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Runes: Runes- Lulu
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Skill Orader
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Alistar tends to turret-dive since his RTips helps him take less damage. He’s not able to initiate until Level 2 since his WTips+QTips is not up yet. Vulnerable against ranged attacks. Try to poke him with some auto attacks. Always have some vision on the lane bushes. Even though his Tips is on CD, he can make some plays with , so always respect his engage potential. Has quite long CDs on his main combo so wait for the window to trade. Agile champions can dash away from his CC.
Does not have a great sustain in the early phase. Try to bait him to use his ETips to later attack him with bigger guns. Poke his HP as much as possible to deny him the defense mechanisms. Can turn a fight around with RTips; avoid standing in a line. Try to isolate him to strike a 1v1 fight.
Stand behind minions to avoid QTips. Blocking WTips or standing on his lantern will deny him pulling her allies away. If you see him throw WTips backwards, he’s probably going to pull his jungler in. QTips has a long CD; trade with him when it’s down. Call SS immediately whenever he’s mia since he tends to assist with ganks.
The most important ability is QTips yet costs a lot & has a long CD. If he misses, you can engage. Keep dashes or dodges whenever his QTips is available. Try to read his positioning & ward around to deny his QTips. After Lvl.6 he will definitely try to pull someone to RTips+ETips, so mind your position & only be aggressive when you have the upper hand.
Renata Glasc
Be careful for her QTips, try to dodge it otherwise you will lose that trade. She is very squishy and non-mobile, you need to punish her when she oversteps. Her WTips gives temporary HP to her allies you need to think of her WTips too, if the enemy gets a kill while under WTips effect, they will resurrect and you will lose that trade. You can use QSS or Mikael on her RTips so buying QSS or Mikael is good idea against Renata Glasc.
At the early game, Amumu relies his blue buff quite a lot. Try to steal it from him. Without blue buff, Amumu's jungle clear speed gonna be slow. Also, before level 6, you can win skirmishes against him, you can invade his jungle since he is weak before level 6. His ultimate’s CD is quite long. AP Amumu is dangerous and melts HP bars down with the WTips open however his mana pool also burns quickly in the process. Always respect his RTips, try to not stack with your teammates, if enemy Amumu hits multiple targets with his RTips, your chances to lose that teamfight will be higher.
Has high mana cost on ETips. Try to damage her when she’s unattached & force her to use ETips on herself. She can’t use WTips to jump on allies if gets damaged. Yuumi is extremely vulnerable alone & most fights result in her death as well if her ally is killed. Can travel between allies to position herself to start the fight with RTips.
Stay out of the fight if you’re marked by her abilities. Engage her when WTips is down. Try to get to Lvl.2 before she does. Keep your distance after Lvl.2 since she can all-in with ETips + QTips. Vulnerable upon using ETips without her teammates. Poke her after she uses ETips. Keep the wave on your side since she has no other means of escape other than ETips if she turret-dives with it. She has good roam potential so make sure inform your team if she is missing on the map.
If Zilean throws two QTips bombs next to each other, they instantly explode & apply stun. Stand away from allies when marked by a bomb. ETips has a long slow duration; try to stay away from his range to avoid it. Poke him constantly before Lvl.6 since he has no sustain. Wait for RTips to wear off before attacking the bearer.
Throws Saplings with ETips into side bushes as damaging wards. ETips is stronger if placed in bushes. RTips can only hit one target with each bramble; stay in line with your tank on the front rather than scattered around. Grievous items are effective against his PTips healing.
Kite him constantly to deny his PTips. An ETips cast from afar may indicate a Flash dive. Poke him when ETips is down since it’s his only engage tool. Usually, his team engages first. RTips is a channeled ability; you can still damage until it’s fully formed.
Annie is not a mobile champion so she can't dodge skillshots very well. You can poke him with some skillshots during laning phase. Annie’s QTips is a target spell & provides a guaranteed stun; avoid closing the gap when her PTips is up. She counters ADCs’ continuities & provides good AoE for TFs so keep an eye on her stun stacks. Unless her PTips is up she has no escape mechanism. ETips does not spend stun charges; don’t get tricked.
