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League of Legends Marksman

What is a Marksman?

A marksman is a ranged attacker that sacrifices defensive power and utility to focus on dealing strong, continuous damage to individual targets. Typically focused on using their basic attacks more than their abilities, marksmen have the capability to scale and deal out devastating levels of damage in the late phase of any game..

AD Carry > Marksman

An AD Carry Marksman is defined by a champ that do most of their damage through auto attacks and therefore need the most items to be successful. AD Carries are normally found in the Bottom Lane of Summoner's Rift. They farm all game in order to buy damage items to become stronger. A Support will be in the lane with them, supporting them through the laning phase. Early game, the AD Carry must be "carried" by the team until they can Carry the game themselves.

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sirell (400) | September 21, 2013 7:27am
Kaggboer2012 (19) | September 21, 2013 7:03am
Janitsu (569) | September 21, 2013 6:59am
DFH lol | September 21, 2013 6:57am
Who is the best Marksman On [LOL]
Inhumaniac | September 18, 2012 11:25am
Very good description of the carry role.
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