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Ornn Ability (LoL): Living Forge

Living Forge Ornn

Ornn Ability: Living Forge
Ornn increases bonus armor, bonus magic resistance and bonus health by 10% from all sources, further increased by 4% each time he upgrades a Mythic item into a Masterwork item.
Ornn can spend gold to forge non-consumable items anywhere.

When Ornn reaches level 13, he will upgrade his mythic item into masterwork items for himself. For each level after 13, Ornn can upgrade a mythic item for any ally by going near them and clicking on them.

Ornn gains an additional 10% bonus health, armor and magic resistance from all sources. This value increases by 4% of these bonus stats per mythic item Ornn upgrades into a masterwork.

Ornn can smith items directly from his forge menu or the shop.

Ornn's Abilities

Ornn Ability: Living Forge Ornn Ability: Living Forge Ornn Ability: Living Forge Ornn Ability: Living Forge
Living Forge is used by Ornn

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