Don’t get in the range of his Turrets to trade. Destroy them first then poke him. Heimerdinger is a great threat whenever there are 3 Turrets. Try to be in the open when TFs occur to avoid empowered attacks. Be careful as an ETips is like followed by WTips to inflict more damage.
Brand is a lane bullier. Try to dodge his skills at laning phase, punish him if he overcommit. Engage fights in the early phase when you see he used his abilities & waiting for CDs. Brand’s RTips is the biggest danger in team fights since he can burn multiple health bars; try not to get Ablazed to avoid further damage & do not stand in groups since the ability bounces between his enemies. Keeping skirmishes long is a disadvantage against him so take him down whenever he’s alone & pushing for objectives.
Vel’Koz deals True Damage upon combining abilities to proc PTips; build-up health besides MR. Try not to get hit by ETips which will draw a chain of combos upon you. Trade with him when he doesn’t have RTips or Flash. Become vulnerable upon casting RTips since Vel’Koz is immobilized during its channeling
Struggles in the early game without items to support him. Try to focus him in the laning phase; shut him down earlier while he’s weaker. Apply CC when Twitch comes out of QTips. Poke him as much as possible & shove the wave towards his tower; his poisonous DPS skills will cause him to miss CS under it. Control wards are essential. Stand apart in TFs to avoid his AoE skills.
Very vulnerable until Lvl.2 which allows her to plant seeds. Excels at poking post Lvl.3 with access to her QTips, WTips & ETips. Engage when she misses combos since she has no access to escape tools. In TFs, Zyra will RTips around herself if engaged upon; save mobilizing skills to evade her knock-up.
Uses WTips for lane sustain and early poking. Stand behind minions to avoid getting critical strikes. Gains stacks upon AAs & can release QTips, applying heavy CC & providing AS. Always go in when you are certain to take her down. When RTips is down, has fewer opportunities to be aggressive; use the chance to eliminate her
Has her RTips on Lvl.1 that can empower other abilities. Leave your position immediately after getting hit by empowered QTipss to avoid the second blast. Get out of the range of WTips or else you will be rooted after channeling ends. Put the wave between you & her to deny QTipss. Focus her after she uses ETips on her ally.
Vulnerable alone. If isolated, CC her & kill her to prevent her extended pokes before TFs. Engage after she uses QTips or misses it. Ward the side bushes since Lux often pokes in the laning phase from those. If she procs PTips on you while you’re low HP, immediately zig zag your way out to dodge her upcoming RTips.
She is a utility champion; squishy & needs to boost allies to sustain a proper fight. ETips’s movespeed is cancelled upon taking damage. Even easier to kill when RTips is down. Try not to stay grouped in TFs when RTips is available. Take her down in TFs to prevent her from sustaining her teammates
Needs to cast abilities from a close gap; poke her whenever she overextends. Harassing her ADC will cause her to constantly use resources. Try to take her down before TFs to avoid sudden health refunds by RTips. She is a huge help to her team yet struggles to sustain herself if put behind.
Having something that reduces the enemy’s healing is important to reduce their sustain and make killing them easier in team fights. Seraphine’s RTips is extremely potent when enemies are grouped closely together. So avoid that! Hide in unwarded parts of the map near the Baron or Dragon and wait for her to walk up to ward before picking her off.
Stand outside the minion wave to minimize his poking & pushing the wave at the same time. His PTips regens mana while he AAs; do not blindly engage him if his mana pool looks empty. Trade with him when WTips or ETips is on CD. Flank from sides towards the enemy backline to eliminate Xerath from TF.
Has slightly long CDs. If he uses an ability or chains multiple ones; try to dodge them & pull your attack. Struggles against long-ranged burst attacks. Be careful not to stand close to him due to his immobilizing ETips. Can operate turret dives with WTips. Inflicts more damage at RTips detonation upon how much health he has drained during the spell.
