you can't use passive vs her = permaban if in meta + jinx outscales, outrange karthus (14.11)
you can't play in late game vs sona sera combo, consider dodge if your team can't end game at 20min.
high range big dmg, can space you easly hard to play against
IF WITH SONA read sona tips.
She has safe lane so it's hard to get big lead on bot, sera players usually play with tp so consider doing the same. She counters karthus well with her shield and heal on "w" but you can't do muche about that. Just scale, however you have window on lvl1-3 to kill her.
you win before 6 but afyer that you have to dodge his r or you die. Karthus outscales so don't take shity fights.
You outscale her but keep in mind that she can oneshot you on all in.
In early lvls her range is smaller so you can hit your q when she last hit minions. Short trades are better for karthus if tristana can't detonate her "e" and when it's on cd you can go for next trade. Tristana has good push but she can't freeze wave so keep it in mind when you think about wavestatement.When she jumps on you turn on e and use w don't panic and use exhaust when she is about to detonate her "e".
after lvl2 you can win lane against her you are landing your qs, but in late she might be problematic due to her slow
slows you and he can kite you easly after 6, but pre6 you can win all trades.
He is preatty strong rn, also he has bigger range and bonus movement speed so it requires to hit him but it's duable. He doesn't has escape in hit so he is relatively easy to kill if you slow him and your support can engage. In late game he might try to poke you with r so stay behind your teammates.
You can outrange him if you space correctly. However coki has a lot of dmg in early game so be carefull.
You outrange her but If kalista is good she will dodge your q, however she is not in the best shape rn so farm to lost chapter + fated ashes and you should win with e only. You outscale her. Her jump speed scales with her ms so your w is important don't waste it.
support dependant matchup. She is close range champion so you can hit your qs when she last hit minions be carefull abaout lvl6 all in. Vayne's q range is always the same so you can predict it.
Support dependant matchup, she has good all ins so don't force fights, however short trades are fine if she can't proc her passiv.
If she waste her spells on wave you have window on all in. You should be stronger on 1-2 items but she might outscale you if she is going ap build. You must dodge her "w" in late game.
support dependant matchup don't engage wait for your support to make plays. You outscale draven but he snowballs better so tradeing 1for1 might not be the best option every time. Aim your qs into his axes so you can get free poke. Use exhaust when his axe is about to hit you so he can't cleanse it on time. Also consider takeing 65hp instead of scaleing.
You outdamage him in early if you hit your q also he is small close range adc. You outscale him hard, remeber that if lucian uses passive it reduces his e cooldown so he might use it 2 times during fight.
Weak eraly but she scales very well, before 6 you win all fights but be carefull bcs her ult is huge spike for her. Try to zoan her from wall so she can't escape with "e" if you dodge her "w" and with yours , then you have free engage on her.
Karthus is stronger in early game, you can abuse bushes lvl1. You win most of the time 2vs2 on bot and even 2vs3 but be carefull when aphelios has severum(red lifesteal) and cresendum(chakrams) he is really strong with those wepons, wait untill he empty one of them
She is melee champion so you can get more value from "e" consider lvling it twice before 6. Karthus counters her kit well try to push and abuse her on bounceback. Karthus wins that lane however she scales better so don't feed her.
You outscales her, also Xayah is weaker in early game. If you dodge her e you should win all fights. After 6 you have to all in and force her to use ult so she can't dodge your ult. In late game during teamfight keep an eye on her so you know when you should ult.
She is close range champion so abuse her when she tries to farm. If she engages on you just use e and w then hitting q shouldn't be a problem. Samira usually play with engage support so if you are playing with enchanter/mag tank for them. Even if you die she also should die + you push wave on passive. Consider building zhona later vs her.
He is weak in early game but you have to dodge his "w" otherwise he will slow you and run away. Also you have better push so you can take plates and fight on bounce back. Karthus is stronger untill smolder's 225 stacks and 4/5 items.
Miss Fortune
You outscale if you play corectly you should win lane. MF has better poke but weaker all ins. Avoid getteing hit by her qs ( don't stay behind minions on low hp). Be carefull after 6 bcs if someone stun locks you she can onehsot you with her ult. Try to be in close range with her.
