Zac Build Guide by RaymanThePig

Support Just Another Zac Build

Support Just Another Zac Build

Updated on July 14, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RaymanThePig Build Guide By RaymanThePig 1,925 Views 0 Comments
1,925 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RaymanThePig Zac Build Guide By RaymanThePig Updated on July 14, 2024
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Runes: Mixed Matchups

1 2 3 4
Font of Life

Legend: Haste
Last Stand

+8 Ability Haste
+10-180 Bonus Health
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Just Another Zac Build

By RaymanThePig
Hello, and welcome to Just Another Zac Build, I made this build to help newer Zac players and to improve my building/playstyle.

My name is Ray, I don't have much experience in League and just now I have started to get into it more. I've been playing for over 4 years, I had my ups and downs but it has truly been a fun journey. I personally don't play ranked so use this Guide for fun, or to learn the champion.

The Champion
Zac can be played at many lanes, these being top, support and jungle, support is not much played, people don't expect it so they don't really know what to do.

The abilities:
Passive - Cell Division
Q - Stretching Strikes
W - Unstable Matter
E - Elastic Slingshot
R - Let's Bounce!

1.- You may use your E Elastic Slingshot to move around the map or even to get faster to the botlane, but be aware you might need it when you get there.
2.- Use your Q Stretching Strikes to attract enemies, you can use it on towers, minions and champions.
3.- Spam your W Unstable Matter when using R, it helps a lot.
4.- Keep in mind that Zac can steal kills very easily so back off a bit when the kill is secured for a teammate.
5.- Make sure your teammates and you are aware of your passive, you may use it to your advantage when diving or while in a teamfight.
6.- You can use abilities on minions to get ur chunks and heal, just make sure your ADC gets the farm.
7.- Sometimes you don't have to recall, trick the enemies into thinking they can kill you and then all in them with ur adc, but do it smartly.
8.- Poke with ur Q Stretching Strikes it has more range than you think.
9.- Remember that your Q Stretching Strikes slows the enemy.
10.- Don't forget to use you Randuin's when the enemy is chasing you or you're chasing them.
11.- Make sure to know what your items do, this will help you play better.
The Game
Early Game
On the early game you have to engage, as your level 3-4 is quite strong, this also depends on what ADC you got and the botlane you're facing. You have to keep in mind how tanky you are and if you have ur passive ready.

On your first back buy part of the Spirit Visage or Randuin's Omen, depending on what you're against. Also upgrade your support item, you should already have it by minute 13-15, basically mid game.

Mid Game
You have to be planning the end game and where you are going to go. You should already be roaming and helping your team out. Don't forget your ADC. Buy Oracle Lens, as you should already have your support item maxed out.

You're a great tank and CC champion, don't be afraid to dive, you got your passive.
Don't forget your objective is to help you team get kills or objectives. If it's necessary sacrifice yourself for your team.

Late/End Game
By the start of Late/End game you should have your core done already.
You should be finishing your build, remember that you heal a lot when you hit someone. Cover your team's DPS, they're the win condition. Tank damage and dive in towers. Cover your team when doing objectives.
Building [Runes, Items]
Always start with World Atlas and 2 potions.
On your first back you can either buy boots or a sub item of you first item.

Once you get your core, start building situational items:

Zeke's Convergence: Not really situational but it's just good. Armor and MR, HP and the passive goes incredible
Kaenic Rookern: My personal go-to against heavy AP, it also gives HP.
Thornmail: Against healing/life steal or heavy AD.
Iceborn Gauntlet: Use it if the enemy is quite speedy or if you need to slow them down, also used against AD.
Knight's Vow: Use it if the enemy team is mainly targetting someone squishy in ur team.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter: It gives extra AP damage and HP, it also is nice as it gives the enemy a slowing effect when you hit them.
Zhonya's Hourglass: I wouldn't really use it, I only would if my team has tanks and needs AP.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RaymanThePig
RaymanThePig Zac Guide
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Just Another Zac Build

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