Pokes often with WTips in the laning phase; stay out of her range as much as possible. Do not escape from her in a straight line in order to avoid QTips. Take her down first in TFs to deny her of healing, CCing your team & empowering her allies.
Annie is not a mobile champion so she can't dodge skillshots very well. You can poke him with some skillshots during laning phase. Annie’s QTips is a target spell & provides a guaranteed stun; avoid closing the gap when her PTips is up. She counters ADCs’ continuities & provides good AoE for TFs so keep an eye on her stun stacks. Unless her PTips is up she has no escape mechanism. ETips does not spend stun charges; don’t get tricked.
Don’t get in the range of his Turrets to trade. Destroy them first then poke him. Heimerdinger is a great threat whenever there are 3 Turrets. Try to be in the open when TFs occur to avoid empowered attacks. Be careful as an ETips is like followed by WTips to inflict more damage.
Brand is a lane bullier. Try to dodge his skills at laning phase, punish him if he overcommit. Engage fights in the early phase when you see he used his abilities & waiting for CDs. Brand’s RTips is the biggest danger in team fights since he can burn multiple health bars; try not to get Ablazed to avoid further damage & do not stand in groups since the ability bounces between his enemies. Keeping skirmishes long is a disadvantage against him so take him down whenever he’s alone & pushing for objectives.
Vel’Koz deals True Damage upon combining abilities to proc PTips; build-up health besides MR. Try not to get hit by ETips which will draw a chain of combos upon you. Trade with him when he doesn’t have RTips or Flash. Become vulnerable upon casting RTips since Vel’Koz is immobilized during its channeling
Struggles in the early game without items to support him. Try to focus him in the laning phase; shut him down earlier while he’s weaker. Apply CC when Twitch comes out of QTips. Poke him as much as possible & shove the wave towards his tower; his poisonous DPS skills will cause him to miss CS under it. Control wards are essential. Stand apart in TFs to avoid his AoE skills.
Very vulnerable until Lvl.2 which allows her to plant seeds. Excels at poking post Lvl.3 with access to her QTips, WTips & ETips. Engage when she misses combos since she has no access to escape tools. In TFs, Zyra will RTips around herself if engaged upon; save mobilizing skills to evade her knock-up.
Uses WTips for lane sustain and early poking. Stand behind minions to avoid getting critical strikes. Gains stacks upon AAs & can release QTips, applying heavy CC & providing AS. Always go in when you are certain to take her down. When RTips is down, has fewer opportunities to be aggressive; use the chance to eliminate her
Has her RTips on Lvl.1 that can empower other abilities. Leave your position immediately after getting hit by empowered QTipss to avoid the second blast. Get out of the range of WTips or else you will be rooted after channeling ends. Put the wave between you & her to deny QTipss. Focus her after she uses ETips on her ally.
Vulnerable alone. If isolated, CC her & kill her to prevent her extended pokes before TFs. Engage after she uses QTips or misses it. Ward the side bushes since Lux often pokes in the laning phase from those. If she procs PTips on you while you’re low HP, immediately zig zag your way out to dodge her upcoming RTips.
She is a utility champion; squishy & needs to boost allies to sustain a proper fight. ETips’s movespeed is cancelled upon taking damage. Even easier to kill when RTips is down. Try not to stay grouped in TFs when RTips is available. Take her down in TFs to prevent her from sustaining her teammates
Needs to cast abilities from a close gap; poke her whenever she overextends. Harassing her ADC will cause her to constantly use resources. Try to take her down before TFs to avoid sudden health refunds by RTips. She is a huge help to her team yet struggles to sustain herself if put behind.
Having something that reduces the enemy’s healing is important to reduce their sustain and make killing them easier in team fights. Seraphine’s RTips is extremely potent when enemies are grouped closely together. So avoid that! Hide in unwarded parts of the map near the Baron or Dragon and wait for her to walk up to ward before picking her off.