She will play with tank so focus her during all ins,also you can poke her "adc" when he tries to farm. You have better push so should take plates even first tower.
most of the times you can't kill him on a lane so take tp and scale for free. It's a coin flip who gets better team same situation with sivir
You outpush him and outscale. He has free escape in his kit so focus on farming rather than tradeing. Take few plates and lane is fine. It;s fine if you get weaksided just chill and look for ults.
Coin flip matchup, she outpushes you and you both scale well. She will push you all game so you wont have a window to kill her just stay bot and scale. Look for ults to help your team, I would recomend tp in this matchup.
the best engage champ for karthus you can easly land q's when naut stun someone
i would rate all engage supports high
but naut is the best one
long range poke + healing, senna also can be 2nd carry in your team she scales really well with souls so perma fighting rewards her. You can die and do trades 1 for 2 so senna will has shoutdown and you won't be punished for dying that muche
Strong early, you can look for fight since lvl1. Pyke can takes more trades bcs he will heal himself with passive. If your pyke is abaut to hit "q" use your a little bit close to him so it will hit hooked enemy.
Pyke has good roams and karthus is realativly safe. After 6 you can use ult before or at start of a fight to poke them so pyke execute them easly.
One of the best engage supports for kartus. You can fight bot since lvl1, rell has few options of engage also breaks shileds on "q" so it's bonus value during fights. She can speed you so you can follow her with longer range, After 6 they can't dodge her enage with movement especialy if you slow them. She benefits with support items duo to her scaleing. Also rell is awasome in late game teamfights so if you can't force bot thats fine just scale.
good pell decent poke and enagege the best enchanter to karthus
i would rate all enchanters as OK and some strong, eg. karma/seraphine or renata
Amumu has 2 stuns lvl1 so you can abuse bush lvl1 and trade summoners and kill them easlier.
Amumu is just cc bot with no peel. Amumu is decnt with karthus bcs he lowers magic resists on his passive.
Renata Glasc
good pell decent poke and enagege one of the best enchanter to karthus
i would rate all enchanters as OK and some strong, eg. karma or renata
Leona is a cc bot. Play agro and use "w" to slow enemy so she can reach them. You can dive early with leona bcs of her "w". If you decide to play dark harvest with leona also take cheap shot.
Strong early lane with potential to stomp. Camille likes to play agro so fight lvl1. When she uses "e" use you your "w" to make sure she will hit. During dives let het tank bcs she will drop out agro with ger ult.
Janna is one of the best roaming supports. Also she has decent scaleing. Janna is good vs engage bcs she can deny with her "q". Also Janna can be aggresive laner and poke with "w" after she slows someone you can hit "q". You can dominate lane or let janna roam both options will be fine.
Fine scaleing lane. Seraphine has a little bit of everything. She can poke with her "q" and passive, she can engae with her "e" try to use your "w" so sera "e" will uprgrade and can pell you with "w". You can win lane vs weak early champions or just scale also all depends if your support hits spells. You tank hooks for seraphine so she will has better position to hit ult.
Play agro since lvl1, it's better to push bot so blitz has more opporunities to hook. He doesn't need gold to be usefull. They will try to dodge his "q" so you can slow them and hit with "q" easly. When blitz grab someone aim under blitz.
Rakan has good enage and good pell.
Rakan is weak lvl1 so wait for his lvl3 and then engage. He can use his "e" to bait enemy spells and then engage.
At lvl6 rakan has unmissable combo ("r" then "w") but is a little bit tricky to hit charmed enemys. Look where rakan is going enemy will follow him so try to aim like that. Rakan is one of the best teamfight supports so you don't have to force fights on lane.
Lulu has one of the best lvl1 in game you win 99% times lvl1 fights (if she takes q). If lulu hits her q you have window to engage or poke. Lulu has perfect pell. She is one of the best scaleing supports so you don't have to hard win bot. Also due to her strong early she might be roaming alot and it's fine.
Super strong early. If ahses slow someone go for trade or stay in range and poke. Tank hooks for her bcs even if you die they can't escape from your passive due to her slow. Ping her where she can use her "e", after 6. she has long range engages. Also she has fine scaleing.
