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Runes: Standard
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Gathering Fire (PASSIVE)
Karma Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Pretty much moves out of all of your damage while outranging you. Early game with your own E you can trade Q's but not much beyond that.
شط: يدخل Jax في Evasion ، وهو موقف دفاعي ، لمدة ثانيتين ، مما يتسبب في تفادي جميع الهجمات الأساسية التي لا تعتمد على Turret ضده. يأخذ Jax أيضًا ضررًا مخفضًا بنسبة 25٪ من جميع قدرات منطقة التأثير البطل. يمكن إعادة صياغة Counter Strike بعد ثانية واحدة. في نهاية المدة ، يذهل Jax جميع الأعداء القريبين لمدة ثانية واحدة ويسبب ضررًا جسديًا لهم ، ويزيد بنسبة 20٪ لكل هجوم يتم تفاديه ، بزيادة تصل إلى 100٪. إعادة الصياغة: ينهي جاكس كاونتر سترايك مبكرًا.
شط: يدخل Jax في Evasion ، وهو موقف دفاعي ، لمدة ثانيتين ، مما يتسبب في تفادي جميع الهجمات الأساسية التي لا تعتمد على Turret ضده. يأخذ Jax أيضًا ضررًا مخفضًا بنسبة 25٪ من جميع قدرات منطقة التأثير البطل. يمكن إعادة صياغة Counter Strike بعد ثانية واحدة. في نهاية المدة ، يذهل Jax جميع الأعداء القريبين لمدة ثانية واحدة ويسبب ضررًا جسديًا لهم ، ويزيد بنسبة 20٪ لكل هجوم يتم تفاديه ، بزيادة تصل إلى 100٪. إعادة الصياغة: ينهي جاكس كاونتر سترايك مبكرًا.
Champion Build Guide
In all seriousness, Karma brings solid damage as well as beefy shields to the bot lane. Her high damage, low cool down nuke can scare away any non-confident bot lane. The quite literal leash can setup cheesy early game kills and get an AD rolling. Her shield while not as strong as other supports makes up with a very quick burst of speed that saves more lives than you would think. The cherry on top is that all of these spells become stronger with the press of a button.
Overall Karma's kit is one that can stand on its own while also being an aid to teammates. A strong bit of damage with a shield to help others pop off. Karma is a benefit to her team across all stages of the game and can net you some free wins.
Level 1
Karma doesn't have the strongest level 1. The R -> Q combo is deceptively strong but on a 30 sec CD. Land a cheeky combo if possible, but get out ASAP. Recent buffs to Karma mean she is back to a very spammable Q, lower mana cost and more mana regen are ideal buffs. Try and play forward when Q is available as its range is rather short. Your Q has a decent AOE so don't be afraid to hit a little bit of a wave to get some damage out(as long as you aren't ruining the lane and shoving harder than the other bot lane).
Level 2-6
Karma's E opens up a whole lot of aggression. Not only are you being shielded from some oncoming damage you get MOVE SPEED! ITS INSANE! Use the increased burst of speed to get close enough for a standard Q or RQ if possible. The shield isn't too strong in these early levels so still be cautious. With your full kit at level 3 not much has changed. Your W isn't too useful for playing wave control. Use it in tandem with your E to latch on right before a gank. Otherwise use the RW only in extreme situations where an RE won't save you or your AD. With more levels in Q, your presence is felt so much more. By level 5 your RQ hits for at least 200 and is a serious threat to the enemy bot lane. Use this to your advantage to try and pressure the opposing duo back.
Karma's biggest X-factor is the insane amount of shield output in the mid/late game. Most of the time the RQ combo has no point in being used. Taking the full support rout it is so much better to unleash an RE before a teamfight, hopefully catching the opposition off guard or taking the brunt of some initial burst. Hang back and keep applying shields to the most targeted player. Any damage done by your spells will decrease your R cooldown, leading to another tide turning RE to finish fights.
OK so 10.21 made it so Karma's CDR on ability damage scales now. It might actually be good now to throw an RQ, granted that it will hit at least 2 champs. The dream now is only 4 champs for a free R instead of 5. Feel free to sling it out when shoving down a lane with enemies under tower.