Stand outside the minion wave to minimize his poking & pushing the wave at the same time. His PTips regens mana while he AAs; do not blindly engage him if his mana pool looks empty. Trade with him when WTips or ETips is on CD. Flank from sides towards the enemy backline to eliminate Xerath from TF.
Has slightly long CDs. If he uses an ability or chains multiple ones; try to dodge them & pull your attack. Struggles against long-ranged burst attacks. Be careful not to stand close to him due to his immobilizing ETips. Can operate turret dives with WTips. Inflicts more damage at RTips detonation upon how much health he has drained during the spell.
Pokes often with WTips in the laning phase; stay out of her range as much as possible. Do not escape from her in a straight line in order to avoid QTips. Take her down first in TFs to deny her of healing, CCing your team & empowering her allies.
Threats & Synergies
Rell is very tanky but very immobile, try to outrange her to keep a safe distance since she always goes all-in. Keep an eye on the connection with her ally because it will stun if you're between it. Rell provides a lot of peeling and armor for her ADC, try to move her away from him to be easy to lock him down. She can break armor but doesn't do much damage, you can face her if she already spent her combo.
Tahm Kench
You can put a minion between you and Tahm Kench in order to dodge his QTips. As soon as he uses his ETips, disengage and wait for his shield to fade. After his shield is gone, you can engage him back, he will be vulnerable. If you manage to dodge his WTips, you can kite him. Do not try head to head fight with him, he is better at long trades so keep your trades very short or just push your lane and try to win the minion war.
Renata Glasc
Be careful for her QTips, try to dodge it otherwise you will lose that trade. She is very squishy and non-mobile, you need to punish her when she oversteps. Her WTips gives temporary HP to her allies you need to think of her WTips too, if the enemy gets a kill while under WTips effect, they will resurrect and you will lose that trade. You can use QSS or Mikael on her RTips so buying QSS or Mikael is good idea against Renata Glasc.
Do not overextend while WTips is up Have wards around to prevent him from flanking from the sides. RTips + WTips is prone to CC. Try to dodge his skills & extend the trade to make him struggle. His synergy with Xayah enhances his laning phase since her WTips’s attack speed is granted upon Rakan.
The most important ability is QTips yet costs a lot & has a long CD. If he misses, you can engage. Keep dashes or dodges whenever his QTips is available. Try to read his positioning & ward around to deny his QTips. After Lvl.6 he will definitely try to pull someone to RTips+ETips, so mind your position & only be aggressive when you have the upper hand.
Alistar tends to turret-dive since his RTips helps him take less damage. He’s not able to initiate until Level 2 since his WTips+QTips is not up yet. Vulnerable against ranged attacks. Try to poke him with some auto attacks. Always have some vision on the lane bushes. Even though his Tips is on CD, he can make some plays with , so always respect his engage potential. Has quite long CDs on his main combo so wait for the window to trade. Agile champions can dash away from his CC.
Stand behind minions to avoid QTips. Blocking WTips or standing on his lantern will deny him pulling her allies away. If you see him throw WTips backwards, he’s probably going to pull his jungler in. QTips has a long CD; trade with him when it’s down. Call SS immediately whenever he’s mia since he tends to assist with ganks.
Struggles in the early game without items to support him. Try to focus him in the laning phase; shut him down earlier while he’s weaker. Apply CC when Twitch comes out of QTips. Poke him as much as possible & shove the wave towards his tower; his poisonous DPS skills will cause him to miss CS under it. Control wards are essential. Stand apart in TFs to avoid his AoE skills.
Doesn’t have much sustain & cannot gain HP regen fast in skirmishes due to channeled AAs. Very immobile outside of ETips & squishy. Don’t stand behind low HP minions to be protected from WTips; it will kill the minion & still root you. Can protect her team with RTips while stealing objectives.
Stand outside the minion wave to minimize his poking & pushing the wave at the same time. His PTips regens mana while he AAs; do not blindly engage him if his mana pool looks empty. Trade with him when WTips or ETips is on CD. Flank from sides towards the enemy backline to eliminate Xerath from TF.