Thresh has good pell and engage, Wait until he hit his spells bcs he might pull them out off your "q" or try to predict where enemy will be if he hits (same with pyke). Thresh is not that good in late game as champs like rell or rakan so try to get lead on lane. Push so thresh can hook easier. It's nice syngergy bcs thresh can get you mele range so you can get bonus value with "e".
alistar has weak lvl1 so avoid fighting and wait for alistar 's lvl2 so he can do a combo. Use "w" to slow enemys so he has range on engage. After lvl 6 diving with alistar is super easy just let him tank tower.
Nami is one of the best enchanters to karthus. Very good early trades (if she take "w") use your "w" so she can hit "q". When she use her "e" try to engage (she should use that during fight but you can't controll that), try to proc first bo bubble with "e" or aa so they will get slow and you can hit qs easlier. After lvl6 she can pell you even better or look for long range engage. Nami should be Ideal but i have seen to many bad namis it's one of the hardest supp champions.
Just let bard play on map and scale on bot however bard has potential to kill bot lvl1-lvl3. Bard can dive bot easly with his ult, butin teamfights look at bard ult to not mess up your.
Maokai is good anty engage also after 6 he can look for long distance engage. Maokai has short range on his "w" so he can't engage until someone will get slowed by his "e" on your "w". Scaleing lane until his ult then you can look for kills. During dive let maokai tank few first shots then he will drop out agro with his "w". Wait with your "q" until he will use his so it won't miss.
she just pells you can't do muche on lane you should avoid fighting and scale. Try to tank skillshots for soraka so she can surivie and heal you back.
She just pells you can't do muche on lane you should avoid fighting and scale. But if enemy enages on you and misses you can trade, sona has low cd on spells. Also play around sona passive.
Huge dmg early but don't scale that well. Also his only engage on lane is "w" and it's easy to stop due to it's small range and it's relativly slow. Panth has execute on his q so he more likely steal kills. But you have to kill on lane so you won't fell off. He can't pell you but after 6 he can engage from long range or go roam.
Good scaleing good pell. Zilean gives you bonus xp so you can suprose enemy with lvlup timers, also he is good vs mele champs and oneshots. Zielan can speed you up or slow enemtys and thats huge. If he his first "q" use your "w" to make sure he will hit 2nd. Since lvl6 you can look for dives. However there is a downside of zielan "r", your's "e" goes of during resurection so you does nothing for 3s. Zielan shoud not ult you during teamfights.
Wait untill she hits "e" or "q" then trade. This lane has potential to one shot if lux lands her combo use "w" before she proc "e" and "r". She can pell you with "w" not bad trades. However her shield is not enough in late game so you will have to play more safe.
Yuumi is safe scaleing enchanter however she has strong lvl1, Yuumi always run heal +exhaust/ignite so you will have 1 more summoner on lane (if you don't play with tp) so you can trade easly also you can consider takeing barier to avoid playing with 2 exhausts on botlane. But on later lvls you should avoid fighting and wait until she wil has ult. Yuumi can't help you fix lane so think of waves and don't play like moron. You have to plat that lane slow so you outscale in late game. BUT if you gets lead on lane yuumi lets you snowball really easy.
decent poke but thats all i would rate all mages as low bcs you can win lane but they can't peel you in late game and enemy can stack mr items. But velkoz is the best mage support for karthus
If Xerath land his skillshots he is not that bad. He can slow or stun enemys on lane. Good vs mele champs, you can tank hook for him so he can stun for longer (his stun duration on "e" depends on distance traveled). You can push and take plates but be carefull of enemy jungler bcs he should punish you for that. Xerath can set up you kills with his ult. Xerath has good push so they can't frezze you but they can build mr so consider skipping shadowflame for void.
Scaleing enchanter. I would recomend avoid figting until 1st item. Milio doesn't have poke but he can pell you with his kit. His burn stack with fated ashes etc. so wait until you buy them. Milio is super usefull in late game so you don't have to win bot. It's fine if you are even.
