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Karthus Build Guide by Kociokwik

ADC Karthus stomping bot start (free elo hack)

ADC Karthus stomping bot start (free elo hack)

Updated on June 4, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kociokwik Build Guide By Kociokwik 10,887 Views 1 Comments
10,887 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kociokwik Karthus Build Guide By Kociokwik Updated on June 4, 2024
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Runes: casual

1 2 3
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Absolute Focus

Presence of Mind
Last Stand

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Karthus stomping bot start (free elo hack)

By Kociokwik
Early game
Karthus has strong early so you can trade a lot and look for kills on lane. Karthus outscales most of botlane champions so doing trades 1 for 1 is worth also when are abaut to die do it in enemy wave so you will push it during passive. Also after 6 look what your teammates are doing bcs you have global ult. Ping your support when you wan to all in or when you want to recall. Also you can put deep vision in enemy jungle if you crashed wave.
mid game
After you finished bot turret go mid. Play with team look all the time waht they are doing. Try to catch some free waves on side lanes if your teammates don't have tp. Sometimes it's better to split bcs of your global ult.
late game
karthus can't engage on his own so you have to wait for your team to enage try to avoid getting poked to 0. Sometimes it's better to ult beofre objectiv so enemy team can't contest it (ofc teamcomp depentent).
Abaut me
I'm karhtus otp since 2021
I have over 700K maestry points on him
Peaked master master 253LP with over 60%wr playing mainly karthus
my main acc:
my twitch where I sometimes stream in english/polish
General tips
1 Try to Q->aa->QQ->aa->Q when fighting
2 Kite with your Q
3 Use Q to poke when enemy adc is about to last hit minion and is locked in animation
4 Don't be afreid to die but you have to think if it will be worth it
5 In early game you can take execute under enemy tower to push 1 more wave do deny enemy minions and next wave will bounce back to you
6 Don't play on auto pilot play less game but keep focused on a game
7 Try to last hit minions with aa, sometimes it's better to crash a weave asap and miss few minions
8 Press tab often so you can see enemy items and decide if you are stronger and should fight also check for items like banshee or seaker's armguard (stop watch)
9 Try to hit some q then use ult in last secounds of passive
10 Don't be affreid to flash on enemy team during team fights
11 Track enemy jungler so you know when to push
12 Play for your limits
13 Use q and durimg animation use "w" to boost dmg and make sure you will hit it
14 You can use "q" to zone enemys and make them stay in your "e" and aa them to deah
15 Before you zhona use "q" and active item to hide animation
16 Use "w"during laneing fase to slow enemys so your support can engage on them or in late game so your team can catch someone
17 Some skins have more visible animations than oter i would recomend not useing Infernal Karthus and Lightsbane Karthus
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kociokwik
Kociokwik Karthus Guide
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Karthus stomping bot start (free elo hack)

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