Kite him constantly to deny his PTips. An ETips cast from afar may indicate a Flash dive. Poke him when ETips is down since it’s his only engage tool. Usually, his team engages first. RTips is a channeled ability; you can still damage until it’s fully formed
Has slightly long CDs. If he uses an ability or chains multiple ones; try to dodge them & pull your attack. Struggles against long-ranged burst attacks. Be careful not to stand close to him due to his immobilizing ETips. Can operate turret dives with WTips. Inflicts more damage at RTips detonation upon how much health he has drained during the spell.
Brand is a lane bullier. Try to dodge his skills at laning phase, punish him if he overcommit. Engage fights in the early phase when you see he used his abilities & waiting for CDs. Brand’s RTips is the biggest danger in team fights since he can burn multiple health bars; try not to get Ablazed to avoid further damage & do not stand in groups since the ability bounces between his enemies. Keeping skirmishes long is a disadvantage against him so take him down whenever he’s alone & pushing for objectives.
Very vulnerable until Lvl.2 which allows her to plant seeds. Excels at poking post Lvl.3 with access to her QTips, WTips & ETips. Engage when she misses combos since she has no access to escape tools. In TFs, Zyra will RTips around herself if engaged upon; save mobilizing skills to evade her knock-up.
Hard CC him after he uses ETips. Stand behind the minion wave to avoid QTips. Ward bushes to cancel his PTips health regen. Avoid staying in the lane or in the TF while your HP is low since he can chain RTipss. Kill him if RTips fails to execute in TFs.
Uses WTips for lane sustain and early poking. Stand behind minions to avoid getting critical strikes. Gains stacks upon AAs & can release QTips, applying heavy CC & providing AS. Always go in when you are certain to take her down. When RTips is down, has fewer opportunities to be aggressive; use the chance to eliminate her.
Gank his lane before he hits Lvl.6. Has no mobility & would not waste RTips if there’s no emergency; lock him down whenever you can. Has no other protection other than ETips. He often tries to decrease the fight to 5v4 by aiming backlines with RTips. If you see him dive with RTips; leave the circle first then attack to eliminate him.
Vel’Koz deals True Damage upon combining abilities to proc PTips; build-up health besides MR. Try not to get hit by ETips which will draw a chain of combos upon you. Trade with him when he doesn’t have RTips or Flash. Become vulnerable upon casting RTips since Vel’Koz is immobilized during its channeling.
Vulnerable alone. If isolated, CC her & kill her to prevent her extended pokes before TFs. Engage after she uses QTips or misses it. Ward the side bushes since Lux often pokes in the laning phase from those. If she procs PTips on you while you’re low HP, immediately zig zag your way out to dodge her upcoming RTips.
In the laning phase, never stand out in the open; position behind minions & ward bushes to avoid QTips. Quicksilver Sash is a good choice against her QTips & RTips. In TFs, keep the Flash until she uses RTips, to escape from the stun in time. Engage after she uses or misses QTips. ETips has a long CD; fight when it’s down.
Has her RTips on Lvl.1 that can empower other abilities. Leave your position immediately after getting hit by empowered QTipss to avoid the second blast. Get out of the range of WTips or else you will be rooted after channeling ends. Put the wave between you & her to deny QTipss. Focus her after she uses ETips on her ally.
Lulu is a lane bully against melee champions. Bait to play aggressively to force her to use ETips. Lock her down with CC & eliminate her in TFs since she grants huge advantages to her team. Force her to self-cast RTips then engage upon her ADC. Pick Grievous Wounds items against her protective skills & RTips.
Struggles in the early game without items to support him. Try to focus him in the laning phase; shut him down earlier while he’s weaker. Apply CC when Twitch comes out of QTips. Poke him as much as possible & shove the wave towards his tower; his poisonous DPS skills will cause him to miss CS under it. Control wards are essential. Stand apart in TFs to avoid his AoE skills.