Poke mage with some cc. She can't pell you vs hard engage. On lane you can't frezze bcs her plants used for poke will hit wave so push bot and take plates. Wait with your "w" until she hits her "e" so you lower enemy mr. After 6. if you are in range and she lands her combo you should oneshot every adc. Also it's not the best synergy bcs she will build the same items as you and brun will not stack. But if she goes rylai it helps you hit qs
Only good vs close range chamions. Karthus doesn't have dash or ms boost so you can't play around taric's "e". However if you manage to survive lane taric is fine in late, he can pell you very well also his ult can be game changer. On lane you should play safe and scale but if enemy missplay and come to close slow them with "w" so taric can hit his stun.
just poke mage with 1 stun nothink special. When you lane with brand try to force enemy to recall and make lead in farm and try to take plates.
Also chceck if enemy started build mr consider rushing sorcery shoes.
Also it's not the best synergy bcs he will build the same items as you and brun will not stack.
you don't win 2vs2 unless enemy int.
Just scale and use braum as a shiled
But if braum hit q you can poke a bit.
Morgana's biggest value is her "e" but it's not that important for karthus. Her poke is a joke so wait until she hit "q" then engage it's hard to short trade with morgana all ins are better.
After 6 you can use "w" so she can engage with her ult. It's better if she use "q" after someone gets stunned by her ult. I would recomend scaleing and not fighting on bot bcs if she misses her "q" enemy have window on engage. Her "e" can't save both of you. Also in late game she is not that usefull unless she is jungler and her job is dealig dmg not protecting your team.
the best engage champ for karthus you can easly land q's when naut stun someone
i would rate all engage supports high
but naut is the best one
long range poke + healing, senna also can be 2nd carry in your team she scales really well with souls so perma fighting rewards her. You can die and do trades 1 for 2 so senna will has shoutdown and you won't be punished for dying that muche
Strong early, you can look for fight since lvl1. Pyke can takes more trades bcs he will heal himself with passive. If your pyke is abaut to hit "q" use your a little bit close to him so it will hit hooked enemy.
Pyke has good roams and karthus is realativly safe. After 6 you can use ult before or at start of a fight to poke them so pyke execute them easly.
One of the best engage supports for kartus. You can fight bot since lvl1, rell has few options of engage also breaks shileds on "q" so it's bonus value during fights. She can speed you so you can follow her with longer range, After 6 they can't dodge her enage with movement especialy if you slow them. She benefits with support items duo to her scaleing. Also rell is awasome in late game teamfights so if you can't force bot thats fine just scale.
good pell decent poke and enagege the best enchanter to karthus
i would rate all enchanters as OK and some strong, eg. karma/seraphine or renata
Amumu has 2 stuns lvl1 so you can abuse bush lvl1 and trade summoners and kill them easlier.
Amumu is just cc bot with no peel. Amumu is decnt with karthus bcs he lowers magic resists on his passive.
Renata Glasc
good pell decent poke and enagege one of the best enchanter to karthus
i would rate all enchanters as OK and some strong, eg. karma or renata
Leona is a cc bot. Play agro and use "w" to slow enemy so she can reach them. You can dive early with leona bcs of her "w". If you decide to play dark harvest with leona also take cheap shot.
Strong early lane with potential to stomp. Camille likes to play agro so fight lvl1. When she uses "e" use you your "w" to make sure she will hit. During dives let het tank bcs she will drop out agro with ger ult.
Janna is one of the best roaming supports. Also she has decent scaleing. Janna is good vs engage bcs she can deny with her "q". Also Janna can be aggresive laner and poke with "w" after she slows someone you can hit "q". You can dominate lane or let janna roam both options will be fine.
Fine scaleing lane. Seraphine has a little bit of everything. She can poke with her "q" and passive, she can engae with her "e" try to use your "w" so sera "e" will uprgrade and can pell you with "w". You can win lane vs weak early champions or just scale also all depends if your support hits spells. You tank hooks for seraphine so she will has better position to hit ult.
Play agro since lvl1, it's better to push bot so blitz has more opporunities to hook. He doesn't need gold to be usefull. They will try to dodge his "q" so you can slow them and hit with "q" easly. When blitz grab someone aim under blitz.
Rakan has good enage and good pell.
Rakan is weak lvl1 so wait for his lvl3 and then engage. He can use his "e" to bait enemy spells and then engage.
