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🍄Main Lulu JG ~ The Versatile Fay Mixers are back! [S14]
Updated on May 13, 2024Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue
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Gustwalker Smite
Scorchclaw Smite
Mosstomper Smite
Ability Order ⁜ Main: Protect / Invade
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Aurelion Sol
❌Ban: Maybe (it wouldn't be bad, if we can afford it) I just do not remember the last time I had achieved any Victory as Lulu JG against an Aurelion Sol MID.
❌Ban: Interesting After just a few of her Stacks apparently, she starts becoming not only a Hyper-Carry, but an Unkillable one (and this is where the problem lies). It's most likely just impossible to Win against Bel'Veth JG, if our teammates are reckless and aren't aware of how this Champion functions —based on the most absurd Snowball potential in the game.
❌Ban: Adequate Rammus JG has become way too valuable on these long-term ADC/Tank Metas. It's not that games are unplayable; it's just that it's very easy to lose Team Fights against this Pick; besides Wombo-Combo potential with his Ultimate. At least, so far I do not know how to deal with this Threat. Probably on AP/Buff Builds.
❌Ban: Yes (Perma-Ban by default) Riot keeps Buffing him: a quite complete, Versatile and even Flex Champion. Even on Metas where Shaco JG doesn't represent a significant Threat to Lulu JG herself, he may still pose serious Threat to other teammates, already from Early Game; besides the annoyance factor, including the fact that Chasing a Shaco can waste valuable time and resources. So, why bother? Yet, if we have to Ban something else and happens to be against a Shaco JG, then, last time I've checked, Full AP has been the most effective strategy against him for a while. Consider Witch-Oriented Build, with Full AP Scaling Runes (Zombie Ward, Absolute Focus, Crescent Storm) and, naturally, Ingenious Hunter to spam that Oracle Lens.
Master Yi
BAN: Unlikely I think Master Yi is not as powerful now as he was during Season 13 Split 2. Yet, his Scaling remains very Threatening; so we cannot Build WHATEVER we wish and expect to Win against this Match Up, just because historically Lulu has great tools that can Counter Master Yi. It doesn't work like that anymore. Thanks Riot for Buffing all the broken Champs in the game, except for Lulu of course. The only good news, is that Lulu JG now can also, sometimes, become quite oppressive against this Match Up —a bit like the old days.
Jarvan IV
Lee Sin
Xin Zhao
Recommended Items
Runes: Stand your ground (a little more)
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Recommended Items
Runes: Tactical Cuddle
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
Recommended Items
Runes: Why does this even exist?
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
Recommended Items
Runes: VERY annoying!
+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Champion Build Guide
🍄Main Lulu JG ~ The Versatile Fay Mixers are back! [S14]
By Lulu Mushroom TeasRUNE PATHS
Precision: Because Lulu can do many things —and in different ways.
Domination: Often game breaking, even for Lulu.
Sorcery: More magic tricks for Lulu, it's all about here.
Resolve: Can make Lulu especially annoying.
Inspiration: Also, Lulu can be a scientist.
Press the Attack
Bad idea to randomly approach Lulu's AA Range: not only the conventional CC feast, but also PTA now! Remember it includes all sources of Damage, so Press the Attack can even be employed as an individual AP Burst Buff approach. However, there are complications: a) If, for whichever reason, we do not get just enough Bonus AS already from Early Game (sources like Runes, 1º Item Choice, Whimsy Ability Levels) Proccing this Keystone may become very difficult against certain Compositions, in which case it becomes a handicap and we'd be better off with any other Keystone; b) This Keystone is quite Meta-sensitive for Lulu in my opinion; besides the fact Riot keeps Nerfing her over time instead of Reworking; c) Additionally, we should be very attentious during Trades, so not to lose focus of a single Target at a time, otherwise we won't benefit from this Keystone; because Lulu is not by nature a highly Mobile Champion nor a frontline Tank, and lacks Longer Range, this Target focus can become difficult in certain conditions. Overall, Press the Attack can be very successful against Tanks and Fighters.
Lethal Tempo
Similar to the previous Keystone, Lethal Tempo is also quite Meta-sensitive for Lulu. It is a fairly valid choice when: a) our Composition doesn't get enough DPS or AD; b) we strategize the creation of a Zoning Threat on extended Fights.
Fleet Footwork
This is the most Versatile Keystone in Precision Path, because it allows Lulu JG to Itemize successfully in all sorts of ways: (from Buff, to AP, to AD, to Lethality and probably even Tank)... and make it work! The Passive will make Lulu JG survive the most unlikely conditions in the Jungle, besides the excellent Sustain it provides for Jungle-Clear. Damage-wise, Fleet Footwork is certainly no match to its counterparts; at least in theory, because in practice, even its AD Builds can be sometimes way more effective, due to the tactical, improved Mobility of this Keystone. Actually, Fleet Footwork on Level 1 with Glittlerance, renders Lulu JG one of the biggest Threats in the entire Rift, for both Invade and Counter-Invade; this is often an unknown fact during games, and when the opponents do realise it, it is already too late —the Chasing is deadly. Sometimes, tactic is just better than raw power.