Doesn’t have much sustain & cannot gain HP regen fast in skirmishes due to channeled AAs. Very immobile outside of ETips & squishy. Don’t stand behind low HP minions to be protected from WTips; it will kill the minion & still root you. Can protect her team with RTips while stealing objectives.
Stand outside the minion wave to minimize his poking & pushing the wave at the same time. His PTips regens mana while he AAs; do not blindly engage him if his mana pool looks empty. Trade with him when WTips or ETips is on CD. Flank from sides towards the enemy backline to eliminate Xerath from TF.
Kite him constantly to deny his PTips. An ETips cast from afar may indicate a Flash dive. Poke him when ETips is down since it’s his only engage tool. Usually, his team engages first. RTips is a channeled ability; you can still damage until it’s fully formed
Has slightly long CDs. If he uses an ability or chains multiple ones; try to dodge them & pull your attack. Struggles against long-ranged burst attacks. Be careful not to stand close to him due to his immobilizing ETips. Can operate turret dives with WTips. Inflicts more damage at RTips detonation upon how much health he has drained during the spell.
Brand is a lane bullier. Try to dodge his skills at laning phase, punish him if he overcommit. Engage fights in the early phase when you see he used his abilities & waiting for CDs. Brand’s RTips is the biggest danger in team fights since he can burn multiple health bars; try not to get Ablazed to avoid further damage & do not stand in groups since the ability bounces between his enemies. Keeping skirmishes long is a disadvantage against him so take him down whenever he’s alone & pushing for objectives.
Very vulnerable until Lvl.2 which allows her to plant seeds. Excels at poking post Lvl.3 with access to her QTips, WTips & ETips. Engage when she misses combos since she has no access to escape tools. In TFs, Zyra will RTips around herself if engaged upon; save mobilizing skills to evade her knock-up.
Hard CC him after he uses ETips. Stand behind the minion wave to avoid QTips. Ward bushes to cancel his PTips health regen. Avoid staying in the lane or in the TF while your HP is low since he can chain RTipss. Kill him if RTips fails to execute in TFs.
Uses WTips for lane sustain and early poking. Stand behind minions to avoid getting critical strikes. Gains stacks upon AAs & can release QTips, applying heavy CC & providing AS. Always go in when you are certain to take her down. When RTips is down, has fewer opportunities to be aggressive; use the chance to eliminate her.
Gank his lane before he hits Lvl.6. Has no mobility & would not waste RTips if there’s no emergency; lock him down whenever you can. Has no other protection other than ETips. He often tries to decrease the fight to 5v4 by aiming backlines with RTips. If you see him dive with RTips; leave the circle first then attack to eliminate him.
Vel’Koz deals True Damage upon combining abilities to proc PTips; build-up health besides MR. Try not to get hit by ETips which will draw a chain of combos upon you. Trade with him when he doesn’t have RTips or Flash. Become vulnerable upon casting RTips since Vel’Koz is immobilized during its channeling.
Vulnerable alone. If isolated, CC her & kill her to prevent her extended pokes before TFs. Engage after she uses QTips or misses it. Ward the side bushes since Lux often pokes in the laning phase from those. If she procs PTips on you while you’re low HP, immediately zig zag your way out to dodge her upcoming RTips.
In the laning phase, never stand out in the open; position behind minions & ward bushes to avoid QTips. Quicksilver Sash is a good choice against her QTips & RTips. In TFs, keep the Flash until she uses RTips, to escape from the stun in time. Engage after she uses or misses QTips. ETips has a long CD; fight when it’s down.
Has her RTips on Lvl.1 that can empower other abilities. Leave your position immediately after getting hit by empowered QTipss to avoid the second blast. Get out of the range of WTips or else you will be rooted after channeling ends. Put the wave between you & her to deny QTipss. Focus her after she uses ETips on her ally.
Lulu is a lane bully against melee champions. Bait to play aggressively to force her to use ETips. Lock her down with CC & eliminate her in TFs since she grants huge advantages to her team. Force her to self-cast RTips then engage upon her ADC. Pick Grievous Wounds items against her protective skills & RTips.
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