At lvl6 rakan has unmissable combo ("r" then "w") but is a little bit tricky to hit charmed enemys. Look where rakan is going enemy will follow him so try to aim like that. Rakan is one of the best teamfight supports so you don't have to force fights on lane.
Lulu has one of the best lvl1 in game you win 99% times lvl1 fights (if she takes q). If lulu hits her q you have window to engage or poke. Lulu has perfect pell. She is one of the best scaleing supports so you don't have to hard win bot. Also due to her strong early she might be roaming alot and it's fine.
Super strong early. If ahses slow someone go for trade or stay in range and poke. Tank hooks for her bcs even if you die they can't escape from your passive due to her slow. Ping her where she can use her "e", after 6. she has long range engages. Also she has fine scaleing.
Thresh has good pell and engage, Wait until he hit his spells bcs he might pull them out off your "q" or try to predict where enemy will be if he hits (same with pyke). Thresh is not that good in late game as champs like rell or rakan so try to get lead on lane. Push so thresh can hook easier. It's nice syngergy bcs thresh can get you mele range so you can get bonus value with "e".
alistar has weak lvl1 so avoid fighting and wait for alistar 's lvl2 so he can do a combo. Use "w" to slow enemys so he has range on engage. After lvl 6 diving with alistar is super easy just let him tank tower.
Nami is one of the best enchanters to karthus. Very good early trades (if she take "w") use your "w" so she can hit "q". When she use her "e" try to engage (she should use that during fight but you can't controll that), try to proc first bo bubble with "e" or aa so they will get slow and you can hit qs easlier. After lvl6 she can pell you even better or look for long range engage. Nami should be Ideal but i have seen to many bad namis it's one of the hardest supp champions.
Just let bard play on map and scale on bot however bard has potential to kill bot lvl1-lvl3. Bard can dive bot easly with his ult, butin teamfights look at bard ult to not mess up your.
Maokai is good anty engage also after 6 he can look for long distance engage. Maokai has short range on his "w" so he can't engage until someone will get slowed by his "e" on your "w". Scaleing lane until his ult then you can look for kills. During dive let maokai tank few first shots then he will drop out agro with his "w". Wait with your "q" until he will use his so it won't miss.
she just pells you can't do muche on lane you should avoid fighting and scale. Try to tank skillshots for soraka so she can surivie and heal you back.
She just pells you can't do muche on lane you should avoid fighting and scale. But if enemy enages on you and misses you can trade, sona has low cd on spells. Also play around sona passive.
Huge dmg early but don't scale that well. Also his only engage on lane is "w" and it's easy to stop due to it's small range and it's relativly slow. Panth has execute on his q so he more likely steal kills. But you have to kill on lane so you won't fell off. He can't pell you but after 6 he can engage from long range or go roam.
Good scaleing good pell. Zilean gives you bonus xp so you can suprose enemy with lvlup timers, also he is good vs mele champs and oneshots. Zielan can speed you up or slow enemtys and thats huge. If he his first "q" use your "w" to make sure he will hit 2nd. Since lvl6 you can look for dives. However there is a downside of zielan "r", your's "e" goes of during resurection so you does nothing for 3s. Zielan shoud not ult you during teamfights.
Wait untill she hits "e" or "q" then trade. This lane has potential to one shot if lux lands her combo use "w" before she proc "e" and "r". She can pell you with "w" not bad trades. However her shield is not enough in late game so you will have to play more safe.
Yuumi is safe scaleing enchanter however she has strong lvl1, Yuumi always run heal +exhaust/ignite so you will have 1 more summoner on lane (if you don't play with tp) so you can trade easly also you can consider takeing barier to avoid playing with 2 exhausts on botlane. But on later lvls you should avoid fighting and wait until she wil has ult. Yuumi can't help you fix lane so think of waves and don't play like moron. You have to plat that lane slow so you outscale in late game. BUT if you gets lead on lane yuumi lets you snowball really easy.
decent poke but thats all i would rate all mages as low bcs you can win lane but they can't peel you in late game and enemy can stack mr items. But velkoz is the best mage support for karthus
If Xerath land his skillshots he is not that bad. He can slow or stun enemys on lane. Good vs mele champs, you can tank hook for him so he can stun for longer (his stun duration on "e" depends on distance traveled). You can push and take plates but be carefull of enemy jungler bcs he should punish you for that. Xerath can set up you kills with his ult. Xerath has good push so they can't frezze you but they can build mr so consider skipping shadowflame for void.