This one is kinda funny. Not super-relevant though, and I still struggle to find a niche for it. Often, I'm inclined to accumulate different Sustain resources, and try to accumulate some amount of both AS and AH Bonus Stats (because that should help Stacking), and Build-wise, I probably try to go Hybrid (AP/AD), Bruiser or Mix. However, reaching the full Stacks Proccing of this Keystone on Lulu JG is very difficult: like, once per game on average in my experience. To be fair, this is not why Conqueror is interesting on Lulu JG, but because it is equivalent to an instant Adaptive Power Buff as soon as we start Proccing the first Stacks. This Buff (notably, if Adaptive Power goes to AP instead of AD), can make quite a difference on Trades; there is simply no other Rune that can do that.
Dark Harvest
Hail of Blades
Summon Aery
Arcane Comet
Phase Rush
Grasp of the Undying
Glacial Augment
Unsealed Spellbook
First Strike
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Legend: Tenacity
Legend: Bloodline
Coup de Grace
Cut Down
Last Stand
Cheap Shot
Taste of Blood
Sudden Impact
Zombie Ward
Ghost Poro
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter
Ingenious Hunter
Relentless Hunter
Ultimate Hunter
Nullifying Orb
Manaflow Band
Nimbus Cloak
Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm
Font of Life
Shield Bash
Second Wind
Bone Plating
Hextech Flashtraption
Magical Footwear
Perfect Timing
Future's Market
Minion Dematerializer
Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight
Approach Velocity
Time Warp Tonic
5.4 bonus Attack Damage or 9 Ability Power (Adaptive)
Immediately turned into Bonus AP for Lulu in the beginning, this is a decent substitute for its cousing, Shard of 10% Attack Speed (which is my default), regarding Jungle-Clear, due to how the Pets' system work. Of course, would be even better if we picked double Adaptive Shards then. Anyways, I would only advise that choice, if we're really going to play on some sort of deeply dedicated Mage/Buff Builds for example, where we're planning to avoid being on the frontline (too much). Since AP Scaling has been friendlier to Lulu, I believe this Adaptive Shard choice is probably quite feasible, it just requires a slightly different mindset.
10% Attack Speed
This is the least changing Rune ever for me. Actually, on any Role, it usually suits Lulu very well: she can be a bully on Early Game, but pretty much relies on AA to inflict consistent Damage as we all Lulufolks know it; since half of her Abilities don't cause Damage, her Passive, Pix, Faerie Companion, is there for a reason after all. The question is that more AS not only allows more AAs, but also reduces the AAs animation time! while more AP will surely increase Pix, Faerie Companion's On-Attack Damage, as well as boost all Lulu's Abilities. Regarding Lulu JG, AS Shard has been historically pretty decent for Jungle-Clear for the most time; but more than that, it favors Trades and the Versatility of Builds on my perspective. The AS Shard is just the primordial (and safest) Rune facilitator for consistent Damage, in what I call "Mixed Builds", and it is also indispensible for any AA-oriented Build (such as the famous Machine-Gune Lulu archetype).
8 Ability Haste
I do not hold a lot of experience with this Shard, because it makes me unconfortable. It's just not my style to be lacking that tiniest base DPS from its cousin Shard of 10% Attack Speed. But we can make it work anyways; it's just a bit niched in my opinion. It seriously means we're looking to rely on our Abilities, besides anything else (so, Mage/Buff/even Tank Builds). Some technical aspects to consider: differently from an Adaptive Shard, the Bonus AH won't boost the Pets' True Damage; although this earliest AH is quite valuable in general, it would make more sense if we get that Bonus AH combined with another Shard of Adaptive (or any other immediate source of Adaptive from Runes), so that as we are able to spam more of our Abilities, at least we are doing that above 0 AP!
5.4 bonus Attack Damage or 9 Ability Power (Adaptive)
We pick this Shard we're looking for more raw Damage, stronger Buffs and/or faster Jungle-Clear.
2% bonus movement speed
I've seen myself blinding this Shard prior to even its cousing Shard of 5.4 bonus Attack Damage or 9 Ability Power (Adaptive) (which was my default, before the Shards Mini-Rework). Logic? Well, most Junglers move rather fast, besides Lulu Jungle needs to Kite a lot, beginning with Jungle Clear already. The most relevant thing though is Map Rotations. A fast-moving Lulu Jungler will improve her ability to show up exactly at the right time, for Ganking/Counter-Ganking, Skirmishes and Team Fights; besides the fact it seems to be the safest choice, on plenty of circumstances.
10 − 180 (based on level) bonus Health
If we need to be Tankier for a particular game, or are straight on a Tank Build, then this is a nice choice, in detriment of the rest.
65 bonus Health
I lack understanding of this Shard's concept, and how it can affect the game better than its Scaling cousin. Because Lulu Jungler has a surpisingly good Jungle Sustain, there isn't really the requirement of any immediate large Bonus Health for a conventional Full Clear for example.
10% Tenacity and Slow Resist
Undoubtedly, this is one of the best Shards. A game-changer we should take for granted. Only when Compositions require us to be Tankier, should we take a Health-related Shard instead.
10 − 180 (based on level) bonus Health
I'd say this Shard isn't totally about Tank Build (although in most cases, yes), but about being slightly Tankier. Though for the most times (even on a Tank Build), I'd very often prefer the unique Shard of 10% Tenacity and Slow Resist.
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