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Lucian Build Guide by doctorgami

ADC lucian build easy win

ADC lucian build easy win

Updated on September 14, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author doctorgami Build Guide By doctorgami 12,038 Views 1 Comments
12,038 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author doctorgami Lucian Build Guide By doctorgami Updated on September 14, 2023
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Press the Attack
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

lucian build easy win

By doctorgami
what to know about lucian?

lucian is like a assasins dps he have burst dmg and good mobility but he have two disadvantage first is he must be in close range to do dmg and second he is one of most squichy adc in game


lucian q
: this is important soo listen carfully lucian q have a long range dmg in a single lane and this is how we win laning phase soo we poke the enemy and finish them when they low. as u know it s a bit difficult to poke since u don t q in the air but u q a minion that is in between u and the enemy champ that how it work
ur w
basically usefull to chase enemy ur w is a area dmg that apply a effect on enemy hit if lucian auto attack the affected enemy he get a bonus in move speed
ur e
basicaly a dash that reduce couldown by using lucian passive
lucian passive
eatch time a suport cast a heal or any effect on lucian he get 2 bullets one ad and one ap both scale with ap.they scale at level 7 and 13.soo those are additionel dmg lucian do to enemy that why we use precision as rune that rune make the ap bullet do additionel dmg to target since we can t build ap lucian magic penetration that the best way to use his passive with the runes. also lucian get the same passive eatch time he use a ability even his ult sooo try get attack speed soo that u shoot a lote of bullet. keep in mind the passive can stuck up to 4 bullet if u shoot it consume one bullet if u use two ability u get 4 bullet that last for short duration of time
lucian play style

i would say passive agressive: mean u poke in laning phase and when u get chance to kill enemy u burst them with dmg. if u ask how do i play lucian my runes and build do big dmg to enemy sooo the gameplay is like i kill u befor u can do anything to me that my play style keep in mind buy essence reaver early cause u need to win laning phase and to not lose mutch mana while spaming ur ability. kraken is next item cause the attack speed work with passive mean u the more attack speed u have the more bullet of ur passive u shoot that how to do insane burst dmg with lucian

what more to tell about lucian

prioritise hight dmg and attack speed

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League of Legends Build Guide Author doctorgami
doctorgami Lucian Guide
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lucian build easy win

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