+ --> + --> --> or or -->
I don't know how much longer Echoes of Helia is going to be the best item for Karma but holy ****. This used to be a paragraph about what parts to grab of Moonstone at what time but that item is literally irrelavant. I don't know why this item is in the game. Just grab bandle glass on first back and complete Helia's as fast as possible. Item just wins the game. Go CDR boots first if you wanna have fun, nothing but Heila's items if you want to win.
Mandate is no longer mythic and is the freest(?) damage buff for Karma. Literally no downsides besides I can't stack this item. Allows you to play even more aggro with increased damage from AP and item's passive. CDR is always a need if you want to attempt to try and deal any damage which thankfully this item gives 30( or 35 if you count mythic passive).
Next on the list is usually the decision between Staff of Flowing Water or Redemption . Like the notes on the build say it just depends on your team at the time. Some times one of your mages is going absolutely mental and just a little more AP can send their damage potential soaring. Other times its better to have a chimp mid than an actual mid laner. In case of the latter just grab Redemption . The massive AOE heal/damage can easily save a fight in mid/late game. Of course this is assuming your team is competent enough to play for the win. Sometimes its worth it to just play for yourself and grab Cosmic Drive .
Cosmic Drive is an exceptional item on Karma, with either Mandate or Moonstone you will have enough AP with fully upgraded support item to get the bonus CDR and MS. Both contribute to Karma playing URF in a ranked playlist. Again consider this item when
At 3 items grab a Wardstone . If you're at 3 items this will be to top of your support build. It upgrades to Vigilant at level 13 and gives major stat buffs. Due to its upgrade later in the game it might just be better to skip until last item given the increased vision caps being moved to the upgrade.
General Path - Shurelya's (Maybe 1/100 games would you ever want this atm)
or + --> + --> or or --> or -->
Shurelya's is an outstanding buy for when you need to run into the enemy team at dangerous velocities. As you might expect, this means you need to be slightly tankier than other builds might. However, most of the build is close to the same.
Starting item can change, I personally think the extra mana regen is too good to pass up, but a passive lane could use Relic Shield . Your first back should always include a Kindlegem or Bandleglass . Regardless of which items I try to include brown boots .
With Shurelya's complete, your CDR will be decent and only scale from there. Complete Ionain's next to sit at 48 haste. Where you go from here is up to you. I try and stick with normal enchanter items like Staff but you can definitely grab some more hp and armor with something like Zeke's
11.1 - Karma base shield strength increased, most notably in later levels, stronger late game shielding yes yes yes daddy likes
Guide update 1/25/21 - Updated to reflect new feeling and emotions towards Moonstone Renewer.
11.3 - HAHAHAH YOU FOOLS AT RIOT GAMES INC. YOU HAVE GIVEN KARMA BACK HER ABSURD LANE PRESENCE. WHEN WILL YOU LEARN. (For real tho making her Q have reduced mana cost while also giving her more base mana regen is something that will push Karma is a very good direction in all walks of life)
11.5 - Cooldown of Q has been flat reduced by a second at all ranks, may be worth more to take double adaptive into lane, will test.
Guide Update 3/20 - Added new CDR focused build, changed some match-ups, still can't get my imgur links to work to show wards so use your imagination.
Guide Update 4/8 - Added Guardian runes, an easier on the eyes build path, and some match-ups.
11.11 - Moonstone given a tiny buff making it an almost go to for Karma. Wardstone got interesting changes that mainly focus and giving supports more relevance in later stages of game. Will be interesting to see a build focused on CDR with an upgraded moonstone.
11.13 - Moonstone tiny buff from 11.11 tinily(?) buffed. Scales better now, might be better than Shurelya's in most comps, Moonstone no good when ape comp go bananas.
11.14 - Solo lane Karma is gone 🦀🦀. With base attack damage nerfed it is even more important to make sure your Qs are cash money. Not too much impact to support role over all though.
12.7 - Near year long hiatus over, Karma is still the same, prob just go Shurelya's over Moonstone tho.
12.12 - Nothing ever happens to this champ any more :(
13.10 - Haha what happend to this game since I last played.
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