Scaleing enchanter. I would recomend avoid figting until 1st item. Milio doesn't have poke but he can pell you with his kit. His burn stack with fated ashes etc. so wait until you buy them. Milio is super usefull in late game so you don't have to win bot. It's fine if you are even.
Poke mage with some cc. She can't pell you vs hard engage. On lane you can't frezze bcs her plants used for poke will hit wave so push bot and take plates. Wait with your "w" until she hits her "e" so you lower enemy mr. After 6. if you are in range and she lands her combo you should oneshot every adc. Also it's not the best synergy bcs she will build the same items as you and brun will not stack. But if she goes rylai it helps you hit qs
Only good vs close range chamions. Karthus doesn't have dash or ms boost so you can't play around taric's "e". However if you manage to survive lane taric is fine in late, he can pell you very well also his ult can be game changer. On lane you should play safe and scale but if enemy missplay and come to close slow them with "w" so taric can hit his stun.
just poke mage with 1 stun nothink special. When you lane with brand try to force enemy to recall and make lead in farm and try to take plates.
Also chceck if enemy started build mr consider rushing sorcery shoes.
Also it's not the best synergy bcs he will build the same items as you and brun will not stack.
you don't win 2vs2 unless enemy int.
Just scale and use braum as a shiled
But if braum hit q you can poke a bit.
Morgana's biggest value is her "e" but it's not that important for karthus. Her poke is a joke so wait until she hit "q" then engage it's hard to short trade with morgana all ins are better.
After 6 you can use "w" so she can engage with her ult. It's better if she use "q" after someone gets stunned by her ult. I would recomend scaleing and not fighting on bot bcs if she misses her "q" enemy have window on engage. Her "e" can't save both of you. Also in late game she is not that usefull unless she is jungler and her job is dealig dmg not protecting your team.
Karthus has strong early so you can trade a lot and look for kills on lane. Karthus outscales most of botlane champions so doing trades 1 for 1 is worth also when are abaut to die do it in enemy wave so you will push it during passive. Also after 6 look what your teammates are doing bcs you have global ult. Ping your support when you wan to all in or when you want to recall. Also you can put deep vision in enemy jungle if you crashed wave.
mid game
After you finished bot turret go mid. Play with team look all the time waht they are doing. Try to catch some free waves on side lanes if your teammates don't have tp. Sometimes it's better to split bcs of your global ult.
late game
karthus can't engage on his own so you have to wait for your team to enage try to avoid getting poked to 0. Sometimes it's better to ult beofre objectiv so enemy team can't contest it (ofc teamcomp depentent).
1 Try to Q->aa->QQ->aa->Q when fighting
2 Kite with your Q
3 Use Q to poke when enemy adc is about to last hit minion and is locked in animation
4 Don't be afreid to die but you have to think if it will be worth it
5 In early game you can take execute under enemy tower to push 1 more wave do deny enemy minions and next wave will bounce back to you
6 Don't play on auto pilot play less game but keep focused on a game
7 Try to last hit minions with aa, sometimes it's better to crash a weave asap and miss few minions
8 Press tab often so you can see enemy items and decide if you are stronger and should fight also check for items like banshee or seaker's armguard (stop watch)
9 Try to hit some q then use ult in last secounds of passive
10 Don't be affreid to flash on enemy team during team fights
11 Track enemy jungler so you know when to push
12 Play for your limits
13 Use q and durimg animation use "w" to boost dmg and make sure you will hit it
14 You can use "q" to zone enemys and make them stay in your "e" and aa them to deah
15 Before you zhona use "q" and active item to hide animation
16 Use "w"during laneing fase to slow enemys so your support can engage on them or in late game so your team can catch someone
17 Some skins have more visible animations than oter i would recomend not useing Infernal Karthus and Lightsbane Karthus
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