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Vel'Koz Ability (LoL): Life Form Disintegration Ray

Life Form Disintegration Ray Vel'Koz

Vel'Koz Ability: Life Form Disintegration Ray
Range: 1550
Cooldown: 120 / 100 / 80
Cost: 100
Passive: Deconstructing enemy Champions Researches them for 7 seconds. Basic attacks and all abilities refresh Research.

Active: Vel'Koz channels a ray of infinite energy that follows the cursor for 2.5 seconds, dealing 45 / 62.5 / 80 (+12.5% of ability power) magic damage every 0.25 seconds to all enemies in range and slowing them by 20% for 1 second. Enemies that stay in the beam accumulate 1 stack of Organic Deconstruction every 0.7 seconds (up to 3 stacks). Researched champions take true damage instead.

Vel'Koz can cancel the ability early by recasting it.

Vel'Koz's Abilities

Vel'Koz Ability: Life Form Disintegration Ray Vel'Koz Ability: Life Form Disintegration Ray Vel'Koz Ability: Life Form Disintegration Ray Vel'Koz Ability: Life Form Disintegration Ray
Life Form Disintegration Ray is used by Vel'Koz

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Ekki (86) | November 30, 2015 4:01am
Janitsu wrote:
I think it's because Vel'Koz was planned to be semi-support with utility etc. who builds around CDR and MP
True dat.
Janitsu (569) | November 29, 2015 2:02pm
Ekki wrote:

So is it just me or the scaling on this ability sucks? It's 60% AP scaling over a 2.5 sec channel. I actually never realised that most of its damage came from base damage and passive (which scales with levels).

I think it's because Vel'Koz was planned to be semi-support with utility etc. who builds around CDR and MP
OTGBionicArm (415) | November 29, 2015 1:27pm
Still does uber damage.
Ekki (86) | November 29, 2015 1:18pm
So is it just me or the scaling on this ability sucks? It's 60% AP scaling over a 2.5 sec channel. I actually never realised that most of its damage came from base damage and passive (which scales with levels).
PrimalAvatar | March 2, 2014 4:38pm
PEWWWWWWWWW! ~an enemy has been slain~
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